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System Administration Guide: Security Services     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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Part I Security Overview

1.  Security Services (Overview)

Part II System, File, and Device Security

2.  Managing Machine Security (Overview)

3.  Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks)

4.  Controlling Access to Devices (Tasks)

5.  Using the Basic Audit Reporting Tool (Tasks)

6.  Controlling Access to Files (Tasks)

7.  Using the Automated Security Enhancement Tool (Tasks)

Part III Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges

8.  Using Roles and Privileges (Overview)

9.  Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)

10.  Role-Based Access Control (Reference)

Contents of Rights Profiles

Primary Administrator Rights Profile

System Administrator Rights Profile

Operator Rights Profile

Printer Management Rights Profile

Basic Solaris User Rights Profile

All Rights Profile

Order of Rights Profiles

Viewing the Contents of Rights Profiles

Authorization Naming and Delegation

Authorization Naming Conventions

Example of Authorization Granularity

Delegation Authority in Authorizations

Databases That Support RBAC

RBAC Database Relationships

RBAC Databases and the Naming Services

user_attr Database

auth_attr Database

prof_attr Database

exec_attr Database

policy.conf File

RBAC Commands

Commands That Manage RBAC

Commands That Require Authorizations

11.  Privileges (Tasks)

12.  Privileges (Reference)

Part IV Cryptographic Services

13.  Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework (Overview)

14.  Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)

15.  Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework

Part V Authentication Services and Secure Communication

16.  Using Authentication Services (Tasks)

17.  Using PAM

18.  Using SASL

19.  Using Secure Shell (Tasks)

20.  Secure Shell (Reference)

Part VI Kerberos Service

21.  Introduction to the Kerberos Service

22.  Planning for the Kerberos Service

23.  Configuring the Kerberos Service (Tasks)

24.  Kerberos Error Messages and Troubleshooting

25.  Administering Kerberos Principals and Policies (Tasks)

26.  Using Kerberos Applications (Tasks)

27.  The Kerberos Service (Reference)

Part VII Auditing in Oracle Solaris

28.  Oracle Solaris Auditing (Overview)

29.  Planning for Oracle Solaris Auditing

30.  Managing Oracle Solaris Auditing (Tasks)

31.  Oracle Solaris Auditing (Reference)



Authorization Naming and Delegation

An RBAC authorization is a discrete right that can be granted to a role or a user. Authorizations are checked by RBAC-compliant applications before a user gets access to the application or specific operations within the application. This check replaces the tests in conventional UNIX applications for UID=0.

Authorization Naming Conventions

An authorization has a name that is used internally and in files. For example, solaris.admin.usermgr.pswd is the name of an authorization. An authorization has a short description, which appears in the graphical user interfaces (GUIs). For example, Change Passwords is the description of the solaris.admin.usermgr.pswd authorization.

By convention, authorization names consist of the reverse order of the Internet name of the supplier, the subject area, any subareas, and the function. The parts of the authorization name are separated by dots. An example would be com.xyzcorp.device.access. Exceptions to this convention are the authorizations from Sun Microsystems, Inc., which use the prefix solaris instead of an Internet name. The naming convention enables administrators to apply authorizations in a hierarchical fashion. A wildcard (*) can represent any strings to the right of a dot.

Example of Authorization Granularity

As an example of how authorizations are used, consider the following: A user in the Operator role might be limited to the authorization, which provides read but not write access to user configuration files. The System Administrator role naturally has the and the solaris.admin.usermgr.write authorizations for making changes to user files. However, without the solaris.admin.usermgr.pswd authorization, the System Administrator cannot change passwords. The Primary Administrator has all three of these authorizations.

The solaris.admin.usermgr.pswd authorization is required to make password changes in the Solaris Management Console User tool. This authorization is also required for using the password modification options in the smuser, smmultiuser, and smrole commands.

Delegation Authority in Authorizations

An authorization that ends with the suffix grant enables a user or a role to delegate to other users any assigned authorizations that begin with the same prefix.

For example, a role with the authorizations solaris.admin.usermgr.grant and can delegate the authorization to another user. A role with the solaris.admin.usermgr.grant and solaris.admin.usermgr.* authorizations can delegate any of the authorizations with the solaris.admin.usermgr prefix to other users.