Oracle Coherence for C++ API



00001 /*
00002 * Class.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_CLASS_HPP
00017 #define COH_CLASS_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang/compatibility.hpp"
00021 #include "coherence/lang/abstract_spec.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/lang/AnnotatedElement.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/lang/FinalView.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/lang/MemberHandle.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/lang/Method.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/lang/Object.hpp"
00027 #include "coherence/lang/ObjectArray.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/lang/String.hpp"
00030 #include <ostream>
00031 #include <typeinfo>
00033 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,lang)
00036 /**
00037 * A Class represents a managed object implementation.
00038 *
00039 * Not all managed classes may have a corresponding Class representation.
00040 * Classes are referred to via their demangled RTTI name, for example
00041 * coherence::lang::Object.
00042 *
00043 * Classes can be loaded by name via a ClassLoader.
00044 *
00045 * @see ClassLoader
00046 *
00047 * @author mf  2008.04.03
00048 */
00049 class COH_EXPORT Class
00050     : public abstract_spec<Class,
00051           extends<AnnotatedElement> >
00052     {
00053     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00055     protected:
00056         /**
00057         * Construct a class based on a C++ type_info.
00058         *
00059         * @param info the type_info for the class represented by this Class.
00060         */
00061         Class(const std::type_info& info);
00064     // ----- Class interface ------------------------------------------------
00066     public:
00067         /**
00068         * Return the name of the class.
00069         *
00070         * @return the class name
00071         */
00072         virtual String::View getName() const;
00074         /**
00075         * Create a new instance of the corresponding type.
00076         *
00077         * @param vaParam the object's initialization parameters
00078         *
00079         * @return a new instance of the corresponding type
00080         */
00081         virtual Object::Handle newInstance(ObjectArray::View vaParam = NULL) const;
00083         /**
00084         * Return the typeinfo for the corresponding type.
00085         *
00086         * @return the typeinfo for the corresponding type
00087         */
00088         virtual const std::type_info& getTypeInfo() const = 0;
00090         /**
00091         * Return the shallow size for an instance of the class represented
00092         * by this Class.
00093         *
00094         * @return the shallow size of an instance of the represented class.
00095         */
00096         virtual size32_t getSize() const = 0;
00098         /**
00099         * Return whether the passed in Object is an instance of class represented
00100         * by this Class.
00101         *
00102         * @param v  the object to test
00103         *
00104         * @return whether the passed in Object is an instance of class represented
00105         * by this Class.
00106         *
00107         * @since Coherence 3.7
00108         */
00109         virtual bool isInstance(Object::View v) const = 0;
00111         /**
00112          * Return true if the class represented by this object is the same
00113          * Class or a super class or super interface of the specified class.
00114          *
00115          * @param vClass  the class to test
00116          *
00117          * @return true if the specified class "extends" the class represented
00118          *         by this object.
00119          */
00120         virtual bool isAssignableFrom(Class::View vClass) const = 0;
00122         /**
00123          * Register a method with this class.
00124          *
00125          * @param vMethod  the method to register
00126          *
00127          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00128          */
00129         virtual Class::Handle declare(Method::View vMethod);
00131         /**
00132          * Return the declared method of the specified name and parameters.
00133          *
00134          * The method is supplied with an array of either parameters or
00135          * parameter types expressed as Class::View objects.  If non-Class
00136          * objects are provided then this method will search for a Method
00137          * which can accept those parameters directly.  If Class objects are
00138          * provided then this method will search for a Method which takes
00139          * the specified type, or a superclass.
00140          *
00141          * @param vsName    the method name
00142          * @param vaParams  the method parameters or types
00143          * @param nMod      the modifiers to match
00144          * @param fThrow    false to return NULL rather then throw on failure
00145          *
00146          * @return the Method
00147          *
00148          * @throw NoSuchMethodException if the method is not found and fThrow == true
00149          *
00150          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00151          */
00152         virtual Method::View getDeclaredMethod(String::View vsName,
00153                 ObjectArray::View vaParams = NULL, int32_t nMod = 0,
00154                 bool fThrow = true) const;
00156         /**
00157          * Return an array containing all the Methods declared on this Class.
00158          *
00159          * @return the declared methods
00160          *
00161          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00162          */
00163         virtual ObjectArray::View getDeclaredMethods() const;
00165         /**
00166          * Return the method of the specified name and parameters which is
00167          * either declared or inherited by this class.
00168          *
00169          * The method is supplied with an array of either parameters or
00170          * parameter types expressed as Class::View objects.  If non-Class
00171          * objects are provided then this method will search for a Method
00172          * which can accept those parameters directly.  If Class objects are
00173          * provided then this method will search for a Method which takes
00174          * the specified type, or a superclass.
00175          *
00176          * @param vsName    the method name
00177          * @param vaParams  the method parameters or types
00178          * @param nMod      the modifiers to match
00179          * @param fThrow    false to return NULL rather then throw on failure
00180          *
00181          * @return the Method
00182          *
00183          * @throw NoSuchMethodException if the method is not found and fThrow == true
00184          *
00185          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00186          */
00187         virtual Method::View getMethod(String::View vsName,
00188                 ObjectArray::View vaParams = NULL, int32_t nMod = 0,
00189                 bool fThrow = true) const;
00191         /**
00192          * Return an array containing all the Methods declared on and inherited
00193          * by this Class.
00194          *
00195          * @return the declared methods
00196          *
00197          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00198          */
00199         virtual ObjectArray::View getMethods() const;
00201         /**
00202          * Return the superclass of this class, or NULL if this class an
00203          * interface or top level class.
00204          *
00205          * @return the superclass
00206          *
00207          * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the superclass is not registered
00208          *
00209          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00210          */
00211         virtual Class::View getSuperclass() const = 0;
00213         /**
00214          * Return an array of Class::View objects representing the interfaces
00215          * which the Class directly implements.
00216          *
00217          * Any interfaces not registered with the ClassLoader will be left
00218          * out of the array.
00219          *
00220          * @return the array of Class::Views representing the interfaces
00221          *
00222          * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00223          */
00224         virtual ObjectArray::View getInterfaces() const = 0;
00226         /**
00227          * Add the specified Annotation to the element.
00228          *
00229          * @param vAnnontation  the annotation
00230          *
00231          * @return this object
00232          */
00233         virtual Class::Handle annotate(Annotation::View vAnnontation);
00236     // ----- AnnotatedElement interface -------------------------------------
00238     public:
00239         /**
00240          * {@inheritDoc}
00241          */
00242         virtual AnnotatedElement::View getSuperelement() const;
00245     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00247     public:
00248         /**
00249         * {@inheritDoc}
00250         */
00251         virtual bool equals(Object::View that) const;
00253         /**
00254         * {@inheritDoc}
00255         */
00256         virtual size32_t hashCode() const;
00259     // ----- static helpers -------------------------------------------------
00261     public:
00262         /**
00263         * Return the class name of the supplied Object.
00264         *
00265         * @param v  the object instance for which to obtain the class name
00266         *
00267         * @return the class name of the supplied Object
00268         */
00269         static String::View getClassName(Object::View v);
00271         /**
00272         * Return the type name of the supplied Object.
00273         *
00274         * @param info  the type id for which to obtain the type name
00275         *
00276         * @return the type name of the supplied type
00277         */
00278         static String::View getTypeName(const std::type_info& info);
00281     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00283     private:
00284         /**
00285         * The class name.
00286         */
00287         FinalView<String> m_vsName;
00289         /**
00290         * Reference to a Map of method names to a List of Method objects.
00291         */
00292         MemberHandle<Object> m_hMapMethods;
00293     };
00297 #endif // COH_CLASS_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.