Updating Counters and Correcting Maintenance Record History

This chapter covers the following topics:

Using Oracle Installed Base Counters with Unit Configurations

You can enter new Oracle Installed Base (IB) counter readings for CMRO managed unit configurations. You can also view and make corrections to historical counter readings for a unit configuration and applicable sub-configurations (installed components).

This feature includes the ability to create and update historical counter readings in Installed Base. Therefore, the 'snapshot' readings for the maintenance requirement (MR) accomplishment history are not directly updated.

This functionality includes support for counter corrections and near real-time maintenance history correction ability in the Unit Maintenance Plan (UMP) such as:

Limitations and Best Practices

Note the following limitations and best practices associated with this functionality:

Viewing and Adding IB Counter Readings to a Unit Configuration

Use the Unit Configuration Counter Update page to view, add or correct CMRO-IB counter readings.

Perform the following steps to view existing counter readings or add an IB counter reading to a UC.

  1. Navigate to the Search Unit Configuration page (CMRO Super User > Configuration > Unit Configuration).

  2. Search for a unit configuration, entering values in the Item, Instance Number and other fields to narrow your search.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the radio button for the item instance.

  4. Click the Update Counters button, and the Update Configuration Counter Update page appears.

  5. Click the Go button or enter values in the From Date and To Date fields to narrow your search.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. View any existing counter readings and associated information such:

    • Reading Date: The date and time that the reading was recorded in the application.

      The following should be noted:

      • This value can be in the past or equal to the sysdate and time.

      • Reading dates cannot be in the future.

      • Value is time-zone controlled.

      • Value cannot be equal to an existing counter reading date and time. If there is a duplication, an error message is displayed.

    • Created By: Field indicates if a system transaction (API call) or a user created the counter readings.

    • Current Reading and Net Reading: Readings can be reviewed to see values and impacts of counter readings.

    • Reference Value: Field used to record notes against counter readings.

      Enter a comment that describes the nature of the counter reading, for example, if this reading is in reference to another transaction such as a flight or mission record, work order for recording, and so on.

    • Reset: Value indicates if a system or manual Installed Base counter reset was accomplished.

  7. Click the Go button or enter values in the From Date and To Date fields to narrow your search.

  8. Enter new counter readings based on the appropriate UOM on the New tab.

    You can enter values for one or more UOMs during a transaction.

    Note: You can add new readings for Change and Absolute type counters.

    • Amount: This value represents the delta of the counter readings.

      This value is used in the Cascade API that applies this value to all the sub-configuration positions.

      Note: Do not enter the Net Reading as this field is automatically calculated.

      For Absolute counters, the system uses the following formula:

      Amount + last reading = New Absolute reading

    • Reference (optional)

  9. Click the Apply button.

    Important: The UOM will be applied to each matching counter of the same UOM, regardless of the originating counter group for each item in the unit configuration hierarchy.

  10. View the updated counter readings by refreshing the search area results.

Adding Absolute IB Counter Readings

Use the Unit Configuration Counter Update page to add Absolute IB counter readings.

  1. Search for the unit configuration and item instance to which you want to add Absolute counter readings.

  2. View the existing counter readings.

  3. Click the New tab.

  4. Enter new counter readings based on the appropriate UOM on the New tab.

    You can enter values for one or more UOMs during a transaction.

    • Amount: This value represents the delta of the counter readings.

      This value is used in the Cascade API that applies this value to all the sub-configuration positions.

      Note: Do not enter the Net Reading as this field is automatically calculated.

      For Absolute counters, the system uses the following formula:

      Amount + last reading = New Absolute reading

    • Reference (optional)

  5. Click the Apply button.

    A confirmation message displays that all changes have been saved.

    Important: The UOM will be applied to each matching counter of the same UOM, regardless of the originating counter group for each item in the unit configuration hierarchy.

  6. View the updated counter readings by refreshing the search area results.

Best Practices for Absolute Counters

It is recommended that you do not use Absolute counters if the following scenarios exist:

Correcting IB Counter Readings for Unit Configurations

You can correct historical IB (Change) counter readings for unit configurations.

  1. Search for the unit configuration and item instance to which you want to correct the Change counter readings.

  2. View the existing counter readings.

  3. Select the radio button for the Change counter reading that you want to correct.

  4. Click the Copy for Correction button, and the Reading Date information is populated on the page.

    By selecting an individual counter reading, this action will set the context date/time for the correction. However, the correction will impact all Change Type counter readings for each UOM Amount entered for the same date and time. Each counter reading will be disabled and recreated in Oracle Installed Base.

    Important: The selected counter reading row and all the related counter readings (for Change Type counters) for each UOM will be impacted.

    Select a single row to ensure that the user is performing the correction at the exact minute and second. Otherwise, the user could accidentally enter a new counter reading if the time was a single second different.

  5. Enter the corrected Amount for the counter readings based on the appropriate UOM on the Correction tab.

    You can enter values for one or more UOMs during a transaction.

    Note: The Correction tab is access-controlled and it may be unavailable for use. Users must have User Permission Access Control which controls access through the function, "User permission to correct counter reading and accomplishment."

    The amount entered is for the replacement value for the incorrect reading at that date and time for the Change type counters. When the system applies the change, each existing reading will be disabled and then recreated with the newly entered amount reading.

    The Net Reading value is calculated within Oracle Installed Base based on the Reading date/time forward to the sysdate/time.

    • Amount: This value represents the delta of the counter readings.

      This value is used in the Cascade API that applies this value to all the sub-configuration positions.

      Important: You must enter the new delta reading for the counter correction. Therefore, you may need to manually calculate the delta reading before entering an Amount reading.

      Note: Do not enter the Net Reading as this field is automatically calculated.

    • Reference (optional)

    Any UOM Amount readings that are left with a value of Null (blank) will not be processed, meaning that no corrections will be made.

    It is recommended that all counter adjustments occur in a single transaction to ensure consistent dates and times down to the second.

    If you enter a zero (0) for a UOM Amount reading, then this value will be entered as the delta reading. Therefore, if you decide to create a new counter reading with a value of zero or if you want to enter a null (blank value), the system will skip these UOMs and will not create new counter readings for the UOMs.

    Important: If there are historical counter readings, they should be replaced by zero values and the system will recalculate the net reading value of the counter.

  6. Click the Apply button. A confirmation message appears that changes have been saved.

    • Upon save, the system disables all the counter readings for the same UOM for the selected date and time for the top node and all the subcomponents (children) that were installed at this reading date and time.

    • The system creates new readings to replace those which have been disabled.

      Note: The Exceptions page will appear if there are any counter correction exceptions.

  7. View the updated counter readings by refreshing the search area results.

The Accomplishment History will be updated by the synchronize concurrent program.

Counter Updates: Dependencies, Interactions, Implementation Tips and Best Practices

This section includes dependencies, interactions, implementation tips and best practices for counter updates.

Dependencies and Interactions

Counter Cascade API

The Counter Cascade API has been enhanced to ignore formula counters of the same UOM from being updated in the sub configurations. This will allow the formulas to create the correct readings based on the counter entry reading entered at the top node.

Counter Update UI

You may choose to build an extension or customization to directly call this UI. This enables you to restrict access to the Search Unit Configuration UI. The UI can be called directly by passing the Unit Configuration reference to the UI.

Unit Configuration Changes Using the Part Change Functionality in a CMRO Work Order

Unit Configuration Changes Using the Edit Unit Configuration UI

Implementation Tips and Best Practices

Managing Counter Corrections for Part Removal and Installation


Oracle cMRO enables you to enter part removal and installation dates in the past, and to correctly adjust counter readings and maintenance accomplishment history.

Important: Oracle recommends that you continue to perform remove and install transactions that follow a sequential process to ensure correct part change history.

When counter corrections are entered, all counter readings are disabled for the removed component, based on the from removal date/time until the sysdate and time. The system will then create new counters readings from the install date until the sysdate/time for the installed component. The new counter readings will be based on the top node unit configuration for which the part has been installed.

Users will be notified during the removal transaction if a component has maintenance accomplishments during the period from the removal date/time until the sysdate and time. The user will then be required to review the parts change and accomplishment history to determine if any transactions were incorrectly recorded against the wrong component serial number, due to the removal transaction not being performed before the next counter readings or accomplishment was transacted.

This functionality relates to part changes that were accomplished through a work order on a cMRO unit configuration:

The Override Counter Correction Updates during Parts Change profile option controls the sequential part change check and related errors when the counter correction logic finds two installations or two removals in a row in a Unit's history. See Setting Up Visit Work Package, Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Implementation Guide for more information.

Counter Corrections During Part Removals and Replacements

This functionality provides the following:

Counter Corrections During Part Installation and Replacements

Counter corrections during part installation and replacement are handled as follows:

Part Change, System and Record Integrity - Considerations

Part Changes: Maintenance History - Considerations

For items removed with a past date and time, there is a potential for the incorrect accrual of utilization, and for the incorrect recording of maintenance program accomplishments against the wrong item and serial number.

Such scenarios will be flagged using an exception flow highlighted by an extended delay or error in failing to correct transact part changes.

Users will receive an alert and will be able to navigate to part change and maintenance accomplishment history pages during part removal transactions. Users can search transactions and confirm that maintenance history transactions were created against the correct item or serial numbered item.

This functionality enables users who are making historical corrections of part changes to reflect an incorrectly installed part due to a data entry mistake.

Performing Part Changes

Follow these steps to perform part changes:

  1. Navigate to the Update Work Order page (Execution >Production Planning >Work Orders).

  2. Search for a work order and click Go.

  3. Select the radiobutton for the work order, select Update Work Order value from the Select Work Order drop-down.

    Click Go, and the Work Order Operations page appears.

  4. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

    • Perform Parts Removal/Install

    • Perform Bulk Part Removal

    • Perform Part Installation

    • Perform Disposition

    Note: Use the Parts Removal/Install UI if you want to remove one position at a time. Use the Bulk options for multiple items.

    Click the Go button, and the Unit Configuration Part Changes page appears.

    Note: The Parts Removal/Install UI is used to install or remove bulk parts.

  5. Click the unit configuration on the left section of the page to drill into the unit configuration position and sub-positions.

    Select the part positions.

  6. Select Visit Configuration or Work Order Configuration in the Refresh Configuration drop-down to change the context to an Installed Base work order instance.

  7. Click the Go button, and the Item Instance Part Changes page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Select a value in the Operation Seq (sequence) field; this is a required field.

  9. Select an Instance Number.

  10. Select an Item, if necessary.

  11. For a non-routine, select the Stage Name to indicate the stage that the change is to be performed

  12. Select a value in the Immediate Disposition field.

  13. Click the Remove button, and enter the removal details.

    The new hour and minute level of details are added to the removal date.

Maintenance History Validations

After you click the Remove button, you may receive a warning message if there are maintenance accomplishments that have been recorded after the removal date. This message is generated because the system is searching for the maintenance history, and assumes that signoffs that occurred after a removal may need to be reviewed. These signoffs should be confirmed before clicking Yes in the message.

If you click No and stop the transaction, you can review the maintenance history before committing a removal transaction. You can do research in the areas of:

Performing Bulk Part Removals

When you perform a bulk part removal, the system creates a non-route maintenance requirement.

  1. Navigate to the Update Work Order page (Execution > Production Planning > Work Orders).

  2. Search for a work order and click Go.

  3. Select the Update Work Order value from the Select Work Order drop-down.

    Click Go, and the Work Order Operations page appears.

  4. Select Perform Bulk Part Removal from the drop-down list in the upper right-hand side of the page.

    The Part Removal page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Enter values in the Removal Data Template region:

    1. Op Seq

    2. Condition

    3. Reason

    4. Removal Code

    5. Removal Date

    6. Immediate Disposition

    7. Create Workorder Option:

      • Create Unreleased Workorder

      • Create and Release Workorder

      • Do not create Non-Routine

      • Do not create Workorder

    8. Summary (required): The default value for this field is “Removed Item: ITEM; SN: SERIAL; From Position: POSITION; Work Order: WORKORDER. However, this value can be edited. In addition, the size of text box can be adjusted.

      If you are removing multiple (bulk) items, the Summary text appears for each part being removed. However, the Summary text can be changed for each part by using the Details UI.

  6. Select the check box for the positions where the bulk part removals will occur.

  7. Optionally click the Apply Removal Data Template button to apply the removal details to multiple positions (rows).

  8. Click the Remove button.

    The system validates the transaction based on the removal date and time:

    • If there are any counters recorded between the removal date and time and the system date and time, those counters will be disabled.

    • If there are any maintenance history records recorded between the removal date and time and sysdate and time, then the system will alert the user that the maintenance history must be reviewed.

    A message appears that indicates that the parts have been successfully removed.

Understanding Part Changes and Maintenance History

This section includes tips and best practices relating to part changes and maintenance history corrections.

Overview of Maintenance History Audits

By using the maintenance history auditing function, you can:

Maintenance History Auditing - Business Process Flow

The following diagram outlines the major tasks involved in the auditing of maintenance records history for part changes:

the picture is described in the document text

Performing a Maintenance Record Audit

Follow these steps to access the parts change and maintenance accomplishment history.

  1. Navigate to the Part Changes page (Administration > Reliability > Part Changes).

  2. Enter search criteria for the Serial Number, Unit Configuration, Item and so on to narrow your search.

    Click Go.

  3. Click the icon in the Accomplishment Details column for the item.

    The Search Maintenance Requirements page appears. The default item and serial information from the part removal/install or parts changes, but you can edit these fields.

    Note: Accomplishment history can be edited if the corresponding visit has a Closed status.

  4. You must manually query for the maintenance requirements with a status of Signed Off.

  5. Select an accomplishment row to view and edit the history record.

    Important: You must have the appropriate security access to access the Signoff Maintenance Requirements page.

    If an MR is part of a parent-child relationship, then the parent must be signed off in order for the child MR can be edited.

    Note: A child requirement can be canceled without the parent being signed off. However, it cannot be edited.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. You can perform one of these options:

    • Cancel Accomplishment: There will be no association to another instance.

      You may need to cancel an accomplishment, and then create a new accomplishment in another visit to correct maintenance history.

    • Change the associated instance of an existing accomplishment. Entering revised information corrects a historical maintenance accomplishment record. This correction will be reflected in the forecasting of the UMP.

During a parts change, if a warning message appears that there are maintenance accomplishments which have been recorded after the part removal date. The user should navigate to the Accomplishment history page and review each signoff record. It is important to note that signoffs of accomplishments can be recorded after the part removal date as part of the normal post maintenance business practice of data entry. Therefore, the accomplishment records can be easily verified as correct and the warning message can be disregarded.