Defining User Maintained Data

User-maintained data is data that is needed for planning purposes but is not available in the ERP extracts. In releases prior to, user-maintained data was managed using a spreadsheet. Staring with the release this data is maintained using the Manage Integration Parameters user interface.

This chapter covers the following topics:

User-Maintained Data

You can maintain data in the Manage Integration Parameters UI which can be used to publish the data to a flat file. User-maintained data can be useful for:

Data which is needed in Oracle VCP, but not present in the ERP extracts.

Data which you prefer to represent at the entity level rather than the global level.

Data published from the Manage Integration Parameters UI must be uploaded to the same directory as the ERP extracted data.

To access the Manage Integration Parameters user interface, navigate to Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Collections, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, Manage Integration Parameters.

Note: Data published from the Manage Integration Parameters UI must be uploaded to the same directory as the ERP extracted data.

Publishing User-Maintained Data

The data that is entered into the Manage Integration Parameters UI must be published and then uploaded to the same directory as the ERP extracted data. The Publish button in the Manage Integration Parameters UI exports the data entered into the Manage Integration Parameters UI into a zip file. The zip file contains a flat file for each entity's data.

To Publish data

  1. Save any unsaved data.

  2. Select the Publish button

  3. If you want to collect all the files contained within the zip file you can save the zip file directly to the same directory as the extracted ERP data.

  4. If you want to collect a subset of the files contained within the zip file:

    • Download the zip file to a temporary directory and extract the zip file

    • Select the desired files and compress them into a zip file.

    • Upload the zip file to the same directory as the extracted ERP data.

Manage Integration Parameters User Interface

Enter integration parameters, cross reference information and supplemental data using the Manage Integration Parameters user interface. You only need to populate the entities that are applicable to your integration. For example, if you are only installing Demand Management, you don't need to set up Resource Groups. When using the Manage Integration Parameters user interface, you must select the applicable JDE E1 instance.

Parameters Tab

Parameters define the valid and default values used in the integration. Some parameters define how the integration should operate, such as delimiters used for concatenation or transportation costs.

Other parameters are placeholders for data that is absent from a JDE E1 entity. In this case the parameter defines a global value that is applied for all such missing entities.

For example, JDE E1 does not have a Cost percentage for an over-utilized resource. However, this field is available in VCP. The Resource Overutilization Cost parameter defines a value that can be used for all resources.

The JDE E1 integration parameters have been arranged into groups. For example, all the Item related parameters have been grouped under “Items”. This allows you to easily search for parameters related to a specific area within planning.

When you enter a value other than the default value, an asterisk appears in the row header to indicate the value has been changed.

the picture is described in the document text

Additional Information: For additional information on the available parameters, see Appendix A: User Maintained Data - Parameters.

Cross References Tab

The Translation Table specifies key field translations.

Some VCP fields do not accommodate the full length of the field as it exists in the source system, such as JD E1.The Cross References table defines a mapping between the value in the source system and VCP.

For instance, the organization code in VCP has a maximum length of seven characters, but in JDE E1, the branch code can be longer. An entry in the Cross References table for branches with a code longer than seven characters is required. The branch code CRANSTON is longer than seven characters, so a translation is required. The row in the Cross References UI table would be as follows:

The Translation Table is also used when a user-defined value in JDE E1 needs to be translated to the appropriate value for VCP, for example, Work Order Status.

the picture is described in the document text

Translation Table usage includes:

Field VCP Length JDE E1 Length
Calendar Code 14 16
Category Set Name 30 50
Forecast Designator 10 11+
Organization Code 7 11
Resource Code 10 12
Not a length issue, just translating from E1 literals to VCP literals
UOM Code 3 E1 length 2
Needed for Hours/Minute used in Manufacturing.xml
WIP STATUS CODE   Convert user defined E1 Work Order Status codes to VCP status codes.

Supplemental Data Tab

The supplemental data tab allows you to enter additional data that is not included in the current JDE E1 extracts. You can enter data for the following entities:

When you select the desired entity and press the Search button, the table is refreshed to display the column headings applicable to the selected entity.

The Hash symbol (#) indicates the columns whose value combination must be unique; otherwise, you will receive a duplicate row message. For example, for the Forecast Designator entity, the Designator and Organization Code value combination must be unique for each row. Meaning, you couldn't have two rows that had a Forecast Designator of “FD1” and an Organization of “M1”.

An Asterisk (*) in the column heading indicates the field is required.

Information on each of the available entities is described below.

Shift Information

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you can associate shifts with resources, but you might want to provide more information about the shift for planning purposes. It is recommended that you should populate the following table for all shifts.

the picture is described in the document text

PeopleSoft users should create a <null> record for each calendar. This information can be maintained in either PeopleSoft or via the Shift Information entity.

The following table displays Shift Information data fields:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Calendar Y Text   WorkPatterns.dat
Calendar Code Y Text   WorkPatterns.dat
Shift Number Y Integer The identification of a shift. This value can be null. There should be one null shift for each calendar. WorkPatterns.dat
Shift Name   Numeric Shift number WorkPatterns.dat
Shift Description   Text Description WorkPatterns.dat

Shift Information Details

Use the Shift Information Details entity to define the start and end times for shifts.

the picture is described in the document text

PeopleSoft users should create a <null> record for each calendar. This information can be maintained in either PeopleSoft or via the Shift Information Details entity.

The following table displays Shift Information Details data:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Branch Y Text   ShiftTime.dat
Calendar Y Text   ShiftTime.dat
Shift Number Y Integer The identification of a shift. This value can be null. There should be one null shift for each calendar. ShiftTime.dat
From Time   Time The start time for this shift ShiftTime.dat
To Time   Time The end time for this shift ShiftTime.dat

Resource Groups

This entity is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

Use the Resource Groups entity to define resource groups for VCP planning.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Resource Groups data:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Group Code Y Text The Resource Group Code DepartmentResources.dat
Meaning   Text Resource Group Meaning  
Description   Text Resource Group Description  
From Date   Date From Date <default null>  
To Date   Date To Date <default null>  
Enabled Flag   Text Values are:
Y = Yes

Resource Group Details

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

Use the Resource Group Details entity to associate resources with resource groups.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Resource Group Details data:

Field Key Type Related Entities Description Where Used
Group Code Y Text   The Resource Group Code DepartmentResources.dat ResourceGroups.dat
Branch Y Text      
Resource Y Text MachineCode, CrewCode, ToolCode in Manufacturing.xml The machine associated with this resource group.  

Forecast Designators

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

Use the Forecast Designators entity to provide information about importing forecasts from JDE E1.

the picture is described in the document text

If VCP gets forecasts from Demantra, and this data is not imported into VCP from JDE E1, the Forecast Designators table does not need to be populated.

The following table displays Forecast Designators data:

Field Description
Designator Forecast name
Organization Code Organization
Source Instance Code Instance code defined on the planning server
Description Description
Disable Date Disables the date for the forecast designator
Demand Class Name or identifier of a demand class
Consume Forecast This field specifies whether or not forecast consumption is required.
Values are:
Update Type Forecast update type code.
Values are:
Ship To
Bill To
Forward Update Time Fence Forward consumption days
Backward Update Time Fence Backward consumption days
Outlier Update Percentage Forecast outlier update percentage. The value of this field should be less than 100.
Customer Name Customer Name
Ship To Site Code Forecast ship code
Bill To Site Code Forecast bill code
Bucket Type Values are:
Forecast Set Forecast set name. The value of this field is determined by the forecast versioning architecture.
Probability Forecast probability

Setup Definitions

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

This table defines a resource's setups and populates the MSC_ST_RESOURCE_SETUPS table.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Setup Definitions data:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Branch Y String Branch Code MSC_ST_RESOURCE_SETUPS
Resource Code Y String Resource Code MSC_ST_RESOURCE_SETUPS
Setup Code Y String The Setup Code. An attribute significant to changeovers. For example, 100mm. MSC_ST_RESOURCE_SETUPS
Set Up Description   String The set up description MSC_ST_RESOURCE_SETUPS

Setup Allocations

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

Use the following table to define the Setup Code for Routing Operations. Changeovers can be defined at the item or category level.

The system checks to see if a setup allocation has been defined for an item. If a setup allocation has not been defined at the system level, the system looks for a record with an item category that is the same as the Set Up Category parameter.

Using an item category enables you to maintain one record for a group of common products, which reduces maintenance requirements.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Setup Allocations data:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Branch Y String Branch Code  
Change Over Category Y String The category codes for this setup. Specify Change Over Category or Item
Item Y String The item code for this setup. Specify Change Over Category or Item
Operation Sequence Y Number The sequence code that identifies the routing operation.  
Setup Code Y String The Setup Code associated with records that fit the appropriate criteria. RoutingOperation.dat

Setup Transitions

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

This table defines a resource's setups and populates the MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSITIONS table.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Setup Transitions data fields:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Branch Y String Branch Code MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
Resource Code Y String Resource Code MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
From Setup Code Y String The From Setup Code MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
To Set Up Code Y String The To Setup Code MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
Standard Operation Code   String An operation associated with this transition MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
Transition Time   Real The time for the setup MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
Transition UOM   String The unit of measure for the transition MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS
Transition Penalty   Real Penalty MSC_ST_SETUP_TRANSI TIONS

Standard Operation Resources

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Standard Operation Resources data fields:

Field Key Type Description Where Used
Branch Y String Branch Code MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOURCES
Resource_code Y String Resource code MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES
Standard_operation_code Y String Standard operations code MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES
Resource_usage   Real Resource usage rate MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES
resource_units   Integer Number of resource units assigned MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES
uom_code     Unit of measure for resources MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES
schedule_flag     Resource is required for scheduling MSC_ST_STD_OP_RESOU RCES

Shipping Methods

This section is not applicable to PeopleSoft-Demantra users or to JDE users who are only implementing Demantra.

This entity defines additional information for transportation between branches and from branches to customers.

This table augments the inter-branch information stored in Distribution.xml and the branch to customer information stored in Customers.xml. This entity does not replace the data in these files. A lane must exist in the source xml files to form a valid lane. The data in this entity alone will not form a valid lane.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Shipping Methods data fields:

Field Key Type Related Entities Description Where Used
From Branch Y Text Base.xml:branch:branchCode The source branch, part of the join with the XML files ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
To Branch Y Text Base.xml:branch:branchCode The destination branch, part of the join with the Distribution.xml file ShipmentMethod.dat (Distribution)
To Customer Y Text Customer.xml:customer: customerCode The customer, part of the join with the Customer.xml file ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales)
Transport Mode Y Text Distribution.xml:lane:transport Mode:transportModeCode The transport mode, part of the join with the XML files. ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Transit Time   Real   The time take on this lane for this transport mode ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Time UOM Code   Text   The time unit of measure for the transit time ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Weight Capacity   Real   The daily weight capacity for this lane/transport mode combination. ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Weight UOM Code   Text   The UOM association with Weight Capacity ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Volume Capacity   Real   The daily volume capacity for this lane/transport mode combination. ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Volume UOM Code   Text   The UOM association with Volume Capacity ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Cost per Weight Unit   Real   The cost for each weight UOM ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Cost per Volume Unit   Real   The cost for each volume UOM ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)
Transport Capacity Over utilization cost   Real   The cost associated with exceeding the capacity constraint ShipmentMethod.dat (Sales and Distrib'n)

Standard UOM Conversions

Use the Standard UOM Conversions table to specify non-item based UOM conversions.

This information can be maintained in either PeopleSoft or via the Standard UOM Conversions entity.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table displays Standard UOM Conversions data fields:

Field Key Type Description
UOM Code Y String To UOM
UOM Class Y String The class of UOM conversion
Conversion Factor   Real The number of “from UOM” to “To UOM”. For instance, from EA to Dozen, the conversion factor would be 12.