
session expired event


glassfish:ejb:cache:expiredSessionsRemovedEvent (
long beanId,
String appName,
String modName,
String ejbName,
long num)

glassfish:ejb:cache__beanspecific_:expiredSessionsRemovedEvent (
long beanId,
String appName,
String modName,
String ejbName,
long num)


These two events are sent when sessions are removed by the cleanup thread.

Use the generic version of this event to track the number of sessions removed by the cleanup thread across the entire EJB container.

Use the bean-specific version of this event to track the number of sessions removed by the cleanup thread for a specific bean. In the bean-specific version, beanspecific has the form:


In this form, appName, modName, and ejbName are the names of the application, the module, and the bean, respectively, with dashes (-) and periods (.) converted to underscores (_). For example, the bean-specific event name for the sampleBean bean in the sampleModule.jar module of the sample-App application is:


When monitoring the activity of a specific bean, using the bean-specific version of this event provides much better end-to-end monitoring performance than does using the generic version and inspecting its parameters to associate the event with the bean.



The unique identifier for the EJB container associated with this EJB.


The name of the application associated with the EJB.


The name of the module that contains the EJB.


The name of the EJB.


The number of sessions removed.