Managing Autolinks

This chapter covers the following topics:

Create or Update Autolinks

Autolinks define a set of special keyword pattern words, for example, bug, that maps to an HTML context in the database. If the word bug has been created as an autolink, then when you author a solution that contains bug and an unique parameter--such as the bug number, for example bug: 10020--Oracle Knowledge Management automatically creates a hyperlink to that context in the database.

Autolinks let you create links automatically to other contexts in the application, which is useful in building a knowledge base where there is linked information.

Note: For statement details with content type Text with Autolink, you cannot use the following characters as preceding or following characters: < > " ' % ; ( ) & !

Note: For statement details with content type HTML with Autolink, you can use these characters as the preceding or following characters. If you create the statement details using the Rich Text Editor, then add the > character in the keyword pattern Preceding Characters field and the < character in the Parameter Following Characters field to enable the New Line delimiting character. The Rich Text Editor automatically generates HTML tags to wrap around each paragraph that you type in the editor.

Note: It is highly recommended that if you want to render a URL keyword pattern as hyperlink, you should use the HTML content type--such as HTML with Autolink--rather than the Text content type.


Assign Autolinks to Contexts


When upgrading from a release of Oracle Knowledge Management prior to release 11.5.10, be aware of the following:

Example of Creating an Autolink to a Solution

To create an autolink to a solution, you can define the following:

Setting Up an Autolink to Access a Customer View Solution Page

  1. Define the function:

    1. Function type = “JSP INTEROP”

    2. HTML call = “csksxvm.jsp”

  2. Create an autolink to a JTT view solution page:

    1. Destination Type = “Function”

    2. Destination Parameters = “nSetNumber”

Setting Up an Autolink for an OA View Solution Page

  1. Define the function:

    1. Function type = “JSP INTEROP”

    2. HTML call = “OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/cs/knowledge/solution/search/webui/SolViewPG&cskDLink=OA”

  2. Create an autolink for a dynamic link to an OA view solution page:

    1. Destination Type = “Function”

    2. Destination Parameters = “cskSolNum”

Preview Autolinks

With this page you can test the effects of an autolink for text for a given context. You can select a subset of links to test. This page shows how the autolinks are applied and the log list of possible errors in the text that prevent the link to be rendered.