Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Module bea.wlp.disc

This module provides the core infrastructure for the basic OOP and code modularization facilities for the rest of Disc and other frameworks and applications that may be based on it. The OOP and modularization models expressed in this library are most directly implemented as the Class and Module constructs, though other support entities are defined in this module that are worthy of note, including a Firebug-like console abstraction (the Console object), and a module-based localization facility (the Catalog class).

Individual methods, as well as modules, classes and objects named with a leading underscore ('_') character are considered internal implementation details. Use of such objects/methods is unsupported and the behavior and existence of such objects/methods is subject to change without notice.

Class Catalog

public class Catalog

The Catalog class is an interface to a module's localization subsystem. A Catalog represents a set of localized data and is accessed by module-based code to convert default-text strings into localized versions of those strings when such localized versions are available.

Method Summary
public void load(l10nData)
          This method loads a module's catalog with the localization data specified in the l10nData parameter.
public string localize(msg, [varargs])
          Returns a localized version of the supplied message, if such a localization can be found.
Method Detail


public void load(l10nData) 
This method loads a module's catalog with the localization data specified in the l10nData parameter. The l10nData parameter should be an object mapping default message values to localized message values, as demonstrated in the following example:
         "default message value" : "localized message value",
         // ...
A missing mapping in the l10n data object (or a mapping with a "falsy" value) will result in the use of the default message (the key) for a given lookup.

Explicit catalog localization will generally be used for purposes of l10n catalog aggregation, but may also be used to explicitly set or override l10n data on a per-catalog basis, as appropriate.

object l10nData - A mapping of default message values to localized message values


public string localize(msg, [varargs]) 
Returns a localized version of the supplied message, if such a localization can be found. The search for a localized form of the message starts with this catalog instance's local l10n data, if any. If no match is found, the search then asks its associated module's parent's catalog to localize the value, when possible. The search continues on up the hierarchy until either a localized value is found or the top of the module hierarchy is reached.

This method also provides basic message formatting capabilities. Message formatting can be achieved by combining object tokens (matching the regexp: \{\d\}) in a message with additional var arg parameters. For example:

     var msg = myCatalog.localize("Some default message value with two args: {0} and {1}", "one", "two");
string msg - A default message value to attempt to localize
[varargs] - Any number of additional parameters to the method to be used as values for message formatting
string - A formatted version of the message, localized if matching l10n data was found

Object Class

public singleton object Class

The Class helper provides functionality for declaring new "classes" in the Disc framework. These classes support single inheritance of instance and static member fields and methods (mixins may be used in place of multiple inheritance), public or internal initializers, super references, and dynamic injection and removal of members, as demonstrated below. Additionally, class body declarations may be expressed multiple ways.

Basic Example

This example demonstrates class and subclass declaration, basic inheritance, overrides, initializers, and super references. Additionally, it uses the concise object literal-notation to express its class body declarations.

     // Declare a base class
     var Person = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         // Base class initializer
         initialize: function(name) {
             // Initialize internal instance variables
             this._name = name;
             this._greeting = "hi";
         // Declare some instance methods
         greet: function(person) {
             return (this + " says '" + this._greeting + "' to " + person);
         toString: function() {
             return this._name;

     // Declare the Cowboy subclass of Person
     var Cowboy = Person.extend({
         initialize: function(name) {
             // Call this class's super constructor (Person.initialize)
             // Override the base class's greeting
             this._greeting = "howdy";
         // Override the base class's toString method
         toString: function() {
             // Call the super class's toString and prepend the Cowboy designation
             return "Cowboy " + this.sup();

     // Example usage
     var john = new Person("John");
     var bill = new Cowboy("Bill");
     assertEquals("John says 'hi' to Cowboy Bill", john.greet(bill));
     assertEquals("Cowboy Bill says 'howdy' to John", bill.greet(john));

Advanced Example

This example demonstrates static field and method inheritance. Additionally, it uses the more expressive (but also more verbose) function style of class body declaration to provide convenient access to the class's static context.

     // Declare a base class
     var Shape = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create(function(Shape) {
         // Base class initializer
         this.initialize = function(x, y) {
             // Initialize internal instance variables
             this.x = 0;
             this.y = 0;
             this.translate(x, y);
             this._name = "Shape";
         // Declare some instance methods
         this.translate = function(x, y) {
             this.x += (x || Shape.ORIGIN.x);
             this.y += (y || Shape.ORIGIN.y);
         this.draw = function(x, y) {
             this.translate(x, y);
             return (this._name + ": x=" + this.x + ", y=" + this.y);
         // Declare a public static field
         Shape.ORIGIN = { x: 0, y: 0 };

     // Subclass Shape to create the Circle class
     var Circle = Shape.extend(function(Circle) {
         // Declare a private static variable
         var DEFAULT_RADIUS = 1;
         // Initializer
         this.initialize = function(x, y, r) {
             this.sup(x, y);
             this.r = (r || DEFAULT_RADIUS);
             this._name = "Circle";
         // Override Shape's draw method
         this.draw = function(x, y) {
             // Indirectly reference the base class's ORIGIN static
             var containsOrigin = Circle.contains(this, Circle.ORIGIN);
             return (this.sup(x, y) + ", r=" + this.r + ", contains origin=" + containsOrigin);
         // Static public method
         Circle.contains = function(circle, point) {
             var xd = point.x - circle.x;
             var yd = point.y - circle.y;
             return (Math.abs(Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd)) < circle.r);

     var circle = new Circle();
     assertEquals("Circle: x=0, y=0, r=1, contains origin=true", circle.draw());
     circle = new Circle(2, 2, 2);
     assertEquals("Circle: x=4, y=4, r=2, contains origin=false", circle.draw(2, 2));

Built-in Constructor Statics

The following static methods are automatically mixed in to class constructors created with Class.create:

extend(subdecl) {typeof subdecl == "object" or "function"; returns new class constructor}

The extend static method supports subclassing as demonstrated in the above examples. In the following example the extend method of the SuperClass constructor function is used to declare the SubClass subclass of SuperClass.

     var SuperClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create();
     var SubClass = SuperClass.extend();
     assertTrue(new SubClass() instanceof SuperClass);
inject(name, value) {typeof name == "string" or "object" && typeof value == "object" or "function"}

The inject static method is used to insert a method or field into a class declaration after it has been created with Class.create. The following example shows the use of inject to do just that.

     var Cowboy = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         initialize: function(name) {
             this._name = name;
     Cowboy.inject("lasso", function(target) {
         return "Cowboy " + this._name + " lassoed a " + target + "!";
     assertEquals("Cowboy Bill lassoed a goat!", new Cowboy("Bill").lasso("goat"));
The inject method can also be used to batch inject the contents of a mixin. As such, the previous example can be rewritten like this:
     var Cowboy = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         initialize: function(name) {
             this._name = name;
     Cowboy.inject({ lasso: function(target) {
         return "Cowboy " + this._name + " lassoed a " + target + "!";
     assertEquals("Cowboy Bill lassoed a goat!", new Cowboy("Bill").lasso("goat"));
Of course more than one item can be injected using the batch syntax:
     var Cowboy = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         initialize: function(name) {
             this._name = name;
         lasso: function(target) {
             return "Cowboy " + this._name + " lassoed a " + target + "!";
         shoot: function(target) {
             return "Cowboy " + this._name + " shot a " + target + "!";
     var bill = new Cowboy("Bill");
     assertEquals("Cowboy Bill lassoed a goat!", bill.lasso("goat"));
     assertEquals("Cowboy Bill shot a varmint!", bill.shoot("varmint"));

remove(name) {typeof name == "string" or "object"}

The remove static method is used to remove methods or fields from a class declaration. This method is the counterpart to the inject method, though it does not necessarily have to operate on members added to the class via injection. The following example shows the remove method removing members created through both declaration mechanisms.

     var MyClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         one: function() { return "remove me"; }
     MyClass.inject("two", function() { return "remove me, too"; });
     var instance = new MyClass();
     // ... later ...
     instance = new MyClass();
The remove method can also be used in batch mode just like inject:
     var mixin = {
         one: function() { return "remove me"; },
         two: function() { return "remove me, too"; }
     var MyClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create();
     var instance = new MyClass();
     // ... later ...
     instance = new MyClass();
The design and implementation of this class framework was influenced by several sources, especially the work of Ben Newman at

Method Summary
public function create([decl])
          Create a new class.
Method Detail


public function create([decl]) 
Create a new class. New classes can be created with the create method in one of three main ways:

...with a body expressed in object literal notation:

This approach creates a new class whose body is defined by the object literal passed as the value of the decl argument.

     var MyClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create({
         myMethod: function() {
             return "some stuff I did";
     var myInstance = new MyClass();
     assertEquals("some stuff I did", myInstance.myMethod());
...with a body declared as a static initializer function:

This approach creates a new class whose body is defined by the function passed as the value of the decl argument. Note that the term "static initializer function" is used to describe this function since it staticly initializes the class when constructing the class's actual constructor function. Any local variables over which closures are created in this context will act like class static variables since they will be shared by all instances of the class.

Also note the argument passed to the function used in this example: MyClass. This argument provides a static context for the class to which can be attached any public, inheritable, static members that maybe be appropriate for the class being created. The name of this argument should generally match the name of the class being created, for clarity, but this convention is not enforced by the create function.

     var MyClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create(function(MyClass) {
         this.myMethod = function() {
             return "some stuff I did";
         MyClass.PI = 3.14;
     var myInstance = new MyClass();
     assertEquals("some stuff I did", myInstance.myMethod());
     assertEquals(3.14, MyClass.PI);
...or without a body:

This approach creates a bare new class without any unique members. Members can be added after declaration as needed using the newly created class constructor's inject method, as follows:

     var MyClass = bea.wlp.disc.Class.create();
     MyClass.inject("myMethod", function() {
         return "some stuff I did";
     var myInstance = new MyClass();
     assertEquals("some stuff I did", myInstance.myMethod());
This approach is discouraged in favor of the use of the more encapsulated forms described above but may still be useful in some scenarios, such as the dynamic application of mixins.
object|function [decl] - An optional object or static initializer function to serve as the class's body
function - A constructor function for the new created class

Object Config

public singleton object Config

A basic configuration API for the core Disc module.

Method Summary
public string getContextPath()
          Returns the current context path setting.
public string getScriptPath([scriptName])
          Returns the current script path setting, with any additional path information (indicated by the optional scriptName argument) appended.
public void setContextPath(contextPath)
          This method should be used to set the webapp's context path.
Method Detail


public string getContextPath() 
Returns the current context path setting.
string - The context path, if set; null otherwise


public string getScriptPath([scriptName]) 
Returns the current script path setting, with any additional path information (indicated by the optional scriptName argument) appended. The script path is the result of combining the webapp's context path with the constant "framework/scripts/".
string [scriptName] - Additional path/filename information to be appended to this object's script path setting, if any; if not specified, the bare script path is returned
string - The raw script path value or the union of said and the scriptName param or an empty string if neither value is defined


public void setContextPath(contextPath) 
This method should be used to set the webapp's context path. This setting effects all on-demand script loading done by Disc, and should therefore only be set once for a given document. Not setting this field to an appropriate value may result in unreliable on-demand script loading. On-demand script loading may occur for WLP server instances running in development mode.
string contextPath - The value to use as context path for on-demand module loading

Object Console

public singleton object Console

The Console object provides a simple abstraction over the well-known but not always present Firebug or Firebug Lite console global. Writing Firebug console operations to this object instead of the global Firebug console ensures that when that global console is not present, the operation will not fail due to the console object being undefined. When not available, the firebug-level operations on this object may execute as no-ops.

Listeners can be applied to this object as well, so that any time a message is sent to this object via one of the Firebug APIs, the message is routed to any configured listeners instead of to the default destination (the Firebug console, or lacking Firebug or Firebug Lite installed, the "no-op destination"). Adding one or more listeners to this object allows arbitrary message sinks to be set up, such as custom UI components or remote monitors, but the exact nature of such sinks is not defined in this scope.

In the absence of any of Firebug, Firebug Lite, or custom listeners, the default behavior of this object is to no-op all message operations, with the exception of error messages, which cause a standard alert dialog to be displayed with the contents of the error. Once a custom listener is added, the default error handler is suppressed.

See Also:

Method Summary
public void addListener(listener)
          This method allows listeners to be added to the global Disc console object.
public void assert()
public void count()
public void debug()
public void dir()
public void dirxml()
public void error()
public void group()
public void groupEnd()
public void info()
public void log()
public void profile()
public void profileEnd()
public void removeListener(listener)
          This method simply removes a listener from the Disc console object if previously added.
public void time()
public void timeEnd()
public void trace()
public void warn()
Method Detail


public void addListener(listener) 
This method allows listeners to be added to the global Disc console object. All operations (aside from addListener or removeListener) called on this object will cause registered listener callback functions to be invoked. Listener callback functions should accept two parameters: "op" and "args". The former is the name of the operation that was invoked (e.g. "log"), and the latter is the list of arguments with which it was called. Possible operation names include: "assert", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group", "groupEnd", "info", "log", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "trace", and "warn". Applying appropriate semantics to each operation is left as an exercise to each listener implementation.

For example, the following code would register a naive listener that routed all messages to an element named "myConsoleOutput", simply appending a new "line" for each routed message:

     bea.wlp.disc.Console.addListener(function(op, args) {
         var output = document.getElementById("myConsoleOutput");
         output.appendChild(document.createTextNode(op + ": " + args.join(",")));
function listener - The listener callback function to be added


public void assert() 


public void count() 


public void debug() 


public void dir() 


public void dirxml() 


public void error() 


public void group() 


public void groupEnd() 


public void info() 


public void log() 


public void profile() 


public void profileEnd() 


public void removeListener(listener) 
This method simply removes a listener from the Disc console object if previously added. The function reference must be identical to the one added for it to be removed.
function listener - The listener function to be removed


public void time() 


public void timeEnd() 


public void trace() 


public void warn() 

Class Module

public class Module

The Module class comprises one of the most central facilities of the Disc core API: it provides a namespacing infrastructure for managing modularized code in the global execution context. While this class facilitates the creation of and interaction with namespace objects (modules), it does not impose a fixed structure upon them.

By convention Oracle WebLogic Portal owns anything in the bea.wlp.* namespace; any modifications to that namespace (and/or the constituents thereof) which are not supported through public APIs may result in undefined and unsupported behavior.

Modules are created via calls to the static Module.create function. Modules should be named to follow typical Java package naming conventions, that is, a '.' delimited list of valid JavaScript identifiers, typically composed of all lower-case letters.

Each module contains, at a minimum, a $meta field that provides a number of basic operations around the module itself, including accessors for this module's name, parent module, catalog, and an indication of whether or not the module has been formally defined (or if, instead, it exists purely for namepsacing purposes).

Modules support loading via either static script tag references (HTML) or dynamic loading via sync-XHR. The former should be used to deliver module source (or compiled module bundles) in production-mode scenarios. The latter can be a convenient tool for iteratively developing Disc-based JavaScript. Production-mode construction and deployment of module bundles is performed automatically for well-known Disc APIs; for custom Disc APIs, such construction and deployment is currently left as an exercise to the API developer. Dynamic module loading is driven through the use of the static Module.use method.

Dynamically loaded modules assume a specific file layout on the resource server. Each individual name-component of the overall module name (i.e. each identifier in the module name chain, delimited with '.' characters) is assumed to be a directory. The filesystem hierarchy of these directories must match the hierarchy specified by the overall module name. Each directory with a non-trivial module (that is, any bottom-level module for which one may call Module.use) must contain a file named module.js, containing an appropriate call to Module.create. Any module facets to be contributed to the dynamically loaded module must live in the module's directory, peer to it's module.js file. For example, the hypothetical module named "my.fancy.api" might look like this on the filesystem:

     + my
     ----+ fancy
         ----+ api
             ----  module.js
             ----  FacetOne.js
             ----  FacetTwo.js
...where the module declaration in module.js specifies its facet inclusions as include: ["FacetOne", "FacetTwo"] (see Module.create and Module.contribute for module and facet declaration details). This structure will then be synchronously loaded and realized on-demand, via the Module.use invocation.

Lastly, each Module instance has an associated Catalog instance used for the organization of any given module's localizable messages. See the documentation for the Catalog class for more information.

Module instantiation should only be performed internally; use bea.wlp.disc.Module.create to explicitly create a new module. Directly contructing modules via the new operator is not supported.

See Also:

Field Summary
public object $meta
            This field is a special member of all Module instances that provides some simple metadata getters.
Method Summary
public bea.wlp.disc.Catalog $meta.getCatalog()
          Returns this module's bea.wlp.disc.Catalog instance.
public string $meta.getName([sub])
          Returns the name of the current module.
public bea.wlp.disc.Module|window|object $meta.getParent()
          Returns the module's parent object.
public boolean $meta.isDeclared()
          Indicates whether or not this module has been explicitly declared, or is instead a placeholder module existing (so far) purely for namepsacing.
public static void contribute(decl)
          This method is used to contribute module facets to an existing module.
public static bea.wlp.disc.Module create(name, decl)
          Creates a new module.
public static bea.wlp.disc.Module|object find(name)
          Attempts to locate and return a module or an object child of a module.
public static boolean isDefined(nameOrModule)
          Determines whether or not the specified module both exists and has been declared.
public string toString()
          This method returns this module's name as a string.
public static bea.wlp.disc.Module use(name)
          Attempts to return a module instance by name; if the requested module does not yet exist or exists but has not yet been created, this method attempts to load the module from this script's host server, according to the setting(s) in bea.wlp.disc.Config.
Field Detail


public object $meta
This field is a special member of all Module instances that provides some simple metadata getters.

Method Detail


public bea.wlp.disc.Catalog $meta.getCatalog() 
Returns this module's bea.wlp.disc.Catalog instance.
bea.wlp.disc.Catalog - This module's catalog; not null


public string $meta.getName([sub]) 
Returns the name of the current module. e.g. bea.wlp.disc.$meta.getName() == "bea.wlp.disc". If passed the optional sub param, sub is appended to the module name returned in the no-args version; e.g. bea.wlp.disc.$meta.getName("foo") == "".

For example:

     bea.wlp.disc.Module.create("ns.mod", { });
     assertEquals("ns.mod", ns.mod.$meta.getName());
     assertEquals("ns.mod.sub", ns.mod.$meta.getName("sub"));
string [sub] - An additional string to append to the normal result of getName(), if any
string - The module's name, with the sub param appended if specified


public bea.wlp.disc.Module|window|object $meta.getParent() 
Returns the module's parent object. This object will typically be an instance of bea.wlp.disc.Module, but may be another object type or the global window object if called on a root module, such as bea. Calls to this method should always check the type of the returned object before making assumptions about that object's properties.

For example:

     bea.wlp.disc.Module.create("ns.mod", { });
     assertEquals(ns, ns.mod.$meta.getParent());
     assertEquals(window, ns.$meta.getParent());
bea.wlp.disc.Module|window|object - The value returned is one of bea.wlp.disc.Module, the global window object, or another object; the exact result depends on the environment in which the module was created


public boolean $meta.isDeclared() 
Indicates whether or not this module has been explicitly declared, or is instead a placeholder module existing (so far) purely for namepsacing.

For example:

     bea.wlp.disc.Module.create("ns.mod", { });
boolean - True if the module has been explicitly declared; false otherwise


public static void contribute(decl) 
This method is used to contribute module facets to an existing module. Module facets are a mechanism that allows the declaration of a particular module to be easily broken up into multiple files, so that a single module need not be defined in a single place. This method is then employed to apply partial module declarations made by facets to the module with which they are associated.

The decl parameter supplied to this method is an initializer function exactly like those used to create modules. It can receive the same parameters as module initializers (i.e. $ and L, which respectively refer to the target module's self reference and catalog's localization function) and whose this reference also points to the target module. In essence this function provides an additional module initializer to use in the context in which the call to contribute is made.

object|function decl - A module initializer object or function used to supply additional content for the module with which it is associated
See Also:


public static bea.wlp.disc.Module create(name, decl) 
Creates a new module. Attempting to create a module once it already exists will simply result in the existing module being returned. This means that the first attempt to declare a module will win, whether or not subsequent attempts specify the same module contents as the successful call to Module.create.

Module names should typically be defined as a sequence of valid JavaScript identifiers delimited with the '.' character. Each '.' in the name specifies a tier in the overall module hierarchy, with each distinct identifier representing a distinct module. Any parent modules not already in existence will be created on the fly to support the bottom-level module in the specified name passed to this method. Any modules so created will be valid Disc modules, but will not be technically "declared" until a subsequent call to Module.create is made with that module as the bottom-level module in the overall module name (which may never occur). Such modules exist in support of the namespacing hierarchy, but do not necessarily provide any meaningful APIs in and of themselves.

The decl param passed to this method must be an object supplying one or more of the following fields:

  • require: An array of strings, where each string is the name of another module on which this module depends; all modules (including the current module) listed here are guaranteed to be fully realized before this module's initializer is called; modules are considered to be fully realized once all of their constituents have been materialized
  • include: An array of strings, where each string is the name of a module facet that should be contributed to this module; module facets are contained in supplementary files located peer to this module's module.js file named as "<facet name>.js"; see the Module.contribute static method for more information on facet contribution to a module
  • declare: Either an object or a constructor function used to declare the constituent members of a module; this param is much like the argument to Class.create in form and function, except that, if specified as a function, accepts exactly two (optional) arguments, typically named $ and L; the $ argument is the module's self-reference (a shortcut for the "this" reference), and the L argument is a convenience shortcut function for this module's catalog's localize function (alternately addressable as $.$meta.getCatalog().localize)
  • initialize: An initializer function that accepts the same arguments as the function form of the declare field; called once this module and any modules upon which this module depends (as specified in the require field) are fully realized
string name - The name of the new module
object decl - A declaration object, as defined above
bea.wlp.disc.Module - The module associated with the indicated module name


public static bea.wlp.disc.Module|object find(name) 
Attempts to locate and return a module or an object child of a module. The supplied name parameter should be either the name of a module or the name of a module plus the name of an object declared on that module instance (if it exists), delimited with a '.'. If the module or object is found at the specified location, it is returned.

For example:

     bea.wlp.disc.Module.create("ns.mod", {
         declare: function($, L) {
             $.AnObject = { data: "stuff" };
     assertEquals("stuff", bea.wlp.disc.Module.find("ns.mod.AnObject").data);
Note that any module instance returned by this method is not guaranteed to be declared. Module instances may exist as simple namespace constructs without having their own explicit declarations, yet this method does not distinguish between the two.

Use bea.wlp.disc.Module.isDefined to determine if a module exists and has been declared.

Unlike bea.wlp.disc.Module.use, this method does not attempt to load a module if it was not found.

string name - The name of the module or object to find
bea.wlp.disc.Module|object - The module or object, if found


public static boolean isDefined(nameOrModule) 
Determines whether or not the specified module both exists and has been declared. If a valid module reference is passed in, this is the same as calling myModule.$meta.isDeclared(). If a string name is passed, this method attempts to find the module, and then, if it exists, returns its declaration status, as above.
string|bea.wlp.disc.Module nameOrModule - Either a module or module name to determine
boolean - True if the module exists and is declared; false otherwise


public string toString() 
This method returns this module's name as a string.
string - The name of the module on which this method was called


public static bea.wlp.disc.Module use(name) 
Attempts to return a module instance by name; if the requested module does not yet exist or exists but has not yet been created, this method attempts to load the module from this script's host server, according to the setting(s) in bea.wlp.disc.Config. If you wish to simply check whether or not a module exists, consider using bea.wlp.disc.Module.find or bea.wlp.disc.Module.isDefined.
     // bea.wlp.disc is created
     var $Disc = bea.wlp.disc.Module.use("bea.wlp.disc");
     // my.module not yet created
     var $MyModule = bea.wlp.disc.Module.use("my.module")
This method always returns a module instance whether or not the instance could be resolved and loaded/created. That is, if no declaration for the module can be resolved, a module is still created and returned. If you are unsure that a module will be resolved when calling this method, you can check to see whether or not it was loaded/created by checking its $meta.isDeclared() value.
string name - The name of the module to use
bea.wlp.disc.Module - A module for the requested name, whether or not a declaration for the module was created

Oracle Fusion Middleware Disc API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.4)

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.