Seeded Data

This appendix covers the following topics:


This appendix lists the data that ships with Oracle Installed Base as seeded data, or data that is shipped "out-of-the-box."

The Roles and Permissions listed below are applicable for a JTT-based UI, which enables backward compatibility with earlier releases. You can use this UI through the Oracle Install Base User responsibility.

Roles and Permissions

Oracle Installed Base ships with four predefined roles, as shown in the following table.

Roles Supported by Oracle Installed Base
Role Code Common Name of Role Description
CSI_CUSTOMER_USER Customer user Has restricted permissions that are set up primarily for Oracle iSupport users. For example, this role does not allow such activities as instance status updates, party/account updates, ownership transfers, and counter adjustments, but does allow updates to contacts and counter values.
CSI_END_USER End customer user Has update permissions to change Oracle Installed Base data.
CSI_NORMAL_USER Normal user For internal agent users. Has update permissions to change Oracle Installed Base data.
CSI_READ_ONLY_USER Read-only user Applies to users who only need read-only access to Oracle Installed Base data.

A role is a combination of permissions. The following table shows the permissions supported by Oracle Installed Base.

Permissions Supported by Oracle Installed Base
Name Description Read Only User Normal User End Customer User Customer User
CSI_ACCT_ACCESS_ONLY Restricts the users access to Oracle Installed Base instances based on an Account Y N Y Y
CSI_ADDI_ATTR_UPDATE Update permission for Additional Attributes page. N Y Y N
CSI_ADDI_ATTR_VIEW View permission for Additional Attributes page Y Y Y Y
CSI_ALL_ACCT_ACCESS Allows access to Oracle Installed Base instances across accounts and parties N Y N N
CSI_ASSET_UPDATE Update permission for Asset page N Y N N
CSI_ASSET_VIEW View permission for Asset page Y Y N N
CSI_CONTACT_DETAIL_VIEW View permission for Contact Detail page Y Y Y Y
CSI_CONTRACT_VIEW View permission for Contract page Y Y Y Y
CSI_COUNTER_ADJUSTMENT Access permission to adjust Counter readings N Y Y N
CSI_COUNTER_HISTORY_UPDATE Update permission for validation flag in Counter History page N Y Y N
CSI_COUNTER_HISTORY_VIEW View permission for Counter history Y Y Y Y
CSI_COUNTER_PROPERTIES_ACCES Access permission to Counter properties N Y Y N
CSI_COUNTER_RESET Access permission to perform Counter resets N Y Y N
CSI_COUNTER_UPDATE Update permission for Counter page N Y Y Y
CSI_COUNTER_VIEW View permission for Counter page Y Y Y Y
CSI_CREATE_INST_UPDATE Permission for creating instance N Y Y N
CSI_CREATE_SYS_UPDATE Permission for creating system N Y N N
CSI_CUSTOMER_VIEW This permission should be assigned to any user that is a customer (obsoleted) Y N Y Y
CSI_DOWNLOAD Access permission for the Download button instance search results Y Y Y Y
CSI_EXPIRE_INSTANCE Users with this permission can change the instance's status to any terminable status, provided they also have the CSI_INST_STATUS_UPDATE permission. N Y Y N
CSI_GENERAL_ATTRIB_CUST_ONLY Makes certain Customer instance attributes read only (future use) N N Y Y
CSI_INST_CONFIG_UPDATE Update permission for Instance Config page N Y Y N
CSI_INST_CONFIG_VIEW View permission for Instance Config page Y Y Y Y
CSI_INST_GENERAL_UPDATE Update permission for Instance General page N Y Y Y
CSI_INST_GENERAL_VIEW View permission for Instance General page Y Y Y Y
CSI_INST_NOTES_UPDATE Permission to update the instance notes N Y Y N
CSI_INST_NOTES_VIEW Permission to view the instance notes Y Y Y Y
CSI_INST_QUANTITY_UPDATE Permission to update instance quantity N Y Y N
CSI_INST_STATUS_UPDATE Permission to update instance status N Y Y N
CSI_LATEST_TRANSACTION_UPDATE Update permission for Transaction History page (future use) N Y Y N
CSI_LATEST_TRANSACTION_VIEW View permission for Transaction History page Y Y Y Y
CSI_OPERATING_UNIT Security enhancement provided for HTML user interfaces: Restricts a user's access to records based on the user's operating unit. An item's Sold From organization is matched against the user's operating unit, and matching instances are displayed. If the Sold From organization is not set, then the item instance is not included in search results. N N N N
CSI_OPERATINGUNIT_UPDATE Update permission for Operating Unit page N Y N N
CSI_OPERATINGUNIT_VIEW View permission for Operating Unit page Y Y N N
CSI_ORGANIZATION_VIEW Permission to view organization name Y Y N N
CSI_PARTY_ACCOUNT_UPDATE Update permission for Party Account page Y Y N N
CSI_PARTY_ACCOUNT_VIEW View permission for Party Account page N Y N N
CSI_PARTY_CONTACT_UPDATE Update permission for Party Contact page N Y Y N
CSI_PARTY_CONTACT_VIEW View permission for Party Contact page Y Y Y Y
CSI_PARTY_SUMMARY_UPDATE Update permission for Party Summary page (future use) N Y N N
CSI_PARTY_SUMMARY_VIEW View permission for Party Summary page Y Y N N
CSI_PARTY_UPDATE Update permission for Party page N Y N N
CSI_PARTY_VIEW View permission for Party page Y Y N N
CSI_PERZ_EDIT_UPDATE Ability to update saved searches in Advanced Search page Y Y Y Y
CSI_PERZ_EDIT_VIEW Ability to view saved searches in Advanced Search page Y Y Y Y
CSI_PRICING_UPDATE Update permission for Pricing Attributes page N Y Y N
CSI_PRICING_VIEW View permission for Pricing Attributes page Y Y Y N
CSI_PROPERTY_READ Read the Instance Properties (future use) Y Y Y N
CSI_PROPERTY_UPDATE Update the Instance Properties (future use) N N N N
CSI_REPAIR_ORDER_VIEW View permission for Service Order page Y Y Y Y
CSI_SEARCH_ASSET_RES_UPDATE Update permission for Search Asset Result page (future use) N Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_ASSET_RES_VIEW View permission for Search Asset Result page Y Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_ASSET_UPDATE Update permission for Search Asset page (future use) N Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_ASSET_VIEW View permission for Search Asset page Y Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_PRODUCT_UPDATE Update permission for Instance Search Results page, for example, ability to use Create, Expire, etc buttons N Y Y Y
CSI_SEARCH_PRODUCT_VIEW View permission for Instance Search Results page Y Y Y Y
CSI_SEARCH_SYS_UPDATE Update permission for System Search Results page, for example, ability to use Create, Update buttons N Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_SYS_VIEW View permission for System Search Results page Y Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_TRANSACTION_UPDATE Update permission for Search Transaction page (future use) N Y N N
CSI_SEARCH_TRANSACTION_VIEW View permission for Search Transaction page Y Y N N
CSI_SERVICE_REQUEST_UPDATE Update permission for Service Request page N Y Y Y
CSI_SERVICE_REQUEST_VIEW View permission for Service Request page Y Y Y Y
CSI_SHOW_ALL_CONTACTS Allows Oracle Installed Base User to view all types of contacts Y Y N N
CSI_SHOW_ALL_LOCATIONS Allows the Oracle Installed Base user to view all types of locations, it overrides any restriction on location such as CSI_SHOW_EXT_LOCATIONS, CSI_SHOW_EXT_LOCN_PROD Y Y N N
CSI_SHOW_ALL_PARTIES Allows the user to View all types of parties including Employees etc CSI Y Y N N
CSI_SHOW_EXT_CONTACTS Restricts Oracle Installed Base User to view only the external contacts Y N Y Y
CSI_SHOW_EXT_LOCATIONS Restricts the Oracle Installed Base user to view only external locations Y N Y Y
CSI_SHOW_EXT_LOCN_PRD_ONLY Security enhancement provided for HTML user interfaces: Restricts a user to be able to retrieve only those records that are customer-items located at external sites. N N N N
CSI_SHOW_EXT_PARTIES Restricts the user to View only the External parties (future use) Y N Y Y
CSI_SHOW_INST_CUSTOMER_MENU Permission to display the Installed Base Customer facing instance details Menu Y N Y Y
CSI_SHOW_INST_MENU Permission to display the Installed Base Agent facing instance details Menu N Y N N
CSI_SPLIT_QUANTITY_UPDATE Update permission for Split Quantity page N Y Y N
CSI_SPLIT_QUANTITY_VIEW View permission for Split Quantity page N Y Y N
CSI_SYS_CFG_VIEW View permission for System configurations Y Y Y Y
CSI_SYS_DTL_UPDATE Update permission for System Detail page N Y Y Y
CSI_SYS_DTL_VIEW View permission for System Detail page Y Y Y Y
CSI_TRANSACTION_DETAIL_UPDATE Update permission for Transaction Detail page (future use) N Y Y N
CSI_TRANSACTION_DETAIL_VIEW View permission for Transaction Detail page Y Y Y N
CSI_TRANSACTION_INSTANCE_UPDATE Update permission for Instances For A Transaction page (future use) N Y Y N
CSI_TRANSACTION_INSTANCE_VIEW View permission for Instances For A Transaction page Y Y Y Y
CSI_TRANSFER_OWNER_UPDATE Update permission for Instance Owner page N Y N N
CSI_TRANSFER_OWNER_VIEW View permission for Instance Owner page Y Y N N