Understanding Batch Open Interface

Understanding Batch Open Interface

Batch Open Interface programs allows you to bulk import OPM Batches and facilitate lifecycle transitions of the batches in bulk via a staging interface tables approach. These interface tables are:







The following table summarizes the GME_BATCH_HEADER_INTERFACE table

Column Name Surrogate columns Data Type Size Not Null Internal Only Key Col PK Column Description
INTERFACE_HEADER_ID   NUMBER   Yes   No Yes Unique identifier of the row as provided by the user. User may use the sequence GME_BATCH_HEADER_INTERFACE_S to retrieve and populate a unique value.
ORGANIZATION_CODE   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Organization Code of batch to be imported. Organization Code will be ignored if the organization Id is provided.
ORAGNIZATION_ID   NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Organization Id of the batch to be imported.
BATCH_NO   VARCHAR2 32 Yes   Yes No Whenever batch number is manual, batch number must be populated when importing a new batch.
BATCH_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch identifier of an existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing to be updated using the import interface. Populate this column when updating, rerouting, or rescheduling an existing batch. User can optionally provide a combination of BATCH_NO and ORGANIZATION_CODE to identify the batch.
INT_BATCH_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
RECIPE_VALIDITY_RULE_ID RECIPE_NO + RECIPE_VERS NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Recipe Validity Rule Identifier helps in deriving the recipe based upon which the batch is to be created. Alternately, user can either provide the RECIPY_ID or a combination of RECIPE_NO and RECIPE_VERS to identify the recipe.
RECIPE_ID RECIPE_NO + RECIPE_VERS NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Recipe identifier of the recipe using which the batch is to be created. Alternately user can provide a combination of RECIPE_NO and RECIPE_VERS column values to identify the recipe.
INT_RECIPE_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
RECIPE_NO   VARCHAR2 32 No   Yes No Recipe Number using which the batch should be created.
RECIPE_VERS   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Recipe Version of the Recipe Number using which the batch is to be created.
PLAN_START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Planned release date and time for the batch.
ACTUAL_START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual start date and time for the batch. This column can be used for updating actual start date correction when batch is already released ( LOAD_TYPE = 30).
DUE_DATE   DATE   No   No No Batch completion date and time.
PLAN_CMPLT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Planned batch completion date and time.
ACTUAL_CMPLT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual completion date and time. This column can be used for correcting actual completion date when batch is already completed ( LOAD_TYPE = 30).
BATCH_SIZE   NUMBER   No   No No Batch size value corresponds to the value in CREATION_MODE column. As an example, if the batch is created based on Product Quantity then this value refers to product quantity.
BATCH_SIZE_UOM   VARCHAR2 4 No   No No Unit Of Measure of the batch size
CREATION_MODE   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Mode of creation
10 Recipe Based,
20 Product Based,
30 Output Based,
40 Input Based
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID ITEM + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER   No   Yes No Item Identifier of the primary product being produced using this batch. User can alternately provide a combination of ITEM and ORGANIZATION_CODE field values to identify the primary product.
INT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
ITEM   VARCHAR2 300 No   Yes No Item number for the primary product.
ITEM_REVISION   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Revision number for the primary product.
UPDATE_INVENTORY_IND   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No This indicates if a Lab batch updates inventory with inventory consumed. This indicator can only be set to Y if the organization is a Lab organization. Enter 'Y' if inventory should be updated with consumed ingredients, and 'N' otherwise
FIRMED_IND   NUMBER 5 No   No No If a batch should be firmed, not scheduled by Oracle scheduling engine, populate this column value as 1, otherwise enter 0.
LABORATORY_IND   NUMBER 1 No   No No Indicates if a Batch is a laboratory batch or a production batch. Possible values are
0         Production Batch
1         Laboratory Batch
INT_ORGANIZATION_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.
USE_WORKDAY_CAL   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Whether to use workday calendar or not. Possible values are T or F
ignore_qty_below_cap   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Ignore quantity below capacity. Possible values are T or F
contiguity_override   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Batch must be contained in a contiguous calendar period. Possible values are T or F
use_least_cost_vr   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Possible values are T or F
APPLY_FIXED_PROCESS_LOSS   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Apply Fixed process Loss as per recipe. Possible values are Y or N
ATTRIBUTE1 – ATTRIBUTE40   VARCHAR2 240 No     No Descriptive Flex field Attributes 1 to 40 for Header Interface
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY   VARCHAR2 30 No     No Descriptive Flex field category
LAST_UPDATE_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
CREATION_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
CREATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
GROUP_ID   NUMBER 15 Yes     Yes Group identifier provided by user to group rows for processing. Multiple rows in the interface table can have the same value to group rows of batches to be processed together by a single concurrent request.
REQUEST_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes   No Interface code processing column. User must not update this column value. Import process populates the identifier of the concurrent request that processes this row.
PROCESS_PHASE   VARCHAR2 32 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. User must not update this column value. Used to populate the status of processing of this row by the concurrent process.
PROCESS_STATUS   VARCHAR2 32 No     No User needs to populate a value of '1' at the time of data load. If the corresponding row is not processed successfully for some reason, correct the problem in this row and update the value back to '1' after correcting the error column values. Re processing will happen only for rows where the process status column has a value of '1'.
LOAD_TYPE   NUMBER 3 Yes      No Identify the type of action that needs to be performed on a specific row during the import process. Acceptable values are
10 Create Batch From Recipe
15 Create Batch and Release
30 Update Batch
40 Reschedule Batch
50 Reroute Batch


The following table summarizes the GME_BATCH_DTLS_INTERFACE table

Column Name Surrogate Columns Data Type Size Not Null Internal Only Key Col PK Column Description Interface column relevant for Object Type
INTERFACE_HEADER_ID   NUMBER   No      No Foreign key column to GME_BATCH_HEADER_INTERFACE table.  This column should be populated only when a new batch is to be created and updated in the same run of the import process, and the batch numbering scheme is set to batch auto numbering in Oracle Process Manufacturing. If this record is being populated to simply update an already existing batch in Oracle, user can leave this value as NULL.  If this column is NULL, it means that there is no corresponding parent row in the Batch Header Import Interface table. This column is checked only when the batch is created in batch header interface within the same batch and the organization parameter set as auto-numbering.
INTERFACE_ID   NUMBER   Yes     Yes Unique identifier of the row as provided by the user. User may use the sequence GME_BATCH_DTLS_INTERFACE_S to retrieve and populate a unique value. A unique value for each row must be provided for this column.
ORGANIZATION_CODE   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Organization code of the batch owning organization. 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
BATCH_NO   VARCHAR2 32 No   Yes No Batch Number of the batch being updated. This value can be NULL if BATCH_ID column is being populated, or a new batch is being created and details being updated at the same time. 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
BATCHSTEP_NO   NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch Step Number of the batch. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
ACTIVITY   VARCHAR2 16 No   Yes No Batch Activity for the batch step. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400 ,500 and 700. 400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
700 - Process Parameters
RESOURCES   VARCHAR2 16 No   Yes No Resource name used for the activity in the batch step. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500 and 700. 500 - Resource Requirements
700 - Process Parameters
ITEM   VARCHAR2 3000 No   Yes No Concatenated segment value for an Item, the material to be added to the batch. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 – Material
LINE_NO   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Sequential line number for each line type in a batch. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200 and 600. 200 – Material
600 - Step Items
LINE_TYPE   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Indicator for material type.
-1 = Ingredient
1 = Product & Co-Products
2 = Byproduct
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200
200 - Material
INT_ORGANIZATION_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.  
BATCH_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch identifier of a valid batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing. User can alternately provide values of BATCH_NO and ORGANIZATIION_CODE. When creating a new batch, this field value will be NULL. 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
INT_BATCH_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.  
BATCHSTEP_ID BATCHSTEP_NO+ BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER 15 No   Yes No Batch Step Identifier of the batch. User can alternately provide column values of BATCH_NO, BATCHSTEP_NO, and ORGANIZATION_CODE. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
INT_BATCHSTEP_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.  
BATCHSTEP_ACTIVITY_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE + BATCH_STEP_NO + ACTIVITY NUMBER 15 No   Yes No Identifier for the activity in a batch step. Alternately, user can provide values of BATCH_NO, ORGANIZATION_CODE, BATCH_STEP_NO, and ACTIVITY to identify the batch step activity. If BATCHSTEP_ACTIVITY_ID is not provided by the user for an existing resource (update/delete resource, add process parameter to a resource), all the actions are performed on the lowest level of details provided for the batch. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400, 500, and 700. 400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
700 - Process Parameters
INT_BATCHSTEP_ACTIVITY_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.  
INT_BATCHSTEP_RESOURCE_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
MATERIAL_DETAIL_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE + LINE_NO + LINE_TYPE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Identifier for the material line. Alternately, user can provide column values of BATCH_NO, ORGANIZATION_CODE, LINE_NO, and LINE_TYPE. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200 and 600. 200 - Material
600 - Step Items
INT_MATERIAL_DETAIL_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
ACTUAL_ACTIVITY_FACTOR   NUMBER   No   No No Actual activity factor. Value is required to add an activity for a Completed Batch Step. Update of ACTUAL_ACTIVITY_FACTOR will impact resource transactions. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400. 400 - Activities
ACTUAL_CMPLT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual completion date. Column value is required to add an Activity or a Resource to a step in Complete status. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, and 500. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
ACTUAL_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Direct population of material is allowed for non-stockable and non-transactable items only. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
ACTUAL_RSRC_COUNT   NUMBER   No   No No Actual resource count must be a positive value. Column value is required to add a Resource in Completed Status. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
ACTUAL_RSRC_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Actual quantity processed by the resource. Column is required to add a Resource in Completed Status. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
ACTUAL_RSRC_USAGE   NUMBER   No   No No Used to add a resource usage in Completed Status only. For all usage updates for a batch, user should use Resource Transaction Interface. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
ACTUAL_START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual start date. Column is required to add an activity, or a resource to a step in Complete or WIP Status. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, and 500. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
ACTUAL_STEP_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Actual material quantity processed at the step. Column is required to add an activity, or a resource to a step in Complete or WIP Status. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
ACTUAL_VALUE   VARCHAR2 16 No   No No Actual value for this process parameter. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 700. 700 - Process Parameters
BY_PRODUCT_TYPE   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No This column is used to show whether the by-product is a sample type or other types. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
CONTRIBUTE_STEP_QTY_IND   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Indicator to specify if the item contributes to step quantity. Possible value are N for No. and Y for Yes. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
CONTRIBUTE_YIELD_IND   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Indicator to specify if the item (product or ingredient) contributes to yield. Value is N for No, and Y for Yes. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
COST_ALLOC   NUMBER   No   No No For products, fraction of cost allocated to this product. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
COST_ANALYSIS_CODE   VARCHAR2 32 No   No No Cost analysis code. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource
COST_CMPNTCLS_CODE   VARCHAR2 32 No   No No Cost component class code. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource
INT_ COST_CMPNTCLS_ID   NUMBER   No   No No Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value. 500 - Resource
DTL_UM   VARCHAR2 3 No   No No Detail Unit of Measure for the quantity. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
DUE_DATE   DATE   No   No No Required step completion date and time. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID ITEM NUMBER   No   Yes No Identifier of the Item (Material). User can alternately provide the value of ITEM to identify the item. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
INT_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
LOCATOR   VARCHAR2 3000 No   No No Concatenated segments value for yield or supply inventory locator. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
LOCATOR_ID LOCATOR NUMBER   No   No No Identifier for yield or supply locator. Alternately, user can provide the value of LOCATOR field to identify the locator. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
INT_LOCATOR_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
MATERIAL_REQUIREMENT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Requirement or Yield Date of the material. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
OFFSET_INTERVAL   NUMBER   No   No No Time offset in hours from step start to this activity. Must be a positive value. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400 and 500. 400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
OPRN_ID OPRN_NO + OPRN_VERS NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Valid operation identifier obtained from GMD_OPERATIONS. Alternately, user can provide value of OPRN_NO and OPRN_VERS column values to identify the operation. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
INT_OPRN_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
OPRN_NO   VARCHAR2 32 No   Yes No Operation Number to identify the Operation this step is based on. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
OPRN_VERS   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Operation Version to identify the Operation this step is based on. User should always provide this value along with OPRN_NO column value. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
ORIGINAL_PRIMARY_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Primary unit of measure for the ORIGINAL_QTY column value. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
ORIGINAL_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No The recipe quantity scaled for the batch. Planned quantity prior to any changes, value cannot be updated thereafter. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
ORIGINAL_RSRC_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Original (populated during batch creation) Resource quantity. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
ORIGINAL_RSRC_USAGE   NUMBER   No   No No Original (populated during batch creation) Resource usage. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
PARAMETER_ID PROCESS_PARAMETER NUMBER   No   Yes No Valid unique identifier of a GMP Process parameter. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 700. 700 - Process Parameters
INT_PARAMETER_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
PHANTOM_TYPE   NUMBER 5 No   No No Phantom indicator.
0 = not a phantom
1 = automatic phantom replacement
2 = manual phantom
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200.
200 - Material
PLAN_ACTIVITY_FACTOR   NUMBER   No   No No Number of times the activity is repeated. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400. 400 - Activities
PLAN_CMPLT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Planned completion date. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, and 500. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
PLAN_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No The quantity that this line was planned to produce or consume, in the same unit of measure as that of the batch. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
PLAN_RSRC_COUNT   NUMBER   No   No No Planned resource count. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
PLAN_RSRC_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Planned quantity processed by the resource. From GMD_OPERATIONS_RESOURCES and scaled to batch size. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
PLAN_RSRC_USAGE   NUMBER   No   No No Planned resource usage. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500. 500 - Resource Requirements
PLAN_START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Planned start date. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300, 400, and 500. 300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
PLAN_STEP_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No Material quantity to be processed at the step. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
PRIM_RSRC_IND   NUMBER 5 No   Yes No Primary resource indicator.
0 = Not a primary resource
1 = Primary resource
2 = Auxiliary resource
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500.
500 - Resource Requirements
PROCESS_PARAM_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE + STEP_NO + ACTIVITY + RESOURCE + PROCESS_PARAMETER NUMBER 15 No   Yes No Resource Process Parameter Identifier is needed when updating process parameter values. User can alternately provide values of the columns BATCH_NO, ORGANIZATION_CODE, STEP_NO, ACTIVITY, RESOURCE, and PROCESS_PARAMETER to identify the process parameter. If the value of an existing process parameter is not provided by the user when updating or deleting a parameter, the action is performed at the lowest level of batch info available.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 700.
700 - Process Parameters
INT_PROCESS_PARAM_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.  
PROCESS_PARAMETER   VARCHAR2 40 No   Yes No Process parameter. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 700. 700 - Process Parameters
RELEASE_TYPE   NUMBER 5 No   No No Consumption (or yield) type.
0 = Automatic (completion)
1 = Manual (completion)
2 = Incremental
3 = Automatic by Step
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200.
200 - Material
RESOURCE_QTY_UM   VARCHAR2 3 No   No No Unit of Measure for RESOURCE_QTY column value.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500
500 - Resource Requirements
REVISION   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Item Revision.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 500.
200 - Material
ROUNDING_DIRECTION   NUMBER 5 No   No No Whether to round up or round down to the nearest SCALE_MULTIPLE
0 = UP
1 = DOWN
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200.
200 - Material
SCALE_MULTIPLE   NUMBER   No   No No The multiples of the batch unit of measure (in Scale UOM) for scaling. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
SCALE_ROUNDING_VARIANCE   NUMBER   No   No No Percentage, positive or negative, variance of scaled quantity allowed when scaling. Default value is zero.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200.
200 - Material
SCALE_TYPE   NUMBER 5 No   No No Following values are relevant for Object Type 200
0 = Non-scalable
1 = Scalable
2 = Scale by increment
Following values are relevant for Object Type 500
0 = Non-scalable
1 = Linear scaling
2 = Scale by Charge
200 - Material
500 - Resource Requirements
SCRAP_FACTOR   NUMBER   No   No No Scrap factor is given in percentage.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200.
200 - Material
SEQUENCE_DEPENDENT_IND   NUMBER 5 No   No No Allow user to select sequence dependent activities.
A value of 1 means that the activity is sequence dependent.
Any other value means activity is not sequence dependent.
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 400.
400 - Activities
STEP_CLOSE_DATE   DATE   No   No No Updated at the time when the step is closed. Defaults to system date and time and can be overridden. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
STEPRELEASE_TYPE   NUMBER 5 No   No No Step Release Type.
1 = Manual
2 = Automatic
Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300.
300 - Steps
SUBINVENTORY   VARCHAR2 10 No   No No Yield or Supply Sub-inventory. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
TARGET_VALUE   VARCHAR2 16 No   No No Ideal value for this process parameter. Not required if Min & Max value are provided. May be text or a number. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 700. 700 - Process Parameters
WIP_PLAN_QTY   NUMBER   No   No No This quantity is used in place of PLAN_QTY, if the batch status is WIP or above. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 200. 200 - Material
RESCHEDULE_PRECEDING_STEPS   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Reschedule Preceding Steps. Populate T for True, or F for False. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
RESCHEDULE_SUCCEEDING_STEPS   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Reschedule succeeding steps. Populate T for True, or F for False. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
USE_WORK_DAY_CAL   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Use work day calendar. Populate Y for Yes, or N for No. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300. 300 - Steps
CONTIGUITY_OVERRIDE   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Contiguity Override. Populate T for True, or F for False. Relevant for OBJECT_TYPE 300 , reschedule step. 300 – Steps
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY   VARCHAR2 30 No   No No Descriptive Flex field Category 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
ATTRIBUTE1 – ATTRIBUTE30   VARCHAR2 240 No   No No Descriptive Flex Fields Attribute1 to Attribute30 are supported. 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
CREATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
CREATION_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
LAST_UPDATE_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
LAST_UPDATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column 200 - Material 300 - Steps 400 - Activities 500 - Resource Requirements 600 - Step Items 700 - Process Parameters
GROUP_ID   NUMBER 15 Yes     No Group identifier provided by user to group rows for processing. It is recommended that all rows for batch detail processing of a single batch have the same group id. Control Columns
REQUEST_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes   No Interface code processing column. User should not update this column value. Import process populates the identifier of the concurrent request that processes this row. Control Columns
PROCESS_PHASE   VARCHAR2 32 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. User should not update this column value. Used to populate the status of processing of this row by the concurrent process. Control Columns
PROCESS_STATUS   VARCHAR2 32 No     No User needs to populate a value of '1' at the time of data load. If the corresponding row is not processed successfully for some reason, correct the problem in this row and update the value back to '1' after correcting the error column values. Re processing will happen only for rows where the process status column has a value of '1'. Control Columns
OBJECT_TYPE   NUMBER 3 Yes     No Interface Code processing column. User needs to provide this value to identify what kind of detail needs to be added to a batch. 200 - Material
300 - Steps
400 - Activities
500 - Resource Requirements
600 - Step Items
700 - Process Parameters
LOAD_TYPE   NUMBER 3 Yes     No Interface Code processing column. User needs to provide the kind of action to be performed for the object specified in OBJECT_TYPE column. 10 – Add
20 – Update
30 – Delete
40 – Reschedule Step


The following table summarizes the GME_BATCH_ACTIONS_INTERFACE table

Column Name Surrogate Columns Data Type Size Not Null Internal Only Key Col PK Column Description
INTERFACE_ID   NUMBER   Yes      Yes Unique identifier of the row as provided by the user. User may use the sequence GME_BATCH_ACTIONS_INTERFACE_S to retrieve and populate a unique value.
ORGANIZATION_CODE   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Organization Code to which the batch belongs to
BATCH_NO   VARCHAR2 32 No   Yes No Batch Number of an existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing. Value provided by user is validated against an existing batch number in GME_BATCH_HEADER table
BATCHSTEP_NO   NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch Step Number of an already existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing.
INT_ORGANIZATION_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
BATCH_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch Identifier of an existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing for which action is to be performed. User can alternatively provide the BATCH_NO and ORGANIZATION_CODE to identify the batch.
INT_BATCH_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
BATCHSTEP_ID BATCH_NO+ ORGANIZATION_CODE+ BATCHSTEP_NO NUMBER 15 No   Yes No Batch step identifier of the batch step for which action needs to be performed. Alternately, user can provide a combination of BATCH_NO, ORGANIZATION_CODE, and BATCHSTEP_NO to identify the batch step.
INT_BATCHSTEP_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
ACTUAL_START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual start date and time for batch or batch step
ACTUAL_CMPLT_DATE   DATE   No   No No Actual completion date and time for batch or batch step
CLOSE_DATE   DATE   No   No No Batch or Step Close Date and time.
IGNORE_MATERIAL_EXCEPTION   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Ignore Material Exceptions during batch action. Valid values are Y or N
TERMINATE_REASON_ID TERMINATE_REASON_CODE NUMBER 10 No   No No Batch termination reason identifier. User can provide the TERMINATE_REASON_CODE value instead.
INT_TERMINATE_REASON_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User should not populate or modify this column value.
TERMINATE_REASON_CODE   VARCHAR2 30 No   No No Batch terminate reason name
create_resv_pend_lots   NUMBER 2 No   No No When a Step or a Batch Reverted to pending this flag need to be passed. If the value is not passed then it will be treated as “No”. Create reservation for pending lots Valid values are
0 = No
1 = Yes
continue_lpn_txn   VARCHAR2 1 No   No No Y or N
CREATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
CREATION_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
GROUP_ID   NUMBER 15 Yes Yes   No Interface code processing column. Please do not update. Used for internal grouping of rows for efficient concurrent processing of many batch actions.
REQUEST_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. Please do not update. Processing logic populates the identifier of the concurrent request that processed this row.
PROCESS_PHASE   VARCHAR2 32 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. Please do not update. Used to populate the status of processing of this row by the concurrent process.
PROCESS_STATUS   VARCHAR2 32 No     No User needs to populate a value of '1' at the time of data load. If the corresponding row is not processed successfully for some reason, correct the problem in this row and update the value back to '1' after correcting the error column values. Re processing will happen only for rows where the process status column has a value of '1'.
OBJECT_TYPE   NUMBER 3 Yes     No The object, Batch or Step, for which action is to be performed.
100 - Batch
300 - Steps
ACTION   NUMBER 3 Yes     No The type of batch or batch step action to be performed
10 – Release
20 – Complete
30 – Close
40 – Re Open
50 – Revert to WIP
60 – Un Release
70 – Terminate Batch
80 – Cancel Batch


The following table summarizes the GME_RESOURCE_TXNS_INTERFACE table

Column Name Surrogate Columns Data Type Size Not Null Internal Only Key Col PK Column Description
INTERFACE_ID   NUMBER   Yes     Yes Unique identifier of the row as provided by the user. User may use the sequence GME_RESOURCE_TXNS_INTERFACE_S to retrieve and populate a unique value.
ORGANIZATION_CODE   VARCHAR2 3 No   Yes No Organization Code to which the batch belongs to
BATCH_NO   VARCHAR2 32 No   Yes No Batch Number of an existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing. Value provided by user is validated against an existing batch number in GME_BATCH_HEADER table.
BATCH_STEP_NO   NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch Step Number of an already existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing. Value provided by user is validated against an existing batch step number in table GME_BATCH_STEPS.
ACTIVITY   VARCHAR2 16 No   Yes No Batch Activity to which the Resource is associated.
RESOURCES   VARCHAR2 16 No   Yes No Resource used for this transaction.
RESOURCE_INSTANCE_NO   NUMBER 10 NO   Yes No Resource Instance Number used for this transaction.
BATCH_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No Batch Identifier of an existing batch in Oracle Process Manufacturing for which transaction is to be performed. User can alternatively provide the BATCH_NO and ORGANIZATION_CODE to identify the batch.
INT_BATCH_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
BATCHSTEP_RESOURCE_ID BATCH_NO + ORGANIZATION_CODE + BATCH_STEP_NO + ACTIVITY + RESOURCE NUMBER 10 No   Yes No This column value can be obtained from GME_BATCHSTEP_RESOURCES table to identify a unique combination of the batch, batch step, activity and resource being transacted. The user can either provide this value or provide a combination of BATCH_NO, ORGANIZATION_CODE, BATCH_STEP_NO, ACTIVITY, and RESOURCE
INT_ BATCHSTEP_RESOURCE_ID   NUMBER 10 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
RESOURCE_USAGE   NUMBER   No   No No Quantity of the resource used.
TRANS_DATE   DATE   No   No No Date of the resource transaction.
REASON_NAME   VARCHAR2 30 No   No No Reason code associated with the resource transaction.
START_DATE   DATE   No   No No Date and time the resource transaction started. Beginning of the resource transaction date must fall within the start and end date of the resources as defined in GME_BATCH_RESOURCES
END_DATE   DATE   No   No No Date and time the resource transaction ended. End of the resource transaction must fall within the begin and end date of the resource as defined in, GME_BATCH_RESOURCES
INSTANCE_ID RESOURCE_ INSTANCE_NO NUMBER 15 No   No No Resource Instance Identifier used for this resource transaction.
INT_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
INT_ORGANIZATION_ID   NUMBER   No Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
INT_FROM_INSTANCE_ID   NUMBER     Yes     Internal data processing column. User must not populate or modify this column value.
ACTION   NUMBER 3         The type of resource transaction action to perform. 10 - Start Resource, 20 - End Resource, 30 - Assign Resource, NULL - Import completed resource transaction.
COST_SOURCE   NUMBER           Indicate the source of the OSP resource charges. 1=Resource Cost, 2=PO Price.
PO_HEADER_ID   NUMBER           Purchase order header unique identifier, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
PO_LINE_ID   NUMBER           Purchase order line unique identifier, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
ACTUAL_RESOURCE_ RATE   NUMBER           Actual rate of the resource.
CURRENCY_CODE   VARCHAR2 15         Source document foreign currency, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE   DATE           Currency conversion date, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE   VARCHAR2 30         Foreign currency conversion type, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
RCV_TRANSACTION_ID   NUMBER           Receiving transaction unique identifier, which corresponds to the receiving transaction that generates resource transactions.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE   NUMBER           Currency conversion rate, derived from the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table.
TRANS_QTY_UM   VARCHAR2 3 No   No No Unit of Measure of the resource to be transacted.
REASON_ID   NUMBER   No   No No Reason unique identifier
CREATION_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE   DATE   No     No Standard row WHO column
CREATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   NUMBER 15 No     No Standard row WHO column
ATTRIBUTE1 – ATTRIBUTE30   VARCHAR2 240 No     No Descriptive Flex Fields Attribute1 to Attribute30 are supported.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY   VARCHAR2 30 No     No Descriptive Flex Category
PROCESS_PHASE   VARCHAR2 32 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. Please do not update. Used to populate the status of processing of this row by the concurrent process.
PROCESS_STATUS   VARCHAR2 32 No     No User needs to populate a value of '1' at the time of data load. If the corresponding row is not processed successfully for some reason, correct the problem in this row and update the value back to '1' after correcting the error column values. Re processing will happen only for rows where the process status column has a value of '1'.
REQUEST_ID   NUMBER 15 No Yes   No Interface Code processing column. Please do not update. Processing logic populates the identifier of the concurrent request that processed this row.
GROUP_ID   NUMBER 15 Yes Yes   No Interface code processing column. Please do not update. Used for internal grouping of rows for efficient concurrent processing of many batch actions.


The following table summarizes the GME_INTF_ERRORS table.

Column Name Data Type Size Not Null PK Column Description
GROUP_ID NUMBER  10 No No User input for "grouping" the rows together for processing
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2  30 Yes No Indicates whether it's a Batch or Step or Material or Resource Transaction
INTERFACE_ID NUMBER  240 Yes No Interface ID for which error is being logged
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2  30 No No Actual Column name of Interface Table
MESSAGE_NAME VARCHAR2 60 No No Message Token or Internal Name of Message from FND_NEW_MESSAGES
MESSAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 No No Severity ( Warning , Critical or Fatal Error )
MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR2  1000 No No Complete Message Text in User's language
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2  30 Yes No Coming from Which Interface Table
REQUEST_ID NUMBER   No No Concurrent Request ID which processed this data
PARAM1 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter , used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
PARAM2 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter, used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
PARAM3 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter, used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
PARAM4 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter, used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
PARAM5 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter, used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
PARAM6 VARCHAR2  30 No No For Storing the Message Parameter, used for substitution and generation of messages in other Languages
TOKEN1 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
TOKEN2 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
TOKEN3 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
TOKEN4 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
TOKEN5 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
TOKEN6 VARCHAR2  60 No No For Storing the values of Tokens.
CREATION_DATE DATE   No No Standard WHO Columns
CREATED_BY NUMBER  15 No No Standard WHO Columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE   No No Standard WHO Columns