Customers and Relationships

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Customers and Relationships

There are two customer types in Oracle Quoting:

Parties of type Person are individuals who are purchasing on their own behalf. Each person must have a primary address. A person can have multiple addresses and phone numbers.

Parties of type Organization may be a company, a company subsidiary or branch, an association, a non-profit, or a government branch. Each organization must have a primary address, yet can have multiple addresses and contacts associated with it. The address may belong to the organization or the contact.

A Contact represents an organization. Any individual at an organization can be your contact. Contacts within an organization are set up with roles such as contact of or employee of.

Customer Data

To create quotes and orders, certain standard customer information is necessary. The Bill To and Ship To information, which is optional when creating the quote, is mandatory when creating an order from the quote.

Note: The customer, referred to in Quoting as the Quote To customer, is the party for whom the quote is being created. This party becomes the Sold To customer when the quote becomes an order in Oracle Order Management.

The following table shows the mapping of Oracle Quoting terminology to the Oracle Order Management (OM) terminology.

Location in UI Quoting Terminology OM Terminology
Quote Header tab Quote To Customer, Account Number, Quote To Contact, Quote To Address
Note: The Quote To address is not passed into OM.
Customer, Customer Number, Contact, Address
Addresses section of the Quote Header tab - Ship To region Ship To Customer, Ship To Customer Account, Ship To Contact, Ship To Address Ship To Customer, Ship To Customer Number, Ship To Contact, Ship To Address
Addresses section of the Quote Header tab - Bill To region Bill To Customer, Bill To Customer Account, Bill To Contact, Bill To Address Bill To Customer, Bill To Customer Number, Bill To Contact, Bill To Address
Addresses section of the Quote Header tab - End Customer region End Customer, End Customer Account, End Customer Contact, End Customer Address End Customer, End Customer Number, End Customer Contact, End Customer Address

This customer data can be grouped into the following areas:

Quote-To Information:

Bill To Information:

Ship To Information

End Customer Information

Creation of Accounts

Out of the box, Oracle Quoting does not require financial accounts—for parties without any accounts—when creating a quote. Sales representatives can create quotes for either prospects or customers. A prospect does not have a financial account, while a customer has one or more financial accounts.

Note: If the customer does not have any active financial accounts, they will be treated as a prospect.

Oracle Quoting allows you to determine at which point an account is created. For more information on the following profile options, see the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

Account creation is based on the ASO: Auto Account Creation profile. This profile determines when an account should be automatically created.

Depending on how you set the profile option ASO: Auto Account Creation, you can set up account restriction in the following ways:

The following table shows the behavior of Oracle Quoting based on the settings of the profile options.

Quoting Behavior Based on Profile Options
Profile Option Setting Create Sold To Select Sold To Create Ship To/Bill To/End Customer Select Ship To/Bill To/End Customer Web Publishing Order Conversion
ASO: Auto Account Creation set to Always Create account Create account if party does not have any Create account Create account if party does not have any NA NA
ASO: Auto Account Creation set to As Required Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Create account for all customers in quote without account Create account for all customers in quote without account
ASO: Auto Account Creation set to Place Order Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Throw error if any customers on quote do not have accounts Create account for all customers on quote without an account
ASO: Auto Account Creation set to Never Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Do not create account Throw error if any customers on quote do not have accounts Throw error if any customers on quote do not have accounts

If ASO: Auto Account Creation is set to Always, an account is created when the user saves a quote. In addition, each time a new party is created, as account is created as well.

ASO: Auto Account Creation is set to As Required, an account is created for each customer on the quote (that does not have an account) when the quote is:

If ASO: Auto Account Creation is set to Place Order, an account is created for each party on the quote (that does not have an account) when the quote becomes an order.

If ASO: Auto Account Creation is set to Never, and sold to, ship to, or bill to party on the quote does not have any active account, an error is thrown when the quote is Web published or submitted to Oracle Order Management.

Creating a Customer

You can create customers in the Forms UI by selecting Enter Customer from the Actions menu. This menu option calls up the Oracle Receivables form that you can use to create customers. Refer to the Oracle Receivables User's Guide for more information.

Note: The Oracle Receivables Enter Customer form always creates accounts for new customers. Therefore, this form must be disabled if users should be able to create customers without creating financial accounts. See the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide for more information.

To create a new customer in Oracle Quoting, select Enter Customer from the Actions LOV in the Quote Header.

