Workforce Intelligence

Information Access Overview

Oracle HRMS provides a range of inquiry and reporting mechanisms to meet the needs of different users:

Discoverer Workbooks

Oracle Discoverer is a data query and analytical tool that enables you to perform detailed analysis of the human resources issues that interest you. Discoverer uses an End User Layer (EUL), which is based on a series of business views, to build worksheets and workbooks that report on the data from the underlying HRMS application. There are a number of predefined workbooks, which you can refine by specifying worksheet parameters; you can also build your own workbooks.

Use the following responsibility to access the predefined Discoverer workbooks:

HRMS Ad-Hoc Reporting – Administrator

This responsibility provides access to the HRMS Ad-Hoc Reporting – Administrator menu, which has the following structure:

HRMS Ad-Hoc Reporting – Administrator

The menu structure reflects the functional areas you need to install in order to retrieve data from the workbooks.

Discoverer End User Layer

HRMS contains a predefined End User Layer (EUL) where the data in the underlying database tables is organized in Discoverer as folders. The folders are organized into business areas. You can use this EUL to create your own Discoverer Workbooks.

Use the HRMS Ad-Hoc Reporting – Administrator responsibility to access the following Discoverer business areas:

For descriptions of these Discoverer business areas, see: Discoverer End User Layer Business Area Descriptions, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Inquiry Windows

Oracle HRMS includes some inquiry windows to meet the most common online reporting requirements. In these windows, you typically enter selection criteria in the first block then choose the Find button to view a list of people, assignments, or other entities that match your criteria. Some of these windows use folders to display the information retrieved by your criteria.

Folders are online views that you can configure. By default, the folder block in an inquiry window displays all records matching your inquiry and all fields available within the folder. However, you can create your own folders to display a subset of these records and fields. You can also choose the field labels, their size and order, and the sort sequence of the retrieved records.

For example, in the Assignment Folder window, you could create a folder called Sales Employees by Grade. This folder has the query criteria Organization = "Sales", and it is sorted by grade.

Predefined Reports

There are a number of predefined reports that you can use immediately without any further set up. They have a predefined format but you can choose which records to view by entering a set of parameters when you submit the report.

You can also create your own reports using Oracle Reports or SQL*Plus or another tool of your choice. You can register them with Application Object Library. This means you can run them from the standard Submit Requests window, and you can schedule them in report sets with other reports and processes.

Multilingual Reporting

Oracle HRMS enables you to print reports in the language of your choice.

HR Reports

You can select in which language the following reports are printed:

See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Payroll Reports

Payroll reports are usually submitted in the language of your Business Group, for example the US Check writer can only be printed in American English and the GB Deposit Advice can only be printed in English. However, you may be able to print payroll reports in multiple languages if your localization team has created legislation specific reports for you to use.

Note: The default HRMS payrolls for the US and UK can only be run in English.

Using Oracle HRMS with Spreadsheets

You can use Oracle Application Data Exchange (ADE) to download information from the HRMS database to a spreadsheet for analysis and manipulation. For example, you can download data on current and proposed salaries for a group of employees. You can adjust the salary proposals in the spreadsheet, or enter new ones, and upload the revised data to the database. The ADE upload process reports any errors and ensures that only valid data is saved in the database.

To download information from a form to a spreadsheet using ADE, your system administrator needs to create a style in ADE. The style defines the form it is used for, the responsibilities that can use it, and the columns (or fields) to be downloaded. You determine which records are downloaded by running a query in the form before launching ADE.

A style for downloading salary proposals is predefined.

See Using Application Data Exchange.


QuickPaint is a powerful and flexible tool to design reports about assignments in the format you require. You can include the following sorts of information in a QuickPaint report:

Once you have designed a QuickPaint report, you and other users can run the report online for any assignment or set of assignments. You can view the results online or print them.

Configuring the Run QuickPaint Report Window

Using the standard QuickPaint Report window, you can run the report for an assignment or an assignment set. The assignments can be held by current employees or applicants.

Your system administrator can create configured versions of this window to restrict the reports you can run and the people you can report on. A configured version might be subject to one or more of the following restrictions:

If the window is subject to the third type of restriction, it will look different to the standard version since it will contain either the assignment region or the assignment set region, but not both.


You can add attachments to a large number of HRMS records. Examples of attachments are word processed documents, Web pages or video images.

Information Access

Does Oracle HRMS provide flexible access to information?

The information held in Oracle HRMS is an extremely valuable resource for your enterprise. You can use the same information in a variety of different ways depending on your business purpose. For example, you can use Oracle HRMS information in support of each of the following business activities:

How can you use Oracle HRMS to support typical HR activities?

You can extract details about a single employee or a group of employees. Particular examples are:

What range of reporting options are available in Oracle HRMS?

When you are reporting on activities using HRMS you may want to use each of the following reporting options depending on your business purpose:

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Can you pose "what-if" scenarios?

There will be occasions when you want to see the effect of a proposed change before deciding whether to implement it. For example, you may want to calculate the effect of a salary change for a range of employees. In these circumstances it would not be appropriate to change the data in HRMS until you have assessed the implications. Oracle HRMS allows you to transfer a copy of current data to your desktop so that you can test a succession of modifications before uploading the data to HRMS.

Can you run multilingual reports?

Yes, you can run HRMS in more than one language on a single database. This means that you can enter and report on information using more than one language. For example, your base, or source, language could be French, but you could also install German and English. You would then be able to enter and produce reports in German and English.

Administering Workforce Intelligence

Discoverer Workbooks and End User Layer

HRMS uses Oracle Discoverer to create workbooks containing worksheet reports and graphs. You can amend these workbooks to meet your enterprise's specific requirements. You can also use Discoverer User to create your own workbooks, based on the supplied Discoverer End User Layer (EUL).

You can find full instructions on developing the Discoverer EUL and creating and maintaining Discoverer workbooks in the Oracle Discoverer Plus User's Guide and the Oracle Discoverer Plus Administrator's Guide

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Discoverer Workbooks

Each workbook holds a set of related worksheets. A worksheet is simply a report that returns data from a SQL query. The workbook may contain calculations and conditions that can restrict the report in various ways.

You can access Discoverer workbooks from the Self-Service menu. You can use parameters to specify the data range you want in your report. The worksheets are displayed in Discoverer Viewer.

Discoverer End User Layer

The end user layer (EUL) comprises a set of business areas, containing folders. The folders contain items that map to table columns. The folders can map to one or more database table. The folders present that data in a structure that is suitable for reporting.

There are two types of business areas: administrative and functional. The administrative business areas contain all folders. The purpose of the administrative areas is to give report developers access to all the folders to enable them to create ad hoc reports.

The functional business areas contain folders that support reporting for a specific business function, such as iRecruitment. Folders can exist in one or more functional business area. Workbooks are typically based on folders from one functional business area. You can grant users access to one or more functional business area, depending on which reports they require.

Person Information Workbook

Special Person Information Workbook

This workbook enables you to analyze and display personal and technical information. You can also use the workbook to view any special information, such as competence or disciplinary records for employees.

Business Questions

What are the competence levels of employees in the organization?

Are there any employees with any disciplinary actions against them?

Are there any employees who are actively involved in politics?

Are there any meritorious and talented employees in the organization?


This workbook has the following worksheets:

Personal File Details

This worksheet enables you to display and track a person's file details. For a person, you can examine:

Political Information

This worksheet enables you to display and track a person's political information:

Rewards and Punishments

This worksheet enables you to display a person's competence and disciplinary records. You can examine:

Technical Post Details

This worksheet enables you to display a person's technical post details. You can track:

Business Question?

To what has an employee been assigned?

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Extra Person Information Workbook

This workbook enables you to display foreign travel information and military information.

Business Questions

Are there any employees with previous military experience?

Are there any employees who have travelled abroad on official assignments and, if so, what are the details for these employees?


This workbook has the following worksheets:

Previous Military Service

This worksheet enables you to display previous military information. You can examine:

Foreign Travel Detail Information

This worksheet enables you to display foreign travel information for an employee:

Foreign Travel Master Information

This worksheet enables you to display and track foreign travel master information:

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Workforce Intelligence for Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting

HRMS - Payslip Archive Workbook

You can view balances and elements using the Payslip Archive Workbook.

Business Question

What archived elements and balances appear on a payslip.


This workbook has the following worksheets:




You must specify the following parameters:

The report includes the archived elements and balances on the selected start and end date.

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.