Oracle HRMS for Hungary Supplement


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Organization Structures

Organization Structures Overview
Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises
Organization Classifications
Creating an Organization
Entering Additional Information
Entering Company Details
Entering Draft Agency Reference
Location Extra Information Types

Jobs and Positions

Job Management
Defining a Job

Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Entering Disability Information

People Management

Person Extra Information Types
Entering a New Person (People Window)
Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window)
Entering Contracts
Employment Information
Working Shift Patterns
Entering Previous Employment Details
Setting Up Shifts and Shift Patterns
Assigning Working Shift Patterns to an Employee
Assignment Extra Information Types
Entering Additional Assignment Details (Assignment Window)
Contact Information Overview
Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts
Entering Employees Window
Entering a New Employee
Entering Employment Information
The Workforce Headcount Report Set
Setting Up the Employment Certification Report
Setting Up Web ADI for the Employment Certification Report
Running the Employment Certification Report Generator
Running the Employment Certification Report
Running the National Defense Report

Leave and Absence Management

Absence Recording
Entering Absences
Setting Up the Hungarian Absence Report
Mapping Accrual Plans to Holiday Types
Running the Hungarian Absence Report Generator
Setting Up Web ADI for the Hungarian Absence Report
Running the Hungarian Absence Report

Savings and Retirement

Savings and Retirement Overview
Pensions Overview
Setting Up Pension Schemes
Enrolling Employees in Pension Schemes

Talent Management

Competencies Overview
Setting Up Language Skills
Qualification Types
Entering Qualifications


Sample Accrual Formulas for Absence (Hungary)
Sample Formula for Base Holiday (Hungary)
Sample Formula for Additional Holiday (Hungary)
Sample Formula for Other Additional Holiday (Hungary)
Sample Formula for Sickness Holiday (Hungary)
Sample Formula for Carry Over Absence (Hungary)


Additional Implementation Steps for Hungary

If you are implementing Oracle HR for Hungary you must also complete the following additional implementation steps.

Please see the implementation section in Implementing Oracle HRMS for all other implementation steps that are not specific to Hungary.

Additional Implementation Steps

Step 1: Set Up Language Skills

If your enterprise records information about the language skills held by its employees, you can set up a rating scale and competence to define this information, then assign the profile to an employee. You can configure the Additional Competence Element Details flexfield to hold the Certification Number. See: Setting Up Language Skills

Step 2: Set Up Shift Patterns

Set up work patterns to record shift details for your employees. See: Setting Up Shift and Shift Patterns

Step 3: Set Up Pension Schemes

Set up pension schemes and enroll employees. See: Setting Up Pension Schemes

Step 4: Set Up the Employment Certification Report

Before you can run the Employment Certification Report, you must configure the report using Web ADI and then run the report generator. See: Setting Up the Employment Certificate Report

Step 5: Set Up the Hungarian Absence Report

Before you can run the Hungarian Absence Report, you must configure the report using Web ADI and then run the report generator. See: Setting Up the Hungarian Absence Report