Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Class AbstractButton

public class AbstractButton
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the AbstractButton class represent visible buttons of the rendered Portal. AbstractButton is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific button types are derived.

Method Summary
public string getAltText()
          Returns the "altText" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
public string getImage()
          Returns the "image" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
public string getName()
          Returns the name of this AbstractButton.
public string getRolloverImage()
          Returns the "rolloverImage" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
Method Detail


public string getAltText() 
Returns the "altText" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
string - The value of the "altText" attribute for this AbstractButton; null if not defined


public string getImage() 
Returns the "image" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
string - The value of the "image" attribute for this AbstractButton; null if not defined


public string getName() 
Returns the name of this AbstractButton.
string - The name of this AbstractButton


public string getRolloverImage() 
Returns the "rolloverImage" attribute for this AbstractButton, if defined.
string - The value of the "rolloverImage" attribute for this AbstractButton; null if not defined

Class Book

public class Book
     extends Page

Instances of the Book class represent visible books of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getDefaultPage()
          Returns this Book's default page label.
public Menu getMenu()
          Returns the Menu corresponding to this Book.
public Page getPage()
          Returns the active displayed Page contained as an immediate child of this Book.
public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder()
          Returns the parent Placeholder of this Book.
public number getPlaceholderPosition()
          Returns this Book's position within its parent Placeholder.
public void setPlaceholderPosition(placeholderPosition)
          Updates the placeholderPosition of this Book.
Method Detail


public string getDefaultPage() 
Returns this Book's default page label.
string - The label of the default page for this Book; null if this Book does not have a default page


public Menu getMenu() 
Returns the Menu corresponding to this Book. Under circumstances where the menu is not visible (e.g. not defined) this method will return null.
Menu - The Menu for this Book; null if not visible


public Page getPage() 
Returns the active displayed Page contained as an immediate child of this Book.

NOTE: This method is polymorphic - it returns a child of type Page. This may produce unexpected results when a Book is the immediate child of another Book, as the return value will be the child Book

Page - The active displayed Page contained within this Book


public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder() 
Returns the parent Placeholder of this Book.

There are generally two kinds of books: placeable and navigable. Placeable books (also known as nested books) are those placed immediately within placeholders. Navigable books are those placed immediately within other books, including the main book.

Placeholder - The parent Placeholder of this Book if this is a placeable book; null otherwise


public number getPlaceholderPosition() 
Returns this Book's position within its parent Placeholder. Positions are ordinal numbers such that Windows with the same Placeholder parent have the positions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ....

Iteration over Placeholder children may produce a non-contiguous set of positions if some children are not visible. Calling this method on a Book without a parent Placeholder will return null.

number - The position of this Book within the parent Placeholder; null if this Book is not a child of a Placeholder


public void setPlaceholderPosition(placeholderPosition) 
Updates the placeholderPosition of this Book.

NOTE: This method only updates the state of this client-side Book object; it does not update the state of the server-side book object. It is the responsibility of the application code calling this method to ensure that client-side and server-side state are in sync. *

number placeholderPosition - The new value for the placeholderPosition property
See Also:

Class Button

public class Button
     extends AbstractButton

Instances of the Button class represent visible buttons of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class Page

public class Page
     extends Window

Instances of the Page class represent visible pages of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getActiveImage()
          Returns the "activeImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
public string getInactiveImage()
          Returns the "inactiveImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
public Layout getLayout()
          Returns the Layout contained as an immediate child of this Page.
public Book getParentBook()
          Returns the parent Book of this Page.
public Window[] getPlaceables()
          Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of Placeholders within this Page.
public string getRolloverImage()
          Returns the "rolloverImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
Method Detail


public string getActiveImage() 
Returns the "activeImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
string - The value of the "activeImage" attribute for this Page; null if not defined


public string getInactiveImage() 
Returns the "inactiveImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
string - The value of the "inactiveImage" attribute for this Page; null if not defined


public Layout getLayout() 
Returns the Layout contained as an immediate child of this Page. Under some circumstances this method may return null (e.g. if the page contains a maximized portlet).
Layout - The Layout contained within this Page; null if the Page does not contain a Layout


public Book getParentBook() 
Returns the parent Book of this Page. Under some conditions this method may return null (e.g. if called on the main book).
Book - The parent Book of this Page; null if no parent Book exists


public Window[] getPlaceables() 
Returns an array of all Books and Portlets contained as immediate children of Placeholders within this Page.
Window[] - An array of Books and Portlets contained within this Page


public string getRolloverImage() 
Returns the "rolloverImage" attribute for this Page, if defined.
string - The value of the "rolloverImage" attribute for this Page; null if not defined

Class Portlet

public class Portlet
     extends Window

Instances of the Portlet class represent visible portlets of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public boolean getAsyncContent()
          Returns the "asyncContent" attribute for this Portlet.
public string getInstanceLabel()
          Returns the instance label of this Portlet.
public string getLabel()
          Returns the label of this Portlet.
public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder()
          Returns the parent Placeholder of this Portlet.
public number getPlaceholderPosition()
          Returns this Portlet's position within its parent Placeholder.
public string getWindowURL()
          Returns a string representation of the window URL.
public void refresh()
          Makes an asynchronous XHR request to refresh this portlet.
public void setPlaceholderPosition(placeholderPosition)
          Updates the placeholderPosition of this Portlet.
Method Detail


public boolean getAsyncContent() 
Returns the "asyncContent" attribute for this Portlet.
boolean - The value of the "asyncContent" attribute for this Portlet


public string getInstanceLabel() 
Returns the instance label of this Portlet.
string - The instance label of this Portlet.


public string getLabel() 
Returns the label of this Portlet. This is equivalent to calling getInstanceLabel.
string - The instance label of this Window
See Also:


public Placeholder getParentPlaceholder() 
Returns the parent Placeholder of this Portlet. Under some circumstances this method may return null (e.g. if the portlet is maximized).
Placeholder - The parent Placeholder of this Portlet; null if this Portlet does not have a parent Placeholder


public number getPlaceholderPosition() 
Returns this Portlet's position within its parent Placeholder. Positions are ordinal numbers such that Windows with the same Placeholder parent have the positions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ....

Iteration over Placeholder children may produce a non-contiguous set of positions if some children are not visible. Calling this method on a Portlet without a parent Placeholder will return null.

number - The position of this Portlet within the parent Placeholder; null if this Portlet is not a child of a Placeholder


public string getWindowURL() 
Returns a string representation of the window URL. A window URL can be used by portal applications to create URLs to things like portlet windows, portal pages and books.
string - A string representation of the window URL


public void refresh() 
Makes an asynchronous XHR request to refresh this portlet.


public void setPlaceholderPosition(placeholderPosition) 
Updates the placeholderPosition of this Portlet.

NOTE: This method only updates the state of this client-side Portlet object; it does not update the state of the server-side portlet object. It is the responsibility of the application code calling this method to ensure that client-side and server-side state are in sync.

number placeholderPosition - The new value for the placeholderPosition property
See Also:

Class Theme

public class Theme
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Theme class represent visible themes of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public string getMarkupName()
          Returns the markup name of this Theme if defined.
public string getName()
          Returns the name of this Theme.
public boolean getUsingAltSkeleton()
          Returns true if this Theme includes skeleton resources.
public boolean getUsingAltSkin()
          Returns true if this Theme includes skin resources.
public Window getWindow()
          Returns the Window contained as an immediate child of this Theme.
Method Detail


public string getMarkupName() 
Returns the markup name of this Theme if defined.
string - The markup name of this Theme; null if not defined


public string getName() 
Returns the name of this Theme.
string - The name of this Theme.


public boolean getUsingAltSkeleton() 
Returns true if this Theme includes skeleton resources.
boolean - True if this Theme includes skeleton resources; false otherwise


public boolean getUsingAltSkin() 
Returns true if this Theme includes skin resources.
boolean - True if this Theme includes skin resources; false otherwise


public Window getWindow() 
Returns the Window contained as an immediate child of this Theme.
Window - The immediate Window child of this Theme

Class Titlebar

public class Titlebar
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Titlebar class represent visible titlebars of the rendered Portal.

Method Summary
public AbstractButton[] getButtons()
          Returns an array of mode and state buttons available via this Titlebar.
public string getIcon()
          Returns the "icon" attribute for this Titlebar, if defined.
Method Detail


public AbstractButton[] getButtons() 
Returns an array of mode and state buttons available via this Titlebar.
AbstractButton[] - Array of available mode & state buttons


public string getIcon() 
Returns the "icon" attribute for this Titlebar, if defined.
string - The value of the "icon" attribute for this Titlebar; null if not defined

Class ToggleButton

public class ToggleButton
     extends AbstractButton

Instances of the ToggleButton class represent visible buttons of the rendered Portal. Conceptually ToggleButton objects differ from Button objects due to the the presence of opposing "modes". However, no specific information about these "modes" is exposed by this class; only the distinction of the different buton type is supported by this class.

Method Summary
Method Detail

Class Window

public class Window
     extends PresentationContext

Instances of the Window class represent visible windows of the rendered Portal. Window is intended to be an abstract base class from which specific window types such as Portlet are derived.

Method Summary
public static Window findByLabel(label)
          Returns the Window object with the specified label.
public string getAjaxHookId()
          Returns the ajax hook id of this Window.
public Element getContentMarkupElement()
          Returns the DOM Element associated with the content of this Window.
public string getContentPresentationClass()
          Returns the value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this Window's content, if defined.
public string getContentPresentationStyle()
          Returns the value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this Window's content, if defined.
public string getDefinitionLabel()
          Returns the definition label of this Window.
public string getLabel()
          Returns the label of this Window.
public Page getParentPage()
          Returns the parent Page of this Window.
public Theme getParentTheme([deep])
          Returns the parent Theme of this Window.
public boolean getRemoveable()
          When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is entitled to delete this window, false otherwise.
public string getTitle()
          Returns the title of this Window.
public Titlebar getTitlebar()
          Returns the Titlebar corresponding to this Window.
public boolean getUpdateable()
          When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is entitled to make updates to this window, false otherwise.
public string getWindowMode()
          Returns a string representing the current mode of this Window.
public string getWindowState()
          Returns a string representing the current state of this Window.
public void setTitle(title)
          Updates the title of this Window.
Method Detail


public static Window findByLabel(label) 
Returns the Window object with the specified label. If no window with the specified label is visible on the rendered page null is returned.

NOTE: This method is polymorphic - it uses the calling context to determine the actual type of window object to search for. For example, if a portlet with the label "myPortlet" is visible on the page, the following results can be expected:

Portlet.findByLabel("myPortlet"); // Returns Portlet
Window.findByLabel("myPortlet");  // Returns Portlet
Book.findByLabel("myPortlet");    // Returns null
string label - The label
Window - The instance of the Window with the specified label; null if no such Window is visible on the page


public string getAjaxHookId() 
Returns the ajax hook id of this Window. The ajax hook is a parent element of this Window that is used as a container for the markup element.
string - The id of the parent element that contains the markup element for this Window


public Element getContentMarkupElement() 
Returns the DOM Element associated with the content of this Window. Under circumstances where portlet content is not visible (e.g. portlet is minimized) this method will return null.

NOTE: The Element returned by this method is a container provided by Portal. This container should be considered an immutable opaque object, and any particular characteristics of the container (properties, attributes, etc.) are subject to change in future releases. The only supported uses of this container are operations on its children, including the removal, addition and update of children.

Element - The DOM Element associated with this Window; null if not visible


public string getContentPresentationClass() 
Returns the value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this Window's content, if defined.
string - The value of the "presentationClass" attribute for this Window's content; null if not defined


public string getContentPresentationStyle() 
Returns the value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this Window's content, if defined.
string - The value of the "presentationStyle" attribute for this Window's content; null if not defined


public string getDefinitionLabel() 
Returns the definition label of this Window.
string - The definition label of this Window.


public string getLabel() 
Returns the label of this Window. This is a convenience method to return the correct kind (instance/definition) of label for each Window type. For Window in general, definition labels are used. Subtypes may override this method to return more appropriate kinds of labels.
string - The definition label of this Window


public Page getParentPage() 
Returns the parent Page of this Window. Under some conditions this method may return null (e.g. if called on the main book).

NOTE: This method is polymorphic - it returns a parent of type Page. This may produce unexpected results when called on a Page object, as the return value will be the parent Book.

Page - The parent Page of this Window; null if no parent Page exists


public Theme getParentTheme([deep]) 
Returns the parent Theme of this Window. If no theme is applied to this Window object, the method will return null. If the optional deep parameter is true, any Theme applied to a parent Window object will be returned.
boolean [deep] - True to return a Theme applied to a parent Window; false (default) to return only a Theme applied specifically to this Window.
Theme - The Theme applied to this Window; null if this Window is not themed.


public boolean getRemoveable() 
When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is entitled to delete this window, false otherwise.
boolean - true when a user is entitled to delete this window; false otherwise.
See Also:


public string getTitle() 
Returns the title of this Window.
string - The title of this Window


public Titlebar getTitlebar() 
Returns the Titlebar corresponding to this Window. Under circumstances where the titlebar is not visible (e.g. not defined) this method will return null.
Titlebar - The Titlebar for this Window; null if not visible


public boolean getUpdateable() 
When customization has been enabled this method will return true when the user is entitled to make updates to this window, false otherwise.
boolean - true when a user is entitled to make updates to this window; false otherwise.
See Also:


public string getWindowMode() 
Returns a string representing the current mode of this Window. Typical values include "view", "edit" and "help", but values representing custom modes may also be returned.
string - The current mode of this Window


public string getWindowState() 
Returns a string representing the current state of this Window. Typical values include "normal", "minimized" and "float", but values representing custom states may also be returned.
string - The current state of this Window


public void setTitle(title) 
Updates the title of this Window.

NOTE: This method only updates the state of this client-side Window object; it does not update the state of the server-side window object. It is the responsibility of the application code calling this method to ensure that client-side and server-side state are in sync.

string title - The new value for the title property
See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.