Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Class Application

public class Application
     extends MetaContext

The Application singleton represents global application settings and environmental data for the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public boolean getAsyncModeEnabled()
          Returns true if async mode is enabled for the rendered Portal.
public boolean getCustomizationEnabled()
          Returns true if customization is enabled for the rendered Portal.
public string getDefaultLocale()
          Returns the default locale for the rendered Portal.
public string getDesktopPath()
          Returns the desktop path of the rendered Portal for streaming desktops, null for "file mode" Portals.
public boolean getDotPortal()
          Returns true for "file mode" Portals, false for streaming desktops.
public boolean getDvtEnabled()
          Returns true if DVT is enabled for the rendered Portal.
public boolean getLocalizationEnabled()
          Returns true if localization is enabled for the rendered Portal.
public string getPortalPath()
          Returns the portal path of the rendered Portal for streaming desktops, null for "file mode" Portals.
public string[] getPreferredLocales()
          Returns an array of preferred locales for the rendered Portal.
public boolean getProductionModeEnabled()
          Returns true if production mode is enabled for the rendered Portal.
public string getResourceProxyTargetUriParam()
          Returns the name of the parameter in resource proxy URIs that is used to specify the target URI.
public boolean getStandalonePortlet()
          Returns true when rendering a standalone Portlet.
public string getUserName()
          Returns the authenticated username for the rendered Portal, if any.
public string getWebAppName()
          Returns the webapp name for the rendered Portal.
Method Detail


public boolean getAsyncModeEnabled() 
Returns true if async mode is enabled for the rendered Portal.
boolean - True if async mode is enabled


public boolean getCustomizationEnabled() 
Returns true if customization is enabled for the rendered Portal.
boolean - True if customization is enabled


public string getDefaultLocale() 
Returns the default locale for the rendered Portal.

NOTE:The value returned is the string representation of the value returned from the server-side API com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.AppDescriptor.getDefaultLocale().

string - The default locale


public string getDesktopPath() 
Returns the desktop path of the rendered Portal for streaming desktops, null for "file mode" Portals.
string - The desktop path of the rendered Portal if streaming; null otherwise
See Also:


public boolean getDotPortal() 
Returns true for "file mode" Portals, false for streaming desktops.
boolean - True for "file mode" Portals


public boolean getDvtEnabled() 
Returns true if DVT is enabled for the rendered Portal.
boolean - True if DVT is enabled


public boolean getLocalizationEnabled() 
Returns true if localization is enabled for the rendered Portal.
boolean - True if localization is enabled


public string getPortalPath() 
Returns the portal path of the rendered Portal for streaming desktops, null for "file mode" Portals.
string - The portal path of the rendered Portal if streaming; null otherwise
See Also:


public string[] getPreferredLocales() 
Returns an array of preferred locales for the rendered Portal.

NOTE:The value returned is the string representation of the value returned from the server-side API com.bea.netuix.servlets.l10n.L10nResourceManager.getPreferredLocalesAsList().

string[] - The list of preferred locales


public boolean getProductionModeEnabled() 
Returns true if production mode is enabled for the rendered Portal.
boolean - True if production mode is enabled


public string getResourceProxyTargetUriParam() 
Returns the name of the parameter in resource proxy URIs that is used to specify the target URI.
string - the name of the parameter in resource proxy URIs that is used to specify the target URI


public boolean getStandalonePortlet() 
Returns true when rendering a standalone Portlet.
boolean - True when rendering a standalone Portlet


public string getUserName() 
Returns the authenticated username for the rendered Portal, if any.
string - Authenticated username; null for anonymous users


public string getWebAppName() 
Returns the webapp name for the rendered Portal.
string - The webapp name

Class Desktop

public class Desktop
     extends MetaContext

The Desktop represents global desktop settings for the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getDefinitionLabel()
          Returns the definition label of this Desktop.
public string getLabel()
          Returns the label of this Desktop.
public string getTitle()
          Returns the title of this Desktop.
Method Detail


public string getDefinitionLabel() 
Returns the definition label of this Desktop.
string - The definition label of this Desktop


public string getLabel() 
Returns the label of this Desktop. This is equivalent to calling getDefinitionLabel.
string - The definition label of this Desktop
See Also:


public string getTitle() 
Returns the title of this Desktop.
string - The title of the Desktop

Class Footer

public class Footer
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Footer class represent visible footers of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class Header

public class Header
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Header class represent visible headers of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class LookAndFeel

public class LookAndFeel
     extends MetaContext

The LookAndFeel represents global look and feel settings for the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getMarkupName()
          Returns the markup name of this LookAndFeel if defined.
public string getSkeleton()
          Returns the name of the skeleton component of this LookAndFeel.
public string getSkin()
          Returns the name of the skin component of this LookAndFeel.
Method Detail


public string getMarkupName() 
Returns the markup name of this LookAndFeel if defined.
string - The markup name of this LookAndFeel; null if not defined


public string getSkeleton() 
Returns the name of the skeleton component of this LookAndFeel.
string - The skeleton name


public string getSkin() 
Returns the name of the skin component of this LookAndFeel.
string - The skin name

Class Menu

public class Menu
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Menu class represent visible menus of the rendered Portal. Menu is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific menu types are derived.

The Page context object for the active displayed page that corresponds to the active menu item is available from the parent Book of the Menu. The parent Book is obtained via the getParentBook method.

See Also:

Method Summary
public string getMarkupName()
          Returns the markup name of this Menu if defined.
public Book getParentBook()
          Returns the parent Book of this Menu.
Method Detail


public string getMarkupName() 
Returns the markup name of this Menu if defined.
string - The markup name of this Menu; null if not defined


public Book getParentBook() 
Returns the parent Book of this Menu.
Book - The parent Book of this Menu; null if no parent Book exists

Class MultiLevelMenu

public class MultiLevelMenu
     extends Menu

Instances of the MultiLevel class represent visible multi-level menus of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class Shell

public class Shell
     extends MetaContext

The Shell represents global shell settings for the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getMarkupName()
          Returns the markup name of this Shell if defined.
Method Detail


public string getMarkupName() 
Returns the markup name of this Shell if defined.
string - The markup name of this Shell; null if not defined

Class SingleLevelMenu

public class SingleLevelMenu
     extends Menu

Instances of the SingleLevel class represent visible single-level menus of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class Url

public class Url
     extends MetaContext

The Url object holds string URLs for portal URLs such as PageUrl, etc.

Method Summary
public string getPageUrl()
          Returns a string representing a portal page URL that does not have the page label set yet.
Method Detail


public string getPageUrl() 
Returns a string representing a portal page URL that does not have the page label set yet. The page URL is templatized with the key 'pageLabel'.
string - A string representing a portal page URL that does not have the page label set yet

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.