Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Class BorderLayout

public class BorderLayout
     extends Layout

Instances of the BorderLayout class represent visible border layouts of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public number getColumns()
          Returns the number of columns rendered by this BorderLayout.
public string getStrategy()
          Returns the layout strategy employed by this BorderLayout.
Method Detail


public number getColumns() 
Returns the number of columns rendered by this BorderLayout. The total number of columns is determined as follows:
  • +1 column if any of the north, center or south Placeholders is present
  • +1 column if the west Placeholder is present
  • +1 column if the east Placeholder is present
number - The number of columns in this BorderLayout


public string getStrategy() 
Returns the layout strategy employed by this BorderLayout. Return values are constrained by the values in the Strategy enumeration.

See the BorderLayoutPresentationContext.getLayoutStrategy() Javadoc for more information about border layout strategies.

string - The layout strategy employed by this BorderLayout
See Also:

Object BorderLayout.Strategy

public singleton object BorderLayout.Strategy

Enumerated values for the strategy property of BorderLayout.

See Also:

Field Summary
public static string BY_ORDER
            Value representing layout by order strategy.
public static string BY_TITLE
            Value representing layout by title strategy.
Field Detail


public static string BY_ORDER
Value representing layout by order strategy.


public static string BY_TITLE
Value representing layout by title strategy.

Class FlowLayout

public class FlowLayout
     extends Layout

Instances of the FlowLayout class represent visible flow layouts of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public boolean getImplicit()
          Returns true for implicit FlowLayouts.
public string getOrientation()
          Returns the orientation in use for this FlowLayout.
public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder()
          Returns the parent Placeholder of this FlowLayout for implicit layouts.
Method Detail


public boolean getImplicit() 
Returns true for implicit FlowLayouts. Implicit layouts are created automatically by Portal within Placeholders when the placeholder's "usingFlow" attribute is true.
boolean - true if this is an implicit FlowLayout


public string getOrientation() 
Returns the orientation in use for this FlowLayout. Return values are constrained by the values in the Orientation enumeration.
string - The orientation in use for this FlowLayout
See Also:


public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder() 
Returns the parent Placeholder of this FlowLayout for implicit layouts. For explicit layouts this method returns null.
Placeholder - The parent Placeholder of this FlowLayout

Object FlowLayout.Orientation

public singleton object FlowLayout.Orientation

Enumerated values for the orientation property of FlowLayout.

See Also:

Field Summary
public static string HORIZONTAL
            Value representing horizontal orientation.
public static string VERTICAL
            Value representing vertical orientation.
Field Detail


public static string HORIZONTAL
Value representing horizontal orientation.


public static string VERTICAL
Value representing vertical orientation.

Class GridLayout

public class GridLayout
     extends Layout

Instances of the GridLayout class represent visible grid layouts of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public number getColumns()
          Returns the "columns" attribute for this GridLayout, if defined.
public boolean getRowMajor()
          Returns true if this GridLayout is constrained to a specific number of columns.
public number getRows()
          Returns the "rows" attribute for this GridLayout, if defined.
Method Detail


public number getColumns() 
Returns the "columns" attribute for this GridLayout, if defined
number - The value of the "columns" attribute for this GridLayout; null if not defined


public boolean getRowMajor() 
Returns true if this GridLayout is constrained to a specific number of columns. (i.e. if getColumns() returns a number)
boolean - True if getColumns() returns a number


public number getRows() 
Returns the "rows" attribute for this GridLayout, if defined
number - The value of the "rows" attribute for this GridLayout; null if not defined

Class Layout

public class Layout
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Layout class represent visible layouts of the rendered Portal. Layout is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific layout types such as FlowLayout are derived.

Method Summary
public string getMarkupName()
          Returns the markup name of this Layout if defined.
public Page getParentPage()
          Returns the parent Page of this Layout.
public Window[] getPlaceables()
          Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of Placeholders within this Layout.
public Placeholder[] getPlaceholders()
          Returns an array of all immediate Placeholder objects contained within this Layout.
Method Detail


public string getMarkupName() 
Returns the markup name of this Layout if defined.
string - The markup name of this Layout; null if not defined


public Page getParentPage() 
Returns the parent Page of this Layout.
Page - The parent Page of this Layout


public Window[] getPlaceables() 
Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of Placeholders within this Layout.
Window[] - An array of Books and Portlets contained within this Layout


public Placeholder[] getPlaceholders() 
Returns an array of all immediate Placeholder objects contained within this Layout.

NOTE: Nested Placeholder objects are not returned by this method. To retrieve nested Placeholder objects call this method on a nested Layout. Two scenarios where nested Placeholder objects may be present are: 1) Implicit layouts and 2) Placeable books.

Placeholder[] - All Placeholders contained immediately within this Layout

Class Placeholder

public class Placeholder
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Placeholder class represent visible placeholders of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getFlow()
          Returns the flow direction for this Placeholder.
public boolean getImplicit()
          Returns true if this Placeholder is the immediate child of an implicit FlowLayout, false otherwise.
public FlowLayout getImplicitLayout()
          Returns the implicit FlowLayout when this Placeholder's "usingFlow" attribute is true.
public number getLocation()
          Returns this Placeholder's location within its parent Page.
public boolean getLocked()
          When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is not allowed to update the contents of this Placeholder, false otherwise.
public Layout getParentLayout()
          Returns the parent Layout containing this Placeholder.
public Window[] getPlaceables()
          Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of this Placeholder.
public string getTitle()
          Returns the title of this Placeholder, if defined.
public bolean getUsingFlow()
          Returns the "usingFlow" attribute for this Placeholder, if defined.
public string getWidth()
          Returns the "width" attribute for this Placeholder, if defined.
Method Detail


public string getFlow() 
Returns the flow direction for this Placeholder. Return values are constrained by the values in the Flow enumeration.
string - The flow direction for this Placeholder
See Also:


public boolean getImplicit() 
Returns true if this Placeholder is the immediate child of an implicit FlowLayout, false otherwise.
boolean - true if this Placeholder is the immediate child of a implicit FlowLayout; false otherwise


public FlowLayout getImplicitLayout() 
Returns the implicit FlowLayout when this Placeholder's "usingFlow" attribute is true.
FlowLayout - The implicit layout if this Placeholder is "usingFlow"; null otherwise


public number getLocation() 
Returns this Placeholder's location within its parent Page. Locations are ordinal numbers such that Placeholders within the same Page have the positions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ....

NOTE: The value returned for implicit placeholders is undefined.

number - The location of this Placeholder within the parent Page


public boolean getLocked() 
When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is not allowed to update the contents of this Placeholder, false otherwise.
boolean - true when a user is not allowed to make updates to this placeholder; false otherwise.
See Also:


public Layout getParentLayout() 
Returns the parent Layout containing this Placeholder.
Layout - The parent Layout of this Placeholder


public Window[] getPlaceables() 
Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of this Placeholder.
Window[] - An array of Books and Portlets contained within this Placeholder


public string getTitle() 
Returns the title of this Placeholder, if defined.
string - The title of this Placeholder; null if not defined


public bolean getUsingFlow() 
Returns the "usingFlow" attribute for this Placeholder, if defined.
bolean - The value of the "usingFlow" attribute for this Placeholder; null if not defined


public string getWidth() 
Returns the "width" attribute for this Placeholder, if defined.
string - The value of the "width" attribute for this Placeholder; null if not defined

Object Placeholder.Flow

public singleton object Placeholder.Flow

Enumerated values for the flow property of Placeholder.

See Also:

Field Summary
public static string HORIZONTAL
            Value representing horizontal flow.
public static string VERTICAL
            Value representing vertical flow.
Field Detail


public static string HORIZONTAL
Value representing horizontal flow.


public static string VERTICAL
Value representing vertical flow.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.