Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This chapter covers the following topics:

SDK Integrated Test Utility

The following tables lists common issues in using the SDK Integrated Test Utility and recommended actions for resolving these issues.

SDK Integrated Test Utility
Common Issues Recommended Action
SDK Test Utility does not start. Check JDK path and SDK_JRE_HOME and SDK_JRE. environment variable in sdkenv.cmd. Make sure no spaces are in the PATH or CLASSPATH environment variable.
Oracle Telephony Adapter Server does not start. Refer to Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Startup Sequence for more details.
Verification Tool does not start. Check Verification Tool configuration. Make sure Oracle Telephony Adapter Server is running before Verification Tool.

Verification Tool

The Verification Tool is a development tool to automate Oracle Telephony Adapter SDK API testing. The Verification Tool's main use is to run SDK adapter test cases and to generate outputs easily. The scripts and solution files are written for a limited set of switches and middlewares. The supplied solution files do not cover all possible valid outcomes. Therefore, an adapter that passes all verifications might not necessarily work properly when integrated with Oracle Interaction Center. Likewise, an adapter that fails to pass some verifications might not necessarily work when integrated with Oracle Interaction Center.

Note: The Verification Tool is not a certification tool. Do not use the Verification Tool as the final check for Adapter implementation or for live customer diagnostics. Adapter developers should always run and test their implementations fully integrated with Interaction Center before going into production. Support should always use Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logging as the diagnostic tool.

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Logging

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs runtime and diagnostics information into a log file. You can configure the content and the level of details logged in the file. This section describes how to configure and access Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs.

Accessing Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Logs

Every time Oracle Telephony Adapter Server starts, it creates a log file in the directory <ICSM_TOP>/admin/scripts/<SERVER_NAME>, in which ICSM_TOP is the path where Interaction Center Server Manager is installed, and SERVER_NAME is the server name of Oracle Telephony Adapter Server that is defined in the Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Administration.

The Oracle Telephony Adapter Server log file has the naming convention


where " mmddyyyy" is the date when the log file is created, and "hhMMss" is the time when the log file is created.

Use the following procedure to view and download Oracle Telephony Adapter Server log files by way of the Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Administration.

Log In



Interaction Center Server Manager


Create a user in Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Administration.


  1. Log in to the Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Admin.

  2. Locate the Server Group / Node where the target Oracle Telephony Adapter Server is running.

  3. Select OTAS.

  4. Go to Server Details > Advanced.

    The Advanced page opens.

  5. View and download any of the listed log files.

    Note: You can view log files when Interaction Center Server Manager is running on the target node. When running Oracle Telephony Adapter Server by using the SDK Integrated Test Utility, the Oracle Telephony Adapter Server log file is in the directory that is specified in the SDK test utility.

You can also access Oracle Telephony Adapter Server log files locally on the node where Oracle Telephony Adapter Server runs.

Configuring Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Logs

Use the following procedure to configure Oracle Telephony Adapter Server to log different levels of detail.

Log In



Interaction Center Server Manager


Create a user in Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Administration.


  1. Locate the Server Group / Node where the target Oracle Telephony Adapter Server is running.

  2. Select ICSM.

  3. Go to Server Details > Server Parameter page.

  4. Edit the Trace Level Parameter.

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server classifies different log entries into modules and levels of details. You can configure Oracle Telephony Adapter Server to log all modules with a specific level of details or log only specific modules with a specific level of details. Each log entry has the following format:

[timestamp] - [module: level] - message

For example,

[Fri Jul 19 12:18:05 PDT 2002] - [adapter:verbose] - SampleTeleDeviceFactory.createTelesetDevice(7001, 8001, 9001);

A message could span multiple lines, as in the following example.

[Fri Jul 19 12:18:06 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API]

device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]

object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ece00

method = loginAgent

acdAgentId = 7001

acdAgentPassword = 8001

acdQueue = 9001

Log Detail Levels

The following table lists the level of details that are supported by Oracle Telephony Adapter Server, in the order of descending severity.

Log Levels
Level Meaning
fatal Fatal and unrecoverable error, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server will shutdown
error Major error, affects some Oracle Telephony Adapter Server functions
warning Minor error, does not affect functionality
info Informational only, for diagnostics purpose
verbose Extended diagnostics information, use only when instructed by development

The following table lists the log modules that are defined in Oracle Telephony Adapter Server.

Log Modules
Module Meaning
otas Generic Oracle Telephony Adapter Server messages
comm Communication layer messages
db Database access layer messages
adapter Messages generated by Telephony Adapter
device Telephony API and Events diagnostics messages

Trace Level Format

By default, all modules are set to error level, so that logging includes only messages that are tagged at the error level or a higher level (error + fatal). Users can change the level by using the Trace Level server parameter.

The Trace Level server parameter uses the following format. Users can globally set the level for all modules or set the level individually.

The following table lists and describes trace levels.

Trace Levels
Trace Level Description
  (Default) Log error and fatal level messages for all modules
fatal Log only fatal level messages for all modules
error Log error and fatal level messages for all modules
warning Log warning, error and fatal level messages for all modules
info Log informational, warning, error and fatal level messages for all modules
  • Log info level messages for device

  • Log error level messages for all others

  • Log info level messages for device

  • Log verbose level messages for adapter

  • Log warning level messages for Oracle Telephony Adapter Server

  • Log error level messages for all others

Common and Recommended Usage

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Log Header

The Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Log Header contains information about the release and build number and startup sequence information. This information is very useful in determining the release, patch level and adapter configuration at a particular site. The Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Log Header contains the following.

Note: The following example shows the default logging configuration. If the log level is set to a higher error level, then the log displays more entries than those shown here.

Startup Sequence Information shows users which steps Oracle Telephony Adapter Server has gone through in startup. If there is an error in a particular step, then an error is logged and Oracle Telephony Adapter Server will not start. Adapter information is logged in this step:

[Tue Jul 23 14:37:18 PDT 2002] - Database Layer started

[Tue Jul 23 14:37:18 PDT 2002] - Socket Layer started

[Tue Jul 23 14:37:18 PDT 2002] - Adapter Layer started

The final status indicates that Oracle Telephony Adapter Server has been started successfully:

[Tue Jul 23 14:37:18 PDT 2002] - Oracle Telephony Adapter Server [xxx_otas] started.

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server Startup Sequence

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server starts in the following sequence:

  1. Database Layer: Establish connection to database and load configurations

  2. Socket Layer: Create server TCP/IP socket for communication

  3. Adapter Layer: Load and Initialize Adapter

If any part of the phase fails, then a fatal error is logged and Oracle Telephony Adapter Server shuts down.

Database Layer

The database layer phase establishes the database connection. Oracle Telephony Adapter Server executes this phase in the following order:

  1. Load dbc file (passed by Interaction Center Server Manager).

  2. Create database connection.

  3. Load Server Configurations.

  4. Load Middleware Configurations.

  5. Update Server Status.

If any of the above procedures fail, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Database Layer starting FAILED

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - [otas:fatal] - Nested Exception :

< exception stack trace based on different errors >

The following table lists possible reasons for failure and describes recommended actions.

Database Layer Recommended Action
Reason Recommended Action
dbc file does not exist (should not happen in general if Interaction Center Server Manager is running) Check DBC file integrity
dbc file error (should not usually happen when Interaction Center Server Manager is running) Check DBC file integrity
database unavailable Contact Database Administrator
server configuration error Check Server Configuration in Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Admin
middleware configuration error (missing Middleware Configuration Name in Server Parameter) Check Server Configuration in Interaction Center Server Manager HTML Admin and Middleware Configuration in Call Center HTML Admin

If the database layer phase succeeds, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Database Layer started

Socket Layer

The socket layer phase creates a TCP/IP server socket. Oracle Telephony Adapter Server executes this phase in the following order.

  1. Get the local IP address.

  2. Create a server socket.

  3. Update database with the port information.

If any of the step above fails, then Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Socket Layer starting FAILED

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - [otas:fatal] - Nested Exception :

< exception stack trace based on different errors >

The following table lists possible reasons for failure and describes recommended actions.

Socket Layer Recommended Action
Reason Recommended Action
Network error Contact Network Administrator
Unable to create server socket (address in use) Check if -svr_port is used, contact network administrator if necessary
Unable to update database records Contact Database Administrator

If the socket layer phase succeeds, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Socket Layer started

Adapter Layer

In the adapter layer phase, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server loads and initializes the Adapter in the following order:

  1. Get Middleware Type and PBX Type from Middleware Configuration.

  2. Derive the TeleDeviceFactory Java class name to be loaded.

  3. Load the TeleDeviceFactory Java class.

  4. Initialize the Adapter by invoking init() method.

If any of the above procedures fails, then Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Adapter Layer starting FAILED

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - [otas:fatal] - Nested Exception :

< exception stack trace based on different errors >

The following table lists possible reasons for failure and describes recommended actions.

Adapter Layer Recommended Action
Reason Recommended Action
Wrong Middleware Configuration Check Middleware Configuration
Unable to derive TeleDeviceFactory Java class name from Middleware Configuration Check Middleware Configuration
Unable to load the TeleDeviceFactory Java class (class does not exist in clasps) Check if adapter jar file exists in 3rdParty directory
Unable to instantiate the TeleDeviceFactory Java class (no default constructor) Fix adapter source code
Unable to instantiate the TeleDeviceFactory Java class (constructor not public) Fix adapter source code
TeleDeviceFactory Java class throws TeleDeviceException on init() (Runtime error checked by Adapter) Check Middleware Configuration, Check Adapter Log, Consult Adapter Developer
Unable to load 3rd Party Java classes or libraries (NoClassDefFoundError) Check if the 3rd Party libraries is placed in the 3rdParty directory

If the adapter layer phase succeeds, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 15:33:04 PDT 2002] - Adapter Layer started

In the Adapter Phase, Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs additional information about the type of adapter that is being configured, as shown in the following example.

[Tue Jul 23 15:21:00 PDT 2002] - 

Middleware type =  ICC_CUSTOM_ADAPTER 

PBX Type =  null 

TeleDeviceFactory Class =  oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTeleDeviceFactory 

[Tue Jul 23 15:21:00 PDT 2002] - 

Integration Level = <Advanced or Standard>

Based on the Middleware type and PBX type, users can determine whether the Oracle Telephony Adapter Server is running a custom adapter or an adapter that Oracle developed.

The following table lists and describes possible middleware types.

Possible Middleware Types
Middleware Type in Log File Description
ICC_CUSTOM_ADAPTER Custom Java Adapter
ICC_CTC_ADAPTER (In-house) Adapter for CT Connect
ICC_ASPECT_ADAPTER (In-house) Adapter for Aspect
ICC_ICM_ADAPTER (In-house) Adapter for Cisco ICM

The following table lists and describes possible PBX types (PBX types are applicable only to in-house adapters).

Possible PBX Types
PBX Type in Log File Description

Note: A value defined here does not indicate that switch certification is available for the platform. Please consult the Switch Certification support matrix for details.

Successful Startup

If Oracle Telephony Adapter Server starts successfully, then it logs the following message:

[Tue Jul 23 14:37:18 PDT 2002] - Oracle Telephony Adapter Server [ <otas_server_name> ] started.

Tracking SDK APIs and Events

Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs all API invoked, Events sent, and Exceptions thrown by the Adapter at the info level of the device module. To enable this feature, set Trace Level to one of the following:

Oracle recommends that you use device=info so that log entries of other modules will not show.

SDK API and Event traces are useful for diagnosing Adapter behavior. When they are used in conjunction with the call event flow specification of the Telephony SDK, users will be able to determine if the Adapter is working properly.

SDK API Traces

SDK API Traces are Adapter methods, such as makeCall, that Interaction Center Servers invoke. Oracle Telephony Adapter Server logs the device, the method that is invoked and the parameters that are passed to that method.

SDK API Traces have the following format:

[<timestamp>] - [device:info] - [API] 

device =  TelesetDevice[<extension1,extension2,extension3>] or RoutePointDevice[<extension>]

object =  <teledevice object>

method = <method name>

<parameter1 = value1 >

<parameter2 = value2 >


Example Log Entry

[Wed Jul 24 16:45:48 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API] 

 device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] 

 object =  oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ed043 

 method = blindTransfer 

mediaItemId =  7001 

ineIndex =  8001 

destinationNumber =  9001

SDK Exception Traces

SDK Exception Traces are TeleDeviceExceptions that the Adapter throws. The log records both the device that throws the exception and the exception details.

SDK Exception Traces have the following format:

[<timestamp>] - [device:info] - [EXCEPTION] 

device =  TelesetDevice[<extension1,extension2,extension3>] or RoutePointDevice[<extension>]

exception :  <exception details>

Example Log Entry

[Wed Jul 24 16:45:48 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EXCEPTION] 

device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] 

exception :  TeleDeviceException:ERROR_CODE_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;blindTransfer NOT IMPLEMENTED 

SDK Event Traces

SDK Event Traces are events that the Adapter sends. The log records both the device that sends the event and the event details.

SDK Event Traces have the following format:

[<timestamp>] - [device:info] - [EVENT] 

device =  TelesetDevice[<extension1,extension2,extension3>] or RoutePointDevice[<extension>]

object =  <teledevice object>

event = <event name> 

<parameter1 = value1 >

<parameter2 = value2 >


Example Log Entry

[Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT] 

device =  TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002] 

object =  oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40 

event = beginCallEvent 

mediaItemId =  7002 

mediaItemIdComplete =  true 

ineIndex =  1 

ani =  7001 

dnis =  8002 

data =  {MI=7002} 

dataComplete =  true 

Sample Traces


Creation of TelesetDevice

[Wed Jul 24 17:41:24 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API] 


extension1 =  7001 

extension2 =  8001 

extension3 =  9001 

Destruction of TelesetDevice

[Wed Jul 24 17:45:08 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API] 


 device =  T:7001

Simple Internal Call Scenario

The following table lists the complete SDK API and Event traces for a simple internal call scenario in which A calls B, B answers, and A hangs up.

Simple Internal Call SDK API and Trace Events
Sequence Notes TelesetDevice A: TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] TelesetDevice B: TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002]
1 A calls B on 8002 using line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API]device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457method = makeCallmediaItemId = 7002lineIndex = 0destinationNumber = 8002  
2 B sends beginCallEvent on line 1   [Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT]device = TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40 event = beginCallEventmediaItemId = 7002 mediaItemIdComplete = true lineIndex = 1ani = 7001 dnis = 8002 data = {MI=7002}dataComplete = true
3* B sends callRingingEvent on line 1   [Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT]device = TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40 event = callRingingEventlineIndex = 1
4 A sends beginCallEvent on line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT] device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457 event = beginCallEvent mediaItemId = 7002 mediaItemIdComplete = true lineIndex = 0 ani = 7001 dnis = 8002 data = {MI=7002} dataComplete = true  
5* A sends callDialingEvent on line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:41:39 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT] device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457event = callDialingEventlineIndex = 0  
6 B answers call on line 1   [Wed Jul 24 17:41:56 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API]device = TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40method = answerCalllineIndex = 1
7* B sends callEstablishedEvent on line 1   [Wed Jul 24 17:41:56 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT]device = TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002]object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40event = callEstablishedEventlineIndex = 1
8* A sends callEstablishedEvent on line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:41:56 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT]device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457event = callEstablishedEventlineIndex = 0  
9 A releases call on line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:42:03 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [API] device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457 method = releaseCall lineIndex = 0  
10* A sends callReleasedEvent on line 0 [Wed Jul 24 17:42:03 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT] device = TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1ec457 event = callReleasedEvent lineIndex = 0  
11* B sends callReleasedEvent on line 1   [Wed Jul 24 17:42:03 PDT 2002] - [device:info] - [EVENT] device = TelesetDevice[7002,8002,9002] object = oracle.apps.cct.sdk.sample.SampleTelesetDevice@1eca40 event = callReleasedEvent lineIndex = 1

*The following sequences can be of any order: 3 and 5, 7 and 8, 10 and 11.

Simple Inbound Call Scenario

For inbound calls that reach the realm of monitored devices for the first time, the adapter should fire a beginCallEvent with the following attributes:

For implementing Oracle Advanced Inbound in enhanced passive mode only - A two-second delay is required to keep inbound calls at the route point before the calls are routed to agents. This delay is necessary to allow time for Oracle to assign a mediaItemId to an inbound call and notify the RoutePointDevice in the assignMediaItemId method. You may implement this delay by adding a wait step in the call processing script of the PBX/ACD or CTI middleware.

The adapter must keep track of the mediaItemId assigned by Oracle for each call and pass the same mediaItemId in all events for the entire life cycle of the call, including transferred and conferenced calls.

RoutePointDevice should not fire duplicated beginCallEvent and callQueueEvent for the same inbound call.

The following table describes a sample trace scenario for a simple inbound call for implementing Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony in enhanced passive mode.

Sequence Description Events
1 An inbound call arrives at a route point.
[Fri Jun 25 14:39:42 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [EVENT]
device =  RoutePointDevice[7710]
object =
event = beginCallEvent
mediaItemId =
mediaItemIdComplete =  true
callId =  61696
ani =  6501112222
dnis =  7710
data =  {AccountCode=12345}
dataComplete =  true
[Fri Jun 25 14:39:42 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [EVENT]
device =  RoutePointDevice[7710]
object =
event = callQueuedEvent
callId =  61696
2 Oracle assigns a mediaItemId to the call.
[Fri Jun 25 14:39:42 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [API]
device =  RoutePointDevice[7710]
object =  oracle.apps.cct.ccc.commonLayer.RoutePointDeviceImpl@15575e0
method = assignMediaItemId
mediaItemId =  {MI-11380760;}
callId =  61696 
.[Fri Jun 25 14:39:42 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [EVENT]
device =  RoutePointDevice[7710]
object =
event = updateMediaItemIdEvent
callId =  61696
mediaItemId =  {MI-11380760;}
3 The call is routed to an agent.
.[Fri Jun 25 14:39:46 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [EVENT]
device =  RoutePointDevice[7710]
object =
event = callDivertedEvent
callId =  61696
[Fri Jun 25 14:39:46 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [log.thread:Thread-18]
device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]
object =
event = beginCallEvent
mediaItemId =  {MI-11380760;}
mediaItemIdComplete =  true
lineIndex =  0
ani =  6501112222
dnis =  7710
data =  null
dataComplete =  true
[Fri Jun 25 14:39:46 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [log.thread:Thread-18]
device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]
object =
event = callRingingEvent
lineIndex =  0
4 The agent answers the call.
[Fri Jun 25 14:40:00 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [log.thread:Thread-18]
device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]
object =
event = callEstablishedEvent
lineIndex =  0
5 The call is released.
[Fri Jun 25 14:43:35 PDT 2004] - [device:info] - [log.thread:Thread-18]
device =  TelesetDevice[7001,8001,9001]
object =
event = callReleasedEvent
lineIndex =  0 

Interruption of OTAS and CTI Connection

When the underlying connection between Oracle Telephony Adapter Server and the CTI middleware or switch is interrupted, you can expect the following behavior from the soft phone.

When the connection terminates, the soft phone displays an appropriate message, such as "Connection to telephony services is lost," and the soft phone buttons become disabled.

When the connection is reestablished, the soft phone displays an appropriate message such as "Connection to telephony services is restored," and the soft phone buttons are enabled. The soft phone does not reconnect with the physical telephone. The agent must complete any active calls manually by using the physical telephone.

If the expected messages do not appear, you can implement the custom adapter to trigger the appropriate soft phone behavior by doing the following:

Common Adapter Errors

The following table lists common adapter errors that adapter implementers sometimes make, and the symptoms of those errors.

Common Adapter Errors
Adapter Error Observed Symptom
SDK method not implemented Softphone functions do not work.
SDK call events not properly implemented Softphone out of synchronization.
RoutePoint Events not properly implemented
  • Queue Count does not work in Enhanced Passive mode.

  • Missing screen pop data.

  • Reporting shows more than one media items for a single call.

  • Call data transfer does not work.

Media Item ID not properly propagated  
Memory not properly managed in C/C++ implementation Oracle Telephony Adapter Server crashes.

Compiling Sample Code


Unable to compile Sample code.

Incompatible versions of Microsoft Visual Studio can cause problems when making a build by using the workspace file. To correct this issue, build the SampleAdapter.dll using the workspace (.dsw) file in the directory \oracle\apps\cct\c\sample.

Use the following procedure to build the SampleAdapter.dll.

  1. Add only the following source files to the project.

    1. TeleDeviceFactory.c

    2. RoutePointDevice.c

    3. TelesetDevice.c

  2. In Project Settings > Resource tab, add the following directory in the 'Additional resource include directories' field ../include, or the whole path to the include directory, such as D:\sdk\oracle\apps\cct\c\include.