Verify Mandatory Dependencies

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle Quoting Mandatory Dependencies

Oracle Quoting depends on other Oracle modules and applications to provide additional functionality. Mandatory dependencies are required for Oracle Quoting to function properly. Optional integrations, when employed, provide additional capabilities.

Oracle Quoting requires that the following applications be installed and implemented.

Setting up Oracle Receivables

Oracle Quoting uses Oracle Receivables to store customer information. Customer information is stored in the Trading Community Architecture (TCA) schema. Oracle Receivables also enables you to set up payment terms for your customers.

Please refer the Oracle Receivables User Guide for details on setting up payment terms.

Setting up Tax Locations

You can set up valid tax locations in Oracle Receivables. Failure to set up state and tax account combinations can result in errors.


Setting up Oracle Advanced Pricing

Oracle Quoting uses Oracle Advanced Pricing to set up essential pricing information including:

For information on setting up price lists, modifiers or agreements, see the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide or the Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual.

Terms Substitution Modifiers

Oracle Quoting supports the use of terms substitution modifiers. If you want a particular terms substitution modifier applied, set up the modifier such that it takes precedence. When using terms substitution modifiers in Quoting, you will observe the following behavior when a pricing call is made:


Attributes are used to create criteria for the Pricing Qualifiers you set up in Oracle Advanced Pricing. For example, use the Customer Name attribute to create Pricing Qualifiers to limit available promotions based on Customer Name.

For more information on attributes in Oracle Advanced Pricing, refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide.

Attributes Supported by Oracle Quoting

The following table lists the Pricing Attributes supported by Oracle Quoting.

Attributes Supported by Oracle Quoting
Context Attribute Name Pricing Level Pricing or Qualifier Attribute
Customer Account Type Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Agreement Name Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Agreement Type Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Bill To Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Customer Class Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Customer Name Line or Header Qualifier
Customer GSA Indicator Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Invoice To Party Site Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Party ID Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Sales Channel Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Ship To Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Ship To Party Site Line or Header Qualifier
Customer Site Use ID Line or Header Qualifier
Item ALL_ITEMS Line Pricing
Item Inventory Item ID Line Pricing
Item Item Category Line Pricing
Item Segment 1 (Key item flexfield segments) Line Pricing
Item Segment 2 Line Pricing
Item Segment 3 Line Pricing
Item Segment 4 Line Pricing
Item Segment 5 Line Pricing
Item Segment 6 Line Pricing
Item Segment 7 Line Pricing
Item Segment 8 Line Pricing
Item Segment 9 Line Pricing
Item Segment 10 Line Pricing
Item Segment 11 Line Pricing
Item Segment 12 Line Pricing
Item Segment 13 Line Pricing
Item Segment 14 Line Pricing
Item Segment 15 Line Pricing
Item Segment 16 Line Pricing
Item Segment 17 Line Pricing
Item Segment 18 Line Pricing
Item Segment 19 Line Pricing
Item Segment 20 Line Pricing
Line Volume Item Amount Line Pricing
Line Volume Item Quantity Line Pricing
Line Volume Period1 Item Quantity Line Pricing
Line Volume Period2 Item Quantity Line Pricing
Line Volume Period3 Item Quantity Line Pricing
Modlist Price List Line or Header Qualifier
Modlist Promotion Number Line or Header Qualifier
Order Customer PO Line Qualifier
Order Line Category Line Qualifier
Order Line Type Line Qualifier
Order Order Category Line Qualifier
Order Order Type Line or Header Qualifier
Order Pricing Date Line Qualifier
Order Request Date Line Qualifier
Order Shippable Flag Line or Header Qualifier
Pricing Attributes Model ID Line Pricing
Pricing Attributes Parent List Price Parent List Price Pricing
Segment Market Segment Line or Header Qualifier
Segment Target Segment Line or Header Qualifier
Terms Payment Terms Line or Header Qualifier
Terms Shipping Terms Line or Header Qualifier
Territory Territory Line or Header Qualifier
Volume Line Volume Line Qualifier
Volume Line Weight Line Qualifier
Volume Order Amount Header Qualifier
Volume Order Qty Line Qualifier

Setting up Oracle General Ledger

When setting up Oracle General Ledger, you must define:

Refer to the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide for information on how to perform these tasks.

Setting up Oracle Inventory

Oracle Inventory serves as a repository for the items available for purchase in Oracle Quoting. Oracle Quoting supports the use of all items as long as they are Orderable.

In Oracle Quoting pages and windows, product and related product searches are filtered as follows:

Setting up Items to be Invoiced

The invoiceable_item_flag and invoice_enabled_flag system attributes in Advanced Product Catalog must be set to Yes to enable items in a quote to be invoiced.

Setting up Oracle Order Management

Perform the following setups in Oracle Order Management:

Setting up the Default Item Validation Organization

You must set up the default Item Validation Organization for your operating unit in Oracle Order Management. This can be done in the Oracle Order Management application from the Setup menu, select Parameter. For more information, refer to the Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual.

Setting up Shipping Methods

Oracle Quoting and Oracle Order Management treat shipping method modifier types differently.

Important: Select only one modifier type when setting up an Oracle Quoting shipping method in Oracle Order Management.

Credit Card Authorization and Risk Management

Using Oracle Payments functionality in the background, Oracle Order Management manages the processing of the credit card authorization and risk management validation when an order is placed.

Assign Workflow to the Transaction Type Selected in the Default Order Type Quoting parameter

Use the following guidelines to assign workflows for the transaction type you select in the Default Order Type Quoting parameter.


You must have a transaction type set up.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application windows as Oracle Order Management Super User.

  2. Navigate to Setup, select Transaction Types, then select Define.

  3. Query for the value in the Quoting parameter Default Order Type.

Oracle Quoting Optional Integrations

The following conditional dependencies provide additional functionality but are not required for Oracle Quoting to function.

How to Verify Specific Setups for Dependencies

Refer to the Oracle CRM Application Foundation Implementation Verification Checklist to ensure that all dependencies are installed, implemented, and set up correctly. This document is available on My Oracle Support.