Business Scenarios

This chapter covers the following topics:

Use Case 1. Buyer-Initiated Order Created in Oracle CLM or Purchasing

This topic describes the beginning-to-end use case for creating a buyer-initiated order (BIO) in Oracle CLM or Purchasing.

The following prerequisite setups and processing steps are performed in this use case:

  1. Perform prerequisite setup steps in E-Business Suite applications (Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector or Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Projects).

    For setup steps for Oracle CLM and Purchasing, see "Chapter 2, G-Invoicing Setup and Administration: Requesting Agency."

    For setup steps for Oracle Projects, see "Chapter 3, G-Invoicing Setup and Administration: Servicing Agency."

  2. The requesting agency creates GT&Cs in the federal G-Invoicing application. Both agencies review and approve the GT&Cs.

  3. The requesting agency pulls the GT&Cs into EBS.

  4. The requesting agency creates an intragovernmental request in Oracle Purchasing or CLM.

  5. The requesting agency creates an IGT order.

  6. The requesting agency pushes the IGT order to federal G-Invoicing.

  7. The servicing agency pulls the IGT orders into EBS, gets the order ready to be fulfilled and submits performances.

  8. The requesting agency receives and creates acceptance for performances.

  9. The requesting agency creates performance accounting.

  10. The requesting agency closes the IGT order.

Create General Terms & Conditions (GT&Cs)

The requesting agency (buyer) drafts the general terms and conditions (GT&Cs) and shares them with the servicing agency and other approvers within the requesting agency.

  1. Log in to the Federal G-Invoicing application.

  2. Click Requesting Agency and then GT&C.

  3. In the Partner Information, GT&C region, enter a GT&C title and agreement start and end dates.

  4. In the Requesting Agency region, enter a group name and description, enable document inheritance, and select and add agency location codes and subordinate groups. Optionally, add the cost center, a business unit, and a department ID.

  5. In the Servicing Agency region, enter or select an agency account and a group name and description, and select and add agency location codes. You must at least enter one ALC for the servicing agency.

  6. Click Header/Detail in the side-tab.

  7. In the Header Detail region, enter the requesting and servicing agency agreement tracking numbers, termination days, an agreement type, the advance payment indicator, the assisted acquisition indicator, enforce the total remaining amount indicator, the total direct cost amount, the total overhead fees and charges amount.

  8. Click the Agreement Information side-tab. Enter the required values for the requesting and servicing agencies.

  9. Click the Approvals side-tab. In the Approval region, enter initial and final approval personnel details for the requesting and servicing agency.

  10. Click Save Internal Draft.

    Make a note of the GT&C number.

  11. Click Share Draft and click Yes.

    After the GT&Cs document is saved, click Submit For Approval and click Yes. The GT&Cs will be shared with the servicing agency for approval.

Approve GT&Cs

  1. Log in to the Federal G-Invoicing application as the servicing agency partner.

  2. Click the Servicing Agency tab and then click GT&C.

  3. Search for the GT&Cs document that you want to approve.

    In the Partner Information region, review the servicing agency group information, document inheritance indicator, and the subordinate group.

  4. Click the Header/Detail side-tab and enter servicing agency agreement tracking number and review the information entered by the requesting agency.

  5. Click Save Shared Draft.

  6. Click the Agreement Information side-tab and enter the required details.

  7. Click Submit For Approval.

    The GT&Cs status changes to pending approval.

    If there are corrections to be entered by the requesting agency, then click Return to Draft. The requesting agency corrects the details and shares the GT&Cs again.

  8. Log in as the servicing agency Initial and Final Approver.

  9. Click the Servicing Agency tab and then click GT&C.

  10. Select the GT&Cs document that is pending your approval.

  11. Verify the details and click Approve.

  12. Log in again as the requesting agency Initial and Final approver.

  13. Click the Requesting Agency tab and then click GT&C.

  14. Select the GT&C document that is pending your approval. The status is changed to Open after each partner approves the GT&Cs.

    The requesting or servicing agency can add attachments at any stage of GT&Cs drafting and approval.

Pull GT&Cs and Groups into EBS

To pull GT&Cs from the federal G-Invoicing into EBS, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the CLM Purchasing Super User or Purchasing, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Requests and then click Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Agreement (GT&C) Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.

    The selected GT&Cs are imported into EBS.

  6. Submit another request.

  7. Select the Intragovernmental Groups for GT&C Interface Program.

  8. Enter the required fields.

  9. Click Submit.

    The groups for the specified GT&Cs are pulled into EBS.

Create an IGT Requisition

The requesting agency creates an IGT requisition using the GT&Cs that were created and pulled into EBS.

To create an IGT requisition, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Federal iProcurement responsibility.

  2. Click the iProcurement Home Page.

  3. In the Shop tab, click the Intragovernmental Request subtab.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Add to Cart.

    Repeat these steps to add more requisition lines.

  6. To review the shopping cart summary, click View Cart and Checkout.

  7. Click Checkout and enter the following:

    • Requisition description

    • If needed, the requesting and servicing groups and agency location code (ALC). This information is defaulted from the GT&C.

    • Delivery and billing information

  8. Click Edit Lines to review the charge account and other information.

  9. Click Next and submit the requisition.

    If the AME workflow is enabled, then the requisition is sent to respective officials for approval.

Create an IGT Order from the IGT Requisition

The requesting agency creates an intragovernmental order in Oracle CLM or Purchasing and shares the order with the servicing agency through the federal G-Invoicing application for approval.

To create an IGT order using the IGT requisition, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select Purchasing, US Federal.

  2. Click Buyer Work Center, then Requisitions.

  3. Select the IGT Requisitions subtab.

  4. In the Document Builder, set the type to New IGT Order.

  5. Enter an operating unit.

  6. Query for and select the required requisition lines.

  7. Click Add and review the lines added.

  8. Click Create to create an IGT order.

  9. In the Header region, enter the following:

    • Supplier and supplier site details

    • Assisted acquisitions indicator

    • Performance period start and end date range. These dates must be between the GT&C agreement start and end dates.

    • The default ship-to location.

    • In the Requesting Agency Information region, enter the following:

      • Specify a group and an agency location code.

      • If the cost center, business unit and department ID are available in the GT&C, then these fields are mandatory.

      • If the assisted acquisition indicator is set to Yes in GT&C, then the funding office code and funding agency code must be specified.

    • In the Requesting Agency Authority region, enter the following:

      • Select a statutory authority fund type code.

      • (Optional) Enter the billing information.

    • In the Delivery Information region, select the FOB Point. If the FOB point is Destination or Other, then you must enter constructive receipt days.

    • (Optional) Add attachments. To share an attachment with the servicing agency, set the attachment category to Requesting Agency. For an internal attachment, select another category.

    Save your work.

  10. Click the Preparer & Approvals Information tab. Enter the following details for both agencies:

    • Preparer information such as employee, title, email address, and telephone.

    • POC Information such as employee, title, email address, and telephone.

    • Program official information such as employee, title, email address, and telephone.

    • Enter funding official information such as employee, title, email address, and telephone.

      Note: When the IGT order is submitted and approved and the AME workflow is enabled, then a notification is sent to the preparer and the funding officials to approve and sign the order.

      Save your work.

  11. Click the Lines tab. For each line, do the following:

    • In the Actions column, click the Update icon.

    • Review the details defaulted from the requisition such as line type, description, category, and unit.

    • Verify the additional item information

      • Select Severable or Non-Severable.

      • Select the FSC or PSC code.

        Note: The FSC/PSC code entered will be sent to G-Invoicing as an item code.

      • (Optional) Enter UID required Identifier, Product or Service Identifier.

      • Review and provide shipping and delivery information.

      • Click Apply.

  12. Click the Schedules tab, and do the following for each schedule

    • Enter the quantity and price.

    • If the order is advance enabled, select the Advance Pay indicator.

      Advance-enabled orders are settled before the delivery performance is submitted by the servicing agency.

    • From the Actions menu, click the Update icon.

    • Review and enter the required fields.

    • (Optional) Enter the shipping information.

    • Review and update the billing information

      • Accrue at receipt should be as per the Receipt Accruals option selected in the purchasing options page for the operating unit.

      • Update the match approval level according to the FOB point. When the FOB point is set to Source/Origin, matching must be two way. When the FOB point is set to destination, then matching must be three way.

      • Update the invoice match option. This value depends on the FOB point. When the FOB point is set to Source/Origin, then it must be Purchase Order (PO).

        When the FOB is set to Source/Origin, two-way matching is required. When the FOB is set to Destination, three-way matching is required.

      • Click Apply.

  13. Click the Distributions tab, and do the following for each distribution line:

    • In the Actions menu, review and click Update.

    • Review the encumbered date and PO charge account.

    • Review the requesting agency funding information and enter the bona fide need.

    • Click Apply.

      The order status changes to Incomplete.

  14. Submit the IGT Order.

  15. The order status changes to In-Process.

  16. Log in as the approver and approve the order as per AME approvers.

  17. Log in as the program official and approve or sign the IGT order.

  18. Log in as the funding official and approve or sign the order.

    The IGT order status changes to Pre-approved and the G-Invoicing status changes to Pending Posting. The order is ready to be shared with the trading partner.

    Note: If you set the electronic signature option at the document style to yes, then the Oracle electronic signature functionality is applicable.

Requesting Agency Pushes IGT Order to Federal G-Invoicing

Share an IGT orders with the servicing agency by pushing it to the federal G-Invoicing application.

  1. From the Home page, select CLM Purchasing Super User or Purchasing Super User.

  2. Click Requests and then Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.

Servicing Agency Approves the IGT Order

  1. Log in to the Federal G-Invoicing application as the servicing agency.

  2. Click Servicing Agency, then IGT Order.

  3. Query for the order and double click to open.

  4. Enter all mandatory fields, including billing frequency details, point of contact information and line schedule details.

  5. Click the Submit Servicing Approval and click Yes.

  6. Click the Approvals tab.

  7. Click Service Agency Approve and click Yes.

    The IGT order status changes to Open and the order is ready for transaction.

Servicing Agency Activities

The servicing agency performs the following activities to fulfill an IGT order:

Pull GT&C and Orders into Oracle Projects (EBS)

  1. Log in to the E-Business Suite application.

  2. Select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  3. Select Requests and then Run.

  4. Select the Intragovernmental Agreements (GT&C) Interface Program. Enter the mandatory fields, such as request mode, type, and the GT&C number, and submit.

  5. Similarly, run the following G-Invoicing interface programs to pull groups, orders, and to load data into the G-Invoicing dashboard.:

    • Intragovernmental Groups for GT&C Interface Program

    • Intragovernmental Groups for Agency Interface Program

    • Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program

    • Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load

  6. Verify GT&Cs and orders in EBS:

    • From the Home page, click Projects Super User, then Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center, and then G-Invoicing dashboard.

    • Verify the data pulled from federal G-Invoicing.

Create a Project

You create or associate a project with the order. Performance obligations and performance obligations lines are created automatically. In the case of order modification, you must uptake the modified orders.

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center.

  3. Select the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  4. In the GT&C/Orders region, query for the order you want to work with.

  5. Click the Create Project icon.

  6. Enter the project name, project number, and project start and finish dates.

  7. Click Finish. The Performance Obligation page appears.

  8. Enter the required information such as capitalized asset indicator, top task number, servicing agency TAS, and reimbursability.

  9. Click Additional Attributes and verify the details.

Pull Attachments into Oracle Projects

  1. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, in the GT&C and Orders region, click the Orders tab.

  2. Click the Update Agreement icon.

  3. In the Agreement page, scroll down to the Order Attachments region. If an attachment exists with the status is Download Pending, then click Actions and select Pull Attachments.

  4. Click Go.

When the attachment is ready, the status changes to Downloaded and the attachment can be opened.

Update the Agreement and Submit it for Approval

  1. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, in the GT&C and Orders region, click the Orders tab.

  2. Click the Update Agreement icon.

  3. Verify the header details.

  4. Enter a billing frequency.

  5. Save.

  6. From the Actions drop-down list, choose Additional Agreement Attribute and click Go.

  7. Verify the details and enter the required information for the servicing agency.

  8. Click Apply for approval.

  9. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program (click Requests and then Run).

  10. Navigate to the G-Invoicing dashboard.

    Notice the Internal Process Status field displays Pending Approval Submission. On the Update Agreement page, verify that the Confirm Funds Availability option is selected.

  11. Click Submit to send the agreement for approval.

  12. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program (click Requests and then Run).

    The Internal Process Status changes to Pending Approval.

  13. Approve the agreement.

    • Log in to the Projects Super User responsibility as the approver.

    • Click the subject and verify the customer name, customer number, and amount to be approved.

    • Click Approve.

    • The system submits the MGT: Push Order (MGT: Push Order) concurrent program and the Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program concurrent program. Verify that the concurrent programs run successfully.

    • Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application and verify that the order status has changed to Open.

View Performance Obligations and Revenue Budget

Run the ECC data load to refresh data in the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program (click Requests and then Run).

  3. On the G-Invoicing dashboard, query the order that you want to work with.

    Verify the details.

  4. Click the View Performance Obligations link.

    Verify that the last published date is same as the agreement approval date.

  5. Click the Financial tab and verify that the approved revenue budget matches the order amount.

  6. Click the Funding tab and verify that the funding was created and baselined.

  7. Log in to federal G-Invoicing application and verify the agreement approval.

Incur Actuals, Generate Revenue

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Billing, then Events, and then Projects.

  3. Enter the project number in the Find Project Events window and click New.

  4. Enter the required fields to incur an event. Save.

  5. Run the PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Projects concurrent program (click Requests, then Run, then Single Request).

  6. After the program runs, verify the output. The event is processed, and a draft revenue is generated.

  7. Navigate to the Review Revenue window (select Billing, then Revenue Review).

  8. Enter the project number and click Find.

  9. In the Revenue Summary window, select the first row and click Lines. In the Revenue Lines window, the performance obligation line number is stamped.

    The format is GTCNumber+OrderNumber+POBGHeader1+POBGLine1. The performance obligation header and line numbers are updated depending on the transaction.

  10. Run the PRC: Generate Revenue Accounting Events concurrent program (click Requests, then Run, and then Submit a Single Request). Enter the project number and then submit the request.

  11. Run the PRC: Create Accounting concurrent program. After the program runs, verify that the accounting was generated successfully.

  12. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program (click Requests and then Run).

  13. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, verify the details that have been created.

Submit and Verify Deferred Performance

  1. From the G-Invoicing dashboard, select the order and an order line schedule.

  2. Select Submit Deferred Performance and click Go.

  3. Enter the required fields and select Partial Performance. Click Submit.

  4. Click Requests, then Run, and then Single Request.

  5. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program.

  6. Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application.

  7. Select the Requesting Agency tab and then IGT Orders.

  8. Validate deferred performance document.

  9. Search for the order and click the order number link.

  10. On the order page, click show performance.

  11. Validate the lines on the performance page.

Generate a Draft Invoice and Run Tieback Invoices from Receivables

  1. Switch to the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Requests, then choose Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

  3. Run the PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects concurrent program.

    After the program runs successfully, events are processed, and a draft invoice is generated.

  4. Select Billing, then choose Invoice Review.

  5. Enter the project number and click Find. Verify the details.

  6. Repeat the same process for all the lines.

  7. Select Requests, then Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

    Run the following concurrent programs. After one concurrent program runs to completion, run the next program.

    • PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables

    • Autoinvoice Import Program

    • PRC: Tieback Invoices from Receivables

    • Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load

  8. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  9. Click Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center and then G-Invoicing dashboard.

  10. Refine the search by filtering with the order number. Verify the updated details.

Submit and Verify Delivery Performance

  1. From the G-Invoicing dashboard, select the order and an order line schedule.

  2. Select Submit Delivery Performance and click Go.

  3. Enter the required fields and select Partial Performance or Full Performance. Click Submit.

  4. The following concurrent programs are initiated:

    • PRC: Submit Intragovernmental Performance

    • MGT: Push Performance (MGT: Push Performance)

    • Intragovernmental Performance Interface Program

      Note: The performance interface program is submitted for each delivery line.

  5. Click the View Performance History page and verify that the status has changed to success.

  6. Make a note of the performance numbers.

  7. From the Home page, click Requests, and Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

  8. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program.

Requesting Agency Activities

The requesting agency performs the following activities to fulfill an IGT order:

Pull Performance

The requesting agency pulls performance transactions from federal G-Invoicing application into Oracle Purchasing.

To pull performance fulfilled, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select CLM Purchasing Super User, or Purchasing Super User.

  2. Click Requests and then Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Performance Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.

Note: When Oracle Purchasing pulls the IGT performance transactions, they can be viewed in the IGT Performance page.

When the FOB is Destination or Other, the concurrent program Intragovernmental Performance Integration to Receiving Program in Oracle Purchasing inserts the delivery performance data into the receiving open interface tables to create a receipt. If the FOB is set to Source or Origin, no event is initiated.

Requesting Agency: Receive and Accept Goods

The requesting agency receives and accepts goods, creates a reference performance, and pushes it to the federal G-Invoicing system to settle the quantity.

  1. In EBS, select the Purchasing, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Buyer Work Center, then Orders, then IGT Performance.

  3. Select the delivered performance.

  4. Click Action and select Create Reference Performance.

  5. Enter a description, performance date, and received or accepted quantity.

  6. Click Submit to push the received or accepted performance information to federal G-Invoicing.

    Settlement is then initiated.

Note: When FOB is Destination or Other, the settlement is recorded on the received or accepted performance. When FOB is Source or Origin, then the settlement is recorded on the delivery performance.

The requesting agency can see the received or accepted performance in the IGT performance page.

Push Performance

The requesting agency pushes performance transactions from Oracle Purchasing to the federal G-Invoicing application.

To push accepted performance to federal G-Invoicing, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select CLM Purchasing Super User or Purchasing, US Federal.

  2. Click Requests and then Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Performance Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.

The concurrent program inserts the received or accepted performance data into Oracle Payables open interface tables to create an accounts payable invoice and matches the invoice with the purchase order and receipt as a three-way match.

Close the Order

The order can be closed when the order quantity, the received quantity and billed quantity are equal in Oracle Purchasing.

  1. From the Home page, select the Purchasing, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Buyer Work Center, then Orders, and then IGT Orders.

  3. Query for the order that you want to close..

  4. Click Close.

Push the Closed Order to G-Invoicing

The concurrent program Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program in Oracle CLM and Oracle Purchasing pushes order closure to the federal G-Invoicing application.

To push the closed IGT order to G-Invoicing, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select the CLM Purchasing Super User or Purchasing, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Requests and then Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.

Use Case 2. Buyer-Initiated or Seller-Facilitated Orders Created in Federal G-Invoicing

This topic describes the beginning-to-end use case for creating a buyer-initiated order (BIO) or seller-facilitated order (SFO) in the federal G-Invoicing application.

The prerequisite setups and processing flows covered in this use case are as follows:

  1. Create GT&Cs in the federal G-Invoicing application. For an SFO, the servicing agency does this. For a BIO, the requesting agency does it.

  2. Both agencies review and approve the GT&Cs.

  3. Use the GT&Cs to create an order in the federal G-Invoicing application. The requesting agency creates a BIO, or the servicing agency creates an SFO.

  4. Approve the IGT order.

  5. The servicing agency pulls GT&Cs and approved IGT orders into EBS.

  6. The servicing agency verifies and validates the GT&Cs and IGT orders in the G-Invoicing dashboard in EBS.

  7. Create and associate a project with the IGT order.

  8. Verify the agreement (created automatically) and submit it for the approval.

  9. Approve the agreement.

  10. Perform an admin modification.

  11. Pull the modified orders into EBS.

  12. Verify the admin changes.

  13. Perform and incur order modification.

  14. Incur actuals and generate revenue

  15. Submit deferred performance from ECC and verify it in the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  16. Verify the deferred performance document in G-Invoicing.

  17. Incur actuals, generate a draft invoice, and run Tieback Invoices from receivables.

  18. Submit delivery performance from the POBG page and verify it in the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  19. Verify the delivery performance in G-Invoicing and create acceptance.

  20. Pull the acceptance into EBS and verify it in the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  21. Initiate order closure in federal G-Invoicing.

  22. Pull closed orders into EBS.

The order is created in the federal G-Invoicing system and imported into EBS.

The following use case describes the complete flow of BIO and SFO created in federal G-Invoicing, imported into EBS, submitting performances, and create acceptance and accounting and finally closing the IGT order.

Create GT&C in the Federal G-Invoicing Application

  1. Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application.

  2. Select Requesting Agency or Servicing Agency and then GT&C.

  3. Copy a GT&Cs document or create a new one. Make a note of the GT&C number.

  4. Click Create GT&C.

  5. In the Partner Information, GT&C region, enter a GT&C title and an agreement start and end date.

  6. In the Requesting Agency region, enter a group name and description, enable document inheritance, and add a agency location codes and subordinate groups. Optionally, add the cost center, a business unit, and a department ID.

  7. In the Servicing Agency region, enter or select an agency account, a group name and description, and an agency location code. You must at least enter one ALC for the servicing agency.

  8. Click the Header/Detail in the side tab.

  9. In the Header Detail region, enter the requesting and servicing agency agreement tracking number, termination days, agreement type, advance payment indicator, assisted acquisition indicator, enforce total remaining amount indicator, total direct cost amount, total overhead fees, and charges amount.

  10. Click the Agreement Information side tab. Enter required values for requesting and servicing agencies.

  11. Click the Approvals side tab. In the Approval region, enter initial and final approval personnel details for requesting and servicing agencies.

  12. Click Save Internal Draft.

  13. Make a note of the GT&C number.

  14. Click Share Draft and click Yes.

  15. After the GT&C document is saved, click Submit for Approval and click Yes. The GT&Cs are shared with the partner agency for approval.

Partner Agency Approves the GT&C

  1. Log in as the partner agency (servicing or requesting agency) and click the servicing or requesting agency tab and then the GT&Cs.

  2. Review the GT&Cs and enter required details.

  3. Click Approval. Enter details and approve the GT&Cs as the initial and final approval. After approval the GT&Cs status changes to Open for Orders.

  4. The requesting or servicing agency can add attachments at any state of the GT&Cs process.

Create a Buyer-Initiated Order or a Seller-Facilitated Order in Federal G-Invoicing

  1. Query the GT&Cs that you want to use. Click the number to open the GT&C page.

  2. Click Create Order.

  3. A requesting agency creates a buyer-initiated order in the federal G-Invoicing application.

    A servicing agency initiates a seller-facilitated order in the federal G-Invoicing application and sends it to the requesting agency for approval.

  4. The Order Originating Partner field indicates whether the order is an SFO (if the value is servicing agency) or a BIO (if the value is requesting agency).

  5. Agencies must enter partner, delivery, authority, billing, preparer, and approval information, and line and schedule details.

  6. For a BIO, the agency enters distribution details and shares the BIO or SFO with the partner agency for approval.

  7. Click Save as Draft and note down the order number.

  8. Click options to add attachments.

  9. Submit for partner agency approval.

Approve the IGT Order

  1. Log in as the partner agency in the federal G-Invoicing application.

  2. Pull the order.

  3. Enter the POC, funding, and approval details.

  4. Approve the order and send it back to the federal G-Invoicing application.

Pull GT&Cs and Orders into Oracle Projects (EBS)

  1. In EBS, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Click Requests and then Run.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Agreements (GT&C) Interface concurrent program. Enter the mandatory fields, such as request mode, type, and the GT&C and submit.

  4. Similarly, run the following G-Invoicing interface programs to pull orders, groups for GT&C and agencies, and to load the data into the G-Invoicing dashboard.

    • Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program

    • Intragovernmental Groups for GT&C Interface Program

    • Intragovernmental Groups for Agency Interface Program

    • Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load

  5. Verify GT&Cs and orders in EBS:

    • From the Home page, click Projects Super User, then Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center, and then G-Invoicing dashboard.

    • Verify the data pulled from federal G-Invoicing.

Create a Project

You create or associate a project with the order. Performance obligations and performance obligations lines are created automatically. In the case of order modification, you must uptake the modified orders.

  1. In EBS, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center.

  3. Select the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  4. In the GT&C/Orders region, query for the order you had created.

  5. Click the Create Project icon.

  6. Enter the project name, project number, project start and finish dates. Click Finish.

  7. The performance obligation page appears. Enter the required fields such as capitalized asset indicator, top task number, servicing agency TAS, and reimbursable flag.

  8. Click Additional Attributes and verify the details.

Pull Attachments into Oracle Projects

  1. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, in the GT&C and Orders region, click the Orders tab.

  2. Click the Update Agreement icon.

  3. In the Agreement page, scroll down to the Order Attachments region and validate the status of an attachment. If the status is Download Pending, then click Actions and select Pull Attachments and then click Go.

    Once the pull attachments concurrent program completes successfully, the status changes to Downloaded.

  4. Open the attachment and verify.

Update the Agreement and Submit it for Approval

  1. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, GT&C and Orders region, click the Orders tab.

  2. Click the Update Agreement icon.

  3. Verify the header details.

  4. Enter value for the billing frequency and save.

  5. From the Actions list, choose Additional Agreement Attribute and click Go.

  6. Verify the details. Enter the required fields for servicing agency.

  7. Click Apply for approval.

  8. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program. (Click Requests and then Run.)

  9. Navigate to the G-Invoicing dashboard.

    Notice the Internal Process Status displays the Pending Approval Submission. On the Update Agreement page, verify that the Confirm Fund Availability option is selected.

  10. Click Submit to send the agreement for approval.

  11. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program. (Click Requests and then Run).

    The internal process status changes to Pending Approval.

  12. Approve the agreement:

    • Log in to the Projects Super User responsibility as the approver.

    • Click the subject and validate the customer name, customer number, and amount to be approved.

    • Click Approve.

    • The system submits the MGT: Push Order (MGT: Push Order) and Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program concurrent programs. Verify that the concurrent programs run successfully:

    • Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application and verify that the order status has changed to Open.

View Performance Obligation and Revenue Budget

Run the ECC data load to refresh data in the G-Invoicing dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program. (Click Requests and then Run.)

  3. Navigate to the G-Invoicing dashboard and query the order number you had created (click the Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center and then G-Invoicing dashboard).

    Verify the details.

  4. Click the View Performance Obligations link.

    Verify the last published date is same as the agreement approval date.

  5. Click the Financial tab and validate the approved revenue budget is created with the amount same as the order amount.

  6. Click the Funding tab and validate the funding is created and baselined automatically.

  7. Log in to federal G-Invoicing application and validate the agreement approval.

Incur Actuals, Generate Revenue

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Billing, then Events, and then Projects.

  3. Enter the project number in the Find Project Events window and click New.

  4. Enter the required fields to incur an event and save.

  5. Run the PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Projects concurrent program (select Requests, click Run, then Single Request).

  6. After the program completes successfully, verify the output. The event is processed, and a draft revenue is generated.

  7. Navigate to the Review Revenue window (select Billing, then Revenue Review).

  8. Enter the project number and click Find.

  9. In the Revenue Summary window, select the first row and click Lines. In the Revenue Lines window, the performance obligation line number is stamped.

    The format is GTCNumber+OrderNumber+POBGHeader1+POBGLine1. The performance obligation header and line numbers are updated depending on the transaction.

  10. Run the PRC: Generate Revenue Accounting Events concurrent program (select Requests, then Run, and then Submit a Single Request). Enter the project number and submit.

  11. Run the PRC: Create Accounting concurrent program. After the program completes, verify the accounting is generated successfully.

  12. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program. (Click Requests and then Run.)

  13. In the G-Invoicing dashboard, verify the details that have been created.

Submit and validate Deferred Performance

  1. From the G-Invoicing dashboard, select the order and an order line schedule.

  2. Select Submit Deferred Performance and click Go.

  3. Enter the required fields and choose Partial Performance for performance indicator.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Select Requests, and choose Run, and then Single Request.

  6. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program.

  7. Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application.

  8. Select the Requesting Agency tab and then IGT Orders.

  9. Validate deferred performance document.

  10. Search for the order and click the order number link.

  11. On the order page, click show performance.

  12. Validate the lines on the performance page.

Generate a Draft Invoice and Run Tieback Invoices from Receivables

  1. Switch to the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Requests, then choose Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

  3. Run the PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects concurrent program.

    After the program completes successfully, events are processed, and a draft invoice is generated.

  4. Select Billing, then choose Invoice Review.

  5. Enter the project number and click Find. Verify the details.

  6. Repeat the same process for all the lines.

  7. Select Requests, then Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

    Run the following concurrent programs. After one concurrent program completes, run the next program.

    • PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables

    • Autoinvoice Import Program

    • PRC: Tieback Invoices from Receivables

    • Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load

  8. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  9. Click Enterprise Command Center, then Projects Command Center and G-Invoicing dashboard.

  10. Refine the search by filtering with the order number. Verify the updated details.

Submit and Verify Delivery Performance

  1. From the G-Invoicing dashboard, select the order and an order line schedule.

  2. Select Submit Delivery Performance and click Go.

  3. Enter the required fields and choose Partial or Full Performance for performance indicator.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. The following concurrent programs are initiated:

    • PRC: Submit Intragovernmental Performance

    • MGT: Push Performance (MGT: Push Performance)

    • Intragovernmental Performance Interface Program

      Note: The performance interface program is submitted for each delivery line.

  6. Click the View Performance History page. The status changes to success.

  7. Make a note of the performance numbers.

  8. From the Home page, click Requests, then Run, and then Submit a Single Request.

  9. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program.

Validate Delivery Performance Document and Create an Acceptance

  1. Log in to the federal G-Invoicing application.

  2. Click the Requesting Agency tab and then Orders.

  3. In the Show Performance page, click Receive for type.

    Enter the required fields.

  4. Click Create.

    An acceptance line is created.

  5. Validate the attachment.

  6. Click the performance number.

    The Performance Transaction Details page appears.

  7. At the bottom of the page, click Attachment.

    Click the filename and verify the attachment.

Pull and Validate Acceptance in EBS

  1. Select Requests, and choose Run, and then Single Request.

  2. Run the Intragovernmental Performance Interface Program concurrent program.

  3. Enter the required fields and select pull as request mode.

  4. Click Ok and Submit.

  5. Select Requests and choose Run, and then Single Request.

  6. Run the Projects G-Invoicing ECC Data Load concurrent program.

Close Order

Intragovernmental orders can be closed when the order quantity, received quantity, and billed quantity are equal in Oracle Purchasing.

  1. From the Home page, select Purchasing, US Federal, then Buyer Work Center, then Orders, and then IGT Orders.

  2. Query for the approved order.

  3. Click Close.

Push Closed IGT Order to G-Invoicing

The concurrent program Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program in Oracle Purchasing pushes order closure to the federal G-Invoicing application.

To push the closed IGT order to G-Invoicing, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select CLM Purchasing Super User or Purchasing, US Federal.

  2. Click Requests and then Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program.

  4. Enter the required fields.

  5. Click Submit.