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Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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Part I Planning to Install Over the Network

1.  Where to Find Oracle Solaris Installation Planning Information

2.  Preconfiguring System Configuration Information (Tasks)

3.  Preconfiguring With a Naming Service or DHCP

Part II Installing Over a Local Area Network

4.  Installing From the Network (Overview)

5.  Installing From the Network With DVD Media (Tasks)

6.  Installing From the Network With CD Media (Tasks)

7.  Patching the Miniroot Image (Tasks)

8.  Installing Over the Network (Examples)

9.  Installing From the Network (Command Reference)

Part III Installing Over a Wide Area Network

10.  WAN Boot (Overview)

11.  Preparing to Install With WAN Boot (Planning)

12.  Installing With WAN Boot (Tasks)

13.  SPARC: Installing With WAN Boot (Tasks)

14.  SPARC: Installing With WAN Boot (Examples)

15.  WAN Boot (Reference)

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Troubleshooting (Tasks)

Problems With Setting Up Network Installations

Problems With Booting a System

Error Messages When Booting From Media

General Problems When Booting From Media

Booting From the Network, Error Messages

General Problems When Booting From the Network

Initial Installation of the Oracle Solaris OS

x86: How to Check an IDE Disk for Bad Blocks

Upgrading the Oracle Solaris OS

Upgrading Error Messages

General Problems When Upgrading

How to Continue Upgrading After a Failed Upgrade

x86: Problems With Live Upgrade When You Use GRUB

System Panics When Upgrading With Live Upgrade Running Veritas VxVM

How to Upgrade When Running Veritas VxVM

x86: Service Partition Not Created by Default on Systems With No Existing Service Partition

How to Include a Service Partition When Installing Software From a Network Installation Image or From the Oracle Solaris DVD

How to Include a Service Partition When Installing From the Oracle Solaris Software - 1 CD or From a Network Installation Image

B.  Installing or Upgrading Remotely (Tasks)



Problems With Booting a System

Error Messages When Booting From Media

le0: No carrier - transceiver cable problem

Cause: The system is not connected to the network.

Solution: If the system is a nonnetworked system, ignore this message. If the system is a networked system, ensure that the Ethernet cabling is attached securely.

The file just loaded does not appear to be executable

Cause: The system cannot find the proper media for booting.

Solution: Verify that the system has been set up properly to install the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 software from the network from an install server.

boot: cannot open <filename> (SPARC based systems only)

Cause: This error occurs when you override the location of the boot -file by explicitly setting it.

Solution: Try one of the following:

Can't boot from file/device

Cause: The installation media cannot find the bootable media.

Solution: Ensure that the following conditions are met:

WARNING: clock gained xxx days -- CHECK AND RESET DATE! (SPARC based systems only)

Description: This is an informational message.

Solution: Ignore the message and continue with the installation.

Not a UFS file system (x86 based systems only)

Cause: When the current Oracle Solaris release was installed (either through the Oracle Solaris installation program or JumpStart), no boot disk was selected. You now must edit the BIOS to boot the system.

Solution: Select the BIOS to boot. See your BIOS documentation for instructions.

General Problems When Booting From Media

The system does not boot.

Description: When initially setting up a JumpStart server, you might encounter boot problems that do not return an error message. To verify information about the system and how the system is booting, run the boot command with the -v option, which displays verbose debugging information.

Note - If you do not include this option, the messages are still printed but the output is directed to the system log file. For more information, see the syslogd(1M) man page.

Solution: For SPARC based systems, at the ok prompt, type the following command:

ok boot net -v - install

Boot from DVD media fails on systems with Toshiba SD-M 1401 DVD-ROM

Description: If your system has a Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM with firmware revision 1007, the system cannot boot from the Oracle Solaris DVD.

Solution: Apply patch 111649–03, or later version, to update the Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM drive's firmware. The patch 111649–03 is available at (My Oracle Support) from the Patches and Updates tab.

The system hangs or panics when nonmemory PC cards are inserted. (x86 based systems only)

Cause: Nonmemory PC cards cannot use the same memory resources that are used by other devices.

Solution: To correct this problem, see the instructions for your PC card and check for the address range.

The system hangs before displaying the system prompt. (x86 based systems only)

Cause: You have hardware that is not supported.

Solution: Check your hardware manufacturer's documentation.

Booting From the Network, Error Messages

WARNING: getfile: RPC failed: error 5 (RPC Timed out).

Description: This error occurs when you have two or more servers on a network responding to an install client's boot request. The install client connects to the wrong boot server, and the installation hangs. The following specific reasons might cause this error to occur:

Cause: Reason 1:/etc/bootparams files might exist on different servers with an entry for this install client.

Solution: Reason 1: Ensure that servers on the network do not have multiple /etc/bootparams entries for the install client. If they do have multiple entries, remove duplicate client entries in the /etc/bootparams file on all install servers and boot servers except the one you want the install client to use.

Cause: Reason 2: Multiple /tftpboot or /rplboot directory entries might exist for this install client.

Solution: Reason 2: Ensure that servers on the network do not have multiple /tftpboot or /rplboot directory entries for the install client. If they do have multiple entries, remove duplicate client entries from the /tftpboot or /rplboot directories on all install servers and boot servers except the one you want the install client to use.

Cause: Reason 3: An install client entry might exist in the /etc/bootparams file on a server and an entry in another /etc/bootparams file that enables all systems to access the profile server. The entry would resemble the following:

* install_config=profile-server:path

A line that resembles the previous entry in the NIS or NIS+ bootparams table can also cause this error.

Solution: Reason 3: If a wildcard entry is in the naming service bootparams map or table (for example, * install_config=), delete it and add it to the /etc/bootparams file on the boot server.

No network boot server. Unable to install the system. See installation instructions. (SPARC based systems only)

Cause: A system on which you are attempting to install from the network is not set up correctly.

Solution: Ensure that you correctly set up the system to install from the network. See Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network With a CD Image.

prom_panic: Could not mount file system (SPARC based systems only)

Cause: You are installing Oracle Solaris from a network but the boot software cannot locate the following:

Solution: Ensure that the installation software is mounted and shared.

Timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet...(SPARC based systems only)

Cause: Reason 1: The client is trying to boot from the network but it cannot find a system that knows about the client.

Solution: Reason 1: Verify the system's host name is in the NIS or NIS+ naming service. Also, verify the bootparams search order in the boot server's /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

For example, the following line in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file indicates that JumpStart or the Oracle Solaris installation program first looks in the NIS maps for bootparams information. If the program does not find any information, the installer looks in the boot server's /etc/bootparams file.

bootparams: nis files

Cause: Reason 2: The client's Ethernet address is not correct.

Solution: Reason 2: Verify that the client's Ethernet address in the install server's /etc/ethers file is correct.

Cause: Reason 3: In a JumpStart installation, the add_install_client command specifies the platform group that uses a specified server as an install server. This problem occurs if the wrong architecture value is used when using the add_install_client. For example, the machine you want to install is a sun4u, but you used i86pc instead.

Solution: Reason 3: Rerun add_install_client with the correct architecture value.

ip: joining multicasts failed on tr0 - will use link layer broadcasts for multicast (x86 based systems only)

Cause: This error message is displayed when you boot a system with a token ring card. Ethernet multicast and token ring multicast do not work the same way. The driver returns this error message because an invalid multicast address was provided to it.

Solution: Ignore this error message. If multicast does not work, IP uses layer broadcasts instead and does not cause the installation to fail.

Requesting Internet address for Ethernet-Address (x86 based systems only)

Cause: The client is trying to boot from the network but it cannot find a system that knows about the client.

Solution: Verify the system's host name is listed in the naming service. If the system's host name is listed in the NIS or NIS+ naming service and the system continues to print this error message, try rebooting.

RPC: Timed out No bootparams (whoami) server responding; still trying... (x86 based systems only)

Cause: The client is trying to boot from the network but it cannot find a system with an entry in the /etc/bootparams file on the install server.

Solution: Use add_install_client on the install server to add the proper entry in the /etc/bootparams file, enabling the client to boot from the network.

Still trying to find a RPL server... (x86 based systems only)

Cause: The system is trying to boot from the network but the server is not set up to boot this system.

Solution: On the install server, execute add_install_client for the system to be installed. The add_install_client command sets up an /rplboot directory, which contains the necessary network boot program.

CLIENT MAC ADDR: FF FF FF FF FF FF (network installations with DHCP only)

Cause: The DHCP server is not configured correctly. This error might occur if the options or macros are not correctly defined in the DHCP Manager software.

Solution: In the DHCP Manager software, verify that the options and macros are correctly defined. Confirm that the Router option is defined, and that the value of the Router option is correct for the subnet you are using for the network installation.

General Problems When Booting From the Network

The system boots from the network, but from a system other than the specified install server.

Cause: An /etc/bootparams and perhaps an /etc/ethers entry exist on another system for the client.

Solution: On the name server, update the /etc/bootparams entry for the system that is being installed. The entry should conform to the following syntax:

install-system root=boot-server:path install=install-server:path

Also, ensure that only one bootparams entry is on the subnet for the install client.

The system does not boot from the network (network installations with DHCP only).

Cause: The DHCP server is not configured correctly. This error might occur if the system is not configured as an installation client on the DHCP server.

Solution: In the DHCP manager software, verify that installation options and macros are defined for the client system. For more information, see Preconfiguring System Configuration Information With the DHCP Service (Tasks).