Time Accounting Dashboard


The Time Accounting Dashboard displays summary and detailed information and provides comparison functionality for employees for whom Rules Evaluation preference is enabled. Use the Time Accounting dashboard to get drill down and comparative information about the timecards for each payroll period they are entered against. The Time Accounting dashboard consists of the following pages:

Time Accounting Dashboard features are available for all timecards created in the last two years.

Note: To use the Time Accounting Dashboard for timecards created earlier than the last two years, run the OTL: Generic Upgrade program and enter Time Accounting Dashboard Upgrade as the value in Upgrade Type.

You can use one of the following to complete the time accounting processes:

Access the Time Accounting Dashboard using the Time Accounting Functions Menu.

Using the Time Accounting Dashboard

Viewing Time Accounting Summary

Use the Time Accounting Summary page to view a snapshot of the timecards entered for a selected payroll period.

To view time accounting summary

  1. In the Search region, enter the following parameters:

    • Select a Payroll Name. This displays only those payrolls for which there are active timecards entered in Time Accounting. If a payroll has employees, but no timecards entered for any period, that payroll is not available for selection.

    • Select the Time Period. This lists all the time periods for the selected Payroll. Only those time periods for which timecards are entered are listed and available for selection.

    • Select the Display Projects Accounting Information check box if you use the Transfer to Projects Accounting process to move timecards from Time store to Time Accounting to Projects Accounting. This displays the Projects Accounting Information region. This region displays data available or sent to Projects Accounting through Time Accounting.

  2. Click Go. This displays the Summary, Batches, and Projects Accounting Information regions.

  3. The Summary region represents the overall summary of timecards entered for the selected payroll period. The following values are shown:

    • Number of Batches: Lists the total number of batches created for the payroll period. This number does not include any retro batches created.

    • Number of Retro Batches: Lists the total number of retro batches created for the payroll period. If the selected period does not have any retro time entries, this number is zero.

    • Number of Timecards: Lists the total number of timecards entered for the given payroll period.

    • Total Number of Hours: Lists the total number of hours entered for all timecards. This s the sum of all hours entered by users, not the sum of all hours processed, for example, this does not include the Shift premium hours.

  4. The Batches region displays the following tabs to categorize all the batches for the time period: Click on a batch to view a region with the timecards included in the batch along with worked hours and absence hours.

    • On Hold: This tab lists all the batches in Time Accounting for the selected periods which are on hold pending the Validate for BEE and Transfer to BEE processes. The columns display Batch Name, Status of the batch in BEE, and the number of Timecards in the given batch. Click Transfer All to submit the Validate and Transfer process and display the submitted request ID first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

    • Transferred: This tab lists all the batches in Time Accounting for the selected periods which are transferred, that is, Validate for BEE and Transfer to BEE processes are run for these batches. The columns display Batch Name, Status of the batch in BEE, and the number of Timecards in the given batch. Click Rollback All to submit the OTL: Rollback Batches from BEE program to roll the batches back from BEE to Time Accounting, thus moving the batches to On Hold status. The submitted request ID is displayed first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

    • Retro: This tab lists all the batches in Time Accounting for the selected periods which are on hold pending the Validate for BEE(Retro) and Transfer to BEE(Retro) processes. The columns display Batch Name, Status of the batch in BEE, and the number of Timecards in the given batch. Click Transfer All to submit the Validate and Transfer(Retro) process and display the submitted request ID first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

    • Retro Transferred: This tab lists all the batches in Time Accounting for the selected periods which are transferred, that is, Validate for BEE(Retro) and Transfer to BEE(Retro) processes are run for these batches. The columns display Batch Name, Status of the batch in BEE and the number of Timecards in the given batch. Click Rollback All to submit the OTL: Rollback Batches from BEE(Retro) program to roll the batches back from BEE to Time Accounting, thus moving the batches to Retro status. The submitted request ID is displayed first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

    • Errors: This tab lists all the batches in Time Accounting in Error status. You can use this to check the batches in errors and take appropriate action. The columns displayed are Timecard ID, Detail ID, error Message , error Location, Error Type and ORA error message if any.

  5. The Projects Accounting Information region displays only when you select the Display Projects Accounting Information check box. This region shows the following details for Projects Accounting transferred from Time Accounting thru Transfer to Projects Accounting process:

    • Current Status shows the following

      • Pending Transfer to BEE

      • Pending BEE Batch Process (Validate and Transfer)

      • Pending Transfer to Projects Accounting

      • Pending Transfer to BEE(Retro)

      • Pending Transfer to Projects Accounting(Retro)

      • Transferred to Projects Accounting - if the status of the timecards in this period are Transferred to Projects Accounting, no further actions are pending.

    • Click the Projects Accounting Retrieval Report to run the OTL: Time Management to Projects Accounting Retrieval Report program. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

    • The region displays the following details about the timecards:

      • Timecard ID

      • Person

      • Total Hours

      • Salary

      • Pay Basis

    • The region displays the following tabs:

      • Timecards on Hold: This tab lists all the timecards which are in On Hold status. Click Transfer All to initiate the Transfer to Projects Accounting process and display the submitted request ID first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

      • Retro Timecards: This tab lists all the timecards which are in On Hold status. Click Transfer All to initiate the Transfer to Projects Accounting(Retro) process and display the submitted request ID first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

      • Transferred Timecards: This tab lists all the timecards which are transferred. Click Rollback All to initiate the OTL: Rollback OTLR Timecards From Projects process and display the submitted request ID first. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region.

  6. To track the submitted request, click View Request in the Time Accounting Actions region. This opens the View Requests page where you can track the submitted requests.

  7. Click Request Program Manually to navigate to Request Manually page. The following requests can be manually requested from this page:

    • Transfer:

      • Transfer to BEE

      • Validate for BEE

      • Transfer to BEE(Retro)

      • Validate for BEE(Retro)

      • Transfer to Projects Accounting

      • Transfer to Proj Acct(Retro)

      • OTL: Time Management to Projects Accounting Retrieval Report

    • Rollback:

      • OTL: Rollback Batches from BEE

      • OTL: Rollback Batches from BEE(Retro)

      • OTL: Rollback OTLR Timecards

      • OTL: Rollback Non OTLR Timecards

      • OTL: Rollback OTLR Timecards from Projects

      • OTL: Rollback Timecards from Projects Accounting

    On selecting and submitting a process, the progress can be tracked using the View Requests page.

Analyzing Time Periods

Use the Analyze Time Period page to get a deeper insight into time entry trends for the last 12 payroll periods.

To analyze time periods

  1. In the Search region, enter the following parameters:

    • Payroll: Displays only those payrolls for which there are active timecards entered in Time Accounting. If a payroll has employees, but no timecards entered for any period, that payroll would not be available for selection.

    • Time Period: Lists all the time periods for the selected payroll. The list displays only those time periods for which timecards are available.

  2. Click Go.

  3. The Summary region displays the following details.

    • Earning Categories Distribution: This region displays a snapshot of the distribution of hours across various earning categories (element categories) using a table and a pie chart. These following categories are available:

      • Regular

      • Overtime

      • Absence

      • Holiday Premium

      • Shift Differential Premium

    • Earning Categories Historical Trend: This region shows the multiline series graph for the last 12 payroll periods. If there is no time available for the last periods, the data is displayed as void (zero). This region also displays a table showing the category distribution in numbers. Click each category to view a detail table of Elements in Earning Category. This table shows the breakup of elements in the category over the last 12 payroll periods.

Comparing Time Periods

This section allows the suer to do a comparison of upto 5 Payrolls and time periods. Users may compare between upto 5 time periods for the same payroll, or with other payroll and period combinations. User can use this section to select the period for which the Time Accounting Summary must be displayed.

To compare time periods

  1. In the Compare Time Periods page, enter the following parameters:

    • Payroll: Displays only those payrolls for which there are active timecards entered in Time Accounting. If a given payroll has employees, but no timecards entered for any period, that payroll is not available for selection.

    • Time Period: Lists all the time periods for the selected payroll. The list displays only those time periods for which timecards are entered.

      Note: You must select at least two payrolls to compare them.

  2. Click Compare to compare the payrolls.

  3. In the Comparison Results table, you can view the following details:

    • General

      • Number of Timecards Entered

      • Sum of Hours Entered

      • Most Number of Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Least Number of Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Median Number of Hours

    • Overtime

      • Number of Timecards with Overtime

      • Sum of Overtime Hours Entered

      • Most Number of Overtime Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Percentage of Overtime Hours

      • Median Number of Overtime Hours

      • Most Used Overtime Type

    • Absence

      • Number of Timecards with Absence

      • Sum of Absence Hours Entered

      • Most Number of Absence Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Percentage of Absence Hours

      • Median Number of Absence Hours

      • Most Used Absence Type

    • Shift Premium

      • Number of Timecards with Shift Premium

      • Sum of Shift Premium Hours Entered

      • Most Number of Shift Premium Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Percentage of Shift Premium Hours

      • Median Number of Shift Premium Hours

      • Most Used Shift Premium Type

    • Holiday Premium

      • Number of Timecards with Holiday Premium

      • Sum of Holiday Premium Hours Entered

      • Most Number of Holiday Premium Hours in a Timecard - displays Person and Number of hours in parenthesis. If multiple timecards are there (tie), the Number of Hours displays with the number of timecards in parenthesis. For example, John Doe(48 Hours) for single or 48 Hours(3 Timecards) for a tie.

      • Percentage of Holiday Premium Hours

      • Median Number of Holiday Premium Hours

      • Most Used Holiday Premium Type

  4. Click Export to PDF to export this data into PDF.