Setting Up and Using Touch Screen Operator Workbench

Overview: Touch Screen Operator Workbench

You use the Operator Workbench's touch screen interface to perform batch transactions and execute clearance and process instructions. The Worklist window lists all of the operations of the Batch for the Organization that you can access. You can see the details of each operation in the Worklist window. You can also change the contents of the Worklist window by specifying new search criteria. The Worklist window can take you to the instructions where you can see the SOP's, and respond to the individual tasks. Operators must complete mandatory tasks in the proper order.

The key functions supported by the Touchscreen Operator Workbench are:

Note: Before performing various batch transactions and executing any process instructions, you must select an appropriate organization from the list on the Choose Organization page.

Using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench

The Operator Workbench: Worklist page displays a list of batches that are in various statuses such as WIP, Pending, Completed, Closed, and Pending for the selected organization. The worklist page enables you to execute process instructions for the batches and batch steps that are in WIP and Pending status. You can use the Operator Workbench: Worklist page to view details and SOPs associated with the process instructions that are defined in the Recipe window (Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development) and must be followed by the production operators at the time of executing the batch. You can also view the pending instructions and execute the instructions to complete a batch step.

The worklist page displays the following details:

Column Name Description
Batch Displays the batch number.
Step Displays the batch step number.
Operation Displays the name of the operation.
Product Displays the name of the product yielded by the operation.
Material Availability Displays availability of the required materials.
Planned Start Date Displays planned start date for the batch.
Planned Completion Date Displays planned completion date for the batch.
Lock Owner Displays the name of the user if the batch is locked.
Details Use this icon to view and execute process instructions and also to view associated SOPs.
Execute Displays options for batch progression. The available options are:
  • Release: Used for releasing batch step and executing process instructions. This button is used for changing the status of a batch from Pending or WIP to Release.

  • Complete: Used for completing the batch step after executing the process instructions and changing status from Release to Complete.

Searching for Batches

You can use the arrow buttons to navigate to next pages of the batch list or you can use the Search functionality to find and view a specific batch.

To search for a batch:

  1. Navigate to the Touchscreen Workbench.

  2. Select the appropriate organization from the Organization list.

  3. Touch, tap or press Accept to open the Operator Workbench: Worklist page.

  4. In the Search Criteria region, touch, tap or press the Change button.

  5. In the Select Search Criteria page, use any of the following criterion to refine your search:

    • Resource

    • Date Range

    • Batch

    • Product

    • Operation

    • Batch Step Status

  6. Touch, tap or press Accept to view the search results.

Viewing Pending Instructions

The Process Instructions page enables you to view the instructions for the selected batch step. The process instructions must be executed in order to complete the operation and progress the batch.

Use the touch screen device to view the following the process instructions:

To view the Pending Instructions using the touch screen:

  1. Navigate to the Operator Workbench: Worklist page.

  2. Search for a batch in the WIP or Pending status.

  3. Touch, tap or press the Details icon to view process instructions for a batch.

  4. Touch, tap or press Execute Instructions to open the Process Instructions window.

  5. In the Process Instructions page, select All, Pending, or Mandatory Pending instructions from the Show list.

    After you select an option from the Show list, the screen refreshes to only show the selected type of process instructions.

Executing Process Instructions Using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench

Process Instructions explain the sequenced set of activities and directions for production operators to follow when progressing the batch step. The process instructions must be executed to complete the operation and progress the batch.

You can execute the following process instructions using the Operator Workbench: Worklist page:


  1. Create Instructions

  2. Change batch status to WIP or Pending

To execute Process Instructions using the touch screen:

  1. Navigate to the Operator Workbench: Worklist page.

  2. Search for and select a batch in the WIP or Pending status, and then click Release.

  3. Touch, tap or press the Details icon to view process instructions for the selected batch.

  4. For Process Parameters and Resource Transactions only, touch, tap or press an SOP under the SOP column to view SOP details.

  5. Touch, tap or press Execute Instructions to open the Process Instructions window.

  6. Optionally, touch, tap or press:

    • Comments to enter any additional information

    • Attributes, if enabled, to enter any required or optional instruction attributes.

    • Attachments to optionally attach a file, URL, long text, or short text.

    Required Action: Touch, tap or press Acknowledge in the Response column for all mandatory pending instructions. You can not respond to other instructions until after you complete the mandatory instructions. Use the Show list to view pending, mandatory pending, or all instructions.

    Conditional Action: If you choose not to complete every pending optional instruction, you have the option to click Mark Instruction Set as Complete. This marks the instruction set with a status of Complete, but gives the incomplete optional instructions a status of Excluded. Once optional instructions are excluded, you no longer have the option to execute them. Alternatively, you can click Mark All Instructions as Complete. This marks each optional instruction as complete as well as the instruction set as complete. The Mark All Instructions as Complete option is not available if one or more of the pending optional instructions requires an e-record and e-signature approval.

  7. In the Process Instructions window, touch, tap, or press one of the following buttons in the Response column to open the similarly named window for the instruction to process:

    • Material Transaction

    • Resource Transaction

    • Process Parameter

    • Quality Touch Screen Sample

    • Quality Touch Screen Result

  8. Next, follow the steps listed below for executing process instructions for different types of transactions.

Creating Material Transactions Using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench

When executing process instructions for a batch operation, you must approve material transactions for each material used in the operation. Begin this process from the Material Transactions window.

To create material transactions using the touch screen operator workbench:

  1. In the Material Transactions window, touch, tap or press Select to include the materials to process according to the instruction.

  2. Touch, tap or press Accept to include the selected materials.

    Conditional Action: If the materials are lot, location, and/or serial-controlled, perform these steps to select materials:

    1. Touch, tap, or press Add Another Row.

    2. In the Subinventory field, select the subinventory from which to transact the material quantity.

    3. If the item is locator-controlled, in the Locator field, enter or select the item's locator.

    4. If the item is lot-controlled, in the Lot field, enter the item lot or select a lot from the list of available lots.

    5. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the item to transact.

    6. If the item is serial-controlled, touch, tap, or press Serials.

    7. In the Serials page, touch, tap, or press Add Rows.

    8. In the From Serial Number field, search for and select a starting serial number for the quantity to transact.

    9. In the To Serial Number field, search for and select an ending serial number.

      Touch, tap, or press Add Rows to enter more From/To Serial Number ranges, if needed, for the quantity to transact.

    10. Touch, tap, or press Accept to accept the serial numbers.

  3. If you are using Oracle E-Signatures, in the E-Signatures window, then enter your User ID and Password and touch, tap, or press Approve to approve the materials. Press Accept again to complete the operation.

  4. In the Operation Workbench: Worklist page; touch, tap or press Complete to change the status of batch from Release to Complete.

Creating Resource Transactions Using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench

When executing process instructions for a batch operation, you must perform resource transactions for each resource used in the operation. You begin this process from the Resources window.

To create resource transactions using the touch screen operator workbench:

  1. In the Resources window, touch, tap, or press Perform to open the Resource Transactions window for the resource you want to use.

  2. Review and update the Start Date, End Date, Usage, and Reason for the resource transaction, as required.

  3. Update the Flex Field details for each resource transaction, if required.

  4. Touch, tap or press Accept to include the selected resource transactions in the batch operation.

  5. If you are using Oracle E-Signatures, in the E-Signatures window, enter your User ID and Password. Touch, tap, or press Approve to approve the resource transactions. Press Accept again to continue.

  6. Touch, tap, or press Execute Instructions in the Batch Operation window to complete the operation.

  7. In the Operation Workbench: Worklist page; touch, tap or press Complete to change the status of batch from Release to Complete.

Setting the Process Parameters for Process Instructions Using Touch Screen Operator Workbench

When executing process instructions for a batch operation, you must enter process parameters for each device in the operation. You need to do this for each processing instruction to execute.

To set process parameters for instructions:

  1. In the Process Parameters page, touch, tap or press Select to include the parameters to apply to the instruction.

  2. To modify the individual parameters, touch, tap or press the Keypad to change the Actual Value of the parameter.

    • You can select Read Device to update the information for each parameter.

    • If multiple readings are enabled for the process parameter, touch, tap or press Add Another Row. Enter one reading date and reading value in each row. Add as many rows as needed. After all readings are entered, touch, tap or press Calculate Aggregates to view the aggregated values of all readings entered.

  3. Update the Flex Field details for each parameter, if required.

  4. Touch, tap, or press Accept.

  5. If you are using Oracle E-Signatures, in the E-Signatures window, enter your User ID and Password. Touch, tap, or press Accept to approve the changes. Press Accept again to continue.

  6. In the Operation Workbench: Worklist page; touch, tap or press Complete to change the status of batch from Release to Complete.

Creating Quality Samples Using Touch Screen Operator Workbench

The Sample Creation window enables you to create quality samples for a particular batch step.

To create a quality sample using the touch screen:

  1. In the Sample Creation window, search for and select the following sample information:

    • Spec Name: Optional.

    • Sample: Enter the sample number if document numbering is manual. If document numbering is automatic, then this field is disabled.

    • Parent Lot: Mandatory, but only if delay lot entry is not allowed.

    • Lot: Mandatory, but only if delay lot entry is not allowed.

    • LPN: Optional

    • Quality Laboratory: Mandatory. Select a laboratory type organization from the list of values.

    Optionally, enter a description of the sample, then select the following dates using the Pick-a-Date page for each of the following dates:

    • Drawn Date: Defaults to the system date.

    • Received Date

    • Required Date

    Optionally, select Label Print to print a label for the sample.

    Touch, tap or press Accept to create the sample.

  2. Touch, tap or press Accept to save your quality samples until you return to the Operator Workbench: Worklist page.

    A message indicating either successful creation of the sample or error appears. If a sample is created, it will have a sample disposition of Pending.

Entering Quality Results Using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench

The Samples Collected window opens if more than one sample is collected for the batch step. If only one sample is collected for the step, then the Result Entry window opens for the sample.

Prerequisites for Entering Quality Results with Operator Certification Checks

You can associate defined competencies to persons designated as testers who are qualified to operate a set of test equipment and perform the tests. If a test requires a certain competency and proficiency level, perform the following prerequisites before using the Touch Screen Operator Workbench to enter quality results.

  1. Perform the prerequisite steps listed in Entering Results with Operator Certification Checks, Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide.

  2. Add a process instruction to the recipe operation step from where you take a product quality sample.

    1. In the Recipe Details window, select the recipe operation step from where you take a product quality sample.

    2. Click Step/Material Association.

    3. In the Step/Material Association window, associate the operation step to the product.

      Close the Step/Material Association window.

    4. In the Recipe Details window, select the Actions menu, then Process Instructions.

    5. Create a process instruction set if one does not already exist.

    6. In the new or existing process instruction set, create an instruction as described in Creating Instructions, but select the following field values:

      • Acknowledgement: Mandatory

      • Task: Quality Touch Screen Result

      • Task Attribute: the product quality sample item

  3. Create a WIP specification for the product and batch as described in Entering an Item Specification Validity Rule, Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide.

To enter a quality result using the touch screen:

  1. In the Samples Collected window, select the sample number for which to enter results.

    Touch, tap or press Results.

  2. To add a test performed on the sample, select one of the following options from the Actions list, then tap Go.

    • Add Test: Specify the class, test, test quantity, and test quantity unit of measure. Tap Accept to add the test.

    • Add Test Groups: Enables you to select multiple tests within a test class at one time. Select a test class, then select which tests within the test class to add. Enter the test quantity and test quantity unit of measure for each test. Tap Accept to add the tests.

  3. For each test performed, the following field values are defaulted based on the sample's specification. Change to actual values, as needed.

    • Laboratory

    • Device: The device used to perform the test.

    • Result: The test's target result.

    • Test Unit: The test's unit of measure.

    • Evaluation: The value defaults based on the Result value.

    • Min: The test's acceptable minimum result, if applicable.

    • Max: The test's acceptable maximum result, if applicable.

  4. Select the appropriate action, if necessary, from the Action list for each test.

  5. If a test is performed by a device, select the test.

    Tip: If the same device performs multiple tests, select all tests performed by the device.

  6. Touch, tap, or press Read Device to retrieve the test's actual result from the device.

  7. Touch, tap, or press Accept to save your quality results until you return to the Operator Workbench: Worklist page.

    Conditional Action: If the test is associated to a test method that requires an operator certification above your proficiency level to enter results and the test method permits overrides, then a qualified person must give approval for you to enter results. A Login page appears so the qualified person can grant permission for results entry.

    If the test method does not permit overrides, then an error message appears to inform you that you are not qualified to perform this transaction.

    For more information, refer to Entering Results with Operator Certification Checks, Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide.

    A message indicating either successful entry of the result or error appears.