Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Class Context

public class Context

Instances of the Context class represent contextual information related to the rendered Portal. Context is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific context types are derived.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class HookedContext

public class HookedContext
     extends Context

Instances of the HookedContext class represent visible components of the rendered Portal. HookedContext is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific context types are derived.

Method Summary
public static object findByElement(element, [self])
          Returns the context object containing the specified element.
public static object[] getAll()
          Returns all visible context objects.
public Element getMarkupElement()
          Returns the DOM Element associated with this object.
Method Detail


public static object findByElement(element, [self]) 
Returns the context object containing the specified element. If no context object containing the specified element is visible on the page, null is returned.

NOTE: This method is polymorphic. It uses the calling context to determine the actual type of context object to search for. For example, if an element ele represents a node within the content of a Portlet, the following results can be expected:

Portlet.findByElement(ele); // Returns Portlet
Layout.findByElement(ele);  // Returns Layout
Element element - The element expected to be contained within the context object
boolean [self] - true starts the search at the element passed as an argument; false (default) starts the search at the element's parent
object - The context object containing the specified element; null if the specified element is not contained within a context object


public static object[] getAll() 
Returns all visible context objects. An empty array is returned when no context objects are visible on the rendered page.

NOTE: This method is polymorphic. It uses the calling context to determine the actual type of context object to search for. For example:

Portlet.getAll();     // Returns all visible Portlets
Placeholder.getAll(); // Returns all visible Placeholders
object[] - Array of all visible Window objects


public Element getMarkupElement() 
Returns the DOM Element associated with this object.

NOTE: The Element returned by this method is a container provided by Portal. This container should be considered an immutable opaque object, and any particular characteristics of the container (properties, attributes, etc.) are subject to change in future releases. The only supported uses of this container are operations on its children, including the removal, addition and update of children.

Element - The DOM Element associated with this object

Class MetaContext

public class MetaContext
     extends Context

Instances of the MetaContext class represent singletons containing information about the rendered Portal. MetaContext is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific context types are derived.

Method Summary
public static object getInstance()
          Returns the instance of the appropriate meta context object.
Method Detail


public static object getInstance() 
Returns the instance of the appropriate meta context object. Each meta context object is a singleton present in every rendered Portal (assuming Disc support is enabled).

NOTE: This method is polymorphic. It uses the calling context to determine the actual type of meta context object to return. For example:

object - The meta context object

Class PresentationContext

public class PresentationContext
     extends HookedContext

Instances of the PresentationContext class represent presentation-oriented components of the rendered Portal. PresentationContext is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific context types are derived.

Method Summary
public string getPresentationClass()
          Returns the value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this object, if defined.
public string getPresentationId()
          Returns the value of the "presentationId" attribute for this object, if defined.
public string getPresentationStyle()
          Returns the value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this object, if defined.
Method Detail


public string getPresentationClass() 
Returns the value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this object, if defined.
string - The value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this object; null if not defined


public string getPresentationId() 
Returns the value of the "presentationId" attribute for this object, if defined.
string - The value of the "presentationId" attribute for this object; null if not defined


public string getPresentationStyle() 
Returns the value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this object, if defined.
string - The value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this object; null if not defined

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.