Navigator Paths

Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Navigator Paths

The following table displays the navigation paths in Process Manufacturing Product Development.

Window Path
Activities Process Engineer > Setup > Activities
Activity Properties Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > Activity > Properties
Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > Activity > Properties
Add Lot Formulator > Simulator > load simulation > Add Lot
Allocations Formulator > Simulator > Load Simulator > Optimizer > Allocations
Alternate Resources Process Engineer > Setup > Alternate Resources
By-Product Properties Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Recipe or Formula tab > By-product node > Properties
Recipe Designer Material View navigator > right-click the by-product node > Properties
Recipe Designer Material View navigator > by-product node > Properties from the View menu
Calculate Theoretical Yield Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Formula tab > Calculate Theoretical Yield from the Actions menu
Change Status Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > select recipe > Actions > Change Status
Compositional Requirement Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand the Formulation Specification node > select the desired Formulation Specification > Compositional Requirements
Customers Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Customers from the Actions menu
Display Calculation Errors Formulator > Simulator > Actions > Calculation Errors
Find Activities Process Engineer > Activities > View > Find
Find Analysis Formulator > Formula Analysis > Analysis > Formula Ingredient Contribution Analysis > View > Find
Find Formula Classes Formulator > Formula Classes > View > Find
Find Formulas from the Product Development Workbench Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > View > Find
Find Formulas from the View Menu Formulator > Formulas > Formula Details > View > Find
Find Formulation Specification Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > View > Find
Find Item Substitution Lists Formulator > Setup > Item Substitution List Setup > Item Substitution List > View > Find
Find Item Technical Data Formulator > Technical Data > Item Technical Data > View > Find
Find Operation Classes Process Engineer > Process Operation Classes > View > Find
Find Process Operations from the Product Development Workbench Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > View > Find
Find Process Operations from the View Menu Process Engineer > Process Operations > Process Operation Details Activities > View > Find
Find Product Development Parameters Product Development Security Manager > Organization Parameters > View > Find
Find Recipe Organization Details Formulator > Recipes > Recipe Details > Organization Details
Find Recipes from the Product Development Workbench Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Recipe tab > View > Find
Find Recipes from the Recipe Designer Formulator > Recipe Designer
Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > File > Open
Find Recipes from the Process Engineer Process Engineer > Recipe Designer
Find Recipes from the View Menu Process Engineer > Recipes > Recipe Details > View > Find
Find Routings from the Product Development Workbench Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Routing tab > View > Find
Find Routings from the Routing Designer Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator
Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > File > Open
Find Routings from the View Menu Process Engineer > Routings > Routing Details > View > Find
Find Status Codes Formulator > Setup > Status Codes > View > Find
Find Technical Parameters Formulator > Technical Data > Technical Parameters > View > Find
Find Technical Parameter Sequences Formulator > Technical Data > Technical Parameter Sequences > View > Find
Formula Analysis Parameters Formulator > Formula Analysis > Parameters
Formula By-Product Line Edit Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula > select By-Products > Formula By-Product Summary > select a Line > Edit Line
(also available from Formula By-Product Line Summary, Formula By-Product Lines, and Formula Details)
Formula By-Product Line Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > expand By-Products > select a by-product node
Formula By-Product Lines Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > select a formula > Formula Header Summary > By-Products
(also available from Formula By-Product Summary and Formula Details)
Formula By-Product Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula > select By-Products
Formula Classes Formulator > Setup > Formula Class
Formula Details Formulator > Formulas
(also available from Formulas Summary By and Formula Header Summary)
Formula Header Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > select a formula node label
Formula Ingredient Contribution Analysis Formulator > Formula Analysis > Analysis
Formula Ingredient Line Edit Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > select Ingredients > Formula Ingredient Summary > select a Line > Edit Line
(also available from Formula Ingredient Line Summary, Formula Ingredient Lines, and Formula Details)
Formula Ingredient Line Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > expand Ingredients > select an ingredient node
Formula Ingredient Lines Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > select a formula > Formula Header Summary > Ingredients
(also available from Formula Ingredient Summary and Formula Details)
Formula Ingredient Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > select Ingredients
Formula Inquiry Selection Formulator > Formula Inquiry
Formula Inquiry Summary View Formulator > Formula Inquiry > Formula Inquiry Selection
Formula Product Line Edit Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > select Products > Formula Product Summary > select a Line > Edit Line
(also available from Formula Product Line Summary, Formula Product Lines, and Formula Details)
Formula Product Line Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > expand Products > select a product node
Formula Product Lines Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > expand Formulas > select a formula node > Formula Header Summary > Products
(also available from Formula Product Summary)
Formula Product Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > expand Formulas > expand a formula node > select Products
Formula Properties Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Formula tab > select a formula node > Actions > Properties
Formula Substitution Lists Formulator > Setup > Item Substitution List Setup > Item Substitution List > Find Formula
Formula Summary By Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Formula tab > View By > select Class, Status, Owner, Laboratory, Product, or Plant > expand Formulas By > select an unexpanded node
Formula View Formulator > Formula Inquiry > Formula Inquiry Summary View > Actions > Formula View
Formulation Specification Summary Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand Formulation Specification node > click the desired Formulation Specification
Formulation Specification Workbench Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench
Generate/Optimize Formulation Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand the Formulation Specification node > select the desired Formulation Specification > Actions >
Indented Bill of Materials Report Formulator > Indented Bill of Materials
Ingredient Properties Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Recipe or Formula tab > right-click the ingredient node > Properties
Recipe Designer Material View navigator > right-click the ingredient node > Properties
Recipe Designer Material View navigator > click the ingredient > Properties from the View menu
Item Substitution List Formulator > Setup > Item Substitution List Setup
Item Technical Data Formulator > Technical Data > Item Technical Data
Item Technical Data Selection Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Formula tab > select intermediate ingredient > Technical Data Selection from the Actions menu
Formulator > Formulas > Formula Details > Technical Data Selection from the Actions menu
Items Formulator > Inventory Items
Load Simulator Formulator > Simulator > View > Find
Mass Search and Replace Formulator > Mass Search And Replace
Material Requirement Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand the Formulation Specification node > select the desired Formulation Specification > Material Requirements
New Formulation Specification Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > Formulation Specification node > Actions > New Specification
New Item Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Recipe tab > associate items to the formula in the navigator (window displays only when the Display New Item Window is selected)
New Requirement Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand Formulation Specification node > click the desired Formulation Specification > Formulation Specification Summary > Actions > New Requirement
Operation Header Summary Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > View By Operation > expand Operations > select an operation node label
Operations Summary By Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > View By Class or Status > expand Operations By > select unexpanded operation node
Optimizer Formulator > Simulator > Optimizer
Plant/Laboratory Information Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Recipe tab > the desired recipe > Actions > Plant/Laboratory
Preferences Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Preferences from the Actions menu
Process Operation Activity Process Engineer > Process Operations > Process Operation Details Activities > select an activity > Resources
Process Operation Activity Line Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > chose View By Operations > expand Operations > select an operation node > Operation Header Summary > Details > Operation Details Activities > select an activity
(also available from Process Operation Activity Line Summary)
Process Operation Activity Line Summary Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > View By Operation > expand Operations, expand an operation node > select an activity
Process Operation Activity Resource Line Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > chose View By Operations > expand Operations > select an operation node > Operation Header Summary > Details > Operation Details Activities > select an activity
Process Operation Classes Process Engineer > Setup > Operation Classes
Process Operation Details Activities Process Engineer > Process Operations
(also available from Operation Summary By, Operation Header Summary, and Routing Details)
Process Operation Resource Line Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Operation tab > View By Operation > expand Operations > select an operation > Operation Header Summary > Details
Process Operation Resource Process Parameters Process Engineer > Process Operations > Process Operation Details Activities > select the desired Activity > Resources > Parameters
Process Parameter Sets Process Engineer > Process Parameters > Parameter Sets
Process Routing Classes Process Engineer > Setup > Process Routing Classes
Process Routing Details Process Engineer > Process Routings
(also available from Routings Summary By and Routing Header Summary)
Process Routing Step Dependencies Process Engineer > Process Routings > Process Routing Details > query a routing > select a Step > Step Dependencies
Process Routing Step Line Process Engineer > Process Routings > Process Routing Details > query a routing > select a Step
(also available from Routing Step Line Summary)
Product Development Parameters Product Development Security Manager > Organization Parameters
Product Development Workbench Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench
Product Properties Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Recipe or Formula tab > right-click the product node > Properties
Recipe Designer Formulator > Recipe Designer
Process Engineer > Recipe Designer
Formulator > Recipes > query the desired recipe > Designer
(also available from Recipe Summary and Recipe Header Summary)
Recipe Details Process Engineer > Recipes
Formulator > Recipes
(also available from Recipe Header Summary and Recipes Summary By)
Recipe Generation Formulator > Setup > Recipe Generation
Recipe Header Summary Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Recipe tab > View By Recipe > expand Recipes > select a recipe node label
Recipe Organization Details Formulator > Find Recipes > Recipe Details > Organization Details
Recipe Properties Formulator > Recipe Designer > right-click the recipe node > Properties
Formulator > Recipe Designer > recipe > Properties from the View menu
Recipe Step/Material Association Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Recipe tab > View By Recipe > select a recipe > Recipe Header Summary > Details > Recipe Details > Step/Material Association
(also available from Process Engineer)
Recipe Validity Rule Details Formulator > Recipes > query a recipe on the Recipe Details window > Validity Rules
Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Recipe tab > View By Recipe > expand Recipes > select a recipe node > Recipe Header Summary > Validity Rules tab > select desired validity rule > Details
(also available from Recipe Header Summary)
Recipes Summary By Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Recipe tab > View By Status or Owner > expand Recipes By > select unexpanded node
Resource Information Process Engineer > Setup > Plant Resources
Resource Parameters Process Engineer > process Resource Parameters > Plant Resource Parameters
Resource Properties Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > right-click resource > Properties
Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > resource > Properties from the View menu
Resources Process Engineer > Setup > Generic Resources
Routing Designer Process Engineer > Routing Designer
Process Engineer > Process Routings > query the desired routing > Designer (also available from Routing Summary and Routing Header Summary)
Routing Header Summary Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Routing tab > View By Routing > expand Routings > select a routing node label
Routing Properties Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > right-click the routing > Properties
Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > click the routing > Properties from the View menu.
Routing Step Dependency Properties Routing Designer > displays automatically after drawing connection between two steps
Routing Designer > double-click the line connecting two steps
Routing Designer right pane > right-click the line connecting two steps > Properties
Routing Step Line Summary Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Routing tab > select View By Routing > expand Routings > expand a routing node > select an operation node
Routings Summary By Formulator > Formulator Workbench > Routing tab > View By Class, Status, or Owner > expand Routings By > select an unexpanded node
Save As (Recipe) Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > File > Save As
Process Engineer > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > File > Save As
Save As (Routing) Process Engineer > Routing Designer > File > Save As
Save Simulation Formulator > Simulator > Save Simulation from the Actions menu
Scale Formula Formulator > Recipe Designer > Find Recipes > Formula tab > Scale from the Actions menu
Simulator Formulator > Simulator
Status Codes Formulator > Setup > Status Codes
Process Engineer > Setup > Status Codes
Status Details Formulator > Setup > Status Codes > Details
Step Properties Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > right-click the routing step > Properties
Process Engineer > Routing Designer Navigator > routing step > Properties from the View menu
Routing Designer routing graph pane > double-click the routing step
Technical Parameter Sequences Formulator > Technical Data > Technical Parameter Sequences
Technical Parameters Formulator > Technical Data > Technical Parameters
Formulator > Formulas > Formula Details > query the formula > select Ingredients region > select Line containing technical parameters > Ingredient Technical Parameters from the Actions menu
Technical Requirement Formulator > Formulation Specification Workbench > expand the Formulation Specification node > select the desired Formulation Specification > Technical Requirements
Theoretical Process Loss Process Engineer > Engineering Workbench > Routing tab > expand Routings > click a Routing > Routing Header Summary > Theoretical Process Loss
Validity Rule Summary By Product Formulator > Validity Rules - Product
Validity Rule Summary By Recipe Formulator > Validity Rules - Recipe
Workpad Formulator > Simulator > Optimizer > Workpad