Server Parameters

This chapter covers the following topics:


This appendix describes the server parameters for Oracle Interaction Blending server. Database parameters override any command line parameters passed to the Oracle Interaction Blending server. Server parameters set in Call Center HTML Administration and stored in the Oracle Applications database.

For information, see Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager Implementation Guide.

Interaction Blending Server Parameters

Server parameters include:

Agent Migration Dampening Factor

The migration dampening factor adds weight to an agent's currently “assigned” work queue. It has been programmatically tuned for most effective interoperability with the Advanced Outbound dialing algorithm and should not be adjusted except for simplistic testing of blending functionality of agent movement between work sources.

Type Unit Max Value Min Value Default
integer 0 N/A N/A  

Note: The value for this parameter must be set to zero (0).

Agent Status Check Interval (Sec.)


Type Unit Max Value Min Value Default
integer N/A N/A N/A  

Campaign Status Check Interval (Sec.)

Used to support the AO multi-list functionality. Blending polls the AO, (IEC_AGT_ASSN_PUB.GET_WB_ALL_AGENT_CPN_ASSNS) database procedure every 1 minute (by default) to detect agent availability on a per campaign basis.

Type Unit Max Value Min Value Default
integer N/A N/A N/A 1 minute

DB Connection Status Check Interval (Sec.)


Type Unit Max Value Min Value Default
integer N/A N/A N/A  

Service Category Calculation Interval (Sec.)

Type Unit Max Value Min Value Default
integer N/A N/A N/A  

Interaction Blending Advanced Server Settings

Advanced server setting are used to facilitate logging and troubleshooting. Advanced server settings include:

Java Options

Use the Java Options field to modify the memory allocation for a server instance. For more information, see Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager Implementation Guide.

This represents a command line parameter that is used applications logging.

Type Value

Server Arguments

Use the Server Arguments field to obtain greater detail in the log file.

Type Value
string -trace all -log