Oracle E-Record Events in Quality Management

OPM Quality Management supports the acquisition of electronic signatures on electronic records. Electronic documentation replaces paper with a seamless interface of business activities that improves manufacturing throughput and enhances the overall quality of operations in the supply chain. The following provides information for online and deferred events that are e-record and e-signature enabled in the OPM Quality Management application. A brief discussion of each event is provided. Refer to the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide for details on setting up the events and approvals

This appendix covers the following topics:


The following table lists the events that are e-record and e-signature enabled for OPM Quality Management:

Event Online or Deferred
Process Quality Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality Inventory Validity Rule Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality WIP Validity Rule Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality Customer Validity Rule Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality Supplier Validity Rule Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality Monitoring Validity Rule Specifications Event Deferred
Process Quality Sample Creation Event Online
Process Quality Results Entry Event Online
Process Quality Results Evaluation Online
Process Quality Sample Disposition Online
Process Quality Sample Event Disposition Online
Process Quality Sample Event Disposition Composite Online
Process Quality Stability Study Change Status Online


Name Display Name Description Status Owner Name Owner Tag
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec GMD ERES Specifications Event ERES Event for Specifications in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.inv GMD ERES Inventory Validity Rule Specifications Event ERES Event for Inventory Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.wip GMD ERES WIP Validity Rule Specifications Event ERES Event for WIP Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.cus GMD ERES Customer Validity Rule Specifications Event ERES Event for Customer Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.sup GMD ERES Supplier Validity Rule Specifications Event ERES Event for Supplier Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.mon GMD ERES Monitoring Validity Rule ERES Event for Monitoring Validity Rule Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.calib GMD ERES Calibration Validity Rule ERES Event for Calibration Validity Rule Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.crea GMD ERES Sample Creation Event ERES Event for Sample Creation in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.entry GMD ERES Results Event ERES Event for Results Entry in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.mentry GMD ERES Mass Results Event ERES Event for Mass Results Entry in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.eval GMD ERES Results Evaluation ERES Event for Results Evaluation in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.disp GMD ERES Sample Disposition ERES Event for Sample Disposition in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.disp GMD ERES Sample Group Disposition ERES Event for Sample Disposition in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.dispcom GMD ERES Sample Group Disposition Composite ERES Event for Sample Composite Disposition in OPM Quality Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD GMD ERES Stability Study Change Status ERES Event for Stability Study Change Status Enabled Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD

Note: It is recommended that the user entering the mass results data be the one signing for the event. In order to accomplish this, the following AME attributes must have the appropriate values:



Note: TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_USER_ID : select fnd_global.user_id from fnd_dual

Note: Create a rule without any constraints attached to a empty approval Group.

Event Key

Event Name Event Key
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec Spec_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.inv Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.wip Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.cus Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.sup Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.mon Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.calib Spec_vr_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.entry Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.mentry Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.eval Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.disp Event_spec_disp_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.dispcom Event_spec_disp_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.crea Sample_id
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.disp Event_spec_disp_id-sample_id SS_Id


Source Type Event Filter Phase Status Rule Data Rule Function Priority
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.inv 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.wip 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.cus 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.sup 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.mon 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.calib 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.entry 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.mentry 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.eval 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.disp 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.crea 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.disp 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.dispcom 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal
Local 0 Disabled Key EDR_UTIL.WF_RULE_FUNCTION Normal

Approval Matrix

Transaction Type

Oracle Application Transaction Type ID Transaction Type Description Line Item Id Query String
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec GMD ERES Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.inv GMD ERES Inventory Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.wip GMD ERES WIP Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.cus GMD ERES Customer Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.sup GMD ERES Supplier Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.mon GMD ERES Monitoring Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.calib GMD ERES Calibration Validity Rule Specifications Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.crea GMD ERES Sample Creation Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.mentry GMD ERES Mass Results Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.entry GMD ERES Results Event N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.eval GMD ERES Results Evaluation N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.disp GMD ERES Sample Disposition N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.disp GMD ERES Sample Group Disposition N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.dispcom GMD ERES Sample Group Disposition Composite N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD ERES Stability Study Change Status N/A

Transaction Attributes

Approval attributes are seeded for these events. You can define the attributes and use them in the rules as per the implementation instructions.

Define Rules/Associate Approvers/Associate E-Record Output XSL

The rules basing the status on Approved For Laboratory Use and Approved For General Use are seeded.

As part of the implementation, you must complete these activities. The following mandatory and non mandatory attributes must be added for all transaction types. Substitute the values shown with appropriate transaction specific values or data:

Mandatory Attributes

Name Attribute Type Description Static Usage Usage
ALLOW_DELETING_RULE_GENERATED_APPROVERS boolean Whether to let the calling application (or its end users) delete approvers generated by the rules. Yes False
ALLOW_REQUESTOR_APPROVAL boolean Whether to allow requestors to approve their own transactions (when the rules do so). Yes False
AT_LEAST_ONE_RULE_MUST_APPLY boolean Whether to require that at least one rule apply to each transaction. Yes False
EFFECTIVE_RULE_DATE date The date that determines which rules are active. Yes (blank)
TRANSACTION_DATE date Date transaction occurred. No Select ame_util.versionDateToString(CREATION_DATE)
from gme_batch_header
where batch_id=:transactionId
TRANSACTION_GROUP_ID number Business-group ID in which transaction occurred. Yes (blank)
TRANSACTION_ORG_ID number Org ID in which transaction occurred. Yes (blank)
TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_PERSON_ID number Person ID of person initiating transaction. Yes (blank)
TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_USER_ID number User ID of person initiating transaction. No Select Last_updated_by
from gme_batch_header
where batch_id=:transactionId
TRANSACTION_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID number Set of books ID in which transaction occurred. No (blank)
USE_RESTRICTIVE_LINE_ITEM_EVALUATION boolean Whether to require that the same line item satisfy all line-item conditions in a given rule. Yes False
WORKFLOW_ITEM_KEY string The transaction's workflow item key. No (blank)
WORKFLOW_ITEM_TYPE string The transaction's Workflow item type. No (blank)
ALLOW_DELETING_RULE_GENERATED_APPROVERS boolean Whether to let the calling application (or its end users) delete approvers generated by the rules. Yes False

Approval of Quality Specification

Making a Quality Specification active consists of two separate events: the approval of a specification and the approval of the specification validity rule. Process Quality Inventory, WIP, Customer, and Supplier Specification Validity Rule Events apply to item specifications. The Process Quality Monitoring Validity Rule Specifications Event only applies to the monitoring specification. Both events require the capture of e-records and e-signatures.

A specification status can be controlled through a workflow. Therefore, signatures for both creation and updates of specifications are captured deferred (electronic notifications are sent).

E-record for Specification Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff for specifications can include:

E-record for Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff can include:

E-record for Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

2. Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff can include:

The following graphic illustrates an example of supplier validity rule status change approval event.

the picture is described in the document text

E-record for Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff can include:

E-record for WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff can include:

E-record for Monitoring Specification Validity Rule Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff can include:

E-record for Calibration Specification Validity Rule Status Change Approval

Data on the signoff can include:

Samples Creation

The Samples Creation e-record is sent when you try to approve a sample. The e-record provides all information about sample identification, including its priority, source, quality laboratory, sample dates, the specification tied to it, and any sampling plan information.

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

2. Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

E-record for Sample Creation

Data on the signoff for samples creation can include:

The following graphic illustrates an example of sample creation event.

the picture is described in the document text


Quality results entry and evaluation can also require e-signature and e-record support. After results are entered and evaluation during a session, upon saving the results, the e-signature event is raised by the window and the appropriate signoffs take place online. If all the necessary signatures cannot be fulfilled at this time, then the results cannot be committed to the database. Results for all listed tests do not have to be entered in order for the e-signature event to be raised; if one or more test results are entered and saved, then e-signature is required. If more results are entered and evaluated in subsequent sessions, then e-signature is required at that time.

E-record for Results Entry

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

2. Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for results entry includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of result entry event.

the picture is described in the document text

E-record for Mass Results Entry

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

2. Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for mass results entry includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of mass result entry event.

the picture is described in the document text

E-record for Results Evaluation

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

2. Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for results evaluation includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of results evaluation event.

the picture is described in the document text

Sample and Sample Group Disposition

The Process Quality Sample Disposition event represents the final review and approval or rejection of all of the results logged against a sample. After the sample disposition is accepted, accepted with variance, or rejected, the lot status is changed to reflect this disposition. Changing to a final sample group disposition can also control the generation of recommended item lot interclass UOM conversions.

The Certificate of Analysis report and Specification Matching feature both depend on a sample group disposition being accepted. If a sample group is not accepted, then these programs do not consider the sample group. Therefore, it is important that the sample group Disposition field is updated.

E-record for Sample Disposition

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for sample disposition change includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of sample disposition event.

the picture is described in the document text

E-record for Sample Group Disposition

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for sample group disposition change includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of sample group disposition event.

the picture is described in the document text

E-record for Sample Disposition Composite Change Disposition

To generate ERES event, you must perform the following steps:

1. Enable following event and its subscription:

Create AME Rule for the following transaction type:

Data on the signoff for sample disposition composite change disposition includes:

The following graphic illustrates an example of sample group disposition composite event.

the picture is described in the document text

Stability Study Change Status

The stability change status functionality allows you to change stability study status from new to approved, approved to launch, and launch to completion.

Data on the signoff for Stability Study Change Status can include: