
Navigation Paths

EK Electronic Kanban
INV Inventory
SYSADMIN System Administrator
UM User Management
Navigation Paths
Page or Window Name Navigation Path
Create Saved Search EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform Search] > [Save]
EK > Setup tab > enter criteria and [perform Search] > [Save]
Horizontal Plan EK > Kanban Planning tab > Planning Workbench > [search for records] > [select a record]
Kanban Cards EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform search] > [select record]
Kanban Card Details EK > Setup tab > [select pull sequence record]
EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform search] > [select record]
Kanban Cards Summary EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform search]
Launch Kanban Planner EK > Kanban Planning tab > Plan Definition > [search for records] > [select record] > Launch
Organization Parameters INV > Setup > Organizations > Parameters > Inventory Parameters tab
Parameters EK > Configuration tab
Personalize Saved Searches EK > Cards Summary tab > Saved Search box > [select Personalize]
EK > Setup tab > Saved Search box > [select Personalize]
Plan Definition EK > Kanban Planning tab > Plan Definition
Planning Details EK > Kanban Planning tab > Planning Workbench > [search for records] > [select a record]
Planning Workbench EK > Kanban Planning tab > Planning Workbench
Pull Sequence Details EK > Setup tab
Pull Sequence Planning EK > Kanban Planning tab > Planning Workbench > [search for records]
Replenishment Chain EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform search] > Kanban Cards Summary > [Replenishment Chain]
EK > Setup tab > [select record]
Roles and Role Inheritance UM > Roles and Role Inheritance
Search EK > Cards Summary tab
EK > Setup tab
Search and Select Forecast/Schedule EK > Kanban Planning tab > Plan Definition > [search for records] > [select record] > select Forecast/Schedule field
Update User UM > Users > [Update]
User Maintenance UM > Users
Users SYSADMIN > Security > User > Define
Replenishment Cycles EK > Cards Summary tab > [enter criteria and perform search] > [select record] > Kanban Cards > [select record] > [Replenishment Cycles]