Oracle Coherence for C++ API



00001 /*
00002 * MapListenerSupport.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/net/cache/CacheEvent.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/util/Converter.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/util/Filter.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/util/Listeners.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/util/MapEvent.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/util/MapListener.hpp"
00027 #include "coherence/util/Set.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/util/SynchronousListener.hpp"
00030 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,util)
00032 using coherence::net::cache::CacheEvent;
00035 /**
00036 * This class provides support for advanced MapListener functionality.
00037 *
00038 * @author js  2008.06.10
00039 */
00040 class COH_EXPORT MapListenerSupport
00041     : public class_spec<MapListenerSupport>
00042     {
00043     friend class factory<MapListenerSupport>;
00045     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00047     protected:
00048         /**
00049         * Create a new MapListenerSupport.
00050         */
00051         MapListenerSupport();
00054     // ----- MapListenerSupport interface -----------------------------------
00056     public:
00057         /**
00058         * Add a map listener that receives events based on a filter
00059         * evaluation.
00060         *
00061         * @param hListener  the listener to add
00062         * @param vFilter    a filter that will be passed MapEvent objects to
00063         *                   select from; a MapEvent will be delivered to the
00064         *                   listener only if the filter evaluates to true for
00065         *                   that MapEvent; NULL is equivalent to a filter
00066         *                   that alway returns true
00067         * @param fLite      true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not
00068         *                   have to include the OldValue and NewValue
00069         *                   property values in order to allow optimizations
00070         */
00071         virtual void addListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00072                 Filter::View vFilter, bool fLite);
00074         /**
00075         * Add a map listener for a specific key.
00076         *
00077         * @param hListener  the listener to add
00078         * @param vKey       the key that identifies the entry for which to
00079         *                   raise events
00080         * @param fLite      true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do not
00081         *                   have to include the OldValue and NewValue
00082         *                   property values in order to allow optimizations
00083         *
00084         */
00085         virtual void addListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00086                 Object::View vKey, bool fLite);
00088         /**
00089         * Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events based on
00090         * a filter evaluation.
00091         *
00092         * @param vListener  the listener to remove
00093         * @param vFilter    a filter used to evaluate events
00094         */
00095         virtual void removeListener(MapListener::View vListener,
00096                 Filter::View vFilter);
00098         /**
00099         * Remove a map listener that previously signed up for events about a
00100         * specific key.
00101         *
00102         * @param vListener  the listener to remove
00103         * @param vKey       the key that identifies the entry for which to
00104         *                   raise events
00105         */
00106         virtual void removeListener(MapListener::View vListener,
00107                 Object::View vKey);
00109         /**
00110         * Remove all signed up listeners.
00111         */
00112         virtual void clear();
00114         /**
00115         * Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains
00116         * any listeners.
00117         *
00118         * @return true iff there are no listeners encapsulated by this
00119         *         MapListenerSupport object
00120         */
00121         virtual bool isEmpty() const;
00123         /**
00124         * Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains
00125         * any listeners for a given filter.
00126         *
00127         * @param vFilter  the filter
00128         *
00129         * @return true iff there are no listeners for the specified filter
00130         *              encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
00131         */
00132         virtual bool isEmpty(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00134         /**
00135         * Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains
00136         * any listeners for a given key.
00137         *
00138         * @param vKey  the key
00139         *
00140         * @return true iff there are no listeners for the specified filter
00141         *              encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
00142         */
00143         virtual bool isEmpty(Object::View vKey) const;
00145         /**
00146         * Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains
00147         * any standard (not lite) listeners for a given filter.
00148         *
00149         * @param vFilter  the filter
00150         *
00151         * @return true iff there are no standard listeners for the specified
00152         *              filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
00153         */
00154         virtual bool containsStandardListeners(
00155                 Filter::View vFilter) const;
00157         /**
00158         * Checks whether or not this MapListenerSupport object contains
00159         * any standard (not lite) listeners for a given key.
00160         *
00161         * @param vKey  the key
00162         *
00163         * @return true iff there are no standard listeners for the specified
00164         *              filter encapsulated by this MapListenerSupport object
00165         */
00166         virtual bool containsStandardListeners(Object::View vKey) const;
00168         /**
00169         * Obtain a set of all filters that have assosiated global listeners.
00170         * <p>
00171         * <b>Note</b>: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.
00172         *
00173         * @return a set of all filters that have assosiated global listeners
00174         */
00175         virtual Set::View getFilterSet() const;
00177         /**
00178         * Obtain a set of all keys that have assosiated key listeners.
00179         * <p>
00180         * <b>Note</b>: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.
00181         *
00182         * @return a set of all keys that have assosiated key listeners
00183         */
00184         virtual Set::View getKeySet() const;
00186         /**
00187         * Obtain the Listeners object for a given filter.
00188         *
00189         * @param vFilter  the filter
00190         *
00191         * @return the Listeners object for the filter; NULL if none exists
00192         */
00193         virtual Listeners::View getListeners(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00195         /**
00196         * Obtain the Listeners object for a given key.
00197         *
00198         * @param vKey  the key
00199         *
00200         * @return the Listeners object for the key; NULL if none exists
00201         */
00202         virtual Listeners::View getListeners(Object::View vKey) const;
00204         /**
00205         * Collect all Listeners that should be notified for a given event.
00206         * <p>
00207         * <b>Note</b>: The returned value must be treated as an immutable.
00208         *
00209         * @param vEvent the MapEvent object
00210         *
00211         * @return the Listeners object containing the relevant listeners
00212         */
00213         virtual Listeners::View collectListeners(MapEvent::View vEvent);
00215         /**
00216         * Fire the specified map event.
00217         *
00218         * @param hEvent    the map event
00219         * @param fStrict   if true then any RuntimeException thrown by event
00220         *                  handlers stops all further event processing and
00221         *                  the exception is re-thrown; if false then all
00222         *                  exceptions are logged and the process continues
00223         */
00224         virtual void fireEvent(MapEvent::Handle hEvent, bool fStrict);
00226         /**
00227         * Convert the specified map event into another MapEvent that ensures
00228         * the lazy event data conversion using the specified converters.
00229         *
00230         * @param vEvent    the map event
00231         * @param hmapConv  the source for the converted event
00232         * @param vConvKey  (optional) the key Converter
00233         * @param vConvVal  (optional) the value converter
00234         *
00235         * @return the converted MapEvent object
00236         */
00237         static MapEvent::Handle convertEvent(MapEvent::View vEvent,
00238                 ObservableMap::Handle hmapConv,
00239                 Converter::View vConvKey = NULL,
00240                 Converter::View vConvVal = NULL);
00243     // ----- helper methods -------------------------------------------------
00245     protected:
00246         /**
00247         * Ensure that the specified map has a Listeners object assosiated
00248         * with the specified key and add the specified listener to it.
00249         *
00250         * @param hmapListeners  map of listeners
00251         * @param vKey           key of the listener
00252         * @param hListener      the listener to add
00253         */
00254         static void addSafeListener(Map::Handle hmapListeners,
00255                 Object::View vKey, MapListener::Handle hListener);
00257         /**
00258         * Remove the specified listener from the Listeners object assosiated
00259         * with the specified key.
00260         *
00261         * @param hmapListeners  map of listeners
00262         * @param vKey           key of the listener
00263         * @param vListener      the listener to remove
00264         */
00265         static void removeSafeListener(Map::Handle hmapListeners,
00266                 Object::View vKey, MapListener::View vListener);
00268         /**
00269         * Add a state information (lite or standard) associated with
00270         * specified key and listener.
00271         *
00272         * @param hmapStandardListeners  map of standard listeners
00273         * @param vKey                   key of the listener
00274         * @param hListener              the listener to add
00275         * @param fLite                  true to indicate that the MapEvent
00276         *                               objects do not have to include the
00277         *                               OldValue and NewValue property values
00278         */
00279         static void addListenerState(Map::Handle hmapStandardListeners,
00280                 Object::View vKey, MapListener::Handle hListener,
00281                 bool fLite);
00283         /**
00284         * Remove a state information (lite or standard) assosiated with
00285         * specified key and listener.
00286         *
00287         * @param hmapStandardListeners  map of standard listeners
00288         * @param vKey                   key of the listener
00289         * @param vListener              the listener to remove
00290         */
00291         static void removeListenerState(Map::Handle hmapStandardListeners,
00292                 Object::View vKey, MapListener::View vListener);
00295     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00297     public:
00298         /**
00299         * {@inheritDoc}
00300         */
00301         virtual void toStream(std::ostream& out) const;
00304     // ----- inner class: FilterEvent ---------------------------------------
00306     public:
00307         /**
00308         * An extension of the CacheEvent which may carry no values (old or
00309         * new), but instead holds an array of Filter objects being the
00310         * "cause" of the event.
00311         */
00312         class COH_EXPORT FilterEvent
00313             : public class_spec<FilterEvent,
00314                 extends<CacheEvent> >
00315             {
00316             friend class factory<FilterEvent>;
00318             // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------
00320             protected:
00321                 /**
00322                 * Create a new FilterEvent with no old and new values.
00323                 *
00324                 * @param hMap        the map on which the Event initially
00325                 *                    occurred
00326                 * @param nId         the events id (entry_inserted |
00327                 *                    entry_updated | entry_deleted)
00328                 * @param vKey        the key into the map
00329                 * @param fSynthetic  true iff the event is caused by internal
00330                 *                    cache processing such as eviction or
00331                 *                    loading
00332                 * @param haFilters   an array of Filters
00333                 */
00334                 FilterEvent(ObservableMap::Handle hMap, int32_t nId,
00335                         Object::View vKey, Object::View vValueOld,
00336                         Object::View vValueNew, bool fSynthetic,
00337                         ObjectArray::Handle haFilters);
00339             // ----- FilterEvent interface ------------------------------
00341             public:
00342                 /**
00343                 * Return an array of filters that are the cause of this
00344                 * event.
00345                 *
00346                 * @return an array of filters
00347                 */
00348                 virtual ObjectArray::View getFilter() const;
00351             // ----- Describable interface ------------------------------
00353             public:
00354                 /**
00355                 * {@inheritDoc}
00356                 */
00357                 virtual void outputDescription(std::ostream& out) const;
00359             // ----- helper methods -------------------------------------
00361             public:
00362                 /**
00363                 * Determine if this filter event contains a specified filter.
00364                 *
00365                 * @param vFilter  the filter to search for
00366                 *
00367                 * @return true if the event contained the specified filter,
00368                 *         false otherwise
00369                 */
00370                 virtual bool containsFilter(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00372             // ----- data members ---------------------------------------
00374             protected:
00375                 /**
00376                 * Filters which caused the event.
00377                 */
00378                 MemberHandle<ObjectArray> m_haFilters;
00379             };
00382     // ----- inner class: SynchronousListener -------------------------------
00384     public:
00385         /**
00386         * A tag interface indicating that tagged MapListener implementation
00387         * has to receive the MapEvent notifications in a synchronous manner.
00388         * <p>
00389         * Consider a MapListener that subscribes to receive notifications for
00390         * distributed (partitioned) cache. All events notifications are
00391         * received by the service thread and immediately queued to be
00392         * processed by the dedicated event dispatcher thread. This makes it
00393         * impossible to differentiate between the event caused by the updates
00394         * made by this thread and any other thread (possibly in a different
00395         * VM). Forcing the events to be processed on the service thread
00396         * guarantees that by the time "put" or "remove" requests return to
00397         * the caller all relevant MapEvent notification have been processed
00398         * (due to the "in order delivery" rule enforced by the TCMP).
00399         * <p>
00400         * This interface should be considered as a very advanced feature, so
00401         * a MapListener implementation that is tagged as a
00402         * SynchronousListener must exercise extreme caution during event
00403         * processing since any delay with return or unhandled exception will
00404         * cause a delay or complete shutdown of the corresponding cache
00405         * service.
00406         * <p>
00407         * <b>Note:</b> The contract by the event producer in respect to the
00408         * SynchronousListener is somewhat weaker then the general one.
00409         * First, the SynchronousListener implementaion should make no
00410         * assumptions about the event source obtained by {MapEvent#getMap()}.
00411         * Second, in the event of [automatic] service restart, the listener
00412         * has to be re-registered manually (for example, in response to the
00413         * {com::tangosol::net::MemberEvent#member_joined member_joined}
00414         * event). Third, and the most important, no calls against the
00415         * NamedCache are allowed during the synchronous event processing (the
00416         * only exception being a call to remove the listener itself).
00417         */
00418         class COH_EXPORT SynchronousListener
00419             : public interface_spec<SynchronousListener,
00420                 implements<coherence::util::SynchronousListener, MapListener> >
00421             {
00422             };
00425     // ----- inner class: WrapperSynchronousListener ------------------------
00427     public:
00428         /**
00429         * A wrapper class that turns the specified MapListener into
00430         * a synchronous listener.
00431         */
00432         class COH_EXPORT WrapperSynchronousListener
00433             : public class_spec<WrapperSynchronousListener,
00434                 extends<Object>,
00435                 implements<SynchronousListener> >
00436             {
00437             friend class factory<WrapperSynchronousListener>;
00439             // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------
00441             protected:
00442                 /**
00443                 * Create a new WrapperSynchronousListener.
00444                 *
00445                 * @param hListener  the listener to be wrapped
00446                 *
00447                 * @return the new WrapperSynchronousListener instance
00448                 */
00449                 WrapperSynchronousListener(MapListener::Handle hListener);
00451             // ----- MapListener interface ------------------------------
00453             public:
00454                 /**
00455                 * {@inheritDoc}
00456                 */
00457                 virtual void entryInserted(MapEvent::View vEvent);
00459                 /**
00460                 * {@inheritDoc}
00461                 */
00462                 virtual void entryUpdated(MapEvent::View vEvent);
00464                 /**
00465                 * {@inheritDoc}
00466                 */
00467                 virtual void entryDeleted(MapEvent::View vEvent);
00469             // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------
00471             public:
00472                 /**
00473                 * {@inheritDoc}
00474                 */
00475                 virtual size32_t hashCode() const;
00477                 /**
00478                 * {@inheritDoc}
00479                 */
00480                 virtual bool equals(Object::View v) const;
00482             // ----- data members ---------------------------------------
00484             protected:
00485                 /**
00486                 * Wrapped MapListener.
00487                 */
00488                 MemberHandle<MapListener> m_hListener;
00489             };
00492     // ----- enums ----------------------------------------------------------
00494     protected:
00495         /**
00496         * Optimization Plan enum.
00497         */
00498         enum Plan
00499             {
00500             none,          // A plan has not yet been formed
00501             no_listeners,  // There are no listeners
00502             all_listener,  // There is one all-keys non-filtered listener
00503             key_listener,  // One key listener (even if for multiple keys)
00504             no_optimize    // No optimized plan, use the default approach
00505             };
00508     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00510     protected:
00511          /**
00512         * The collections of MapListener objects that have signed up for
00513         * notifications from an ObservableMap implementation keyed by the
00514         * corresponding Filter objects.
00515         */
00516         MemberHandle<Map> m_hmapListeners;
00518         /**
00519         * The collections of MapListener objects that have signed up for key
00520         * based notifications from an ObservableMap implementation keyed by
00521         * the corresponding key objects.
00522         */
00523         MemberHandle<Map> m_hmapKeyListeners;
00525         // consider adding listener tag support to Listeners class, which
00526         // would allow getting rid of the following data structures ...
00527         /**
00528         * The subset of standard (not lite) global listeners. The keys are
00529         * the Filter objects, the values are sets of corresponding standard
00530         * listeners.
00531         */
00532         MemberHandle<Map> m_hmapStandardListeners;
00534         /**
00535         * The subset of standard (not lite) key listeners. The keys are the
00536         * key objects, the values are sets of corresponding standard
00537         * listeners.
00538         */
00539         MemberHandle<Map> m_hmapStandardKeyListeners;
00541         /**
00542         * The optimization plan which indicates the fastest way to put
00543         * together a set of listeners.
00544         */
00545         Plan m_optimizationPlan;
00547         /**
00548         * A cached set of Listeners.
00549         */
00550         MemberView<Listeners> m_vListenersCached;
00551     };
Copyright © 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.