Understanding Batch Integration

This chapter discusses the batch integration process between JDE E1 or PeopleSoft and Value Chain Planning and includes details about:

This chapter covers the following topics:


Note: PeopleSoft can only be integrated with Demantra Demand Management. Because of this, there are limited menu options for PeopleSoft users. For the menu options that are available to both JDE E1 and PeopleSoft users, the functionality is the same.

The collection and publish processes have a common structure. For collection menu options, the system extracts data from JDE E1 or PeopleSoft, performs the data transformations, and loads the data into the destination application. The Collection process does not extract the data unless it is configured as a pre-process function.

For publication menu options, the system extracts the data from VCP (PDS or Demantra), performs the data transformations, and creates the required files for loading the data into JDE E1. The Publication process does not run the UBE package to load the data into JDE E1 or PeopleSoft unless it is configured as a post-process function.

Collecting Planning Data

The Collect Planning Data collection process is the cornerstone of the integration between JDE E1 or PeopleSoft and VCP. Demantra Demand Management, Oracle Predictive Trade Planning (PTP), Oracle Deductions Settlement Management (DSM), and Oracle Value Chain Planning users must run this process to load in order for the base information such as customers, branches and items into the database.

VCP also uses this process to load supply chain data such as routings, bill of materials, safety stock levels, work orders, and purchase orders.

Collect Planning Flow

The following diagram outlines the Collect Planning Data flow for JDE E1 users:

the picture is described in the document text

Note: The directories are named E1 Output Directory and E1 Input Directory for both JDE E1 and PeopleSoft source systems.

Collecting Planning Options

Data can be loaded on a component by component basis. However, the components must be loaded in the sequence they appear in the VCP Collect Planning Data page.

The Collect Planning options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance, as defined in VCP.
Base Date Use Today. This value depreciates over time.
Calendars Values are Yes and No
Trading Partners Yes/No: Loads Branches (Organization), Suppliers and Customers. Also includes Trading Partner Sites and Locations
Planners Values are Yes and No
UOMs Values are Yes and No
Items Values are Yes and No, includes Product Families and Categories
Resources Values are Yes and No, includes Resource Groups and Resource Shifts
Routings Values are Yes and No
Operations Values are Yes and No, includes Operation-Resources
BOMs Values are Yes and No, includes BOM Components
Demand Classes Values are Yes and No
Sales Channels Values are Yes and No
Price Lists Values are Yes and No, includes Shipping Methods
Item Suppliers Values are Yes and No
On Hand Supplies Values are Yes and No
Safety Stock Levels Values are Yes and No
Purchase Order Supplies Values are Yes and No
Requisition Supplies Values are Yes and No, includes Transfers
Intransit Supplies Values are Yes and No
External Forecasts Values are Yes and No, includes forecasts from JDE E1 or a third party
Sales Orders Values are Yes and No
Work Orders Values are Yes and No
ATP Rules Values are Yes and No

When integrating to only Demantra Demand Management:

Collecting Planning Files

The Collect Planning Data flow uses the following ERP extract files:

The Manage Integration Parameters UI exports the following text files:

For Demantra only implementations, the following files must be populated with data:

Note: The integration requires all files to be present, even if they are empty.

For example, even though Demantra users only need to generate these files, the other xml files (such as Manufacturing.xml) must be present and contain xml header information.

PeopleSoft users: You can maintain ShiftInformation.txt, ShiftDetails.txt and StandardUOMConversions.txt using the Manage Integration Parameters user interface, or you can maintain these files in PeopleSoft and extract them when Base.xml is extracted.

PeopleSoft users: The SalesOrderHistory.xml file, used in a later collections flow, is also generated in the Export Demand History process. It does not need to be re-generated at that time if it is generated in this flow.

The source system for the Collect Planning Data input files includes:

File Needed for Demantra Implementation Only JDE E1 Source PeopleSoft Source
Base.xml Yes R34A1010 Export Demand History
BeginningInventory.xml No R34A1070 Export Demand History
Calendar.txt Yes R34A610 Export Demand History
Customer.xml Yes R34A1040 Export Demand History
Distribution.xml No R34A1090/1095 Export Demand History
Manufacturing.xml No R34A1020
R34A1020B (BOM)
R34A1020S (Star items)
R34A1020C (Configured items)
Export Demand History
PurchaseOrders.xml No R34A1060 Export Demand History
SalesOrders.xml No R34A1050 Export Demand History
Supplier.xml No R34A1120 Export Demand History
TimeSeries.xml No R34A1130 Export Demand History
TransferOrders.xml No R34A1080 Export Demand History
WorkOrders.xml No R34A1030 Export Demand History
Parameters.txt Yes Manage Integration Parameters UI Manage Integration Parameters UI
TranslationTable.txt Yes Manage Integration Parameters UI Manage Integration Parameters UI
ShiftInformation.txt Yes Manage Integration Parameters UI Manage Integration Parameters UI or Export Demand History
ShiftDetails.txt Yes Manage Integration Parameters UI Manage Integration Parameters UI or Export Demand History
StandardUOMConversions.txt Yes Manage Integration Parameters UI Manage Integration Parameters UI or Export Demand History

The parent UBE for all JDE UBEs is R34A1000.

Monitoring the Load Process

Use the Requests view to monitor the loading progress and view log files. To access the Request view, navigate to the EBS menu path View, Requests.

Identifying Errors

Data integrity errors detected during the load are stored in the ERROR_TEXT field in the appropriate staging table, for example, MSC_ST_PLANNERS.

Clearing Previous Data Loads

When rerunning a collection, clear previously loaded stage data by running the Purge Interface Tables process. This process deletes all records except:

To access the Purge Interface Tables, navigate to Advanced Supply Chain Planner, Collections, Legacy Systems.

Viewing Collected Data

Use the VCP menu path to view collected data. To access the VCP menu path, navigate to Supply Chain Planner, Collections, View Collected Data.

For example, you can view data by organization by locating a collected organization, then drilling down to find the other loaded items.

Publishing Planning Results

This process publishes planning results back to JDE E1.

Note: You must complete the planning process, including publishing to JDE E1 before beginning a new JDE E1 extract for a new planning cycle.

Publishing Planning Results Flow

The following diagram outlines the Publish Planning Results collections flow:

the picture is described in the document text

The VCP concurrent process copies the files and calls each sub-process.

Publishing Planning Results Options

The Publishing Planning Results Options are as follows:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP
Plan The VCP plan to publish
Purchase Plan Yes/No: If the Purchase Plan is to be published
Deployment Plan Yes/No: If the Deployment (transfers) Plan is to be published
Detailed Production Plan Yes/No: If the Work Order Plan is to be published

Publishing Planning Results Files

For JDE E1 users, the following environment files are impacted by the Publishing Planning Results flow:

Collecting Sales History

This process loads sales history into Demantra tables.

Important: The Collect Planning Data process must be completed before launching the Collect Sales History collection process.

Collecting Sales History Flow

Sales order history can be downloaded from R34A1000 or R34A400. The following diagram outlines the Collect Sales History collections flow:

the picture is described in the document text

Collecting Sales History Options

The Collect Sales History options are as follows:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP.
Auto Download Yes: Collects sales history and item-/location data into Demantra staging tables and launches the 'EBS Full Download' workflow.
No: Collects sales history and item-location data into Demantra staging tables. User has to manually launch the 'EBS Full Download' workflow

Collecting Sales History Files

The SalesOrderHistory.txt file is impacted by the Publish Planning Results flow.

After performing the ODI data mapping, the name of this file changes to DemHistory.dat.

Collecting Price List and UOM

You must run the Collect Planning Data process before you run the Collect Price List and the UOM collection. After running the Collect Planning Data process, units of measure data resides in the Operational Data Store and the price list resides in the MSC_ST_PRICE_LIST staging table.

Collect PriceList and UOM Flow

The following diagram illustrates the Collect Price List and UOM flow:

Price List and UOM collections

the picture is described in the document text

You can launch the EBS Price List Download workflow from Demantra workflow manager after the Collect Price List and UOMs concurrent program is complete. This workflow downloads the price list from the Demantra price list staging tables to the Demantra base tables.

Price List and UOM collections should only be launched after the Collect Sales History collection program is complete.

Note: The base UOM for an item needs to be the same across all branches and defined in the master branch. Specific price lists or units of measure cannot be excluded.

Collect Price List and UOM Options

The Collect Price List and UOM options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance, as defined in VCP
Price List Yes/No: If Price List is to be collected
UOM Yes/No: If UOMs are to be collected

Collect Price List and UOM Files

The following files are read by the Collect Price List and UOM flow:

Publishing Forecast to Source System

Forecasts can be published from Demantra to:

This section discusses publishing a forecast from Demantra to a source ERP system. Standard Demantra workflows are used to publish to the Oracle VCP planning system.

This collection uses the Legacy Forecast Publish process to launch the Publish Forecast to Source System program. This program generates the forecast.txt file which can be loaded into JDE E1 or PeopleSoft.

The Oracle VCP Publish Forecast to Source System collection completes the following steps:

  1. Run the Demantra forecast export workflow. This writes the file Forecast.txt to the Demantra Output Directory.

  2. Run optional user-defined customization files.

  3. Trigger the ODI stream.

The forecast.txt file can contain forecast values across multiple instances. The ODI process filters the records so that only the forecast values for branch codes associated with the current ERP instance are included.

Publish Forecast to Source System Flow

The following diagram illustrates the Publish Forecast to Source System Flow:

Publish Forecast Program

the picture is described in the document text

Publish Forecast Program

Publish Forecast to Source System Options

The Publish Forecast to Source System options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP

Publish Forecast to Source System Files

The Forecast.txt environment file is impacted by the Publish Forecast to Source System flow.

Collecting PTP Data

This section only applies to JDE users.

Collect Predictive Trade Planning Flow

The following diagram illustrates the Collect Predictive Trade Planning flow:

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

The VCP concurrent process performs the file copies between the ODI and Demantra DB servevr directories and calls each sub process.

Collect Predictive Trade Planning Options

The Collect Predictive Trade Planning options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP
List Price Yes/No: If List Price is to be collected
Item Cost Yes/No: If Item Costs are to be collected
Price History Yes/No: If Price History is to be collected

Collect Predictive Trade Planning Files

The following environment files are impacted by the Collect Predictive Trade Planning flow:

Publishing PTP Results

This section only applies to JDE users.

Publish Predictive Trade Planning Flow

The following diagram illustrates the Publish Predictive Trade Planning flow:

the picture is described in the document text

Publish Predictive Trade Planning Options

The Publish Predictive Trade Planning Options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance is defined in VCP

Publish Predictive Trade Planning Files

The Publish Predictive Trade Planning flow impacts the following files:

Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data

This section only applies to JDE users.

Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data Flow

The following diagram outlines the Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data flow:

the picture is described in the document text

Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data Options

The Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data includes:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP
Load Payment Confirmations Yes/No
Load Deductions Yes/No

Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data Files

The Collect Deductions Settlement Management Data flow impacts the following files:

Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results

This process publishes the results of a Publish Deductions Settlement Management collection.

Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results Flow

The following diagram illustrates the Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results flow:

the picture is described in the document text

Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results Options

The Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results options include:

Instance The name of the JDE E1 or PeopleSoft instance as defined in VCP
Publish Claims Yes/No
Publish Deduction Dispositions Yes/No

Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results Files

The Publish Deductions Settlement Management Results flow impacts the following files: