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CICS Runtime Configuration Files

CICS Runtime Configuration Files
The administration of CICS Runtime is based on Tuxedo native tools with the addition of a limited number of configuration tables for features that are specific to CICS. In CICS configurations, resources are nowadays defined in the CSD when previously they were defined as independent tables. This latter approach is the one used with CICS Runtime.
Each resource configuration table describes a resource of a particular type: transaction, transaction class, program, file, TS Queue model, etc. Each table contains the specific parameters relevant to the resource.
Shared Responsibilities Between Tuxedo and Resource Files
A CICS resource like a transaction with all its characteristics (first program, restartable, …) is described in resource configuration files. The Tuxedo configuration elements, like how many servers of which group on which machine will offer this transaction is described in the Tuxedo configuration file UBBCONFIG.
This way the responsibilities are clearly distributed:
Resource Definition Directory
All resource configuration files are stored in a common directory indicated by a well known environment variable: ${KIXCONFIG}.
Each table describing CICS type of information is stored in a file read by servers at start time.
Presentation of Configuration Files
General Content
Each resource configuration table describes a resource type: transaction, transaction class, program, files, TS Queue, …, with all the specific parameters relevant to this resource.
The central file defines the lists of resource groups. When configuring a ART CICS server, the administrator specifies which lists to load. A single list may contain a few tens of resource groups that include hundreds or thousands of individual resources.
Each resource table contains three columns of parameters:
The rest of this section describes in detail each of these configuration files:
List of Groups Configuration File
Table 4‑1 defines the lists of resource groups that may be loaded by application servers.
The filename is list_of_groups.desc.
Transaction Configuration File
Table 4‑2 lists the transactions available to application users, with their characteristics.
The filename is transactions.desc.
If the system initialization parameter specifies CONFDATA=SHOW, CONFDATA on the transaction definition is ignored.
See Tranclasses Configuration File for more information on the usage of this parameter on the target platform.
Each transaction is advertised as an Oracle Tuxedo service by CICS Runtime servers, e.g. ARTSTRN, ARTATRN…. You can divide the transactions into different groups and assign the groups to different servers using option "–l", so that each server just advertise its own services.
Tranclasses Configuration File
Table 4‑3 lists and defines tranclasses available to regulate parallel transactions activities.
The filename is tranclasses.desc.
Semantic Information
Native Source CICS Definition
Transactions that are defined as belonging to a transaction class are subject to scheduling constraints before they are allowed to execute. If transactions belonging to an active transaction class are already running, any new transactions are queued. Use the MAXACTIVE attribute to specify the maximum number of transactions that you want to run. To limit the size of the queue, you can use the PURGETHRESH attribute.
By putting your transactions into transaction classes, you can control how CICS dispatches tasks.
Mapping to Target Platform Concepts
On Tuxedo, the scheduling of transactions and the affectation of resources to groups of transactions is performed differently; it is the number of servers offering given transactions which manages the scheduling of transactions, and the relative amount of resources affected to a group of transactions.
The Special Case of MAXACTIVE 1
This case is very specific, because it impacts the functional characteristics of the application.
It ensures that two transactions of this class will never execute concurrently. It defines a mutually exclusive behavior that is preserved on the target platform to guarantee the correct behavior of the application.
A single server ARTSTR1 will offer the transactions belonging to one TRANCLASS with MAXACTIVE = 1.
Programs Configuration File
Table 4‑4 lists and defines programs available to be referenced either as first program of a transaction, or being invoked by EXEC CICS LINK and XCTL.
The filename is programs.desc.
Files Configuration File
Table 4‑5 lists and defines files available to be referenced by the CICS application.
The filename is files.desc.
Table 4‑5 Files Parameters
Journaling Attributes
Table 4‑6 lists the journaling attributes.
TS Queue Model Configuration File
Table 4‑7 lists and defines theTS Queue models available to be referenced by the CICS application.
The filename is tsqmodel.desc
ENQ-Model Configuration File
Table 4‑8 lists and defines ENQ Models available to be referenced by the CICS application.
The filename is enqmodel.desc.
TD Queue Extra Partition Configuration File
Table 4‑9 lists and defines extra partitions TD queues available to the CICS application.
The filename is tdqextra.desc.
D = DEFERRED: The data set remains closed until you indicate that you want to open it by using the CEMT INQUIRE|SET TDQUEUE command.
I = INITIAL: The data set is to be opened at install time. However, if the DSNAME attribute is not specified, and the data set name is not specified in the DD statement in the startup JCL, the transient data queue is allocated to JES during CICS startup.
F= FIXED: Fixed records. If you specify RECORDFORMAT FIXED, you must also specify a block format.
V= VARIABLE: Variable records. If you specify RECORDFORMAT VARIABLE you must also specify a block format.
Setting the value I, will trigger the call to a function td_extra_actions_int, which must be provided by the integrator.
TD Queue Intra Partition Configuration File
Table 4‑10 lists and defines intra partitions TD queues available to the CICS application.
The filename is tdqintra.desc.
Table 4‑10 TD Queue Parameters
Setting the value I, will trigger the call to a function td_intra_actions_int, which must be provided by the integrator.
Mapset Configuration File
Table 4‑11 lists and defines mapsets available to be referenced by the CICS application. For more information, see tcxmapgen(1) in System Commands and Transactions.
The filename is mapsets.desc.
The format of a MAPSET definition is:
… …
For example,
Table 4‑11 Mapset Parameters
It will be searched in directories defined by the KIX_MAP_PATH environment variable if the absolute path is not specified.
If this field is not specified, the default mapset binary file name <MAPSET_name>.mpdef will be used, in which the <MAPSET_name> is the MAPSET name parameter specified in CICS MAP related APIs
Typeterm Configuration File
Table 4‑12 lists and defines Typeterms supported by ARTTCP.
The filename is typeterms.desc
The format of a TYPETERM definition is:
… …
For example,
Table 4‑12 Typeterm Parameters
Specifies the terminal screen size total columns. If the SCRNSIZE=alternate, this parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the terminal screen size total rows If the SCRNSIZE=alternate, this parameter is mandatory.
The default value is DEFAULT which does not send/receive map/text with alternative screen size.
If set to ENABLED, the resource is available.
If set to DISABLED, the resource is unavailable for use by the system
YES: translate lowercase alphabetic characters to uppercase.
NO: do not translate lowercase alphabetic characters to uppercase
TRAN: only translate the transaction ID from lowercase to uppercase.

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