Configuring JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Note: This chapter does not pertain to PeopleSoft users.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Designating a Master Branch

The master branch is used as a source for common information across multiple branches. In some instances, information in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is available at the item-branch level, but in VCP this information is at the item level. The master branch designates the values that are applied to the item level information in VCP.

The master branch does not need to be an operating branch, but must contain all items (and their category codes) used by planning or forecasting in all branches of a model.

Setting Up Costing Method 07

The costs extracted in Manufacturing.xml use Costing Method 07.

On-site customization is needed for all other costing methods.

Setting Up Customer and Supplier Calendars

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, calendars are associated with customers, suppliers, branches, and work centers.

Customer, Branch and Item Category Codes

Category codes are used to fulfill multiple functions with the integration and are used to form item categories in VCP.

Category codes are also used where item and customer fields are needed for VCP but are not present in JDE E1. In most cases where a VCP field is missing in JDE E1, a global value is set for all items or customers. This value is set in the Parameters.txt file.

For example, the instance Parameters.txt has an entry with the key:


The value assigned to this entry populates the Purchased_Postprocessing_Lead_Time for all items.

For a limited number of fields, you are not restricted to a single global entry. For these fields, you can use category codes to specify values unique to a specific item or customer . These category codes are defined and assigned to fields in the Parameters.txt file.

The fields retrieved from Category Codes have the following entries in the Parameters.txt file:

Category Code Entry in Parameters.txt Category Code Source
Branch_Business_Group_Category Branch
Branch_Legal_Entity_Category Branch
Branch_Operating_Unit_Category Branch
Customer_Class_Code_Category Customer
Demand_Class_Category Customer
Operating_Unit_Category Customer
Sales_Channel_Category Customer
Change_Over_Category Item

Extracting Customer, Branch and Item Category Codes

Use the Base.xml file to specify which category codes to extract for item and branch categories. Use the Customer.xml file to specify which category codes to extract for customer categories.

To assign category codes that are to be extracted

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the Groups setup form in JED E1 by using the Group Sets Form-Exit.

  3. Click the appropriate tab (Item Groups Setup, Branch Groups Setup, or Customer Groups Setup).

  4. Select the appropriate Customer Category Code checkboxes.

    Note: This integration does not use Supplier Groups.

Setting Up Integration Constants

Integration Constants are interface definitions and formats. You must set up integration constants for use by the batch outbound and inbound processors.

You typically define the integration constants during the development and setup stage of an implementation. Although you can change the integration constants at any time, Oracle recommends that you:

To access the Planning Integration Constants window:

  1. Navigate to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Populate the General Tab.

Planning UOM

Specify the unit of measure to use as the Value Chain Planning planning unit of measure default value, or select it from the Select User Define Codes form. The system validates the value in this field for the values in UDC 34A/UM.

Shipping UOM

Specify the unit of measure to use as the Value Chain Planning shipping unit of measure default value or select it from the Select User Define Codes form. The system validates the value in this field for the values in the UDC 34A/UM.

Date Format

Make sure this is set this to EMD. This format does not need to be set up for XML batch extracts but is needed for the flat files (such as Calendar.txt).

Flat File Delimiter

For this integration, the Flat File delimiter should be set to semicolon (;).

This format does not need to be set up for XML batch extracts generated by the VCP PIP but is needed by the non XML files.

Weekly/Monthly Forecast

Specify the code that identifies whether the exported forecasts were generated using monthly or weekly periods or select it from the Select User Define Codes form. The system validates the value in this field for the values in UDC 34A/MW.

Defining Item Number Identifiers

To effectively extract master routings and corresponding information from the Manufacturing Package (R34A1020), you must synchronize how short, secondary, and third item numbers are identified and cross-referenced by EnterpriseOne. For example, by setting the short item number identifier used by all branches and plants to blank, the secondary item number identifier to /, and the third number identifier to *, you do not need to use a symbol in front of the Cross Reference Item Number in Item Cross Reference (P4104), thereby ensuring that all the correct routing information is extracted.

To define item number identifiers

  1. Navigate to Branch/Plant Constants (G4141).

  2. In the Branch/Plant field, select all branch/plants.

  3. Click Select.

  4. Ensure the settings are the same for:

    • Short Item Number Identifier

    • Second Item Number Identifier

    • Third Item Number Identifier

    Note: The identifiers set for the short, second, and third item numbers affect all branches and plants. You must use the same identifiers when cross-referencing the item number in Item Cross Reference (P4104) for routings to be extracted correctly.

  5. Click OK.

Defining the Unit of Measure Type

To include a measure type, set up unit of measure codes in EnterpriseOne. This enables the VCP products to use alternate ways of planning a product. For example, a bicycle in the EnterpriseOne Sales Order Entry program can be sold as a unit, but it may be useful to plan its production or distribution in another measure, such as by weight or by volume.

The Base.xml file includes the StandardUOM and the ItemUOM XML objects, which work together to convert an item quantity into an alternate quantity based on the unit of measure type.

The Defining the Unit of Measure feature enables you to map UOM codes from the 00/UM table with valid unit of measure codes used by VCP and stored in the 34A/UT UDC table.

This is a two-step process:

Define the UOM mapped description codes and mapped descriptions in JDE E1

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the Define Unit of Measure form in JED E1 by using the Unit of Measure Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Description column, select the value to map the EnterpriseOne UOM code.

    Values include:

    • A–Area

    • C–Count

    • L–Length

    • V–Volume

    • W–Weight

  4. Click OK.

  5. Set up definitions for each mapped description code in UDC 34A/UT.

    These definitions are used as the UOM Type values in the Base.xml file and translated to VCP codes in the next step. Consider the following example:

    UOM UOM Description Mapped Description
    12 Twelve Pack C
    LT Liter V
    LB Pound W
    KG Kilogram W
    GR Gross C

    For each of these mapped descriptions, an entry must be made in the in UDC (34A/UT):

    Code Description of E1 Code
    A Area
    C Count
    L Length
    V Volume
    W Weight

    The description of the JDE E1 codes appears in the <toUomType> field in the Base.xml file. For example:


    Item 783121 is associated with the UOM code GR.

    The UOM code GR has a mapped description of C.

    In the UDC entry 34A/UT, C has a description of Count.

    Therefore, in the XML above, Count now appears in the <toUOMType>.

Define how the descriptions are translated to VCP codes

In the Manage Integration Parameters user interface, use the Cross References tab to translate the JDE E1 codes from Step 1 to their equivalent codes in VCP.

For each of the entries for UDC (34A/UT) there should be an entry in the Cross References tab in the Manage Integration Parameters user interface:

Field Name JDE E1 Code VCP Code

In this example, the JDE E1 UOM codes 12 and GR are translated to the VCP code CNT.

Additional Information: For additional information, see User-Maintained Data.

Setting Up the Mapping Lot Status

This is a two step process:

Define mapped status codes for inventory lot statuses in JDE E1

You can set up the Lot Status Mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne lot status from the 41/L UDC table to the format required for the status attribute in the BeginningInventory.xml file. The values are stored in the 34A/LS UDC table.

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the Lot Status form in JDE E1 by using the Lot Status Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Status column, enter the value to which the EnterpriseOne sales order status is mapped.

    Values include:

    • A–Available

    • E–Expired

    • O–Onhold

    • P–Pegged

    • S–Scrap

  4. Click OK.

  5. Set up definitions for each mapped description code in UDC (34A/LS).

    These definitions are used as the <lotStatus> values in the Beginning Inventory.xml file to determine available inventory in the next step. Consider the following example:

    Lot Status Status Description Mapped Status
    <space> Available A
    A Damaged Goods S
    D Hold for Inspection-Vendor O
    E Expired E
    I Hold for Inspection-Inspector O
    Q Under Quarantine Q

    Based on these Mapped Status descriptions, the following JDE E1 codes are set up in UDC (34A/LS):

    JDE E1 Code Description
    A Available
    E Expired
    O Onhold
    P Pegged
    S Scrap

    These descriptions are the values used in the <lotStatus> field in the in BeginningInventory.xml. For example:


    In this example, item 783121 has inventory a lot status code of <space>.

    The lot status code of <space> has a mapped description of A.

    In UDC entry 34A/LS, A has a description of Available. Therefore, in the XML above, A now appears in the <lotStatus>.

In the Parameters.txt file, define the list of statuses to consider as available inventory

In the Parameters.txt file, specify the Mapped Statuses that will be considered available inventory. These descriptions are the values used in the <lotStatus> field in the in BeginningInventory.xml.

For the following example, inventories with a lot status of Available or Pegged are considered available inventory.

Parameter Name Parameter Value
Valid_QOH_Status_Codes Available, Pegged

Note: JDE E1 lot status dates are not recognized by VCP and are treated as being available for planning purposes immediately.

Additional Information: For additional information, see User-Maintained Data.

Mapping the Sales Order and Purchase Order Status

Note: Sales Order and Purchase Order Status affects the value of the <status> field in the Sales and Purchase Order extracts. These fields are not used by the integration. However, Sales Order and Purchasing Order Status should be set up because it is used in an extract key.

You can set up the Sales Order/Purchase Order Status Mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne sales order status from the 40/AT UDC table to the format required for the status attribute in the SalesOrders.xml file.

EnterpriseOne purchase orders also use this mapping to communicate order status in the PurchaseOrders.xml file. The values are stored in the 34A/OS UDC table.

To map the sales order and purchase order status

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the Sales Order/ Purchase Order form in JDE E1 by using the SO/PO Status Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Status column, select the value to which the EnterpriseOne sales order status or purchase order is mapped.

    Values include:

    • A–Approved

    • P–Planned

    • Q–Quoted

    • R–Rejected

  4. Click OK.

Mapping the Work Order Priority Status

You can set up the Work Order Priority Status mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne work order priority status from the 00/PR UDC table to the format required for the priority attribute in the WorkOrders.xml file.

To map the Work Order Priority status

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the WO Priority Status form in JDE E1 by using the WO Priority Status Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Status column, enter the value to which each EnterpriseOne work order priority status is mapped, where 1 represents the highest priority and 1000 represents the lowest priority.

  4. Click OK.

Mapping the Work Order Routing Status

Note: Work Order Routing Status affects the value of the <status> field in the Work Order extracts (work order operation). These fields are not used by the the integration. However, Work Order Routing Status should be set up because it is used in an extract key.

You can use the Work Order Routing Status mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne work order routing status from the 31/OS UDC table to the format required for the work order routing status attribute in the WorkOrders.xml file. The valid statuses are located in the 34A/RS UDC table.

To map the Work Order Routing status

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the WO Routing Status form in JDE E1 by using WO Routing Status.

  3. In the Mapped Status column, enter the value to which each EnterpriseOne work order routing status is mapped.

    Values include:

    • A: The operation is currently being run.

    • C–The operation has already taken place.

    • O–The operation is about to be run

  4. Click OK.

Mapping the Work Order Status

This is a two step process:

Defining the translation of the Mapped Status Code Descriptions to be compatible with VCP Work Order status codes.

Step 1: Defining the Work Order Mapped Status codes in JDE E1

You can use the Work Order Status mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne work order status from the 00/SS UDC table to the format required for the WorkOrders.xml file. The valid Work Order statuses are located in the 34A/WS UDC table.

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the WO Status form in JDE E1 by using the WO Status Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Status column, enter the value to which each JDE E1 work order status is mapped.

    Values include:

    • A: The information has been entered, and the work order is ready to be scheduled.

    • C: The work order has been completed or canceled.

    • E: The work order has been entered, and requires routing and parts list information.

    • I: The work order has been scheduled on the shop floor with all of the parts that are required for production ready for processing.

    • R: The work order has been released to the shop floor for scheduling.

  4. Click OK.

    The Descriptions defined for Mapped Status codes are used as the Work Order Status values in the Work Order xml file and translated to VCP codes in the next step.

    Consider the following example:

    Work Order Status Code Status Description Mapped Status
    05 Order Created E
    10 Order Reviewed E
    14 Claim Resubmitted E
    16 Parts List Attached A
    17 Routing Attached A

    The following codes and descriptions are set up in UDC (34A/WS).

    Code Description
    A Attached
    C Closed
    E Entered
    I Issued
    R Released

    These descriptions are used in the <status> field in the Work Orders.xml file. For example:

            <description>Trek 5900 OCLV 110 Road Bike</description>

    Work Order 454408 may have an JDE E1 status of 05, this translates to a Mapped Status of 05, which in turn is mapped to Entered in UDC table 34A/WS.

Defining the translation of the codes in Step 1 to make them compatible with VCP

In the Manage Integration Parameters user interface, use the Cross References tab to translate the JDE E1 codes from Step 1 to their equivalent codes in VCP.

For each of the entries for UDC (34A/WS) there should be a code translation described as follows:

Field Name E1 Code VCP Code
WIP_STATUS_CODE Unreleased 1

In this example, the work order with the status of Entered is loaded with a status of 1 in VCP.

Mapping the Forecast Consumption

You can use the Forecast Consumption mapping constant to map the EnterpriseOne time fence rules from the 34/TF UDC table the Forecast Consumption rule in 34A/FC UDC table.

Note: For this integration, only the Order-Greater forecast consumption rule is supported. This rule takes the order quantity in the Forecast Consumption Time Fence and beyond the time fence, whichever is greater; Forecast or Orders. This value is ignored by the integration, as it assumes the rule is Order-Greater.

To map the forecast consumption rules

  1. Access the Integration Constants form by navigating to Fast Path P34A10.

  2. Access the Forecast Consumption form in JDE E1 by using the Forecast Consumption Form-Exit.

  3. In the Mapped Forecast Consumption column, enter code for Time Fence Rule and the associated Description. The Description is the values that are reported in Base.xml.

    Values include:

    • Order-Greater

    Use the Order rule before the time fence and the Greater rule after the time fence.

  4. Click OK.

Defining the Scaling Options (34A/SC)

You use user-defined code 34A/SC to define the quantity scaling options available for manufactured items. The only scaling options used for integration with Value Chain Planning are variable and fixed.

To define the scaling operations

  1. Navigate to Fast Path P0004A.

  2. In the Solution Explorer, complete the following fields:

    • Product Code: Type 34A

    • User Defined Codes: Type SC

  3. Click Add.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    Codes Description Special Handling Hard Coded
    F Fixed N Y
    V Variable N Y

Defining the Availability Calendar (34A/AC)

Note: The Availability Calendar is not directly used by the integration. However, the Availability Calendar should be set up because it is used in an extract key.

Use the user-defined code 34A/AC to set the default calendar used by Distribution for batch integration. When using the Distribution Package (R34A1090), the default calendar is sent in the transportMode object.

To define the Availability Calendar

  1. Navigate to the Fast Path UDC.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Product Code

    • Type 34A

    • User Defined Codes

    • Type AC

  3. Click Add.

  4. Complete these fields:

    • Codes

    • Type D

    • Description 01

    • Type Default

    • Special Handling

    • Leave blank

    • Hard Coded

    • Type N.

  5. Click OK.

Defining the Number of Vehicles (34A/VC)

Note: This defines the Number of Vehicles reported in Distribution.xml. This is currently not used in the integration. However, the Number of Vehicles should be set up because it is used in an extract key.

Use user-defined code 34A/VC to set the number of vehicles used for a route number by Distribution. When using the Distribution Package (R34A1090), the number of vehicles is sent in the transportMode object.

To define the number of vehicles

  1. Navigate to the Fast Path UDC.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Product Code

    • Type 34A

    • User Defined Codes

    • Type VC

  3. Click Add.

  4. In User Defined Codes, complete the following fields:

    • Codes

    • Route number

    • Description 01

    • Number of vehicles available for the route number

    • Special Handling

    • Hard Coded

  5. Click OK.

Synchronizing ODI Variables, Parameters and JDE E1 Constants

JDE E1 and ODI are configured independently but share the same files and file structure. It is important to ensure that the configuration is consistent. For example: