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Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 ( Release Notes

Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 ( Release Notes
Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 (
Date: December 2011
This document contains release notes for the Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 ( release. It includes the following topics:
About This Oracle Tuxedo Release
This topic includes the following sections:
What’s New and Improved
Oracle Tuxedo Release 11g Release 1 ( includes the following new features and enhancements:
Oracle Tuxedo Exalogic Improvements
Self-tuning Locking Mechanism
Allows you to dynamically tune SPINCOUNT while taking the runtime environment into consideration, thus improve performance especially when there are heavy load on the system using XA without administrator configure SPINCOUNT with a static value.
For more information, see Oracle Tuxedo/Oracle Exalogic Users Guide and File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference in the Oracle Tuxedo Reference Guide.
Direct Cross Node Communication Leveraging RDMA
In Oracle Tuxedo applications, processes on separate machines communicate with each other through bridge processes using a socket. The communication between bridges can be considerably slow.
This feature utilizes RMDA through which processes on separate Exalogic machines can communicate with each other directly. If Oracle Tuxedo application processes use RDMA instead of bridge processes overall performance is improved.
For more information, see Oracle Tuxedo/Oracle Exalogic Users Guide
Oracle Tuxedo SDP Support
This feature allows Oracle Tuxedo user to configure which protocol to use, either SDP or normal TCP between Oracle Tuxedo components including Domain gateware, bridge, work station client and WSH, Jolt client and JSH t to leverage the advantages Exalogic provides such as high bandwidth, low latency as well as reduced CPU involvement.
For more information, see Oracle Tuxedo/Oracle Exalogic Users Guide, File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference, Command Reference, and ATMI C Function Reference in the Oracle Tuxedo Reference Guide. Also, Configuring the Oracle Jolt System in Using Oracle Jolt in the Oracle Tuxedo Users Guide.
TLOG Information To Oracle Database
Allows you the flexibility of using an Oracle database instead of file system to store the TLOG. You can also leverage various high availability Oracle database features in disaster recovery as needed.
For more information, see About Transactions in Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application in the Oracle Tuxedo Users Guide, File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference and Command Reference in the Oracle Tuxedo Reference Guide.
Installation Upgrade Considerations
For complete information on upgrading to Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 (, see “Upgrading the Oracle Tuxedo System to Release 11g Release 1 ( Installing the Oracle Tuxedo System.
Oracle Tuxedo Software Components
The Oracle Tuxedo software consists of the following components:
The ATMI software enables you to build scalable ATMI applications using either of two programming languages: C or COBOL. This software includes the following components:
The CORBA software enables you to build scalable CORBA applications in the C++ programming language. This software includes the following components:
Oracle Jolt 11g Release 1 ( software
Oracle Jolt is a Java-based interface to the Oracle Tuxedo system that extends the functionality of existing Oracle Tuxedo applications to include intranet- and Internet-wide availability.
Oracle SNMP Agent for Oracle Tuxedo and Oracle WebLogic Enterprise is a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent that enables Oracle Tuxedo and Oracle WebLogic Enterprise applications to be managed from an Enterprise Management Console.
Supported Platforms
Oracle Tuxedo software runs on the platforms listed in the following sections. Oracle has certified these platforms for development and production use with the Oracle Tuxedo11g Release 1 ( product. Oracle can provide customer support only for these platforms. Note that although Oracle has attempted to implement the Oracle Tuxedo software in a manner that conforms to industry-standards, it is not feasible for Oracle to certify its use with all third-party databases, ORBs, and other products.
Additional software ports and certifications will be made available after the initial release of 11g Release 1 ( For information regarding subsequent ports and certifications, please refer to the Platform Support information on the Oracle Web site at the following link: Oracle Tuxedo 11g Release 1 ( Platform Data Sheets.

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