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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.2: Functional Interoperability Configuration Guide
Release 11.2

Part Number E27102-02
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7 Product MDM with Communications Order to Cash

This chapter discusses the interoperable group of pre-built integrations: Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack (Product MDM: Base), Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Siebel CRM (Product MDM: SBL CRM), Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (Product MDM: Comms BRM) and Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Siebel CRM, Oracle OSM, and Oracle BRM (Comms Order to Cash). This chapter includes the routing rules that must be changed to enable interoperability.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Product Flows in Product MDM

In the Product MDM integration, billing products and billing discounts are defined in Oracle Product Hub (OPH). These billing products and discounts are bundled to create service bundles and promotions in OPH. These promotions are published to the target applications. The corresponding entities are created in the target applications. For example, products, discounts, bundles, and promotions are created in Siebel, but only billing products and billing discounts are created in BRM.

For more information, see the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Product Master Data Management Integration Pack Implementation Guide and the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Communication Order to Cash Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Siebel CRM, Oracle Order and Service Management, and Oracle Billing and Revenue Management.

7.2 Product Flows in Comms Order to Cash

In the Comms Order to Cash integration, billing products and billing discounts are defined in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) and synchronized to Siebel CRM. The billing products and discounts are bundled in Siebel to create service bundles and promotions. These service bundles and promotions are used in the order submission process.

7.3 To Create Metadata in Oracle Product Hub

The Item Catalog categories, attributes, and their associated value sets are manually created by the product administrator in Oracle Product Hub. These are synchronized as product classes and attributes in Siebel. These are no longer created in Siebel.

7.4 To Create Bundles and Promotions in Oracle Product Hub

Bundles (service bundles, nested service bundles, and non service bundles) and promotions are manually created by the product administrator in Oracle Product Hub and synchronized to Siebel. Service bundles and Promotions are no longer created in Siebel.

The service instance-enabled flag that identifies a simple service bundle is set in Oracle Product Hub and synchronized to Siebel. The value is no longer set manually in Siebel.


The flag value must not be changed or reset after the flag is set for a product in Oracle Product Hub, synchronized to target CRM system, and transactions are submitted for processing.

The association of one-time charges (suspend fee, resume fee, cancel fee, and so forth) to the corresponding bundles and account level products must be done in Siebel.

The following promotion-based information is defined in Oracle Product Hub and synchronized to Siebel. These are no longer manually defined during promotion definition in Siebel:

The following promotion-based information is defined in Siebel:


There may be other set up steps for participating applications. See the appropriate integration implementation guide for the participating application set up steps.

7.5 Best Practices for Flows

The following scenarios are not tested and are not supported out-of-the-box for interoperability between the Product MDM integration and the Comms Order to Cash integration:

7.6 Configuration Steps

This section includes the following topics:

7.6.1 To Create Products and Discounts in Oracle Product Hub

Products and discounts are manually created by the product administrator in Oracle Product Hub (OPH). All types of billing products and discounts are supported in OPH. All the fulfillment and communications specific attributes associated with billing products and discounts are set in OPH and synchronized to Siebel. These are synchronized to BRM and to Siebel. Products and discounts are no longer created and published from BRM.

When OPH is used as the product master to define various entities, any product publishing mechanism that exists in other applications must be disabled. For example, in the Comms Order to Cash integration, BRM is used as the product master and publishes the products and discounts to Siebel.

So in this case, when Oracle Product Hub is used as the product master, the publish mechanism in Oracle BRM must be disabled. To disable the publish, see the BRM documentation.

For more information about disabling the publish, see the BRM documentation, "Service Integration Components", "Synchronization Queue Data Manager", "Installing and Configuring the Synchronization Queue DM", "Starting and Stopping the Synchronization Queue DM".

The pricing associated with billing products is defined in Oracle Product Hub and synchronized to Siebel and BRM.

The following details that are associated with products are now defined in Oracle Product Hub and are synchronized to Siebel. These are no longer defined in Siebel:

  • Price overrides

  • Discount overrides

  • Special Rating Products

  • Friends and Family lists

  • Fulfillment-related information:

    • Success dependency

    • Fulfillment Item Code

The following details that are associated with discounts are now defined in Oracle Product Hub and are synchronized to Siebel.

  • Duration-based discount information.

The following flags that are associated with products, discounts, bundles, and promotions are now set in Oracle Product Hub and are no longer set in Siebel:

  • Orderable flag

  • Track as Asset flag

The following information associated with billing products are enriched in BRM:

  • Rate plan selectors for billing products.

  • Pipeline rating for usage based billing products.

  • Pricing for friends and family lists.

Discount models for billing discounts that are associated with billing discounts are enriched in BRM.

The following details are enriched in Siebel:

  • Matrix discounts.

  • Proration plan for promotions.

7.6.2 Routing Rules Configuration

This section describes the routing rule changes that must be made to enable interoperability. There may be deployment sequence considerations.

For more information about deployment sequence considerations, see Section 1.2, "Deployment Dependencies".

For more information about creating and using routing rules, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, "Creating Oracle Mediator Routing Rules."


When OPH is used as the product master to define various entities, any product publishing mechanism that exists in other applications must be disabled. For CommunicationPriceListResponseEBSV2

CommunicationPriceListResponseEBSV2 in the Comms Order to Cash integration has routing to CAVS because the requester does not expect a response.

However, in the Product MDM integration, the CommunicationPriceListResponseEBSV2 provides routing to the Comms2CorePriceListBridge service.

If the Comms Order to Cash integration is deployed first, and then the MDM Product integration is deployed, then CommunicationPriceListResponseEBSV2 in the MDM Product integration has to be deployed which has the following routing rule.

Table 7-1 Routing Rules for CommunicationPriceListResponseEBSV2

Operation Filter Condition Service Invoked Description


No Condition

Comms2CorePriceListBridge :: execute

N/A For CommunicationsItemCompositionResponseEBSV1

If the Comms Order to Cash integration is deployed first and the MDM Product integration is deployed second, before deploying the MDM Product integration, the following routing rule has to be removed from $AIA_HOME/pips/MDMProduct/EBS/CommunicationsItemComposition/CommunicationsItemCompositionResponseEBSV1.

Table 7-2 Routing Rules for CommunicationsItemCompositionResponseEBSV1

Operation Filter Condition Service Invoked Description





7.6.3 Service Configuration Changes

The service configuration changes are required when Communication Order To Cash Pre-Built Integration version 11.2 is used in Interopability.

These configuration property changes are required for the ProductOptimizedSyncPriceListListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service. In the interop scenario on item sync, SyncItemListPIMReqABCS service waits for the response. The response from the ProductOptimizedSyncPriceListListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service is sent to the requester through CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBSV2.

The changes must be made in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for ProductOptimizedSyncPriceListListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service

Table 7-3 and Table 7-4 detail the property values before and after the modification. The modified property values must point to CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBSV2.

Table 7-3 Property Values Before Modification in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for ProductOptimizedSyncPriceListListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service

Service Property Values Before Modification


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.
SyncPriceListListResponse.Address">http://[HTTP HOSTNAME]:[ADMIN PORT]


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.

Table 7-4 Property Values After Modification in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for ProductOptimizedSyncPriceListListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service

Service Property Values After Modification


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.
SyncPriceListListResponse.Address">http://[HTTP HOSTNAME]:[ADMIN PORT]


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.


<Property name="EBSOverride.CommunicationsPriceListResponseEBS.

7.7 Manual Redeployment

The Product MDM integration and the Comms Order to Case integration can be deployed in any order of sequence, but if this is a fresh environment, it is recommended that you deploy the Product MDM integration first and then the Comms Order to Cash integration.

If you do so, there are no routing rule setup required.

However, if you have deployed Comms Order to Cash integration first and then the Product MDM integration, follow the respective MDM Product section to complete the routing rule configuration

For Product MDM and Comms Order to Cash interoperability, configuration depends on the order of deployment.