Concurrent Programs

This chapter covers the following topics:

Running Concurrent Programs

Use the following high level procedure for running any Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent program or program set. You can use these procedures to run or schedule any of the Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions Settlement concurrent programs.

See Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for complete details on Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent programs.

Select the Oracle Trade Management Administrator responsibility.

  1. Choose Single Request (if running a single concurrent program) or Request Set (if running a set of concurrent programs).

  2. Query for the appropriate concurrent program, if necessary.

  3. You can run the program immediately or schedule batch jobs. If scheduling, select the time frame.

You can check the status of the program you submitted using the Find Request window. To navigate to this window, go to Requests from the View menu and click on the Find Requests button. Use the Refresh Data button to update the request status.

Concurrent Programs for Claims

Run the following concurrent programs for claims after the use of claims has commenced — not at the time of implementation.

Concurrent Programs for Claims
Program/Name Required Description
Update Claims - Payable Settlement Methods No To reopen a claim, update settlement document, and synchronize invoice vendor information from Oracle Payables for a pending close or closed claim status. This is required when there is an exception such as payment void, invoice canceled, check canceled, or vendor changed in Oracle Payables.
Claims Aging Populating Yes Required for using the Claims Aging View. It must be run when using time periods, defined in the Aging Bucket created in Oracle Receivables. This program populates the Aging Bucket, grouping them by customer.
Aging is run based on the system date. This program has to be run on a daily basis to get the daily aging analysis for the customers.
Claims can be aged using a past due bucket type.
Claims Auto Write-offs Program No Batch process to automatically write off claims that have the automatic write off check box selected.
Process can be run for:
  • Claim class—deduction or overpayment. If blank, all claims included.

  • Customer—select a customer. If blank, all claims included.

  • Claim type—select a claim type. If blank, all claims included

Claims Autopay Yes Autopay can be set up to regularly pay accruals based on a customer, budget, campaign or offer.
When it runs, it looks at the specified budget, customer, offer, or campaign; finds their outstanding accruals; finds an Autopay payment frequency or threshold set up for each customer; finds the payment preference; and automatically creates a claim.
It also triggers the claim settlement process, which may first go through the approval process. The settlement method selected for each claim is either check or credit and is based on the payment preference set up in the offer and customer's trade profile.
If the Group by Offer parameter is enabled on the autopay program, the system generates a single claim per offer earnings.
Claims Import Purge No This program is used to purge the claims import interface table.
Claims Settlement Fetcher Yes This program retrieves transactions created in Payables (check) or Receivables (credit memo or debit memo) as a result of a claim settlement, update, or closure.
Claim settlement on manual claims is created through Autoinvoice or Payables Open Interface Import. These programs run in batch mode. After the actual payment is created in Oracle Receivables or Oracle Payables, Claim Settlement Fetcher must run. This causes the data to show in claims.
The Claim Settlement Fetcher closes the claim, updates the claim with payment details, and in case of deduction, also updates the receiving application with pay details.
The program is also used:
  • To close out deductions or overpayments settled with credit or debit memos using Autoinvoice.

  • When deductions are settled with a return materials authorization (RMA).


    Claim Class

    Payment Method

    Claim Type



Create Accounting Yes Creates accounting entries in Oracle Subledger Accounting for promotional claim settlement events, and transfers and posts these to Oracle General Ledger.
Import Claims Yes In addition to creating claims manually in TM, you can also import claims using the Import Interface. This data is from legacy or third party systems. Companies implementing TM can populate an interface table and run a concurrent process to create claims automatically in TM.
The Import Claims program pushes the data from the interface tables into TM claims. It runs through the standard validation process for claims creation, rejecting the claims that are not successful for import.
Parameters: None.
OZF: Legal Entity Stamping Upgrade No To ensure legal compliance, all transactions that translate to legal documents must be stamped with the Legal Entity ID at the header level. The Claims table contains a legal entity column. This concurrent program stamps the legal entity id on the existing Claim records.
Note: This concurrent program contains the OZF prefix.
Refresh Materialized Views for Promotional Payment Yes For the refresh for promotional payments to occur you must run the program with the parameter "earnings".
Updated the materialized view for promotional payments with the most recent earnings information.
This profile options collects the data as follows:
  • Utilized

    • Order related utilizations (positive), such as those for accrual and off-invoice offers, are utilizations for orders booked but not shipped, invoiced or closed. These utilizations are not the same as “earned” balances. Return related utilizations (negative), are utilizations for return orders booked but not invoiced (credited) or closed.

    • Non-order related utilizations, such as those for lump sum and scan data offers, as well as utilizations created by net accrual offers, partner activities or indirect sales purposes, do not distinguish between utilized and earned.

    • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

  • Earned

    • Order related utilizations (positive), are utilizations for orders shipped, invoiced or closed. Return related utilizations (negative), are utilizations for return orders invoiced (credited) or closed.

    • Non-order related utilizations as well as utilizations created by net accrual offers, partner activities or indirect sales purposes, are the same as utilized.

    • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

  • Paid

    • For off-invoice types of utilizations such as off-invoice, order value and promotional good offers, the paid amounts are the same as earned amounts.

    • For accrual types of utilizations such as accrual, lump sum and scan data offers, the paid amounts are claim amounts associated to the accruals.

    • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

  • Unpaid Earning (earned minus paid)

    • The Budget Materialized View does not contain an Unpaid earnings column because these values are essentially a calculation. Storing a calculated column on the Budget Materialized View may result in performance issues.

Rule Based Settlement Engine No This program automates the process of matching claims and deductions to open credits and accruals based on matching attributes and closing claims for exact matches.
Transfer to General Ledger Yes See description in Concurrent Programs for Budgets in the Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management Implementation Guide.