Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Overview of Profile Options

During implementation, you can set values for profile options at various levels to specify how the Oracle Field Service applications control access to and processes data. The system administrator sets and updates profile values. For more information see, Setting User Profile Options in the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

The following profile options are unique to Oracle Field Service and include profile options for the Spares Management and Preventive Maintenance modules. The Advanced Scheduler uses rules (combination of parameters) in place of profile options. See: Configuring Scheduler Rules

Note: The profile options numbered 1 to 4 regarding task statuses have seeded values. There is no immediate need to set these up differently. When a new status flow is implemented these profile options need to be changed to match the change in state transitions.

Field Service Profile Options

You can set the profile options described in this section in any order and at any level as indicated in the profile option tables:

For the Advanced Scheduler, you must set the parameters in place of profile options. You can set few of these parameters at the territory and technician levels apart from the mentioned four levels. See the Scheduler Parameters section in Configuring Scheduler Rules. In addition, most of the profile options have been provided with default values.

The abbreviation TDS stands for Time Distance Server.

CSF: Alert Auto Reject

Task assignment should be rejected if technician does not take any action on a notification before the due date.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Alert before shift begins in minutes

The number of minutes before a shift start that assignment notifications should be sent.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (minutes) 30 Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Alert Reminder Response Due Time in minutes

Time-out in minutes for reminder to create assignment notification.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (minutes) 120 Notifications S//U

CSF: Alert Response Due Time in minutes

Time-out in minutes for the first create assignment notification.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (minutes) 60 Notifications S/U

CSF: Alert Send Preference

Used by notifications to calculate the send date for notifications. Values are:

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
During Shift, Immediate, and Scheduled Day During Shift Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Alerts Task Priority Level

Notifications and alerts will be sent only for tasks of the specified priority or above.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Task Priorities Medium Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Allow overlapping labor lines and personal task

The profile controls the entry of overlapping start and end times for labor debrief lines and personal task. An error message is displayed if there is a conflict between the Labor Start Time and End Time fields in debrief and Scheduled Start and Scheduled End fields in a personal task assigned to a technician.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes Debrief and Personal task UI page S/A/R/U

CSF: Business Process

This profile option sets the order in which tasks are to confirm to schedule. Values are:

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
1, 2, and 3 1 Mobile Field Service Wireless, Store and Forward pages S/A/R

CSF: Capture Travel Information

This profile option sets the specific type of travel information to capture through the Field Service Technicians Portal when a technician is performing task-related work at a customer site. Capturing travel information is optional functionality.

Values are:

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None, Time, Distance, and Time and Distance None
  • Field Service Technician Portal

  • Mobile Field Service Wireless pages

  • Mobile Field Service Store and Forward Laptop pages


CSF: Copy Service Request Item Category to Task Skill Requirements

The profile enables auto generation of task skills from the product category on the service request, when creating the task.

Note: Product category skills are only copied if the service request has a product category attached.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Task tab of the Service Request window S/A/R/U

CSF: Copy Service Request Item to Task Skill Requirements

The profile enables auto generation of task skills from the product on the service request, when creating the task.

Note: Product category skills are only copied if the service request has a product category attached.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Task tab of the Service Request window S/A/R/U

CSF: Create Time Card

The profile enables Debrief integration with Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) or third party time card and payroll systems.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
OTL, Other, and None None Labor Debrief and Personal Task S/A/R/U

CSF: Data window in days for Gantt

Set to initialize the range of dates for which the data will be displayed on the Gantt chart. This option controls the display of the number of days on the Gantt chart.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (of days) 7 Field Service Dispatch Center page S/U

CSF: Default Accepted Task Status

Default status that is assigned when you accept a Field Service notification.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Task Statuses Accepted Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Auto Close Task Status

This option defines the default task status that will be used for closing a task upon closure of the service request.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Statuses Closed Field Service Task API S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Cancelled tasks status

Default status that is assigned to tasks that are set to “Canceled” in the Field Service Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Task Statuses Cancelled Field Service Dispatch Center page S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Commit Task Status

Default commit task status. Used when running the commit process in all modes to update the task status, during the commit function.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Task Statuses Assigned
  • Commit concurrent program

  • Commit function in the Field Service Dispatch Center


CSF: Default Debrief Business Process

This profile option sets the default business process that you want associated with the service activity code that displays in the Debrief page.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All business processes Null
  • Debrief page

  • Wireless Debrief


CSF: Default Debrief Service Activity Code

You can set a default Service Activity code to display in Debrief from this profile option.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Transaction Types belonging to the default debrief business process Null
  • Debrief page

  • Wireless Debrief


CSF: Default Dispatch Center Display

Determines the display mode of the Field Service Dispatch Center when opened.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Detail Tabbed Pages, Gantt, and Plan Board Detail Tabbed Pages Field Service Dispatch Center page S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Distance Unit

This profile enables you set the default unit of measure for distance on the wireless and portal pages.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Miles, and Kilo Meters Miles
  • Mobile Field Service Wireless

  • Field Service Technician Portal


CSF: Default Effort

The profile enables you specify a default value for effort when the actual end date is missing in the Field Service Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number 2 Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Effort UOM

The profile enables you specify a default value for unit of measure for the default effort profile option.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
UOM for the Default Effort profile Hour Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Find Tasks Function

The profile determines which find task should get opened from the Field Service Dispatch Center. This option controls the Search Task page that appears as the default.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Basic and Advanced Advanced Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Labor Debrief Date/Time

This profile controls the default travel and labor start and end times for debrief. The default value is Schedule Date.

LOV Values Value Behavior
Schedule Date This is the default value of the profile. If left at this value, labor and travel start and end dates default from the scheduled start and end dates for the task.
System Date If the profile is set to this value, labor and travel start and end dates default from the system date.
Status Changes When set to this value, travel and labor start and end times are based on changes in task assignment status.
None 1If set to this value, no start and end times are populated.

CSF: Default Planned Task Status for Planned Task

Default planned task status. Used by Scheduler to assign a status to planned tasks including tasks rescheduled from one technician's trip to another technician's trip.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Statuses Planned Interactive Scheduling and Autonomous Scheduling S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Query

Select which query will default in the Dispatch Center to View Tasks by in the task list.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Query Name In Box Field Service Dispatch Center page S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Rejected Task Status

Default status that is assigned when you reject a Field Service notification.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Task Statuses Rejected Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Return Reason (for Material Debrief)

This option determines the default return reason for a part on the Debrief page.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
User Defined Values Null
  • Debrief page

  • Mobile Field Service Wireless Debrief


CSF: Default Scheduling Type

The default scheduling type to be used when scheduling requests.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Assisted, Intelligent, and Window to Promise Assisted Advanced Scheduler S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Service Activity Code for Labor

This profile determines the default service activity code for labor within the Labor Debrief screen. The original profile value is Null. Select from defined service activity codes to set the required default value.

CSF: Default Service Activity Code for Travel

This profile determines the default service activity code for travel within the Labor Debrief screen. The original profile value is Null. Select from defined service activity codes to set the required default value.

CSF: Default Service History Display

This profile determines the query that is executed relating to service history when launched through the Field Service Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Customer, Site, Item, and Instance
No user defined values
Customer Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Skill Level Copy for Service Request Item

Enables the system to automatically assign Field Service task skill requirements when a task is not created from a template.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Expert, Trainee, and Standard Standard Service Request window S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Source for Contact

This profile sets the default source for the contact details. Based on the value selected, corresponding contacts (either service request or task contacts) will be displayed in both the Field Service Dispatch Center - Contacts tab and the Gantt tool tip.

You can have either Employee or Customer contacts associated to a service request. Similarly, contacts can be associated against the specific task in the Service Request window - Task tab and then click the More button where there is a Contacts tab within the Task Details window.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Service Request and Task Service Request Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Status Responsibility

Choose a default responsibility to define which state transition rule is used. This profile option is set for the users from the mobile applications.

If responsibility is not mentioned while defining status transition, then the value for the responsibility is taken from this profile option.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Used in the status transitions for task assignment S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Task Blocked Assigned Status

Default task status for "Blocked Assigned".

In the Dispatch Center when you block a trip, any tasks in that trip that have a status of Assigned will be moved to this status.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All task statuses Blocked Assigned Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Task Blocked Planned Status

Default task status for "Blocked Planned".

In the Dispatch Center when you block a trip, any tasks in that trip that have a status of Planned will be moved to this status.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All task statuses Blocked Planned Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Task Report Template

The profile defines the default layout that is used while generating a task report. You can customize the default template from the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Templates defined will be present in the LOV Field Service Task Summary Report Debrief S, A, R, U

CSF: Default Task Status for Personal Tasks

The profile defines the default task status for personal tasks. This task status appears by default when creating personal tasks.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All task statuses with the following task status attributes are enabled:
  1. Task Status

  2. Assignment Status

  3. Assigned and the following status attributes are not enabled:

    1. Rejected

    2. Onhold

    3. Cancelled

    4. Schedulable

    The enabling of the other attributes is optional

Assigned Mobile Field Service (Store and Forward) Multiplatform S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Task Type for Personal Tasks

The profile defines the default task type for personal tasks. This task type appears by default when creating personal tasks.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All task types having the Private flag enabled and either mapped to the source object service request or task manager, or not mapped to any source object. Personal Mobile Field Service (Store and Forward) Multiplatform S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Time Zone Source - Dispatch Center

Default time zone source for the Field Service Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Corporate Time Zone, User Time Zone User Time Zone Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Time Zone Source - Schedule Advice

Default time zone source for Schedule Advice.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Corporate Time Zone, User Time Zone User Time Zone Schedule Advice S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Unscheduled Task Status

This profile sets the default unscheduled task status when performing the unschedule function in the Field Service Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Statuses In Planning Field Service Dispatch Center unschedule function S/A/R/U

CSF: Default Working task status

This profile sets the default status for a parent task when any one of the child tasks is in a working status.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Statuses Working Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Default “In planning” task status

Default status that is assigned to tasks that are set to “In planning” in the Field Service Dispatch Center. This option is used in the Field Service Dispatch Center when the user unschedules a task by using the unschedule functionality.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Task Statuses In Planning Field Service Dispatch Center page S/A/R/U

CSF: Display Generic Note Types

Configures the values of the Note Type LOV.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No Yes Update Task S/A/R/U

CSF: Display Label on Task

Determines whether label (Customer Name) on a task bar in Dispatch Center Gantt chart is to be displayed.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No No Field Service Dispatch Center Gantt chart S/A/R/U

CSF: Display Only Technicians in Dispatch Center

This profile determines if dispatchers and dispatcher groups are also displayed as resources in the Plan Board, Scheduling Chart, and Map views of the Dispatch Center.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No No Field Service Dispatch Center Plan Board, Gantt chart, and Map views S/A/R/U

If you leave the default value for the profile selected, all Dispatch Center views display dispatchers and technicians assigned to territories without filtering based on assigned roles. Set the profile to Yes to display only technician resources assigned to the Field Service Representative role.

CSF: Display Shift Tasks

This profile controls the default display of shift tasks in the planboard and Gantt view of the Dispatch Center sessions. The default value is All. You can set the value at the site, responsibility, application, and user levels.

LOV Values Behavior
All Displays both regular and standby shift tasks on the planboard and Gantt chart.
None Hides both regular and standby shift tasks on the planboard and Gantt chart.
Only Regular Shift Tasks Displays only regular shift tasks on the planboard and Gantt chart.
Only Standby Shift Tasks Displays only standby shift tasks on the planboard and Gantt chart.

CSF: Display Shifts in Scheduling Results Gantt Chart

This profile controls if shift information is queried and displayed in the Gantt chart with scheduling results. If set to NO, the Gantt chart won't display shift in the Schedule Advice window.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No Yes Field Service Dispatch Center Gantt chart S/A/R/U

CSF: Display Warning Messages in Dispatch Center

This profile determines whether to display all warning messages on field level scheduling validations together in the List Messages window of the Dispatch Center or individually as and when validation occurs.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No No Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map data source name

The unique name that is given to the collection of data source parameters for the eLocation map (for example csfmap). This option is passed to the Mapviewer to render the Map. The name must be modified if any of the data source profile options change and the map server can not be restarted.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Name CSFMAP Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map Enable Java Debugging

Optionally enable additional debugging output to the Java console for the eLocation map.

Client side debugging will be enabled is set to Yes.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map High Latitude Coordinate

Do not change, high latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map High Longitude Coordinate

Do not change, high longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map JDBC Driver Type

The JDBC driver type used to make a connection to the data source for the eLocation map. The JDBC driver type is passed to the Mapviewer for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Thin Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map Last Used Service Area Number

Do not change, the identification number of the last viewed service area on the eLocation map. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number Null Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map Last Used Spatial Dataset

When a user in the Dispatch Center Map View selects the dataset and country to find technician locations on Google Maps and perform accurate routing and trip calculations, this profile stores these selections. This ensures that the next time the user navigates to the Map view, it displays the last used spatial dataset.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None, NA (North America), EU (Europe), WM (World Markets), and AU (Australia) None Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map Low Latitude Coordinate

Do not change, low latitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map low longitude coordinate

Do not change, low longitude coordinate of the last view area of the eLocation map. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: eLocation Map Move Factor (between 0.1 and 1)

The fraction of the width or height by which the eLocation map view should be moved when using the navigate buttons on the Map tab in the Field Service Dispatch Center. Used for rendering the Map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number between 0.1 and 1 0.85 Field Service Dispatch Center Map S/A/R/U

CSF: Enable Alerts

Determines whether a technician receives Field Service alerts and notifications.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Notifications S/A/R/U

CSF: Enable Destination Inventory Organization for Parts Transfer

This profile determines the destination organizations available for performing parts transfer.

If set to Yes, the Destination Organization LOV displays all the organizations that enable parts transfer. If set to No, the Destination Organization does not display an LOV and the source organization is displayed as the default value.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Parts Transfer S/A/R/U

CSF: Enable Return Routing in Debrief

This profile if set to Yes, enables you to process unused and defective on arrival parts associated with the task during debrief and capture additional routing details such as shipment and waybill numbers, and carrier. The default value for this profile is No.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes, No No Administrator and Technician portals Debrief tab S/A/R/U

CSF: Future Debrief Horizon from Current Time

This profile allows the user to specify debrief line in future time. The value in the labor end time field will not exceed current time + value set in this profile.

For example: If the Labor start time is 2:00 PM, the Current time is 3:30 PM and the value set in this profile is 5 hours, then the user will not be allowed to specify the labor end time as beyond 8:30 PM. If the user enters 9:00 PM, the system will throw an error message while the user tabs out of the end time field.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (hours) None Labor Debrief S/A/R/U

CSF: Geospatial Service URL

When the ODF data is installed, this profile option is used to specify the URL that is used for the ODF geocoder and router services.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
User to provide a URL None Field Service and Advanced Scheduler S

CSF: Google Map Addenda Parameters

This profile option is used to set extra parameters that are supported by Google. For example, you can add a parameter as Channel=Scheduler. This parameter tracks usage of Google maps across different applications having the same Client ID. The parameters must be provided as key and value pairs separated by &. For example, key1=value1 & key2=value2.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
- None Google Maps S,A,R,U

CSF: Google Map Client ID

This profile option is used to set the Client ID value in Oracle Field Service that enables geocoding in Google Maps.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
- None Google Maps S

CSF: Google Map Cryptographic Key

This profile option is used to set the Google Map Cryptographic Key, which is required while geocoding addresses using the Google geocoding service. Google issues the cryptographic URL signing key along with the client ID and it is a secret shared key between customer and Google.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
- None Google Maps S

CSF: Google Map Key

After you register for Google Maps from Google, Inc., you will enter the Registration KEY in this profile. This will invoke the Google Map functionality in the Field Service Dispatch Center and the Field Service Technician Portal.

If you set the value for this to Null, it invokes the eLocation Map in the Dispatch Center and the Technician Portal to display tasks, technician locations, and technician trips on the map.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
-, Null None Google Maps S

CSF: Inventory Organization ID

Set the default Inventory Organization ID by selecting one from the list of values. When the Field Service task is created in the Service Request window (not from a template) the item on the service request is used along with this profile while creating the skills.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Service Request window S/A/R/U

CSF: Location Finder Accuracy Level

This profile determines the minimum level of accuracy to which all addresses are to be resolved. Based on this value, the Location Finder would try to resolve the addresses. An address would be regarded as resolved if and only if the accuracy factor to which it got resolved is equal to or more than the one required by the user.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Zip code or City level accuracy, Street level accuracy, and Building number level accuracy Zip code or City level accuracy Scheduler S

CSF: Location Finder Installed

Value set to check if the location finder is installed. It is launched when a location for a task is missing, see profile option CSR: Create location. When set to Yes, it resolves the missing address using either available spatial data, Google Maps, or the eLocation map. For more information on what it uses to find addresses, see Using Google Maps in the Dispatch Center in the Oracle Field Service User Guide.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Null Scheduler S/A

CSF: Mandatory Labor Debrief

This profile determines if a task can be completed or closed without at least one labor debrief line. Set this profile to Yes to ensure that technicians create a labor line before they complete or close a task.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Technician Portal Debrief S/A

Note: Sometimes technicians have only travel debrief lines and no labor debrief lines. In such cases, profile CSF: Mandatory Labor Debrief honors travel debrief lines.

CSF: Mandatory Resolution Code

This profile determines that the service request for a task contains a resolution code if the task assignment status is Closed or Completed. Set the profile to Yes to ensure that technicians only close or complete tasks for which the service request has a resolution.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Technician Portal Debrief S/A

CSF: Maximum duration on Labor Debrief Line

This profile performs a reasonability check and provides a hard error in case the labor debrief line duration exceeds the value set in this profile.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number (hours) None Labor Debrief S/A/R/U

CSF: Maximum Tile Memory Size (in MB)

Maximum Memory in MB to be allocated for storing Tiles in Memory. Default allocated memory size in MB, if the caching is turned on.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None 128 Scheduler/TD Server S/A/R/U

CSF: Override Task Skill Requirement for Rescheduling in Scheduling Chart

This profile determines if dispatchers can drag and drop tasks with skill constraints when rescheduling.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes Field Service Dispatch Center Scheduling Chart view S/A/

CSF: Pass Scheduling Chart Context Date to Plan Board

This profile controls the maintainance of the date context when toggling from Scheduling Chart view to Plan Board view. If the dispatcher clicks on a user task to perform any action on the task including drag and drop rescheduling, the Dispatch Center takes the start date of this task and displays tasks across resources for this date when moving to the Plan Board view.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes When toggling from Dispatch Center Scheduling Chart view to Plan Board view S/A/R/U

CSF: Percentage Deviation from the Estimated Effort

This profile along with the profiles CSF: Maximum Duration on Labor Debrief Line and CSF: Future Debrief Horizon from Current Time, provides validation to compare actual effort with estimated effort when the labor debrief line is entered in the Field Service Portal. It checks if the actual duration of labor debrief falls short of scheduled (estimated) effort for the task. Field engineers are required to enter the actual effort in the range that can be a specific percentage of the estimated effort. For example, if the estimated effort is 10 hours and the “Allowed Deviation from the Estimated Effort” is 10 percent, Field engineers can enter hours in the range of 9 – 11. A soft warning is displayed if the specified labor hrs fall short/or exceed this range before they can proceed further.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Positive Integer (In percentage) Null When comparing the actual effort against the planned effort in the service request during labor debrief S/A/R/U

CSF: PM Service Request Status

This profile determines the default Preventive Maintenance service request status. This is used to default the service request status during PM service request generation.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Service Request Statuses Null Service Request/Task Generation program S/A/R/U

CSF: PM Service Request Type

This profile determines the default Preventive Maintenance service request type. This is used to default the service request type during PM service request generation.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
All Service Request Types Null Service Request/Task Generation program S/A/R/U

CSF: PM SR Generation Last Run Date

This profile displays the Preventive Maintenance SR Generation last run date. This value is set when the concurrent program is run. It will be used in the next iteration of the program run.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Date Null Service Request/Task Generation program S

CSF: Scheduler Active

Profile that indicates if the Advanced Scheduler is active. Used to enable and disable scheduling functionality.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No
  • Field Service Dispatch Center

  • Scheduler


CSF: Selection of Tasks for Auto Commit Tasks

Auto Commit Tasks uses this query when the parameter is not passed. Used by the concurrent program to identify which tasks to commit.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Name of the query Commit Candidates Used as a parameter for the Auto Commit concurrent program S/A/R/U

CSF: Service Debrief Default UOM for Labor

This profile sets the time unit of measure default value for reporting labor.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year Hour
  • Field Service Technician Portal

  • Debrief window


CSF: Service History Time Frame Number

This profile, combines with CSF: Service History Time Frame UOM to determine the default amount of time for which you want to retrieve the service history. For example, if you set 30 as the number and Days as the UOM, then the service history for the past 30 days is retrieved.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Number 1 Field Service History window accessed from the Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Service History Time Frame UOM

This profile, combines with CSF: Service History Time Frame Number to determine the default amount of time for which you want to retrieve the service history. For example, if you set 30 as the number and Days as the UOM, then the service history for the past 30 days is retrieved.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
UOM for Time Years Field Service History window accessed from the Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Shift Task Address Source

This profile determines the default address source used by the Generate Trips concurrent program.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Resource Default Trip Location, Resource Home Address, Resource Subinventory Address None Generate Trips S/A/R/U

CSF: Skill Level Match

This profile options sets the comparison type to be used to compare the skill level of a resource and a task.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Equal To, Equal To or Smaller Than, and Equal To or Greater Than Equal To Scheduling S/A/R/U

CSF: Skip eLocation

This profile option controls the switching on and switching off of the eLocation service..

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Scheduling and managing tasks, schedules, and technician trips S/A/

CSF: Task Signal Color

This enables you to specify a "signal" color to identify incorrect or incomplete data that's displayed on the Plan Board or Gantt of the Dispatch Center. Colors are listed as RGB values.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
RGB Hexadecimal Codes R255, G000, B000 (value corresponds to the red color) Field Service Dispatch Center Plan Board and Gantt chart S/A/R/U

CSF: TDS Caching Activated

When this profile is enabled, caching will make sure that after a route is calculated, the same route will be returned for all the next requests.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Scheduler/TD Server S/A/R/U

CSF: The unit of measure for hours

The setting of the unit of measure for hours must be entered and correspond with the MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE. Used to default the UOM for time UOM of hour.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Sourced from Inventory unit of measures HR (hour)
  • Debrief

  • Field Service Dispatch Center

  • Mobile Field Service Store and Forward

  • Mobile Field Service Wireless


CSF: The unit of measure for minutes

The setting of the unit of measure for minutes must be entered and correspond with the MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE. Used to default the UOM for time UOM of minutes.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Sourced from Inventory unit of measures MIN (minutes)
  • Debrief

  • Field Service Dispatch Center

  • Mobile Field Service Store and Forward

  • Mobile Field Service Wireless


CSF: Time Card Layout

The profile sets an appropriate layout name that corresponds to the Oracle Time and Labor (OTL) time card template.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Context segment names set up for the Field Service Time Card Flexfield descriptive flexfield Payroll Layout Labor Debrief and Personal Task S/A/R/U

CSF: Time Frame in Days for Advanced Find Query based on Task Creation Date

This profile value determines the time frame (backwards), till which tasks need to be searched based on the query criteria provided in the Advanced Find Tasks window.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Update planned/scheduled times allowed

To define whether a service technician is enabled to change the planned or scheduled times of the tasks they receive on their laptop device.

If set to No, then updates to scheduled and planned start and end date and time are not allowed on Task Information page.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Laptop applications S/A/R

CSF: Use Custom Color Coding Scheme

Enables the use of a custom color coding scheme for tasks. If the value is No, this keeps the standard seeded color coding scheme active.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes Field Service Dispatch Center S/A/R/U

CSF: Validate Part Replacement in Debrief

This profile validates the part that is being replaced in the Debrief process.

If set to Yes, the profile option validates the part that is being replaced at the Task level. If set to No, the profile option does not perform any validation.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Debrief S/A/R/U

CSF: View scheduling results in Gantt chart

To view scheduling results in the Gantt chart set to Y (yes); set to N (no) if you want to default to the table view.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Yes If set to Yes, Gantt will be displayed and if set to No, the Table will be displayed in the Schedule Advice window S/A/R/U

CSFW: Technicians Schedulable Options

This profile determines the scheduler options that will appear for a technician when scheduling a task using the Schedule Task page accessed from the Field Service Technician Dashboard.

This profile option is also used by Oracle Mobile Field Service Wireless and Voice. For more information, see Task Scheduling and Assignment section in the Implementing the Wireless Option chapter in the Oracle Mobile Field Service Implementation Guide .

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
No Scheduling Permission, Work On It, Self Schedule, and Window to Promise Window to Promise If set to No Scheduling Permission or Work On it, the scheduling functionality will not be available in the Field Service Technician Dashboard.
If set to Self Schedule, the Scheduler Options that appear in the Schedule Task page are Intelligent and Self Schedule.
If set to Window To Promise, the Scheduler Options that appear in the Schedule Task page are Intelligent, Self Schedule, and Window To Promise.

CSFW: Update Schedulable Task

This profile option is used by the system in determining when the task assignment status for a task can be modified by a dispatcher using the Field Service Dispatch Center.

When this profile is set to No, changing the assignment status from a non-schedulable status to a schedulable statusis not allowed.

When this profile is set to Yes, changing the assignment status from a non-schedulable status to a schedulable statusis allowed.

For more information on how this profile option is used, see Maintaining the Task Assignment Status for a Technician, Oracle Field Service User Guide

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Field Service Dispatch Center.
Updating the task assignment status value for a service request and task.

CSP: Cancel Reason

This profile defines the reason code that is used when canceling an internal order. When a task is cancelled the internal order is also cancelled where possible.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Cancellation Reason Codes setup in Order Management Null Spares and Scheduler Integration S/A/R/U

CSP: Excess Parts Order Type

This profile option is used to define the type of internal order to use when the excess returns order is automatically created. The recommended profile value is Intransit.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Order Types setup in Order Management Null Excess Lists window S/A/R/U

CSP: Include Alternates

Determines whether or not alternate parts should be included when checking availability of parts.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Always, Never, Parts Requirement Only, Scheduler Only Never
  • Parts Requirement window

  • Scheduler


CSP: Include Car Stock

Determines when, if ever, car stock should be included in availability calculations.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Always, Never, Parts Requirement Only, Scheduler Only Always
  • Parts Requirement window

  • Scheduler


CSP: Initial Status of Internal Order for Parts Requirement

This profile option is used to determine the initial status of the parts order when the order is created in the Parts Requirement process.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Entered, Booked Booked Parts Requirement S

CSP: Initial Status of Internal Order for Scheduler

This profile is used to determine the initial status of the parts order when the order is created in the Scheduler process.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Entered, Booked Booked Spares and Scheduler Integration S

CSP: Move Order Intransit Subinventory

Use this profile option to set the default subinventory for move orders that are intransit. Select from the list of values. Used to track intransit between subinventories.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Move Order S

CSP: Order Type

This profile option is used to provide a default value for order type when creating internal orders in the Scheduler integration. Used as the Default Order Type in the Parts Requirement list of values and when creating internal orders in Mobile Field Service - Wireless. Select from any valid order type in the list of values.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Order Types setup in Order Management Order Only
  • Spares and Scheduler Integration

  • Parts Requirement window

  • Mobile Field Service - Wireless


CSP: Parts Requirement Default Ship To Address

This profile option is used to set the default value of the Ship to Address Type.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Customer, Do not default, Task, Technician, and Third Party Null Parts Requirement window S

CSP: Product Task History Threshold

This profile option is used to define the minimum number of tasks for Task Parts history before Scheduler will use the automated version of Task Parts.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None 100 Spares and Scheduler Integration S/A/R/U

CSP: Purchasing Line Type

Sets the default purchasing line type for Spares Management. The line type is used when creating a Purchasing requisition. Choose from the list of values.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Line Types setup in Purchasing Null Parts Requirement window S/A/R/U

CSP: Reduce Repair Purchase Order Quantity on Partial Shipment

Controls the value of the purchase order quantity. If the profile option is set to No, the purchase order quantity remains as is. If the profile option is set to Yes, the purchase order quantity is changed to match with the shipped quantity.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes or No Yes Repair Purchase Order S

CSP: Ship Complete

Defines whether parts need to be shipped from the same warehouse. Controls whether parts can be shipped from multiple warehouses or must be shipped from a single warehouse.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No Null Spares and Scheduler Integration S/A/R/U

CSP: Show non min-max planned items in subinventory stocklist

This profile determines whether non min-max planned items display in the Stocklist tab in the Planner's Desktop.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Stocklist tab of the Planner's Desktop S/A/R/U

CSP: Usage Run Date

This profile displays the last run date of the Create Usage for ASL Recommendations concurrent program. The program can search for new usage history since last run date.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
None Null Create Usage for ASL Recommendations concurrent program S

CSP: Use ATP For Parts

Determines when, if ever, ATP should be included in determining parts availability.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Always, Never, Parts Requirement Only, Scheduler Only Always Spares and Scheduler Integration S/A/R/U

EDR: E-records and E-Signatures

Set to 'Yes' to enable E-records and E-Signatures functionality.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Yes and No No Field Service Technician Portal S/A/R/U

FND: Top-Level Menu Display Mode

This profile option controls the display of quick links on the dashboard as icons or links. Select from the list of values to change the display of the menu structure.

LOV Values Default Value Where Used Supported Levels
Links Only, Icons and Links, Icons and Links (Tablets Only) Links Only Field Service Technician and Administrator Portals S/A/R/U