7 Administering the Logging Service

This chapter provides instructions on how to configure logging and how to view log information in the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1.2 environment.

The following topics are addressed here:

Instructions for accomplishing these tasks and editing logging service properties in the Administration Console are available from the Administration Console online help.

About Logging

Logging is the process by which Oracle GlassFish Server captures information about events that occur, such as configuration errors, security failures, or server malfunction. This data is recorded in log files and is usually the first source of information when problems occur. Analyzing the log files can help you to determine the health of the server.

Although application components can use the Apache Commons Logging Library to record messages, the platform standard JSR 047 API is recommended for better log configuration.

The following topics are addressed here:

Log Files

Oracle GlassFish Server log records are captured in one of two general types of log files:

  • Server log files, which capture information about the operation of a server instance running in the domain. Each instance, managed server instance (that is, each cluster member), and the domain administration server (DAS) has an individual server log file.

  • Cluster log files, which capture information about the operation of a cluster instance, if one or more are configured in the domain. Each managed server instance that is a member of a cluster has a cluster log file in addition to a server log file. However, the contents of the cluster log file may differ from one instance to another depending on factors such as how instances are apportioned in the cluster, applications running on them, how load balancing is configured, and failover state.

The following topics are addressed here:

Log File Names and Locations

In an Oracle GlassFish Server domain, log files have the following names and locations by default:

Instance Default Log File Name and Location



Each server instance


Cluster instance


For example, in a domain hosted on a given machine that includes a cluster with two managed servers (ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer1) and a standalone instance (StandaloneServer), the log files might be arranged in the following directory structure. In this directory structure, the server.log file for the DAS is located in domain-dir/logs.

as-install-parent directory

You can change the default name or location of a log file by modifying the logging properties file for the corresponding instance, described in To Change the Name and Location of the Log File.

Log Records

Oracle GlassFish Server log records follow a uniform format:

[#|yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS-Z|Log Level|ProductName-Version|LoggerName|Key Value Pairs|Message|#]
  • [# and #] mark the beginning and end of the record.

  • The vertical bar (|) separates the fields of the record.

  • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSS-Z represents the date and time that the record was created. For example: 2006-10-21T13:25:53.852-0400

  • Log Level represents the log level. You can set any of the following values: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST. The default is INFO.

  • ProductName-Version represents the current version of the Oracle GlassFish Server. For example: glassfish

  • LoggerName represents a hierarchical logger namespace that identifies the source of the log module. For example: javax.enterprise.system.core

  • Key Value Pairs represents pairs of key names and values, typically a thread ID. For example: _ThreadID=14;

  • Message represents the text of the log message. For all Oracle GlassFish Server SEVERE and WARNING messages and for many INFO messages, the message begins with a message ID that consists of a module code and a numerical value. For example: CORE5004

The following is an example of a log record:

system.core|_ThreadID=13;|CORE5004: Resource Deployed: 

The Administration Console presents log records in a more readable display.

Log Rotation

By default, when a log file grows to 2 MB, Oracle GlassFish Server renames (rotates) the file to incorporate a timestamp and creates a new log file. The log file is renamed as log-type.log_date, where log-type represents either server or cluster, and date represents the time of rotation.

You can configure the logging service to change the default settings for log file rotation, as explained in Setting Log File Rotation.

Logger Namespaces

Oracle GlassFish Server provides a logger for each of its modules. The following list is an example of the logger namespaces in a server instance as they appear when using the list-log-levels subcommand.

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler     <FINEST>
javax.enterprise.resource.corba     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.javamail  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jdo       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jms       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jta       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.sqltrace  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.context      <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.facelets     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.lifecycle    <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.managedbean  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.renderkit    <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.resource     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.taglib       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.timing       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.container.cmp         <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb         <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb.mdb     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.container.web         <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.config   <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.naming   <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.security <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.selfmanagement   <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction      <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system     <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.tools.admin   <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.tools.backup  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.tools.deployment      <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.util          <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.webservices.registry  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.webservices.rpc       <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.webservices.saaj      <INFO>
javax     <INFO>
org.apache.catalina    <INFO>
org.apache.coyote      <INFO>
org.apache.jasper      <INFO>
org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter   <INFO>

For information about how to display logger namespaces and log levels, see To List Log Levels.

Logging Targets

Each instance in an Oracle GlassFish Server domain has a dedicated log file, and each instance and cluster has its own logging properties file. To configure logging for an instance or a cluster, Oracle GlassFish Server allows you target specific log files or logging properties files when you do the following:

  • Set global or module-specific log levels

  • Rotate log files or compress them into a ZIP archive

  • Change logging property attributes

  • List log levels or log attributes

The following subcommands optionally accept a target specification. A target can be a configuration name, server name, cluster name, or instance name, and is specified as either an operand or as a value passed using the --target option. If no target is specified when using any of these subcommands, the default target is the DAS.

Subcommand Description Target Specification


Collects all available log files into a ZIP archive.



Lists logging attributes in the logging properties file.

target-name operand


Lists the loggers in the logging properties file and their log levels.

target-name operand


Rotates the log file by renaming it and creating a new log file to store new messages.



Sets the specified logging attributes in the logging properties file.



Sets the log level for one or more loggers listed in the logging properties file.


Logging Properties

The DAS as well as each configuration, instance, and cluster has its own set of logging properties that are maintained in individual configuration files. A logging properties file is named logging.properies and includes the following information:

  • Log file name and location

  • Logger names and levels

  • Properties for custom handlers

  • Log rotation and logger format properties

By default in an Oracle GlassFish Server domain, logging properties files are created in the following locations:

Target Default Location of Logging Properties File



A configuration

domain-dir/config/config-name/logging.properties, where config-name represents the name of a configuration that is shared by one or more instances or clusters.

An instance

domain-dir/config/instance-name-config/logging.properties, where instance-name represents the name of the instance.

A cluster

domain-dir/config/cluster-name-config/logging.properties, where cluster-name represents the name of the cluster.

For information about configuring logging properties, see Configuring the Logging Service.

Configuring the Logging Service

This section contains the following topics:

Changing the Name and Location of Logging Service Files

This section explains how to change the name and location of the following logging service files:

  • Log file

  • Logging properties file

To Change the Name and Location of the Log File

To change the name and location of the log file, first use the list-log-attributes subcommand to obtain the current log attribute setting for the log file name and location. Then use the set-log-attributes subcommand to specify the new name or location. The default target for these two subcommands is the DAS. However, you can optionally specify one of the following targets:

  • Configuration name — to target all instances or clusters that share a specific configuration name.

  • Server name — to target only a specific server.

  • Instance name — to target only a specific instance.

  • Cluster name — to target only a specific cluster.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Use the list-log-attributes subcommand in remote mode to obtain the current log attribute settings.

    The name and location of the log file is set with the com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler.file attribute of the logging properties file. Optionally you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster. If you do not specify a target, the log attribute settings for the DAS are displayed.

  3. Use the set-log-attributes subcommand in remote mode to define a custom name or location of the log file.

    If you do not specify a target, the log file for the DAS is targeted by default. If you target a cluster, the name of the cluster log file for each member instance can be changed (the server log file name cannot).

Example 7-1 Changing the Name and Location of a Cluster's Log File

This example changes the name of the cluster log file for Cluster1 to cluster1.log. Cluster1 has two server instances: ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2.

asadmin> list-log-attributes Cluster1
com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler.alarms <false>
com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler.flushFrequency  <1>
log4j.logger.org.hibernate.validator.util.Version <warn>
Command list-log-attributes executed successfully.
asadmin> set-log-attributes --target Cluster1
logging attribute set with value ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/cluster1.log
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.
ClusterServer1 :
logging attribute set with value ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/cluster1.log
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.

ClusterServer2 :
logging attribute set with value ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/cluster1.log
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.

Command set-log-attributes executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of these subcommands by typing asadmin help list-log-levels and asadmin help set-log-attributes at the command line.

To Change the Name and Location of the Logging Properties File

You can set the name and location of the logging properties file by setting the java.util.logging.config.file system property. By setting this system property, you can have a single logging properties file that is used by all instances running on the same host.


Setting the java.util.logging.config.file system property causes all other Oracle GlassFish Server logging properties files on the host to be overridden.

  1. Set the java.util.logging.config.file system property.

    For example, you can use the following java command:

    java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=properties_file

    Alternatively, you can use the Administration Console to set this system property.

  2. To apply your change, restart Oracle GlassFish Server.

Example 7-2 Setting the java.util.logging.config.file System Property

The following example changes the location of the logging properties file to /space/mylogging/logging.properties:

java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/space/mylogging/logging.properties

Setting Log Levels

The log level determines the granularity of the message that is logged, from error only (SEVERE) to detailed debug (FINEST). The following values apply: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST. These log levels are hierarchically inclusive, which means that if you set a particular log level, such as INFO, the messages that have log levels above that level (SEVERE and WARNING) are also included. If you set the log level to the lowest level, FINEST, your output includes all the messages in the file. The default setting is INFO.

You can list current log levels of all loggers specified in the logging properties file. In some cases, loggers that have not been created by the respective containers will also appear in the list.

You can set log levels that are global or logger-specific. When you set a global log level, the log level goes into effect for all loggers. If you set the log level for a specific logger that is different from the global log level, the logger-specific setting takes precedence. In addition, when setting log levels, you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster.

Because setting log levels is a dynamic operation, you do not need to restart Oracle GlassFish Server for changes to take effect.

Setting either global or logger-specific log levels is done by using the set-log-levels subcommand. Listing log levels is done by using the list-log-levels subcommand.

The following topics are addressed here:

To List Log Levels

Oracle GlassFish Server provides the means to list all loggers and their log levels. Listing the loggers provides a convenient means to view current loggers and log levels either prior to or after making log level changes.

Use the list-log-levels subcommand in remote mode to list the modules and their current log levels. The default target for this subcommand is the DAS. However, you can optionally specify one of the following targets:

  • Configuration name — to target all instances or clusters that share a specific configuration name.

  • Server name — to target a specific server.

  • Instance name — to target a specific instance.

  • Cluster name — to target a specific cluster.

  1. Ensure that the DAS is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List the existing module loggers and log levels by using the list-log-levels subcommand.

Example 7-3 Listing Logger Levels for Modules

This example shows a partial list of the existing loggers and their log levels in the DAS.

asadmin> list-log-levels 
javax.enterprise.system.container.cmp <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.tools.admin <INFO>
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler <FINEST>
javax.enterprise.system.container.web <INFO>
javax.enterprise.system.util <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.timing <INFO>
javax <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.corba <INFO>
Command list-log-levels executed successfully.

Example 7-4 Listing Log Levels for an Instance

This example shows a partial list of the loggers and log levels for the instance MyServer2.

asadmin> list-log-levels MyServer2
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler <FINEST>
javax.enterprise.resource.corba  <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.javamail   <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jdo <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jms <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.jta <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter <INFO>
javax.enterprise.resource.sqltrace <FINE>
Command list-log-levels executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-log-levels at the command line.

To Set the Global Log Level

The global log level specifies the events that are logged across all loggers. The default level for messages output to the console is INFO (which also includes SEVERE and WARNING messages).

Use the set-log-levels subcommand in remote mode to set the global log level. The default target for this subcommand is the DAS. However, you can optionally specify one of the following targets using the --target option:

  • Configuration name — to target all instances or clusters that share a specific configuration name.

  • Server name — to target a specific server.

  • Instance name — to target a specific instance.

  • Cluster name — to target a specific cluster.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

  2. Set the global log level by using the set-log-levels subcommand, specifying the log level of the java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler logger.

    The ConsoleHandler has a separate log level setting that limits the messages that are displayed. For example:

    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler <FINEST>

Example 7-5 Changing the Global Log Level for All Module Loggers

By setting the log level of the ConsoleHandler, you set the global log level for all loggers. This example sets the global log level in the DAS to INFO:

asadmin> set-log-levels java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler=INFO
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler package set with log level INFO.
These logging levels are set for server.

Command set-log-levels executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-levels at the command line.

To Set Module Log Levels

A module log level specifies the events that are logged for a particular logger. The default level for messages output to the console is INFO (which also includes SEVERE and WARNING messages). The global log level is overridden by a module-specific log level.

By default, the module log level is set to FINE. The lines for the loggers in the logging properties file might look like this (the modules are indicated in bold):


Because setting log levels is a dynamic operation, you do not need to restart Oracle GlassFish Server for changes to take effect.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List the existing module loggers and their log levels by using the list-log-levels subcommand.

  3. Set the log level for a module by using the set-log-levels subcommand.


Example 7-6 Setting the Log Level for a Module Logger

This example sets the log level for the web container logger to WARNING on the target instance ManagedServer1:

asadmin> set-log-levels --target ManagedServer1
javax.enterprise.system.container.web package set with log level WARNING.
These logging levels are set for ManagedServer1.
ManagedServer1 :
javax.enterprise.system.container.web package set with log level WARNING.
These logging levels are set for ManagedServer1.

Command set-log-levels executed successfully.

Example 7-7 Setting Log Levels for Multiple Loggers

The following example sets the log level for security and web container loggers in the DAS.

asadmin> set-log-levels javax.enterprise.system.core.security=FINE:
javax.enterprise.system.container.web package set with log level WARNING.
javax.enterprise.system.core.security package set with log level FINE.
These logging levels are set for server.

Command set-log-levels executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-levels at the command line.

Setting Log File Rotation

As explained in Log Files, Oracle GlassFish Server by default rotates log files when they reach 2 MB in size. However, you can change the default rotation settings. For example, you can change the file size at which the server rotates the log file or you can configure a server to rotate log files based on a time interval. In addition to changing when rotation occurs, you can also:

  • Specify the maximum number of rotated files that can accumulate.

    By default, Oracle GlassFish Server does not limit the number of rotated log files that are retained. However, you can set a limit. After the number of log files reaches this limit, subsequent file rotations delete the oldest rotated log file.

  • Rotate the log file manually.

    A manual rotation forces the immediate rotation of the target log file.

Changing the default log rotation settings is done using the set-log-attributes subcommand, and rotating log files manually is done using the rotate-log subcommand, as explained in the following sections:

To Change the Rotation File Size

Use the set-log-attributes subcommand in remote mode to change the log rotation file size. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally, you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster. The minimum size that can be set is 500 KB.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

  2. Change the rotation file size limit by using the set-log-attributes subcommand, specifying the following attribute and the desired limit in bytes:

  3. To apply your change, restart Oracle GlassFish Server.

Example 7-8 Changing the Rotation Size

The following example sets the log file rotation size to 1 MB for the standalone instance ManagedServer1:

asadmin> set-log-attributes --target ManagedServer1
logging attribute set with value 1000000.
These logging attributes are set for ManagedServer1.
ManagedServer1 :
logging attribute set with value 1000000.
These logging attributes are set for ManagedServer1.

Command set-log-attributes executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-attributes at the command line.

To Change the File Rotation Interval

Use the set-log-attributes subcommand in remote mode to change the log file rotation time limit interval. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally, you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster. The default value is 0.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

  2. Change the rotation time limit by using the set-log-attributes subcommand, specifying the following attribute and the desired limit in minutes:

  3. To apply your change, restart Oracle GlassFish Server.

Example 7-9 Changing the Rotation Interval

The following example sets the log file rotation time limit for the cluster Cluster1, which has the instances ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2.

asadmin> set-log-attributes --target Cluster1
logging attribute set with value 10.
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.
ClusterServer1 :
logging attribute set with value 10.
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.

ClusterServer2 :
logging attribute set with value 10.
These logging attributes are set for Cluster1.

Command set-log-attributes executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-attributes at the command line.

To Change the Limit Number of Retained Files

Use the set-log-attributes subcommand in remote mode to change the limit on the number of log files that the server creates to store old log messages. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally, you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster. The default limit value is 0, which results in no limit placed on the number of rotated log files that are retained.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

  2. Change the limit number of retained log files by using the set-log-attributes subcommand, specifying the following attribute and the desired file limit number:


    The behavior of the com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler.maxHistoryFiles attribute is as follows:

    • If the property is not set, Oracle GlassFish Server keeps a maximum of 10 rotated log files.

    • If the property is set to an invalid number or null, Oracle GlassFish Server keeps a maximum of 10 rotated log files.

    • If the property is set to 0, Oracle GlassFish Server retains all rotated log files (that is, no sets no maximum).

  3. To apply your change, restart Oracle GlassFish Server.

Example 7-10 Changing the Limit Number of Retained Files

The following example sets the log limit number of retained log files for the DAS to 10.

asadmin> set-log-attributes
logging attribute set with value 10.
These logging attributes are set for server.
Command set-log-attributes executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-attributes at the command line.

To Rotate Log Files Manually

You can rotate log files manually by using the rotate-log subcommand in remote mode. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally, you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster. When you use this subcommand, the target log file is immediately moved to a new time-stamped file and a new log file is created.

Because log rotation is a dynamic operation, you do not need to restart Oracle GlassFish Server for changes to take effect.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

  2. Rotate log files by using the rotate-log subcommand.

Example 7-11 Rotating Log Files Manually

The following example rotates the server.log file for ManagedServer2 to server.log_yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss, where yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss represents the time when the file is rotated, and creates a new server.log file in the default location.

asadmin> rotate-log --target ManagedServer2
Command rotate-log executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help rotate-log at the command line.

Adding a Custom Logging Handler

By default, Oracle GlassFish Server log records are captured in a server log file using the format described in Log Records. However, you may find that you want to log messages to a different location, such as a database or a remote server, or log messages from specific loggers to your own file. This can be done by implementing a custom log handler. This section explains how to add a custom log handler to the Oracle GlassFish Server logging service.

To Add a Custom Log Handler

A comma-separated list of log handlers is installed during startup of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) host. The default log handler that is provided in the logging.properties file, ConsoleHandler, is configured as follows:


In Oracle GlassFish Server, the best approach to developing a custom handler is to define a Hundred-Kilobyte Kernel (HK2) component that implements the handler contract. Oracle GlassFish Server registers this handler automatically because it is an HK2 component. There is no task required of the administrator.

To configure a custom handler that is not developed as an HK2 component, add the new handler to the logging.properties file after the developer has put the custom handler JAR file into the domain-dir/lib/ext directory.

Before You Begin

If you set a handler by setting the handlers attribute in the logging properties file, the class that extends java.util.logging.Handler must be in the server classpath.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Use the set-log-attributes subcommand to add the handler to the handlers attribute.

    The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster.

  3. To apply your changes, restart Oracle GlassFish Server.

    See To Restart a Domain.

Example 7-12 Adding a New Log Handler

This example adds the custom logger com.example.logging.MyHandler to the logging properties file of the DAS.

asadmin> set-log-attributes
handlers logging attribute set with value
These logging attributes are set for server.
Command set-log-attributes executed successfully.

See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-log-attributes at the command line.

Viewing Log Records

The recommended means for general viewing of logging information is to use the Log Viewer in the Administration Console. The Log Viewer simplifies reading, searching, and filtering log file contents. For instructions, see the Administration Console online help.

Oracle GlassFish Server also allows you to collect log files into a ZIP archive, which provides the means to obtain and view log files for an instance or cluster even when it is not currently running. The following section explains how to collect all available log files for an instance or cluster and compile them into a single ZIP archive, which is done by using the collect-log-files subcommand.

To Collect Log Files into a ZIP Archive

Use the collect-log-files subcommand in remote mode to collect log files into a ZIP archive. The default target of this subcommand is the DAS. Optionally you can target a configuration, server, instance, or cluster.

  1. Ensure that the target server or cluster is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Use the collect-log-files subcommand to create the ZIP archive.

    The default location in which the ZIP archive is created is the domain-dir/collected-logs directory. The collect-log-files subcommand allows you to specify a nondefault directory in which the ZIP archive is to be created by using the --retrieve option set to true, followed by the directory name.

    The name of the ZIP file contains the timestamp, as follows:


Example 7-13 Creating a ZIP Archive

This example shows collecting the log files for the cluster MyCluster and compiling them into a ZIP archive in the /space/output directory.

asadmin> collect-log-files --target MyCluster
--retrieve true /space/output
Log files are downloaded for ClusterServer1.
Log files are downloaded for ClusterServer2.
 Created Zip file under /space/output/log_2011-02-10_13-35-25.zip.
Command collect-log-files executed successfully.

When the ZIP file created by the preceding command is uncompressed, the following directory structure is created:


See Also

You can view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help collect-log-files at the command line.