


Account Segment
One of up to 30 different sections of an accounting flexfield, which together make up the General Ledger account code. Each segment is separated from the other segments by a symbol, such as -, /, or \. Each segment typically represents an element of the business structure, such as Company, Cost Center, or Account.
Accounting Flexfield
The code used to identify a general ledger account in Oracle Applications. Each accounting flexfield segment value corresponds to a summary or rollup account within the chart of accounts.
Accounting Flexfield Structure
The account structure defined to fit the specific needs of the organization. Users choose the number of segments as well as the length, name, and order of each segment in the accounting flexfield structure.
Adjustment Batch
One or multiple adjustment sets that are submitted for approval at the same time.
Adjustment Set
A group of actual distributions belonging to the same payroll element and the same type of transaction, whether debit or credit, that are adjusted to new distributions. An adjustment set is complete when the unaccounted balance is zero and the user freezes the set by clicking Freeze Set.
Alternate Regions
A collection of logically related fields in a window, set apart from other fields by a drop-down list box.
An employee's assignment identifies the employee's role and payroll within a business group. The assignment is made up of a number of assignment components. Of these, organization is mandatory and payroll is a required component for payment purposes.
Assignment Number
A number that uniquely identifies an employee's assignment. An employee with multiple assignments has multiple assignment numbers.


Business Unit
An organization which represents the consolidated enterprise, a major division, or an operation company. This entity partitions Oracle Human Resource Management Systems information.


When the user changes the effective date to past or future, DateTrack enables the user to enter information that takes effect on the new effective date and to review information as of the new date.
Descriptive Flexfield
A field that an organization can extend to capture extra information not otherwise tracked by Oracle Applications. A descriptive flexfield appears on the form as a single character, unnamed field. An organization can customize this field to capture additional information unique to the business.
Distribution Line
A line corresponding to an accounting transaction for an expenditure item on an invoice or the liability on a payment.
Distribution Line Adjustments
An adjustment of a distribution line that has already been posted.


A component in the calculation of employee pay. Each element represents a compensation or benefit type, such as salary, wages, stock purchase plans, and pension contributions.
Element Link
The association of an element to one or more components of an employee assignment. The link establishes employee eligibility for that element. Employees whose assignment components match the components of the link are eligible for the element.
Expenditure Organization
Grants Accounting and Projects expenditure organization charging instruction.
Expenditure Type
An expenditure type is an implementation-defined classification of cost that users assign to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into expenditure categories such as Labor, Expense Reports, Assets, and Vendor Invoices and revenues categories such as Labor and Non-labor revenue. They are also made up of units of measure and system linkages which define a relationship between the expenditure type and another system such as Oracle Public Sector Payables. Examples of expenditure types are Professional Labor, Clerical Labor, Faculty Tenured Salary, Air Travel, Automobile Rental, Computer Services, and Supplies.


See full-time equivalency.
Full-time Equivalency
The sum of full-time positions plus part-time positions. For example, if a department has 3 full-time positions, 2 three-quarter time positions, 4 half-time positions, and 1 quarter-time positions, the department has 10 staff, but a full-time equivalency of 6.75 employees.


General Ledger Account
A specific account within an organization's chart of accounts. A General Ledger account is made up of the General Ledger accounting flexfield segments that are defined for a ledger.
Grants Management Charging Instruction
A user-defined combination of Project, Organization, Expenditure Type, Task, and Award that specifies a particular charging instruction to Oracle Grants Accounting. These instructions constitute the Oracle Grants Accounting equivalent of a General Ledger account.


Labor Schedule
A collection of schedule lines that is defined at a single level of the labor schedule hierarchy. A single labor schedule specifies how all pay elements for an assignment, all pay elements in an element group, or a single pay element from a payroll is to be distributed for a given employee and assignment. A special case labor schedule is an Organization Default Labor Schedule.
Labor Schedule Hierarchy
A collection of labor schedules that specify how payroll pay elements associated with an employee and assignment are to be distributed.
Labor Scheduling Window
A window that displays an employee and the employee's assignments. Each assignment is scheduled at one of the following levels of the schedule hierarchy: Assignment, Element Group, Element, or Organization Default.
Defined in Oracle General Ledger, an organization or group of organizations that share a common chart of accounts, calendar, and currency. A ledger is associated with one or more responsibilities.

Note: In Oracle Applications Release 11i, the term ledger is referred to as Set of Books.


Natural Account
A natural account is the segment that determines whether an account is an asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense account. When chart of accounts is defined, one segment must be defined as the natural account segment. Examples of natural accounts are Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Revenue, Fixed Assets, and Accrued Liabilities.


Operating Unit
An organization that partitions data for subledger products, such as Payables, Receivables, Purchasing, and Oracle Order Entry. It is roughly equivalent to a single pre-Multi-Org installation.
A required component of employee assignments. Users can define as many organizations as required within a Business Group. Organizations can be internal, such as departments, or external, such as recruitment agencies. Users can structure organizations into organizational hierarchies for reporting purposes and for system access control.


Project, Task, Award, Expenditure Type, Expenditure Organization.
A group of employees that Oracle Payroll processes together with the same processing frequency, such as weekly, monthly, or bimonthly. Users can set up as many payrolls as required within a business group.
Period Type
A time division in a budgetary calendar, such as week, month, or quarter.


A collection of logically related fields in a window, set apart from other fields by a rectangular box or a horizontal line across the window.
Report Parameters
Inputs made when submitting a report to control the sorting, formatting, selection, and summarizing of information in the report.
Determines the data, windows, menus, reports, and concurrent programs to access in Oracle Applications. It is linked to a data group. Several users can share the same responsibility, and a single user can have multiple responsibilities.
Method of correcting payroll runs or QuickPay runs after post-run processing has taken place. The system replaces positive run result values with negative ones and negative run result values with positive ones. Both old and new values remain on the database.


Salary Basis
The period of time for which an employee's salary is quoted, such as hourly or annually. Defines a group of employees assigned to the same salary basis and receiving the same salary element.
Schedule Line
A combination of Grants Accounting and General Ledger charging instructions, schedule line begin date, schedule line end date, and distribution percentage. One or more schedule lines constitute a labor schedule.
Schedule Line Period
Contiguous days in the schedule lines in which the distribution percent is the same.
Schedule Lines
Window that is used to create a labor schedule by entering all schedule lines for that labor schedule.
Scheduling Summary
Window that summarizes all labor schedules for an employee and assignment. The window also displays the hierarchy of labor schedules.
Suspense Account
An account that collects costs from labor distribution if charging instructions at lower levels are missing or if charging instructions at any level of the scheduling hierarchy are missing. For example, if an employee receives a Special Production Bonus but no General Ledger account code for this earning type to debit exists in the Cost Allocation flexfield, the cost of the bonus goes into the suspense account.
System Profile Options
Features that allow system administrators and users to tailor Oracle Labor Distribution to their exact requirements.


Zero Work Day
Zero work day situations occur when an employee assignment is suspended or terminated during a previous payroll period and the assignment is inactive during the payroll period being imported into Labor Distribution. Zero work day situations also occur when an employee is hired in a payroll period on a non-business day and there are no more business days in that payroll period after the hire date.