Compensation and Benefits Management

Vehicle Details and Absences

Predefined Elements

The following table lists the predefined elements that are specific to Oracle HRMS for Russia. The application uses these elements for payroll processing.

Element Name Description
Business Trip Holds the employee's business trip related information.
Further Professional Education Holds the details related to an employee's trip for further professional education with a separation from work.
Down Time Holds the details of downtime at the workplace. Downtime is the period when an employee is not able to work either due to any employee-specific or employer-specific reason or any other reason independent of both the employee and the employer.

Vehicle Repository

In the vehicle repository, you can store details of company vehicles and private vehicles used for business purposes. This information is datetracked so that you can record changes to the vehicle - such as its status (active or inactive) - over time. Storing this data in a repository removes the need for repetitive and error-prone data entry.

Use Oracle SSHR to record vehicle repository information in the Vehicle Repository Page. The vehicle repository information includes:

You can import company vehicle information from a car fleet management system, storing a fleet identifier and date transferred on each vehicle record.

Vehicle Allocation

Use Oracle SSHR to allocate vehicles to your employees so they can be used in employee mileage claims (UK and Poland) or Benefit in Kind processing (Ireland). You can allocate two types of vehicles : company and private.

Business rules are held in the PQP_CONFIGURATION_VALUES table. See: Configuration Settings for Vehicle Repository and Mileage Claims, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

When you allocate a vehicle, you can override some of the configuration settings for your business group.

You can record a vehicle against a single assignment, or against all of an employee's assignments.

You can allocate vehicles from the Vehicle Repository page.

When you move the mouse over the Users icon, you can view the user details in a pop-up window.

Entering Absences

Enter projected or actual absences for an employee using the Absence Detail window.

Because the calendar holding absence records for an employee is the same as that of the employee's payroll, the primary assignments of employees for whom you enter absence information must include an assignment to a payroll. For absence types based on nonrecurring elements, the effective start date of this assignment must be no later than the start of the current payroll period.

To enter absences for an employee

  1. Select the absence type.

    The following information appears:

    • The category of the type.

      Note: For Denmark users only: Enter absence information, as required, in the descriptive flexfields associated with the Absence Categories.

    • The occurrence of the new absence record you are entering. For example, if the employee has already incurred two absences of this type, the occurrence of the new record is 3.

    • The running total of hours or days absent for all the absence types associated with the element. For absence types with increasing balances, this is the number of days or hours absent with an end date on or before your effective date. For any types with decreasing balances, this is the number of hours or days remaining to be taken.

    • The number of days absence recorded for the absence type in the current calendar year.

    • The name of the element that maintains each employee's time taken or time remaining for this absence type.

    Note: For Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden users only: When you create an absence, Oracle HRMS enters the absence element for all the employee's assignments including the primary assignment. You can decide whether each assignment requires the element entry and better track absences for multiple assignments. You can also edit element entries to change the absence details for a specific assignment.

    Note: For Denmark users only: You can override absence details in the Absence Details window by entering the override element in the Element Entries window. Use the same start and end dates for the override element that you use in the Absence Details window.

    See: Making Manual Element Entries, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  2. If the Further Information field is visible for your localization, click in the field and select a context value relevant to your localization.

    • Canada HRMS: Specify the ROE Reason and ROE Comments. You enter a ROE Reason and ROE Comments for an employee in the Additional Absence Detail Information window. The ROE Reason appears in Block 16 of the ROE. The ROE Comments appear in Block 18 of the ROE.

    • Dutch HRMS: If you have a category of sickness selected, you can enter a percentage sick by selecting the NL_S context value.

      Select No in the Non SI/Pension Absence field to count an absence as a real social insurance day. Selecting Yes excludes the absence from counting as a real social insurance day.

    • Denmark HRMS: When you set up employees for Maternity/Adoption leave, you can choose whether or not to accrue holiday during the absence. Use the Absence category descriptive flexfield, to indicate if you use the accrual or not.

    • Hungary HRMS: If your absence category is Maternity, enter the expected and actual birth dates (and other dates if applicable). If your absence category is Paternity, enter the child's birth date.

    • Mexico HRMS: Specify your type of disability:

      • General Disease

      • Maternity

      • Risk Incident

      The list of available Disability IDs depend on if you have assigned this disability with a Causal Incident (in the case of Risk Incident disabilities) or no Causal Incident (in the case of Maternity or General Disease disabilities).

    • Norway HRMS: Click the descriptive flexfield to select the absence type and display the Additional Absence Details window. Enter additional information about the absence type:

      Absence Type Additional Absence Details
      Maternity Partial maternity or paternity leave
      Sickness Doctors certificate
      Vacation Absence Part time unpaid leave
      Lay off recording For lay offs.
    • Russia HRMS: If your absence category is Maternity Leave, enter the number of children and the new born child's date of birth. If the absence category is Child Rearing Leave, enter the new born child's date of birth. If you select the absence type as Temporary Disability with Sickness Allowance Payment, then select the disability details.

    • Finland HRMS: If your absence category is Annual Holiday, Layoff, Labour Dispute, or Unauthorized, enter the details of a similar absence taken by the employee. For the absence category Sickness, select the doctor's certificate and contract details. For the Accident category, select the work incident and doctor's certificate details. If your absence category is Family Leave, enter the child and maternity leave details.

    • UK HRMS: For an OSP or OMP scheme and an absence that is, or contains, a part of a day, select a unit of measure - days or hours - for measuring part days. For a days-based scheme, select Day and select full or half day . For an hours based scheme, select Hours and select the number of hours absent. Select the appropriate value for the start date, end date, or both. If the entire absence is less that a full day, select the value in the Start Date field.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Enter projected dates for the absence. You can copy these later to the Actual Date fields by choosing Confirm Projected Dates.

    • Enter actual dates and duration as days or hours, according to the units of the balance. If you enter an end date, you must also enter the duration.

      If you want the application to automatically calculate the duration of the absence, then you can either use the schedules and calendar events features from Oracle HRMS and Common Application Components (CAC) or use a formula.

      See: Absence Duration, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  4. You can also select:

    • Reasons for the absence

    • The employee authorizing the absence

    • The employee who replaces the absent employee for the duration of the absence

  5. Save your work.

    Note: If this absence is related to another absence (for example, they both result from the same cause), you can associate the absences using the Absence Case page.

  6. If you entered an absence type that is eligible under an absence benefit plan, you can choose Enroll Absences to run the Participation Process in Absence mode. This process assesses the person's eligibility for the absence plan. If they are eligible, the process changes the status of the potential absence life event to Processed, and evaluates any standard rates linked to the plan.

    Alternatively, you can run this process for a group of employees from the Submit Requests window. See: Running the Participation Process: Absence, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide.

    Note: UK Users: The Evidence and Statutory Payments buttons display, if you opened this window from an SSP menu. Please note that these buttons are only relevant to statutory absence types (sickness, maternity, paternity, and adoption).

Viewing Accruals for Plans Associated with the Absence Type

If the employee is enrolled in an accrual plan, the Accruals button is available. Choose this button to display the Associated Accrual Plans window, where you can see information about any accrual plans associated with the type of absence you are entering.

To view accruals

  1. Enter or query an absence in the Absence Detail window, and choose Accruals.

  2. If nothing is displayed, run a query in the Associated Accrual Plans window to display the name and category of any accrual plans associated with the absence type.

    For each plan, three net accrual amounts are displayed:

    The Net Entitlement figures on the This Absence tab show the effect of the absence displayed in the Absence Detail window.

    • The Before Absence figure is the net accrual calculated on the day before the absence.

    • The After Absence figure is calculated on the start date of the absence.

    In most cases these figures will differ by the length of the absence you are entering. However, if the absence happens to start on the day that this period's PTO entitlement is accrued, the new accrual is also shown in the After figure. Similarly, if any other time (such as time bought or sold) is debited or credited to the accrual on that day, it is reflected in the After figure.

    Projected Entitlement on the End of Plan tab shows the projected net accrual at the end of the current accrual plan term, taking account of any future absences already entered on the system. If the employee has future-dated assignment changes that affect his or her accrual entitlement, these are taken account of in the calculation.

    Note: This figure does not take account of absences with a projected start date. It only includes absences that have an actual start date.


    Suppose Ms. Shah is enrolled on a vacation plan that runs each calendar year starting 1 January, with a gross accrual of 2 days per month. Ms. Shah did not carry over any entitlement from last year and has taken no absences before May.

    Net entitlement is calculated for the last complete accrual period (that is, the period that ends on or before the start of the absence being entered). This absence is only included in the calculation if it starts on the last day of an accrual period.

    The following table shows the accrual amounts (net entitlement) that would display if you enter four absences in the sequence shown.

    Absences: 2 - 4 May 31 May - 3 June 12 - 15 Aug 15 June
    Before absence 8 5 7 3
    After absence 5 3 3 2
    End of plan term 21 17 13 12