Setting Up Profile Options and Lookups

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Claim Profile Options

There are certain system profile options that must be set for Claims to function properly. Select the settings that meet your business requirements. To set profile options for Claims, see the following table.

Use this procedure to set a profile option. Log into Oracle Forms with the System Administrator responsibility.

You can also set Profile Options when you log in with the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Administrator Responsibility.

Navigation: Profile > System.

  1. Check the level(s) at which you want to set the profile option. The available levels are listed below:

    • Site: The default setting.

    • Application: If you select this level, choose the application from the Application LOV for which you want to set the profile option.

    • Responsibility: If you select this level, choose the responsibility from the Responsibility LOV for which you want to set the profile option.

    • User: If you select this level, choose the user from the User LOV for whom you want to set the profile option.

  2. Search for the profile name.

  3. Verify or set the profile option(s) at the levels that you selected.

Profile Options for Claims
Profile Name Required Level Setting Default Effect/Limitation
OZF: Allow Netting of Unrelated Customer Transactions No Site Yes, No No Enables you to settle claims with unrelated customers' open debit or credit transactions
OZF : Allow UnRelated Ship To No   Yes or No Yes If set to Yes, payment can be made to a party that is different from the party taking a deduction.
This profile controls the ship-to customer selection for claims. If you set the profile to Yes, the ship-to customer LOV lists all customer ship-tos. If you set the profile to No, the ship-to customer LOV lists ship-tos for the selected and related customers only.
If you settle claims by RMA, Oracle recommends setting the OM system parameter option influencing Customer Relationships and this profile option to the same values. If
  • If you set the OM option to all, set this profile to Yes.

  • If you set the OM option to Related/Single, set this profile to No.

If you do not set these options as described, you may encounter "Validation failed for ship-to" error during settlement.
OZF : AR Credit Method For Installment Yes Appl
Credit method values from AR Prorate For Credit Memo-Invoice settlement, if the crediting transaction/invoice has multiple installments, Oracle Channel Revenue Management passes information to AR stating which of the installments must be credited. This profile provides the value. The available options are:
  • First in First Out (FIFO): credits the first installment first.

  • Last In First Out (LIFO): credits the last installment first.

  • Prorate: credits the installments of the credited transaction and prorates them based on the amount remaining for each installment.

  • If this profile value is not defined, the value defaults to Prorate.

OZF : AR Credit Method For Rule Yes Appl
Credit method values from AR Prorate This determines the use of invoicing and accounting rules for the credit memo generated by Credit Memo-Invoice settlement.
If you are settling a claim by credit memo-invoice and if the invoice being credited uses accounting rules, Channel Revenue Management needs passes information to AR stating how the accounting entries must be reversed by the credit memo. The value passed is determined by this profile.
The available Rules Methods include:
  • Last In First Out (LIFO): to back out revenue starting with the last general ledger period and reverse all prior periods until it has used up the credit memo.

  • Prorate: to credit an equal percentage to all account assignments for this invoice.

  • Unit: to reverse the revenue for the number of units you specify from an original line of the invoice.

If this profile value is not defined, the value defaults to Prorate.
OZF : Automate Deduction/Overpayment Settlement     Yes or No Yes If profile is set to NO, Oracle Channel Revenue Management does not create the settlement document in AR. Instead, Oracle Channel Revenue Management uses the claims settlement workflow to send a notification to Receivable Role who then manually creates the settlement document in AR. If this profile is set to Yes, then creates settlement document in AR
OZF : Automate RMA Settlement No   Yes or No Yes If profile is set to No, Oracle Channel Revenue Management does not create the RMA in AR. Instead, Oracle Channel Revenue Management uses the claims settlement workflow to send a notification to Receivable Role who manually creates the settlement document in OM/AR. If profile is set to Yes, Oracle Channel Revenue Management creates the RMA.
OZF: By Default Display Accruals and Adjustments for Customers No Site
Yes or No Yes This profile option determines whether all offers or searched for offers are displayed in the Accruals and Adjustments for Customers region of Accrual Search Results.
If set to Yes, all offers are displayed in the Accruals and Adjustments for Customers region of Accrual Search Results.
If set to No, you must search for and display the required offers in the Accruals and Adjustments for Customers region of Accrual Search Results.
OZF : Claim Write-Off Threshold No Site
Amount 50 This profile is used by the claims settlement fetcher when settling deductions and overpayments. If the claim was not settled for the entire amount and the balance is less then the value specified for this profile, the balance is written off. For invoice deductions, this creates an adjustment on the invoice. For non invoice deductions and overpayments, a receipt write off is created.
OZF: Default Claims Settlement Workflow Role Yes Appl
A valid Oracle Receivable role A valid Oracle Receivable role When settlement is not automatic (as identified by profiles defined earlier), Oracle Channel Revenue Management sends a notification to a Receivable Role. The Role may be set using the item attribute of the claims settlement workflow or using this profile, If no role is set, the owner receives a notification stating that the "Receivable Role" is not defined.
In a multi-org setup, this profile option provides the ability to setup claim settlement workflow to send notifications to different roles depending on the operating unit. The profile should be set to different roles for different Oracle Channel Revenue Management responsibilities depending on the associated operating unit. The value set at the profile option is used only when the item attribute has no value to allow for backward compatibility.
OZF: Default number of months for autopay parameter No Appl
  18 months In the autopay concurrent program, only if the For Period parameter is Months, then use this profile option to define the Value parameter. For example, after selecting the For Period parameter value as Months, if you set this profile option value as 5, then the Value LOV will display a list of five months.
OZF: Default Show Scan Accruals Yes Appl
Yes or No Yes This profile option determines if the scan promotion accrual region is visible in the default view of a claim.
If this profile option is set to Yes, the Scan Promotion Accrual region is displayed by default under the Promotional tab.
If this profile option is set to No, the Scan Promotion Accrual region is not displayed by default under the Promotional tab.
OZF : Default Status when creating Claims Yes Appl
Open (deleted) or New (Cancelled) Open This profile option allows you to set the status when you create a claim. You can set the claim status to: New - When a claim is in New status it can be deleted. Open - When claim is in open status it can be cancelled. Oracle recommends setting the value of this profile option to Open. This means when you create a claim or use Mass Create to create a large number of claims they will be set to Open status and you will not have to open each claim individually to cancel it.
OZF: Defaulting Legal Entity for Claim Yes Appl
All available legal entities within the system OZF: Defaulting Legal Entity for Claim profile option For any claim created from third party systems through Oracle Channel Revenue Management API or interface, legal entity can be accepted as a parameter. It is not mandatory. If the legal entity is not passed, it will be defaulted by the OZF: Defaulting Legal Entity for Claim profile option.
OZF: Derive Accrual Account during Claims Settlement Yes Site Yes or No No Oracle Channel Revenue Management uses this profile option during claim settlement only if the claim has earnings associated and the post to GL flag in system parameters is set to Yes.
  • If this profile option is set to No, the General Ledger (GL) entry creation is online. The accrual liability account for the GL entries is defaulted from the accrual liability account used for the GL entries created for the budget utilizations.

  • If this profile is set to yes, the GL entry creation is deferred and you must runt the workflow background process for "Claim Settlement". The accrual liability account for the GL entries is derived using the account derivation rules that you defined.

OZF: Enable Channel Period Management Yes Site Yes and No No Determines whether to use the channel revenue period management functionality
OZF: GL Date for Accounting Sweep Yes Site
First Open Period
Current Open Period
First Open Period Indicates the date or period to use when entries are swept to another open period

Note: Period validations using this profile option are for promotional claims. For nonpromotional claims the system refers to Oracle Payables or Oracle Receivables period status.

OZF : Implement Contra Charge payment method Yes Site
Yes or No Yes Yes = contra charge settlement method is available. Contra charges are used to track offsetting balances for creditors who are also debtors.
OZF : Implement Payables Integrations Yes Site
Yes or No Yes Yes = settlement by check is available in Channel Revenue Management. If profile option is set to Yes, the following settlement methods are available for claim settlement: Check, Wire, EFT, Payables Debit and Payables Default
No - settlement by check is not available in Channel Revenue Management.
OZF : LOV for Claim Type and Reason on Mass Settlement   Appl
  Show all claim types and reasons Set at the site level. Show all LOV in system parameters claim types and reasons.
Show selected claim types and reasons: Default value for this option. System will display only the claim types and reasons used in the mass settlement.
OZF : Modifier to adjust unit price for RMA Settlement No     Manual Override This profile is used for RMA settlement in the following case: In a claim line, a user enters a product price which is different from the price list or original invoice or order price. The modifier defined in this profile is used for adjusting the price when the price entered on the line is not equal to the price defined in OM. The option values of this profile can be defined in Order Management. Follow these steps:
  1. Log in to Order Management with Super User responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Pricing > Modifiers > Modifier Setup. The Advanced Pricing - Define Modifier window appears.

  3. In the Main tab, enter a Modifier Type = Discount.

  4. In the Number field, enter the modifier list number.

  5. In the Name field, enter the modifier list name.

  6. Check the Active box.

  7. Enter a currency. The currency must be the same as the claim currency.

  8. Enter the start date and end date that the modifier lines are effective.

  9. Enter a description of the modifier list.

  10. In the Modifiers Summary tab, enter the Level = Line.

  11. Enter Modifier Type = Discount.

  12. Enter the start date and end date for this modifier line.

  13. Uncheck the Automatic box.

  14. Check the Override box.

  15. Enter Pricing Phase = All Lines Adjustment.

  16. Click Save.

OZF: Number of Claims for Asynchronous Mass Settlement No Site Null and Numbers Null Specify the minimum number of claims for which to perform an asynchronous mass settlement.
OZF: RBS Receipt PAD Attribute Yes Site
The claim attribute value Attribute 15 This profile enables you to specify the claim DFF attributes (any from 1 to 15) to which you have mapped the Oracle Receivables Receipt flexfield to hold the Pre Authorized Debit Memo (PAD) number on the deduction.
OZF: Select Write-off Activities Based on GL Balancing Segment. No Site Yes or No Yes This option allows users to filter receivable write off activity based on the Oracle General Ledger balancing segment selected when defining claim types.
Yes= GL Balancing Segment check box appears on the System Parameters page, and GL Balancing Segment field appears on the Claim Type page.
No = Default setting. Oracle General Ledger Balancing Segment options do not appear on these pages.
Enables users to filter Receivable write-off activity based on Oracle General Ledger balancing segment values.
OZF: Default View for Associated Accrual Details Region No Appl
Activity, Order, Period, Product Activity Use this option to set a view for the Associated Accrual Details section and the accrual search region.
OZF: Use Account Generator Workflow No Site Yes or No No This option is used to call the account generator workflow for accrual accounting.
If the profile option is set to Yes, the account generator workflow is called to generate an account code combination ID.
If the profile option is set to No, the account generator workflow is not called.
OZF : Under Write Off Threshold Approval Required No Appl
Yes or No No Yes = approval required as dictated by custom setup.
No = approval not required even if dictated by custom setup.

Defining Lookups

Lookups supply the content of many of the lists of values (LOVs) in the Oracle Channel Revenue Management user interface. Most lookups are predefined (seeded in the application). The seeded values can be left as is, or you can customize them to fit your business needs. Lookup values make choosing information quick and easy, they ensure that users enter only valid data into Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement.

You can add new lookup values at any time. You can set the Enable flag for a value to No, so that the value no longer appears in the list of values, or you can use the start date and end date to control when a value will appear in a list.

To create a new lookup type, add values to an existing lookup type, or prevent existing values from appearing in a lookup type, use the Application Utilities Lookups window. You must log out and log in again to see the effect of your changes.

To define a new lookup type and lookup value, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management with Oracle Trade Management Administrator responsibility. Click on Lookups under Setups.


To add a new value to an existing Lookup, query the lookup type to which you want to add a value, and complete the fields as required.

User Access Level Lookups

The following table lists all of the claims and deductions lookups for the user access level. This table also lists the values for each lookup. Some values list the meaning (in parentheses) next to the value if the value warrants further description.

User Lookups
Lookup Name/Code Access Level Values
Associate Earnings Summary View
DOC_CLASS (Document Class)
Autopay Beneficiary Customer Types
Claim Item Type
FAMILY (Product Category)
MEMO_LINE (Standard Memo Line)
Claim Line Credit Methods
Claim Reason types
Reject Reason Code
User 04 (Authorized Quantity Exceeded)
29 (Claim Submitted Past Exercise Period)
T6 (Claim does not contain enough information for repricing )
28 (Duplicate Invoice Number)
26 (Invalid Customer Number)
14 (Invalid Part Number)
02 (Price Authorization Expired)
01 (Price Authorization Invalid)
03 (Product not on the Price Authorization)
Subsequent Receipt Application History Events
Threshold Type
Under Write-off Threshold lookup
UnEarned Payments for Offers
User ALLOW_ALL (Allow for All)
ALLOW_SELECTED (Allow for Selected)
UnEearned Payments for Offers lookup in Trade Profile

Extensible Access Level Lookups

The following table lists all of the claims and deductions lookups for the extensible access level. This table also lists the values for each lookup. Some values list the meaning (in parentheses) next to the value if the value warrants further description.

User Extensible Lookups
Lookup Name/Code Key Values
Claims Automatic Payment Methods
Extensible AP_DEBIT AP (Debit)
AP_DEFAULT AP (Default Payment)
ADJUSTMENT (Adjustment)
REG_CREDIT_MEMO (Credit Memo - Invoice)
CREDIT_MEMO (Credit Memo - On Account)
CUSTOM (Customer Method)
DEBIT_MEMO (Debit Memo)
EFT (Electronic Transfer)
MASS_SETTLEMENT (Mass Settlement)
ON_ACCT_CREDIT (On Account Credit)
PREV_OPEN_CREDIT (Previous Open Credit)
PREV_OPEN_DEBIT (Previous Open Debit)
RMA Return Material Authorizations
WIRE (Wire Transfer)
WRITE_OFF (Write Off)
Followup Action Code
Extensible S (Do not Resubmit; Inquiry initiated to Third Party)
C (Please Correct and Resubmit)
X (Please Wait 10 Days and Resubmit)
W (Please Wait 30 Days and Resubmit )
R (Resubmission Allowed)
N (Resubmission Not Allowed)
D (Resubmit Entire Claim)
E (Resubmit this item only)
Extensible Closed (Closing Claim Notification)
Extensible MISSINGSHIP (Missing Shipment)
QTLYUPD (Quarterly Update)
Extensible OZF_UOM_CODE_MAP_MISS (Code Conversion Mapping is not defined for this UOM)
OZF_CURRENCY_MISMATCH (Agreement Price and Selling Price must be same)
OZF_INVALID_AGREEMENT_TYPE (Agreement Type must be Special Price or Price List)
OZF_TP_ADJ_NOTFOUND (Agreement is Missing)
OZF_AGREEMENT_MISS (Agreement is Null)
OZF_CLAIM_CUST_ID_MISSING (Bill To Customer ID is Missing)
OZF_BILL_TO_ACCT_NULL (Bill To Customer does not have an Account)
OZF_CLAIM_CUST_NM_MISS (Bill to Customer Name is Missing)
OZF_BILL_TO_PARTY_NAME_NULL (Bill to Party Name is Missing)
OZF_AMT_NOT_MATCH (Calculated amount does not match claimed amount)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_OFF_OFF_INV (Cannot claim an agreement based on an off invoice offer)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_LINE_WNG (Cannot find an agreement line matching the request
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_OFF_NULL (Cannot find offer based on the agreement)
OZF_RESALE_CLAIM_AMT_MISS (Claimed Amount is Missing)
OZF_LT_INVT (Claimed quantity is less than what has been bought)
OZF_AGREEMENT_CODE_MAP_MISS (Code Conversion Mapping is not defined for this agreement)
(OZF_PRODUCT_CODE_MAP_MISS (Code Conversion Mapping is not defined for this product)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_CURRENCY_WNG (Currency of the order and agreement do not match.)
OZF_CLAIM_CUST_NOT_IN_DB (Customer is invalid)
OZF_DATE_ORDERED_NOT_IN_RANGE (Date Ordered is not between Batch Start Date and End Date)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_END_CUST_WNG (End Customer does not match that of agreement)
OZF_GET_ORDER_PRIC_ERR (Error happened during get order price) OZF_PROC_PRIC_RESLT_ERR (Error happened during process order) OZF_CURR_CONV_ERROR (Error in Currency Conversion)
OZF_RESALE_PRICE_ERROR (Error in Getting Product Price)
OZF_BILL_TO_VAL_ERROR (Error in Validating Bill To Customer)
OZF_END_CUST_VAL_ERROR (Error in Validating End Customer)
OZF_SHIP_FROM_VAL_ERROR (Error in Validating Ship From Customer)
OZF_SHIP_TO_VAL_ERROR (Error in Validating Ship To Customer)
OZF_SOLD_FROM_VAL_ERROR (Error in Validating Sold From Customer)
OZF_DQM_PROCESS_ERROR (Error in running DQM Process)
OZF_ORDER_TYPE_ID_NULL (ID for Order Type is Missing) I
OZF_RESALE_PRODUCT_ID_MISS (ID for Product is missing)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_WNG (Incorrect agreement)
OZF_CLAIM_BILL_TO_ST_WRNG (Invalid Bill To Site)
OZF_RESALE_WRNG_ORD_CGRY (Invalid Order Category)
OZF_WRNG_ORDER_TYPE (Invalid Order Type)
OZF_INVLD_MVMT_TYPE (Invalid Product Transfer Movement Type)
OZF_RESALE_WRNG_TRANSFER_TYPE (Invalid Resale Transfer Type )
_SHIP_FROM_ACC_INVALID (Invalid Ship From Customer Account Information)
OZF_CLAIM_SHIP_TO_ST_WRNG (Invalid Ship To Site)
OZF_SOLD_FROM_ACC_INVALID (Invalid Sold From Customer Account Information)
OZF_RESALE_PRODUCT_NOT_IN_DB (Inventory Item is Invalid)
OZF_INVOICE_NUMBER_NULL (Invoice Number is Missing)
OZF_DATE_INVOICED_NULL (Invoiced Date is Missing)
OZF_DUPLICATED_LINE (Line is Duplicated)
OZF_RESALE_DUP (Line is Duplicated)
OZF_RESALE_NON_TRC (Non- tracing data found in this batch)
OZF_RESALE_ORDTYPE_NOT_IN_DB (Order Type is Invalid)
OZF_RESALE_ORD_DATE_MISS (Order date is missing)
OZF_ORD_DATE_LT_START(Order is made earlier than Report Start Date)
OZF_ORD_DATE_GT_END (Order is made later than the Report End Date)
OZF_RESALE_ORD_NUM_MISS (Order number is missing
OZF_RESALE_ORIG_QUAN_MISS (Original Quantity is Missing) OZF_RESALE_ORIG_UOM_MISS Original UOM is Missing)
OZF_RESALE_PRICE_NOT_IN_DB (Price List is Invalid)
OZF_MOVEMENT_TYPE_NULL (Product Transfer Movement Type is Missing)
OZF_CURRENCY_UNSUPPORTED (Purchase Price and Selling Price are not the same)
OZF_RESALE_PUR_PRICE_MISSING (Purchase Price is missing)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_QUN_GT_MAX (Requested quantity greater than max quantity)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_QUN_LT_MIN (Requested quantity less than minimum quantity)
OZF_SALES_TRANS_MISS (Required field(s) is missing for inventory tracking.)
OZF_NO_CONTACT_DQM_RULE (Resale DQM Contact Rule profile must be set with a valid rule)
OZF_NO_PARTY_DQM_RULE (Resale DQM Party Rule profile must be set with a valid rule)
OZF_NO_SITE_DQM_RULE (Resale DQM Site Rule profile must be set with a valid rule)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_RESELL_WNG (Reseller does not match that of agreement)
OZF_RESALE_SELL_PRICE_NULL (Selling Price is Missing)
OZF_SHIP_FROM_ACCOUNT_NULL (Ship From Customer does not have an Account)
OZF_RESALE_SHIP_FROM_MISS Ship (From Party ID is missing )
OZF_SHIP_TO_ACCT_NULL (Ship to Customer does not have an Account)
OZF_SHIP_TO_PARTY_NAME_NULL (Ship to Party Name is Missing)
OZF_SOLD_FROM_ACCOUNT_NULL (Sold From Customer does not have an Account)
OZF_RESALE_SOLD_FROM_MISS (Sold From Party ID is missing)
OZF_RESALE_AGRM_RANG_WNG (The order is not qualified for the agreement)
OZF_SPP_NO_UOM_CONV_CURR (UOM does not match the current quantity UOM)
OZF_SPP_NO_UOM_CONV_MAX (UOM does not match the max quantity UOM)
OZF_SPP_NO_UOM_CONV_MIN (UOM does not match the minimum quantity UOM)
OZF_RESALE_UOM_NOT_IN_DB (Unit of Measure is Invalid)
OZF_RESALE_AGR_TYPE_WNG (Wrong Agreement type for Special Pricing Process)