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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User Management Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Part Number E14254-02
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6 Configuring a UUP

WebLogic Portal includes a Unified User Profile (UUP) service that lets you add and manage users and their properties in a single logical location—even if the user data is stored in external systems, such as an LDAP server. You can add this additional data to a user's profile.

A UUP extension lets WebLogic Portal read property values stored in external data stores, such as OpenLDAP servers, legacy applications, Netscape iPlanet user stores, and flat files. If you have an existing provider with users, groups, and additional properties (such as address, e-mail address, phone number, and so on), you can use a UUP to bring those user properties into WebLogic Portal.

A UUP allows you to access existing user information without migrating that data into the portal schema. See Section 2.3.3, "Planning to Use a UUP" to determine when to use UUP.

Whether or not you have additional properties stored in your external user store, the external users and groups you connect to WebLogic Portal are automatically assigned the default user property values you have set up in WebLogic Portal (without using a UUP). With the Administration Console, you can change the WebLogic Portal property values for those users. These values are stored in WebLogic Portal's RDBMS user store using the portal schema.

In WebLogic Portal, you can retrieve and edit user property values and use those property values to set up personalization, delegated administration, or visitor entitlement. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal for instructions on setting up delegated administration and visitor entitlement.


In WebLogic Portal 8.1, you configured a UUP by creating an EJB and then adding the appropriate descriptors to the ejb-jar.xml file and the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file in the p13n-ejb-jar file. You can use Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse during portal application development, or you can use the Administration Console during portal runtime to register a UUP EJB. See Section 6.1, "Choosing a Method to Configure a UUP" and Section A, "Creating a UUP EJB."

Figure 6-1 shows where a UUP fits between an external user store and the WebLogic product environment. Table 6-1 describes the three distinct parts of Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Unified User Profile

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Unified User Profile"

Table 6-1 Unified User Profile

Number from Figure 6-1 Description


External RDBMS User Store – The user store supports authentication, and contains users and passwords in one database table and groups in another. Giving a user store authentication capabilities (as an authentication provider or identity asserter) involves configuration steps that are not associated with the UUP configuration process. UUP configuration is not dependent on the user store configuration and vice versa.

After the RDBMS user store is connected to WebLogic Server, both WebLogic Server and WebLogic Portal can see those users and groups. Those users can log into your portal applications, and you can include those users and groups in your rules for personalization, delegated administration, and visitor entitlement. Also, WebLogic Portal's ProfileWrapper maps the principals to properties kept in the portal schema, thereby establishing the user profile.


UUP – The same external table that contains users and passwords also contains additional properties (e-mail and phone) for each user. These additional properties are not part of authentication, but they can be part of each user's profile. If you want to access these properties in your portal applications (with the WebLogic Portal JSP tags, controls, or API), you must configure a UUP for the RDBMS user store. When you configure the UUP, the ProfileWrapper includes the external properties in the user profile. The UUP extension consists of a stateless session bean and associated classes that you create.

If you want to surface any of these properties in the Administration Console to define rules for personalization, delegated administration, or visitor entitlement, create a user profile property set for the external user store in addition to implementing your UUP session bean. The property set provides metadata about your external properties so that Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and the Administration Console can display them.

Properties from an external data store are typically read-only in the Administration Console.


Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and Administration Console – You can create default user and group properties and set default values for those properties. Any user or group in WebLogic Server, whether created in the default RDBMS user store or brought in through a connection to an external user store, is automatically assigned those default property values. You can change the default values for each user or group, either programmatically or in the Administration Console. This does not involve a UUP, because the properties being retrieved are WebLogic Portal properties, so they are not stored in an external user store.

After the user store or identity asserter provides the users and groups, as shown in Figure 6-1, the ProfileWrapper combines the users and groups with the external properties of e-mail and phone (retrieved by the UUP) and the default WebLogic Portal properties of address and postal code, all of which make up the complete user profile.

The chapter includes the following sections:

6.1 Choosing a Method to Configure a UUP

In WebLogic Portal 8.1, you could configure a UUP manually, but that method is no longer supported. See the WebLogic Portal 8.1 documentation for more information.

WebLogic Portal now provides two ways to configure a UUP:

  1. Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse – Edit the p13n-profile-config.xml descriptor file in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse to configure the UUP extension during the portal development phase. The descriptor file is deployed with the packaged enterprise application. A UUP that you configured in the Administration Console at runtime uses the deployment plan and takes precedence over the same UUP that you create in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse during portal development.

  2. UUP in the Administration Console – After you deploy your portal, you can still configure a UUP in the Service Administration menu in the Administration Console. A UUP that you create in the Administration Console modifies the deployment plan for the application and requires a redeployment. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Production Operations Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal and the Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation Library for more information. A UUP that is configured in the Administration Console takes precedence over a UUP created in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse or a manual configuration from EJB environment properties.

    See Section 6.2.1, "Verifying the UUP." Existing UUPs that you configured manually in previous versions of WebLogic Portal can co-exist with new UUPs that you configure in the Administration Console or in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. See Appendix A, "Creating a UUP EJB," for instructions for manually configuring a UUP for Portal 9.2.

6.2 Configuring a UUP in the Administration Console

You can retrieve data from an external source by configuring a UUP in the Administration Console. The steps below assume that you have created a new portal domain in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. This section contains the following topics:

Before you configure the UUP, you must create an EntityPropertyManager Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) to represent the external data. See Section A.1, "Creating and Configuring an EntityPropertyManager EJB" for instructions.

To configure a UUP and add properties to it using the Administration Console:

  1. After you create the EntityPropertyManage EJB, open the Administration Console by launching a web browser and entering the URL for the application.

  2. After you log into the Administration Console, select Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.

  3. In the Resource Tree, select Unified User Profiles.

  4. In the Browse tab, click Add UUP.

  5. In the Name field, enter an appropriate name for this new UUP and complete the Description field. For example, enter UUPExample. See Figure 6-2.

  6. In the Property Mapping field, enter the name of the property set that represents a namespace of the external data. This field is the name of a property set or a single property. For example, enter UUPExample.

  7. In the EJB JNDI Name field, enter the name of the new EJB Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) that accesses the data in the Property Mapping field that you defined in Step 6. The EJB JNDI directs the Profile Manager EJB to find the new PropertyManager at runtime. The format of this field is <UUP JAR file name>#<EJB name defined in UUP ejb-jar.xml>. For example, UUPExample.jar#MyEntityPropertyManager.

  8. Select the Is Creator and the Is Remover check boxes if the PropertyManager you created earlier implements certain methods and receives callbacks from the ProfileManager when profiles are created and removed. The default for these fields is unchecked. See Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Configure A New UUP

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of "Figure 6-2 Configure A New UUP"

  1. Click Update.

  2. After you create a UUP, you can add specific UUP adapter configuration parameters (called adapter properties) to it. Adding configuration parameters is optional. On the Browse UUPs tab, click the name of your new UUP.UUP

  3. In the UUP Details page, click Add Property.

  4. In the Description field, enter text to represent each UUP adapter.

  5. In the Name field, enter a unique name that matches the name of the deployed custom PropertyManager in the EJB descriptor file.

  6. In the Value field, define a value for the new property. A new property is shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3 Add Properties to a New UUP

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Add Properties to a New UUP "

  1. Click Update. The new UUPExample appears in the Browse tab, as shown in Figure 6-4.

  1. Log out of the Administration Console and stop the WebLogic Server, if it is running. Stopping the server results in minimal down time using this method to configure the UUP.

  2. You must redeploy your application for the new UUP and new properties to take effect. During the deployment, the UUP adapter configurations are merged from the deployment plan and the p13n-profile-config descriptor file stored in the META-INF directory of the portal application. Then the ProfileManager resolves the EJB references to the deployed custom PropertyManager using the name in the EJB JNDI Name field. If the references resolve successfully, property set mappings are created according to the property-adapter section specifications in the descriptor bean. At runtime, the properties in this property set are routed to the new PropertyManager. The new PropertyManager can also use descriptor beans to retrieve adapter-specific configuration parameters stored in one or more of the <adapter-property> fields.

6.2.1 Verifying the UUP

After you configure the UUP in the Administration Console (or Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse), you should verify the UUP in the Administration Console.

To verify the UUP:

  1. In the Administration Console, choose Users, Groups, & Roles > User Management.

  2. In the User Tree, select Everyone.

  3. In the Browse tab, click Create New Users.

  4. Enter the user's Name and a Password, and click Create User.

  5. In the User Tree, select the name of the new user and select the User Profile tab. Figure 6-5 appears.

Figure 6-5 User Profile Tab for the New User

Description of Figure 6-5 follows
Description of "Figure 6-5 User Profile Tab for the New User"

  1. From the Profile Values for Property Set field, select your UUP from the drop-down list. For example, select UUPExample.

  2. Click the Edit icon next to the attribute1 property.

  3. In the Edit Profile dialog, enter a value for the field and click Update. The new value appears.


    You can also verify that the data exists by checking your database.

6.2.2 Editing a UUP in the Administration Console

You can use the Administration Console to change the configuration settings or properties for your UUP.

To edit a UUP:

  1. In the Administration Console, choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.

  2. Select Unified User Profiles.

  3. In the Browse UUPs tab, locate the UUP you want to change and click Edit.

  4. Click the Configuration Settings for: UUPName link, as shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6 Click the Configuration Settings for: UUPExample Link to Edit It

Description of Figure 6-6 follows
Description of "Figure 6-6 Click the Configuration Settings for: UUPExample Link to Edit It"

  1. Enter your edits and click Update.


    You can also edit the properties in your UUP by locating the property name in the UUP Browse tab and clicking Edit.
  2. In the Properties section, click Edit.

  3. In the Edit Property dialog, enter a new Description or a new Value, and click Update.

  4. You must redeploy your application for the changes to take effect.

6.3 Configuring a UUP in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

A second way to retrieve data from an external source is to configure a UUP in the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. (The other method is through the Administration Console; see Section 6.2, "Configuring a UUP in the Administration Console.") A descriptor file called p13n-profile-config.xml lets you define the mappings for the UUP.

Before you configure the UUP, you must create an EntityPropertyManager Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) to represent the external data. See Section A.1.1, "Creating the EJB" for instructions.

To create a UUP in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse:

  1. After you create the EntityPropertyManager EJB in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, open the Portal Perspective, and open the Merged Projects View.

  2. Open an existing Portal EAR project or create one (see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal for instructions on creating an EAR project). Locate the p13n-profile-config.xml file in the <UUPApp>/EARContent/META-INF directory.

  3. If the p13n-profile-config.xml file is italicized, it exists in a library module and is not in the project itself. Select the file, right-click, and choose Copy To Project. The filename changes from italics to a normal font.

  4. Change to the Package Explorer View, and navigate to the <UUPApp>/EARContent/META-INF directory.

  5. Open the p13n-profile-config.xml file by double-clicking it.

  6. Add the following entry to the file, where UUPExample is the name of a user profile property set with properties that exactly match the LDAP properties you want to appear, UUPExample.jar is the EJB project and MyEntityPropertyManager is the name of the EntityPropertyManager class you created.

         <description>UUP EJB</description>
  7. Save the file.

  8. Associate your UUP application with your server by selecting the server in the Servers tab, right-clicking, and choosing Add and Remove Projects. Select the UUP project from the Available Projects section, click Add, and then click Finish.

  9. Build and publish your application. Verify the application by starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console and clicking Deployments. Verify that the UUP application is active. Then open the UUP application by expanding the tree and verifying that the UUP JAR file appears as an EJB.

  10. Verify the UUP by following the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Verifying the UUP."

6.3.1 Editing a UUP in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

You can use Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse to change the configuration settings or properties for your UUP.

To edit a UUP in Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse:

  1. In Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, change to the Package Explorer View and navigate to the <UUPApp>/EARContent/META-INF directory.

  2. Open the p13n-profile-config.xml file by double-clicking it. For details on this configuration file, see Appendix A.

  3. Edit the <property-adapter> entry for your UUP.

  4. Save the file.

  5. If you have already associated your UUP application with the server, build and republish the application.

  6. Verify the UUP by following the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Verifying the UUP."

6.4 Upgrading a UUP

Your WebLogic Portal 9.2 or 9.2 MP1 UUP automatically works in WebLogic Portal 10.0 and later versions. You do not need to upgrade your Portal 9.2 UUP.

When you upgrade a UUP from WebLogic Portal 8.1, the p13n_ejb.jar file is deleted and replaced with a new WebLogic Portal version of this file. The new p13n_ejb.jar file is packaged in the library modules that ship with WebLogic Portal.

To upgrade a UUP configured in WebLogic Portal 8.1 to Portal 9.2:

  1. Start Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and create a new Workspace.

  2. Create a new portal domain. Do not create a Portal EAR Project. For instructions on creating a new domain, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  3. Import your Portal 8.1 UUP application into your new environment by choosing File > Import.

  4. In the Select dialog, open the Other folder, and select Workshop 8.1 Application, and click Next.

  5. In the Application Import dialog, click Browse and locate your 8.1 UUP application. Select the .work file and click Open. Verify that the check boxes for the UUP application are selected and click Next, as shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Locate the 8.1 UUP Application

Description of Figure 6-7 follows
Description of "Figure 6-7 Locate the 8.1 UUP Application"

  1. In the Source Upgrade dialog, click NetUI Project Upgrader options and select the Use WebLogic 9.0 J2EE Shared Libraries check box. You can also select the Replace BEA NetUI tags with Apache Beehive tags check box (if desired) in JSP File Migrator options and click Finish.

  2. After the upgrade finishes, verify that the following actions occurred:

    • The p13n-ejb.jar file was removed from the EARContent directory of the UUP application.

    • The UUP EJB JAR file (for example, UUPExample.jar) exists in the EARContent directory of the UUP application.

    • The UUP EJB JAR file is referenced in a module entry in the application.xml file in the <UUPApplication>/EARContent/META-INF/ directory.

    • As an example, the cache entry below was added to the p13n-cache-config.xml file in the <UUPApplication>/EARContent/META-INF/ directory:

           <p13n:description>Cache for UUP Example</p13n:description>
    • Verify that the user profile file (for example, UUPExample.usr) file exists in the data/src/userprofiles/ directory (or where your Datasync folder exists).

  3. Associate your portal application with your WebLogic Server by selecting the server in the Servers tab, right-clicking the server, and choosing Add and Remove Projects. Select the UUP application from the Available Projects section, click Add, and then click Finish.

  4. Build and publish your application. Verify the application by starting the WebLogic Server Administration Console and clicking Deployments. Verify that the UUP application is active. Then open the UUP application by expanding the tree and verifying that the UUP JAR file appears as an EJB.

For more information about upgrading other non-portal applications from WebLogic Portal 8.1, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.