Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Entering Disability Information

HRMS enables you to enter detailed disability information for the people in your enterprise.

You use the Disability window to enter this information.

Note: If you want to record that a person is registered as disabled, but you do not need to hold information about that disability, you can just check the Registered Disabled check box on the Personal tab in the Person window.

See: Entering a New Person (People Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

To enter disability information

  1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical disability information that you want to enter.

    Note: If you want to associate this disability record with an existing medical assessment or work incident, your current effective date must be later than the assessment and incident dates. Ask your system administrator to enable the Work Incidents and Medical Assessments windows if they are not available.

  2. Select the category of disability, for example, Severely Disabled.

  3. Enter into the FTE field the full-time equivalent that this person represents towards your enterprise's quota of disabled employees. If no quota scheme exists, then leave the default value as 1.00.

    Note: You can enter a number that is greater than 1.00, depending on the level of disability.

    The actual figure will normally be provided by the official disability organization.

  4. Select the status of this disability information.

    • Active: This information will be included in reports. You cannot enter an Active status if the record has an end date.

    • Inactive: This information will not be included in reports.

    • Pending: This information is not yet complete because you entered it before you entered the medical assessment confirming this disability (where the consultation result was Disability.)

    • Closed: This information has an end date because the person no longer has this disability.

    For Russian users only: Disability status is not applicable in Russia, so the Status field is not available to Russian users. Instead, select the type of disability. You can find this information in the disability certificate provided by the Office of Medical Examination. The application uses this information to calculate any tax benefits and deductions for the employee.

  5. Select the reason for the disability, for example, Occupational Incident. If the disability was diagnosed as the result of a medical assessment, select Occupational Assessment.

  6. Enter the percentage of disability as determined by the official assessment of this disability.

    For Hungarian and Spanish users only: The degree of disability depends on the category of disability. For example, if the person's disability category states that the disability decreases the work capacity by 50%, enter 50 as the percentage.

  7. Select the incident that is related to, or caused, this disability. The list of incidents is limited to incidents that occurred before the current effective date of this disability. When you select an incident, its date is displayed automatically.

  8. Select the medical assessment that recorded this disability.

    The list of assessments is limited to assessments that:

    • have a result of Disability

    • have a consultation date that is earlier than the current effective date of the disability

    • are not already linked to a disability record for this person

    • were linked to any incident that you selected in the previous step

    To link an incident to an assessment, see: Entering Medical Assessments, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    This field is not datetracked.

Entering Disability Registration Information

  1. Choose the Registration tabbed region to enter the disability registration details.

  2. Enter into the ID field the registration number assigned by the disability organization.

  3. Select the name of the official disability organization with whom the person's disability is registered.

    You create disability organizations in the Organization window, selecting the Disability Organization classification.

    See: Creating an Organization

  4. Enter the date on which the employee was registered as disabled with the disability organization and the date on which this registration expires.

    Japanese users only: Select the confirmation method by which the disability was confirmed (by the employer).

Entering Additional Disability Information

  1. Choose the Other tabbed region to enter additional details about this disability.

  2. Enter a description of the disability.

    For Russian users only: Disability description is not applicable in Russia. Instead, enter the job conditions under which the disabled employee can work. You can find this information in the disability certificate provided by the Office of Medical Examination. You can use this information to identify suitable assignments for the disabled employee.

  3. Enter information about the work restrictions that the employee is subject to as a result of their disability.

  4. Enter further information about this disability if the Further Information field has been set up by your Oracle localization team.

    For Hungarian users only: Record if the employee is blind. The application uses this information to calculate any additional holiday or tax benefit for the employee.

    For Indian users only: Indicate if the employee has provided proof of disability, for claiming disability benefits.

    For Korea users only: Specify the following:

    • Disability grade

    • Effective date of the disability

    • If a certificate of disability is available or not.

    • Disabled type

    You require this information when the employee is eligible for disable exemption.

    For Mexican users only: Specify the following:

    • Disability ID of any related disabilities

      The list-of-values displays all previous disabilities for your employee.

    • Number of disability days subsidized by the social security agencies

    • Type of disability

      Valid values are:

      • General Disease

      • Maternity

      • Risk Incident

    • Result of the disability

      The Consequence field provides the following options:

      • None

      • Temporary Disability

      • Provisional Initial Assessment

      • Definitive Initial Assessment

      • Death

      • Relapse

      • Assessment after start date

      • Provisional re-assessment

      • Relapse without medical discharge

      • Definitive re-assessment

    • Disability control

    For Spanish users only: Record if the employee or dependent contact has a condition with reduced mobility. This information affects the employee's tax withholding rate.

    For UAE users only: Indicate if the employee's disability will impact their social insurance contribution. Only one disability can be considered for calculating the social insurance contribution.

    For Japanese users only: Specify the following:

    You require the following information to submit the disability reports to the authorities for statutory purposes.

    • Degree/Grade - select the degree if the employee is intellectually disabled and the grade if physically disabled.

    • Confirmation Method - select the confirmation method by which the disability was confirmed by the employer.

    • Severely Disabled - select Yes if the employee has severe physical disability or severe intellectual disability and must be counted as 2 disabled persons for reporting purposes.

    • Part-time Worker - select Yes if the employee is a part-timer for reporting purposes.

    The following information is required for the worker insurance report if the employee is disabled or injured as a result of work accident.

    • Wa Insurance Disability Grade - select the grade for work insurance purposes.

    • Insurance Injury and Sickness - select the values for the work insurance purposes.

  5. Save your work.

What Next?

To set up an assessment to evaluate this disability, choose the Medical Asse. (Assessment) button.

See: Entering a Medical Assessment, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide for more information.

Maintaining Disability Information

You can make changes to the disability information that you saved previously, but if your disability record includes either incident or medical assessment information, you cannot change or delete this information once you have saved it.