Oracle Incentive Compensation Analytics for ODI Responsibilities

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle Incentive Compensation Analytics for ODI Responsibilities

OIC Analytics for ODI allows different categories of users to view and analyze reports, based on their responsibilities. Each responsibility is defined based on role and business function, such as a Sales Manager, Sales Person or a Plan Administrator, and provides access to specific dashboard or dashboards. For example, Plan Administrator responsibility enables access to the Scenario Comparison dashboard and Plan Comparison dashboard, which the Sales Manager would not have access to.

A person with a Salesperson responsibility can have the Incentive Compensation User (Self-Service) responsibility and a Sales Manager can Incentive Compensation User (Manager Self-Service).

Additional Information: You cannot modify the responsibilities that are already defined in the application.

Each Oracle Applications user can be assigned one or more responsibilities and several users can share the same responsibility. The System Administrator assigns the appropriate responsibilities to each user.

Sales Manager

OIC user with the Sales Manager responsibility manages the execution of selling strategy that is set through territory or account management, quota management and various compensation programs.

Sales managers periodically review sales effectiveness based on performance relative to targets, and addresses positive or negative trends. They measure performance and analyze the OIC Analytics for ODI reports based on the following target criteria:

Volume Production

OIC Analytics for ODI measures volume production based on sales volumes, revenues, market share, or profits. Volume production can be measured against currencies or sales units. For example, $100 million earned in new license revenue per quarter for a particular product.

Sales Effectiveness

OIC Analytics for ODI measures sales effectiveness against products sold, customer retention, customer acquisitions, order volume, or discount rates. For example, a Sales Manager can reduce the average discount rate to 10% and then measure increase or decrease in sales.

Customer Impact

OIC Analytics for ODI measures customer impact against customer satisfaction survey, or loyalty. For example, a Sales Manager can increase the customer satisfaction rate to an average score of eight or higher.

Key Monitoring and Analysis Questions

The infrastructure provided by OIC Analytics for ODI helps sales managers answer the following types of questions:

Plan Administrator/Compensation Manager

OIC Analytics for ODI users, with Plan Administrator or Compensation Manager role, use the analytics reporting solution to design and maximize effectiveness of compensation plans based on sales strategy, and account for compensation costs. These users track plan costs and communicate with Sales Managers on plan alignment with sales strategy. Plan Administrators and Compensation Managers view reports to:

Key Monitoring and Analysis Questions

The infrastructure provided by OIC Analytics for ODI helps plan administrators and compensation managers answer the following types of questions:

Mapping between Dashboard and User

Users with different OIC responsibilities have access to different dashboards and reports. The following table lists the users, and the respective dashboards and reports they have access to:

Responsibility Dashboard Page Report
Sales Manager Performance Summary (Sales Manager) Salesrep Ranking
Sales Manager Performance Summary (Sales Manager) Attainment Summary by Quarter
Sales Manager Performance Summary (Sales Manager) Compensation Summary by Quarter
Sales Representative My Sales Performance  
Plan Administrator Scenario Comparison Compensation Cost Summary
Plan Administrator Scenario Comparison Attainment vs. Quota and Actual
Plan Administrator Scenario Comparison Incentive Investment Matrix
Plan Administrator Plan Effectiveness Attainment versus Quota
Plan Administrator Plan Comparison Incentive Investment Matrix by Plan
Plan Administrator Plan Comparison Attainment vs. Quota by Plan
Compensation Manager Compensation Cost Summary Compensation Cost by Plan
Compensation Manager Compensation Cost Summary Compensation Cost of Sales by Quarter
Compensation Manager Compensation Cost Summary Compensation Summary by Quarter
Compensation Manager Plan Effectiveness Attainment versus Quota
Compensation Manager Plan Effectiveness Earnings Distribution by Attainment
Compensation Manager Plan Effectiveness Sales Investment Report
Compensation Manager Plan Performance Summary Attainment Summary by Quarter
Compensation Manager Plan Performance Summary Attainment vs. Quota by Plan
Compensation Manager Plan Performance Summary Incentive Investment Matrix


OIC Analytics for ODI security restricts user access to dashboards and reports. Users have access to only the dashboards and reports that are mapped to their role and responsibility.

OIC Analytics for ODI is integrated with the security model of the operational OIC system to allow the right content to be shown to the right user. Security can be broadly classified into three categories:

The system maintains the data security that is defined in the E-Business Suite when users access the same data in OBIEE. To maintain object security, when a user logs into the system, and the user's E-Business Suite responsibility matches an Oracle BI Server group, the system automatically assigns the appropriate permissions to the user.

Additional Information: Users accessing the Sales Manager reports are synchronized with Resource Manager Compensation group hierarchy. Users accessing the Plan Administrator reports are synchronized with OIC Plan Access for the Operating Unit. To secure data using operating units, the administrator can add filters in the dashboards and reports.