The image image018.gif shows the Administration Console. The window starts with the following row of buttons: Dashboard, which is highlighted, Monitoring, Reporting, Archiving, System, and Logout.

When the Dashboard page is selected, it says Welcome, you are logged in. There are the following displays: Threat Status: OK, with these sub items: Known Blocked, Unseen Blocked, Known Warned, and Unseen Warned, all marked 0; Throughput Status: OK with sub items: Statement Rate and Total Statements (in Last Hour) both marked zero; Traffic Snapshot at: 2010-07-14 10:35, with sub item Filter button labeled (no filter active). Under this is a series of linear charts for Wanted and Blocked Statements, number of statements, and Throughput.

To the left of the charts are the following sections: Quick Start, containing these buttons: Monitor databases and System settings; Top Ten Threats (Last week) with empty fields for Count, Status, Statement and others; Enforcement Point with sub items Name, Appliance, and IP Address, with sample data ep_01, local, and