APIs in Telecommunications Billing Integrator

This appendix covers the following topics:

Bill Summary Bulk Insert APIs

The summary data in the Bill Summary UI is fetched from the XNB_BILL_SUMMARIES table in Oracle E-Business Suite. The XNB_BILL_SUMMARIES_PKG public package provides the API to do a bulk insert in the XNB Bill Summary tables.


The INSERT_ROW_BATCH procedure is used to insert new bill summary records from external billing applications into Oracle E-Business Suite.

Syntax: XNB_BILL_SUMMARIES_PKG.Insert_Row_Batch(p_api_version, bill_summaries, x_return_status, x_msg_data);

The following table lists the parameters for the procedure.

Parameter Name IN /Out Data Type Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Version of the API
p_bill_summaries IN bill_summaries_table PL/SQL table type that contains the record type required for creating bill summaries.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 Returns the status of the create operation. The values returned are:
  • S: When the operation is a success.

  • E: When the operation is not a success due to a known error.

x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 A concatenated string of all the error and warning messages that are put into the message stack.


The UPDATE_ROW_BATCH procedure is used to update existing bill summary records from external billing application into Oracle E-Business Suite.

Syntax: XNB_BILL_SUMMARIES_PKG.Update_Row_Batch(p_api_version, bill_summaries, x_return_status, x_msg_data);

The table below lists the parameters for the UPDATE_ROW_BATCH procedure.

Parameter Name In /Out Data Type Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Version of the API
p_bill_summaries IN bill_summaries_table PL/SQL table type that contains the record type required for creating bill summaries.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 Returns the status of the update operation. The values returned are:
  • S : When the operation is a success.

  • E: When the operation is not a success due to a known error.

x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 A concatenated string of all the error and warning messages that are put into the message stack.

Bill Summary Public Table Type: BILL_SUMMARIES_TABLE

The following table lists the specifications for the BILL_SUMMARIES_TABLE.

Specifications for BILL_SUMMARIES_TABLE
Table Type Name Record Type Description
bill_summaries_table TABLE OF bill_summaries_rec PL/SQL record type that contains all the attributes required for creating bill summaries.

Bill Summary Public Record Type: BILL_SUMMARIES_REC

The following table lists the specifications for BILL_SUMMARIES_REC.

Specifications for BILL_SUMMARIES_REC
Attribute Name Data Type Description
Mandatory attributes    
account_number VARCHAR2(30) Account Number of the customer that must exist in Oracle E-Business Suite. This field is mandatory for insert record.
The foreign key is hz_cust_accounts.account_number.
bill_number VARCHAR2(30) Bill reference number. This field is for insert and update record and must be unique.
billing_vendor_name VARCHAR2 (240) Name of the billing vendor.
bill_cycle_end_date DATE Billing cycle contains an end date of the cycle. This is required for insert API only (not for update API).
Optional Attributes - -
total_amount_due VARCHAR2 (30) Total amount due for all open bills.
adjustments VARCHAR2 (30) Unapplied adjustments or payments up to this bill cycle.
unresolved_disputes VARCHAR2 (30) Total amount of open disputes.
bill_cycle_start_date DATE Start date of the billing cycle.
due_date DATE Timestamp indicating when the bill is due.
new_charges VARCHAR2 (30) New charges for this bill.
Payment VARCHAR2 (30) Total payment received on this bill up to this billing cycle.
Balance VARCHAR2 (30) Balance for this bill, after the payments etc.
previous_balance VARCHAR2 (30) -
bill_location_url VARCHAR2 (240) Location of the bill online.
due_now VARCHAR2 (30) Amount currently due for an account.
created_by NUMBER (15) -
last_updated_by NUMBER (15) -
last_update_login NUMBER (15) -
object_version_number NUMBER Used for locking purposes.
attribute_category VARCHAR2 (30) Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
attribute1 to attribute 15 VARCHAR2 (150) Descriptive flexfield segment column