Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions

The chapter discusses the actions that a project buyer can perform using the project buyer command center along with the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Project Buyer Actions

Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus enables project buyers to perform the following actions:

The project buyer is responsible for ensuring that the project is successfully executed and all the objectives of the project are met. To achieve this, they need to ensure that the right material or service is procured at the right price, and made available at the right location, with the right quality at the right time. The buyer uses the project buyer command center to take all decisions related to planning and execution of procurement activities on the project. The command center provides information to the project buyer for managing all procurement activities on the project, and is based on the procurement plan for all the projects the buyer is responsible for.

Use the Project Procurement (Buyer) responsibility to access the command center.

From the command center, the project buyer can access the following:

The project buyer has no access to the project manager command center.

Reviewing a Project Procurement Plan

Project buyers can review the procurement plans from the command center. The buyer's view and the project manager's view of the procurement plan are very similar to ensure that they are on the same page throughout the lifecycle of the project. The only difference is that the buyer is provided with a view across projects. This supports a centralized procurement situation where a single buyer is catering to multiple projects at the same time and needs the ability to consolidate demand across projects.

Start by reviewing the Ready for Planning plan lines entered by the project manager. You can see the item or service, the overall demand, and the budget allocated for it. You can use the column set selector on the top left to see supplier selection criteria and additional information about the item. You can review the schedule summary to assess the forecasted demand for each item split by each periodic bucket for the duration of the planning period.

This page displays the following:

Heading Region

The heading region of the page displays the date/time stamp of last the ETL update (your time-zone)

Search Region

The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search for the entered text.

Selected Refinements

The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by removing items or clearing all filters from the list.


The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state and return to it at a later time.

Available Refinements

The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within attribute groups. Expand the attribute groups to view and select attribute names.

Metrics Region

The page has three metric sections:


Metric Metric Display Title Calculation
Totals Plan Lines Total Number of Plan Lines
Totals Draft Plan lines in Draft Status
Totals Ready for Planning Plan lines in 'Ready for Planning' status
Totals Ready to Order Plan Lines in 'Ready to Order' status
Totals Revised Number of Plan lines that are in Revised status for the projects to which the buyer has access. Click the Revised Metric to apply the filter to the page. Only those plan lines that are in revised status are shown in the Plan Lines tab.
Totals Incomplete Negotiations Total Negotiations which are not in 'complete' / 'complete – Purchase Order Created' status
Totals Open Requisitions Total number of requisitions in the pool
Totals Orders to Process Total number of orders that have not yet been approved.
Totals Open Notes Total number of open notes.

Suppliers and Items

Metric Metric Display Title Calculation
Totals Suppliers Total number of distinct suppliers
Totals Items Total number of distinct items
Totals On-Hold Suppliers Total number of distinct Suppliers who have a hold (Purchasing Hold / Hold All Invoices / Hold Open Invoices) placed on Supplier Profile
Totals Change Requests Total Active Change Requests Pending Approval
Totals Rejected Quantity Total Quantity Rejected for open shipments
Totals Overdue Quantity Total Quantity Overdue (Quantity not received for shipments beyond promised-date / need-by-date)


Metric Metric Display Title Calculation
Totals Services Total Number of Plan Lines for Services
Totals Draft Plan lines in Draft Status for Services
Totals Ready for Planning Plan lines in 'Ready for Planning' status for Services
Totals Ready to Order Ready to Order
Totals Revised Number of Plan lines for Services that are in Revised status for the projects to which the buyer has access.
Totals Progress Percentage Total progress percentage

Exceptions Region

The following alerts convey exceptions that a project buyer needs to address immediately:

Work and Measure Region

Note: Any chart containing 'amount' on one of the axes, only renders if the data is of a single functional currency. If the chart does not render, then you must apply a currency filter.

This region displays charts and graphs for the following sub-tabs:

Tab Chart Details
Planned Amount Planned Amount by Operating Unit Chart displays planned amount / number of items. When multiple functional currencies exist, amount charts do not appear. When all plan lines have same functional currency, we show bar chart for planned amount by operating unit. If all displayed records belong to the same OU, the x-axis changes to projects. If all items belong to the same project, x-axis changes to Category.
Planned Amount Planned Amount Spread When all plan lines have the same functional currency, the planned amount can be sliced by item category (then item description), Deliver-to-location or Expenditure type.
Procurement Status Procurement Plan Schedule This chart shows quantity / amount planned / requested / ordered / Received / Rejected / Invoiced for each period based on schedule or Order-by-date (need-by-date – lead-time), or task number or cost code
Procurement Status Tasks by Start Date Shows total number of tasks by scheduled start-date period bucket of the task
Planning Status Plan Lines by Status Number of plan lines / planned amount stacked by each status in each period. If looking within a single period, then number of plan lines / planned amount can be viewed by item description.
Also, number of plan lines / planned amount can be viewed against unassigned / assigned lines.
Note that amount-based comparisons are possible when data is of a single currency only.
The Planning amount by period for Line Status displays Draft, Ready for Planning and Ready to Order, and Revised status for all the projects to which the buyer has access.
Quantity by Line Status displays Draft, Ready for Planning, Ready to Order, and Revised status for all the projects to which the buyer has access.
Count of Lines by Status displays Draft, Ready for Planning Ready to Order, and Revised status for all the projects to which the buyer has access.
The Plan Line status shows the split of plan lines by Quantity and by Planning Amount for Revised status for all the projects to which the buyer has access.
Planning Status Negotiation Status Number of negotiation stacked by status for each period bucket
Progress Payment Summary Progress Payments For the selected/filtered projects, displays the following amounts:
Requested Amount
Ordered Amount
Advance Paid Amount
Progress Payment Amount
Invoiced Amount
Retainage Amount
Paid Amount
Progress Payment Summary Lead Time by Items Average lead time by Item Description. Lead Time in the average number of days needed to procure the service. The lead time includes pre-ordering, Ordering and Post-ordering lead time. Lead time is obtained from the Sources of Supply
Procurement Spending Procurement Spread Shows planned spend split by item / item category / Expenditure Type / Deliver To Location / Task Name / Cost Code
Procurement Spending Procurement Cost Distribution Total procurement cost incurred is split by Requisitioned / Ordered / Received / Rejected / Remaining
Procurement Spending Items at Risk Displays items at risk of being delayed.
Supplier Measures Supplier Measures Price Compliance Rating, Quality Rating, On-Time Delivery rating of each supplier viewable by period (year / month / fortnightly / weekly)
Supplier Measures Approved, Local Suppliers Shows total spend on the project split by approved vs. unapproved suppliers (ASL) or by local vs. non-local suppliers (supplier country vs. task location) by period (year / month / fortnight / week)
Item Measures Average Lead Time Lead Time in days averaged for a given period – Lead time is obtained from associated GBPAs
Item Measures Product Variety Count of distinct planned items vs. count of distinct ordered items – if there was a consolidation of variety achieved at the ordering stage, there should be a decrease in the count of distinct items ordered.

Planning Documents Region

This region displays records matching the filter criteria that you have applied in the page:

Actions in Planning Documents Region

Project buyers can perform the following actions while reviewing the project details:

Procurement Documents Region

This region displays the purchasing documents associated with the plan lines displayed in the Planning Documents region:

Select Actions in the dropdown menu and view these purchasing documents from the respective sub-tabs. Depending on the access privileges, project buyers can view these documents and any action the buyer has the authority to take on those documents are available to them from the applicable pages. Buyers can view the negotiation, proceed to compare, and award the suppliers. See: Comparing and Awarding Suppliers.

Creating and Managing Notes

Notes enable collaboration and help organize the workload within the procurement team. For example, a requisition in the pool might require a series of tasks such as estimating overall demand, performing market research, checking price or availability, and evaluating viable alternatives. A particular buyer may specialize in one of those areas. Notes enable a buyer to assign tasks to others in the procurement team with a target completion date, to create visibility into ownership, and to track tasks to completion. The buyer can track differences between forecasted completion dates and planned completion dates. Any difference between the forecasted and planned dates may constitute a delay, and this information provides an early warning to the buyer about delay in the delivery of the item or service.

The Manage Notes action enables buyers to rapidly collaborate with other users to process procurement documents. Use the Manage Notes action to create, update, or delete notes. Notes can be used for purchase order headers, purchase order lines, agreement headers, agreement lines, and requisition lines.

Managing Procurement Plan Revisions

Buyers can use the Revision History page to view and compare the changes made to a procurement plan line with the earlier revision, original version and all the versions of plan line. To do this, you, as a buyer, need to select one or more plan lines and select the View Revision History action in the Plan Lines tab of the Buyer Command Center.

The Revision History page shows the changes made at the header (Project Details), Plan line, Schedules, and Progress Summary levels. The page also displays the affected downstream documents (such as purchase orders, or negotiations) in a separate column.

If you select more than one plan line for viewing the revision changes, then the comparison is sorted by Line and Revision. If you select a single plan line for viewing the revision changes then the comparison is sorted by Revision, where the latest revision is shown first followed by subsequent revisions.

If you delete the plan line selected from the command center from the Selected Plan Line region then the application refreshes and shows the revision changes for the available line in the Show all Procurement Plan Line Changes region.

When you select only one plan line from the command center and the selected line is deleted from the Selected Plan Lines region, then the application refreshes and does not show any values if you choose the Compare to Original Plan Line or the Compare to Previous Revision from the actions menu.

If you select a goods line that has associated periodic requirement details, then the application displays an icon adjacent to the Line Number to identify it as a goods line.

If you select a fixed price services line that has associated progress payment related details, then the application displays an icon adjacent to the Line Number to identify it as a fixed price services line.

Click Return to Command Center to return to the Command Center.

Click Compare to Previous Revision and then click Go to view the changes between the previous revision and the current revision.

Click Compare to Original Revision and then click Go to view the changes between the original revision and the current revision.

Click the Compare to All Revisions and then click Go to view all the changes across all revisions of the Procurement Plan Line.

The Impacted Downstream Documents column and Document Status column enable you to view the procurement documents that are affected by the changes, along with their document status changes.

Click Implement Changes in the Selected Plan Lines table to implement the changes in the corresponding procurement document. The warning popup window that appears summarizes the changes that will take place when the buyer confirms that the changes are to be implemented.

Additionally, the buyer can mark downstream documents as Implemented manually, instead of relying on the default system-generated implement changes process.

In certain situations, the buyer may not want the system to perform the automatic implement action. For example, when the requirement for a month increases, it may not be appropriate to increase the quantity on an existing purchase order, if the buyer wants to use some other method to meet this requirement.

Use the Mark as Implemented action in the Revision History page only after you have made changes to downstream documents manually or if you decide to not implement the changes to downstream documents.

Click Apply to mark the record as processed without making any changes to downstream documents. Click Cancel to return to the previous page.

The table below describes the application behavior in various scenarios:

Line Type Scenario Application Behavior
Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

and there is a RFQ created for the line with RFQ in Open Status. (There are no other downstream documents like Requisitions, agreements and Purchase orders created for the plan line)
When you, as a buyer, select the Implement changes action, then the application:
  • Calls the Amendment API to create an amendment to the negotiation document (RFQ) that is in Open status.

  • The changes requested are passed on to the Amendment API to create an amendment.

  • When the amendment document for the RFQ is created successfully then the status of the plan line is updated to Ready for Planning status

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document.

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure Type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

and there is a RFQ created for the line with RFQ in Closed Status. (There are no other downstream documents like Requisitions, agreements and Purchase orders created for the plan line)
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application displays the following error message:
"The RFQ associated to the plan line is in Closed status. Please create a new round of negotiation to propagate the changes."
Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Description

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • Buyer Name

  • Need by Date

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Location

    • Quantity

and there is an agreement created as an outcome for the RFQ document and the agreement is in Incomplete status. Assuming that there are no requisitions/Purchase orders created for the plan line
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, then the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the GBPA document

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document.

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Description

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • Buyer Name

  • Need by Date

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Location

    • Quantity

and there is an agreement created as an outcome for the RFQ document and the agreement is in Approved status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the GBPA document and pushes the document to Requires Reapproval pending approval from approval hierarchy

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Description

  • Item Category

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • Buyer Name

  • Need by Date

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Location

    • Quantity

and there is a requisition created referring to an agreement and the requisition is in Incomplete status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the GBPA document and pushes the document to Requires Reapproval pending approval from approval hierarchy

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Description

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Expenditure Type

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • Buyer Name

  • Need by Date

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Location

    • Quantity

and there is a requisition approved and a Purchase order created referring to the agreement/requisition combination and the Purchase order is in Incomplete status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the GBPA document and pushes the document to Requires Reapproval pending approval from approval hierarchy

  • Changed the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Description

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • Buyer Name

  • Need by Date

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Location

    • Quantity

and there is a requisition approved and a Purchase order created referring to the agreement/requisition combination and the Purchase order is in Approved status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the GBPA document and pushes the document to Requires Reapproval pending approval from approval hierarchy

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

and there is a requisition approved and a Purchase order created referring to the requisition and the Purchase order is in Incomplete status. There is no agreement reference in PO.
When you as a buyer select the Implement change action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the Purchase order document and keeps the Purchase order document in Incomplete status

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Goods When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

and there is a requisition approved and a Purchase order created referring to the requisition and the Purchase order is in Approved status. There is no agreement reference in PO.
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls PDOI to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the Purchase order document and pushes the Purchase order document to Requires Reapproval status pending approval from hierarchy

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document.

Fixed Price Services When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Category of the Procurement Plan line

  • Item Description

  • Destination

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • Purchasing UOM

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Pay item type

    • Pay item Description

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

    • UOM

    • Value (%)

    • Price

    • Need by Date

and there is a requisition created for the plan line and the requisition is in Incomplete status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Updates the status of the plan line to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Fixed Price Services When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Pay Item Type

    • Pay Item Description

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

    • Value (%)

    • Price

    • Need by Date

and there is a RFQ in Open status created referring the requisition document
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Amendment API to create an amendment to the negotiation document (RFQ) that is in Open status.

  • The changes requested are passed on to the Amendment API to create an amendment.

  • When the amendment document for the RFQ is created successfully the status of the plan line is updated to Ready To Order status

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Fixed Price Services When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is being altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Pay Item Type

    • Pay Item Description

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

    • Value (%)

    • Price

    • Need by Date

and there is a RFQ created referring to requisition for the line and the RFQ in Closed Status. (There are no other downstream documents like Purchase orders created for the plan line)
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application displays the following error message:
"The RFQ associated to the plan line is in Closed status. Please create a new round of negotiation to propagate the changes"
Fixed Price Services When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is being altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Pay Item Type

    • Pay Item Description

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

    • Value (%)

    • Price

    • Need by Date

and there is a complex Purchase order created referring to RFQ for the plan line and the PO is in Incomplete status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls the Webservices API to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the Purchase order document and keeps the Purchase order document in Incomplete status

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document

Fixed Price Services When a Plan line is in Revised status and any of the following fields is altered:
  • Item Number

  • Item Category

  • Planning Currency

  • Buyer Name

  • Item Description

  • Expenditure type

  • Planning Rate

  • For one or more of the Schedules for a Material line:

    • Pay Item Type

    • Pay Item Description

    • Task Number

    • Quantity

    • Value (%)

    • Price

    • Need by Date

and there is a complex Purchase order created referring to RFQ for the plan line and the PO is in Approved status
When you as a buyer select the Implement changes action, the application:
  • Calls PDOI to propagate the changes from the Plan line on to the Purchase order document and pushes the Purchase order document to Requires Reapproval status pending approval from hierarchy

  • Changes the status of the Plan line from Revised to Ready To Order

  • The Implement Changes icon is disabled to indicate that the change is already propagated to the procurement document.

Analyzing Items for a Plan Line

Project buyers can analyze the item or service to confirm that the selected item or service is the best fit for the project requirement.

To analyze items for a plan line:

  1. Navigate to the Item Analysis page using the following navigation: Buyer Command Center > Planning Documents region > Plan Lines tab > Actions from the dropdown menu

  2. Select the applicable item or service.

  3. Click the Analyze Item link to open the Item Analysis page. The Item Analysis page provides a summary of the procurement history of the item or service.

Analyzing Suppliers for a Plan Line

Project buyers can use the Supplier Analysis page to identify the best supplier or set of suppliers for a plan line using a large set of information made available to them. They can analyze the performance of a supplier using this page.

When you navigate to the Supplier Analysis page from a particular plan line using the Analyze Supplier action link available in the Plan Lines result region of the command center, the application carries over the context of the plan line to the Supplier Analysis page. The application automatically filters the suppliers based on the item or service, or description and category and displays suppliers who have supplied the item or service on the plan line in the past.

The Supplier Analysis page provides the performance and relationship summary for suppliers of this item or service. It displays all details about all the suppliers from whom the given item or service was ordered in the past. It provides quick insights into performance and relationship history of these suppliers. The metrics in the Supplier Analysis page for a given item or service shows how many active agreements, approved suppliers, and open orders the project buyer has for the item or service. These details enable project buyers to identify the correct procurement strategy for this item or service.

To analyze suppliers for a plan line:

  1. Navigate to the Supplier Analysis page using the following navigation: Buyer Command Center > Planning Documents region > Plan Lines tab > Actions from the dropdown menu

  2. Select the applicable item or service.

  3. Click the Analyze Supplier link to open the Supplier Analysis page.

  4. Analyze the comparative performance of the suppliers using the Compare action available on the right side of the Suppliers table in the Supplier Analysis page.

Selecting Existing Agreement as Source of Supply for Goods Lines

The buyer can identify the best suppliers based on a number of attributes such as their location, historical performance, number of years of relationship, total volume of relationship, their performance on negotiations, and other attributes like insurance, environmental compliance that the buying team maintains for the supplier. On identifying the list of most suitable suppliers, the application displays any active agreements available with those suppliers. If such agreements are available, then buyers can compare the agreements with the plan line by selecting the Compare Agreements with Plan Lines action.

The application makes it easier to identify the best possible agreement by visually indicating any potential problems with picking an agreement. For example, if the negotiated price on the agreement is higher than the amount budgeted on the plan line, or if the earliest need-by-date on the plan line is earlier than the lead-time on the agreement.

Buyers can compare each of the agreements with the plan line in context, and then add the chosen agreement as source of supply by clicking the Add as Source of Supply button.

If no agreements exist, or if the existing agreements do not suit the requirements of the plan line or project, then the buyer can initiate a new negotiation with these subset of suppliers. To accomplish this, select a set of suppliers and add them to the document builder using the Add to Document Builder action.

Creating and Publishing a Negotiation

Once you have identified the suppliers and added them to the document builder, you can initiate the negotiation creation process. Use the Document Builder to create and publish the negotiation.

Once the outcome document is created, the application populates the agreement number into the procurement plan line, along with the agreed amount, updated item ID, and item description. If the project buyer thinks that the total demand is satisfied, then they can change the plan line status to 'Ready to Order'. See: Updating Plan Lines

To create and publish negotiation for goods lines:

  1. Click the Document Builder link available at the top of the Supplier Analysis page.

  2. Add suppliers and plan lines to the document builder. You can add plan lines and suppliers to the document builder in the following ways:

    • Select Analyze Supplier on a particular plan line to open the Supplier Analysis page in the context of a plan line. Select one or more suppliers in the suppliers' results table and use the Add to Document Builder action. The application adds the selected suppliers and the plan line in context to the document builder. The application displays a confirmation message informing you about the number of plan lines and suppliers added to the document builder. You can add more plan lines and suppliers by using the appropriate action from the buyer command center and Supplier Analysis page.

    • Select one or more plan lines from the command center and use the Add to document builder action. The application adds the selected plan lines to the document builder.

    • Select one or more suppliers from the Supplier Analysis page (when not in context) and use the Add to document builder action. The application adds the selected suppliers to the document builder.

  3. In the Document Builder, specify the negotiation type and outcome document. By default, the New RFQ option is displayed if you add plan lines. When you add requisition lines, you can choose between New RFQ or New Order. When requisitions are in the document builder, by default the option is New Order.

    Note: The application displays the operating unit that is set in the MO: Default Operating Unit profile. All negotiation styles enabled for RFQ are available for you to select. The outcome documents can be of any style linked to the blanket purchase agreement document type. The Supplier Site and Contact list of values are similar to the values in the Sourcing Supplier tab. The application defaults Group Line Number using the document builder grouping rules. You can ungroup the grouped lines, or attempt to group lines that the auto-grouping logic of document builder did not pick up. Manual grouping of lines is subject to validations existing in the current document builder.

  4. Click Cancel to go back to the page from where you launched the document builder.

  5. Select Apply. This initiates a negotiation in Oracle Sourcing. You are taken to the draft Negotiation page and the application establishes the linkage to the negotiation line as a source of supply. From within Oracle Sourcing pages, enter other details for the negotiation and publish it. See: Oracle Sourcing Implementation and Administration guide and Oracle Sourcing User guide Note: For a negotiation that is in Draft status, you can add suppliers to the negotiation from the Sourcing pages using the Add Suppliers button. This brings you to the Supplier Analysis page. Analyze the suppliers, select them, and then add them using the Add to Negotiation action available on the right side of the Suppliers table in the Supplier Analysis page. If you delete the negotiation line after creating it through the document builder, then the application removes the linkage of the negotiation line as a source of supply. During the award completion stage, the application updates the sources of supply when a particular negotiation line is awarded to a supplier (multiple suppliers).

To create and publish negotiation for services lines:

  1. The Project Manager uploads the procurement plan and updates the status as Ready for Planning.

  2. The buyer identifies the lead time and associates the lead time to plan line using the Source of Supply page, and updates the Update Procurement Plan action to update the status to Ready to Order.

  3. The Project Manager now creates a requisition for the plan line.

  4. The buyer now adds that requisition to the Document builder and creates a negotiation (RFQ) with the outcome document (Complex Purchase Order).

  5. The Purchase Order is available from the Deliverables tab, where you can view any exceptions that might occur such as Deliverables Overdue or Invoices on Hold.

Comparing Suppliers and Awarding

Traditionally, offer comparison limits your analysis to the offer entered by the supplier. Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus allows you to compare suppliers based on their performance and relationship, and helps you take the right sourcing decision based on which supplier best meets the project's objectives, instead of just going by the best bid price. From the command center, it is easy to track the status of a negotiation. When a negotiation is closed, check if you have active offers, and navigate to the negotiation.

To compare suppliers and award:

  1. In the buyer command center, look at Closed negotiations.

  2. Review to see if suppliers have submitted offers

  3. Navigate to the Procurement Documents region in the buyer command center.

  4. Within the Negotiations tab, select Actions in the dropdown menu.

  5. Select negotiations with Closed status and click View Negotiation link. This takes you to the Negotiation page.

  6. Select the Award by Quote action to open the Award by Quote page.

  7. Select multiple offers and select Compare Suppliers button in the Award by Quote page. This opens the Supplier Analysis page with the selected offers' suppliers pre-filtered.

  8. Select the suppliers and click the Compare action.

  9. After analyzing the suppliers, scroll-down and click Return to Previous page. This brings you back to the Negotiation page.

  10. Select a supplier or multiple suppliers, if you want to split the award, and proceed to complete the award process. For information regarding the awarding process, see Awarding in different ways, Oracle Sourcing User guide.

Reviewing Sources of Supply

Once the contract has been awarded, the blanket agreement details automatically come in as sources of supply. You can review the sources of supply in the Planning Documents tab > Sources of Supply sub-tab of the buyer command center.

Updating Plan Lines

For plan lines with Ready for Planning and Ready to Order status, project buyers can update the buyer assigned to the plan line. Additionally, they can update the status of the plan lines from Ready for Planning status to Ready to Order status, when they are satisfied with the sources of supply selected for the plan line. The Project buyer can also update the status of the plan lines with the Revised status, when the buyer do not want to implement the changes of the plan line on to the downstream documents. Plan line status can be updated from Revised to either Ready for Planning or Ready to Order.

To update plan lines:

  1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the buyer command center.

  2. In the Plan Lines tab, select plan lines with Ready for Planning or Ready to Order or Revised status. You can select multiple lines.

  3. Select Update Procurement Plan action.

  4. For the plan lines in Ready for Planning status, update the status by selecting Ready to Order from the drop down list in the Update Procurement Plan Lines page and click Apply to indicate that the planning exercise for the selected plan lines is completed.

  5. For the plan lines in Revised status, update the status by selecting either Ready for Planning or Ready to Order from the drop down list in the Update Procurement Plan Lines page and click on Apply to indicate that the planning exercise for the selected plan line is completed.

  6. Update the buyer to assign a different buyer or reassign the selected plan lines to yourself and click Apply. Buyer can be any active buyer enabled in the operating unit accessible to the project buyer updating the procurement plan status. If you leave either the Status or Buyer field blank, then the application leaves it blank for the selected plan lines. On selecting a status or a buyer or both, the application updates all selected plan lines with the specified value. It displays a confirmation message and returns the control back to you.

  7. If you click Add More Lines, then the application takes you back to the command center where you can select more plan lines and click Update Procurement Plan action.

  8. If you click Cancel, then the application removes the lines and they do not re-appear unless you select those lines again to be added back to this page.

  9. If you remove all records, then the application disables the Apply button.

Creating Sources of Supply

Project buyers can directly specify sources of supply on plan lines after finalizing the supplier for an item or service. You can select one or more plan lines with Ready for Planning and Ready to Order status.

There can be situations where multiple sources of supply get attached to a procurement plan line. It is the buyer's prerogative to ensure that the sources of supply are current and valid. Multiple sources of supply can come in when one agreement is to be used for base-load and another for peak-load. The application differentiates the agreements using the effective dates of the agreements.

To create sources of supply:

  1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the buyer command center.

  2. Select plan lines with Ready for Planning and Ready to Order status. You can select multiple lines.

  3. Select Create Sources of Supply action.

  4. Enter the following in the Create Sources of Supply page:

    • Agreement number: The list of values displays all the global blanket purchase agreements (GBPA) available in a given operating unit. If you select a GBPA, then the application populates the Supplier field automatically.

    • Agreement Line Number: Lists all agreement lines for the selected GBPA. Additionally, the list of values displays item description, price and validity date for each agreement line. If lead time is specified in the GBPA line, then the application populates it. The application defaults the effective from-and-to dates from the GBPA.

    • Supplier: If agreement number is specified, then the application populates the Supplier field and you cannot update it. Otherwise, you can enter the supplier name.

    • If all selected plan lines have the same inventory item with same description and category, then the application enables the agreement/agreement line number.

    • Lead time: Any positive integer value. The application uses the lead time that you specify here later to prompt the project manager to create requisitions. It calculates the order-by-date by subtracting the lead time from need-by-date, and alerts the project manager if requisitions are not created by the order-by-date.

    • Effective From / To: Applicable dates (application does not time stamp). Effective dates signify the validity of the source-of-supply line. If a source of supply is valid and effective when the project manager creates requisition, then the application stamps the blanket agreement identified as source of supply on to the requisition. The negotiated price flows from the blanket agreement to the requisition line. If multiple sources of supply are effective for a single plan line at the same time, or if no sources of supply exist, then the application creates requisitions without blanket agreement reference.

      The Current Sources column lists the number of sources of supply existing for the line. If it is non-zero, then a pop-up window appears on mouse-over to display the details of the sources of supply.

  5. Click Apply. You can review the sources of supply in the Planning Documents tab > Sources of Supply sub-tab of the buyer command center. See: Reviewing Sources of Supply.

  6. If you remove all records, then the application disables the Apply button.

Note: The application enables the Agreement Number field only if all plan lines added are for the same inventory item, or for description-based items for the same category. Otherwise, you can enter only supplier and lead-time. If plan lines are for an inventory item, then the Agreement list of values displays only those blanket agreements that have at least one active agreement line for the same inventory item. If plan lines are for description based item, then the Agreement list of values displays only those agreements that have at least one active agreement for the same purchasing category. In cases where the lead-time and effective dates default from the agreement/agreement line, the buyer can change these values.

Updating Sources of Supply

Project buyers can update the sources of supply for items or services. They can choose one or more sources of supply and either delete the sources or update them.

Note: You can only update the Source of Supply for goods lines.

To update sources of supply:

  1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the Buyer command center.

  2. In the Sources of Supply sub-tab, select one or more items or services.

  3. Select Update Sources of Supply action available in the Actions option on the right side of the Sources of Supply table.

  4. Enter applicable details in the Update Sources of Supply page and click Apply.

    Note: If plan lines are for an inventory item, then the agreement list of values displays only those blanket agreements that have at least one active agreement line for the same inventory item. If plan lines are for description based item, then the agreement list of values displays only those agreements that have at least one active agreement for the same purchasing category. If you select an agreement number, then the application defaults the supplier and you cannot update it. In cases where the lead-time and effective dates default from the agreement/agreement line, the buyer can change these values.