Oracle In-Memory Cost Management for Process Industries User's Guide


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Overview of In-Memory Cost Management

In Memory Cost Management Setup

Setting Up In-Memory Cost Management
Connecting to Data Sources
Profile Options

Cost Simulations

Overview of Process Manufacturing Cost Impact Simulations
Using the Member Selector
Creating Process Manufacturing Cost Simulations
Viewing Process Manufacturing Cost Simulation Summaries and Details
Modifying Cost Simulation Results

Profit Analysis

Overview of Analyzing Gross Profits
Generating Data for Profit Analysis
Selecting Search Criteria
Viewing an Overview of Gross Profits
Viewing Gross Profit Products
Viewing Gross Profit Customers
Viewing Impacts on Gross Profit

Process Manufacturing Cost Comparisons

Overview of Cost Comparisons
Searching for Process Cost Comparison Elements
Viewing Process Cost Comparison Results

Navigation Paths

Process In-Memory Cost Management Navigation Paths

Interfaces for In-Memory Cost Management

Incremental Margin Load for Planned Orders Interface

Concurrent Programs

In-Memory Cost Management Concurrent Programs
      Loading Incremental Margins
      Purging Margin Data
      Purging Simulation Records
      Simulation Margin Load Programs
      Write Back Simulation to EBS
