There are five clearly distinct environments necessary to carry-out a rehosting project. These include two source (pre-migration) environments and three target (post-migration) environments as described below:
1. A current production source environment for the assets to be converted.
2. A test source environment for storing and isolating the operations extracted from the production environment and for creating a test database.
3. A test target environment for running, tuning and testing the converted assets.
4. An integration target environment, which is used to host all activities such as integration, operations migration or pre switch-over processing.
5. A production target environment for the converted and tested assets.
Table 1‑1 Project Environments
Table 1‑2 Project Phases Figure 1‑1 Project Phases and ProcessesFigure 1‑2 Language MigrationFigure 1‑3 Data MigrationFigure 1‑4 Migration Architecture