Oracle Coherence for C++ API



00001 /*
00002 * TypedMethod.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_TYPED_METHOD_HPP
00017 #define COH_TYPED_METHOD_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang/compatibility.hpp"
00021 #include "coherence/lang/BoxHandle.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/lang/Method.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/lang/SystemClassLoader.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/lang/class_spec.hpp"
00027 #include "coherence/lang/Boolean.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/lang/Octet.hpp"
00029 #include "coherence/lang/Character16.hpp"
00030 #include "coherence/lang/Integer16.hpp"
00031 #include "coherence/lang/Integer32.hpp"
00032 #include "coherence/lang/Integer64.hpp"
00033 #include "coherence/lang/Size32.hpp"
00034 #include "coherence/lang/Size64.hpp"
00035 #include "coherence/lang/Float32.hpp"
00036 #include "coherence/lang/Float64.hpp"
00037 #include "coherence/lang/String.hpp"
00040 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,lang)
00042 namespace
00043     {
00044     // ----- internal helpers -----------------------------------------------
00046     // the following templates are used by TypedMethod to produce specialized
00047     // variants of methods in order to account for "void" parameters
00049     /**
00050     * @internal
00051     */
00052     template<class A> Method::ClassView coh_getMethodArgumentType()
00053         {
00054         return SystemClassLoader::getInstance()->loadByType(typeid(typename A::ValueType));
00055         }
00057     /**
00058     * @internal
00059     */
00060     template<> Method::ClassView coh_getMethodArgumentType<void>()
00061         {
00062         return NULL;
00063         }
00065     /**
00066     * @internal
00067     */
00068     template<class H> int32_t coh_getMethodModifiers()
00069         {
00070         return Method::modifier_instance |
00071                      (constness<typename H::ValueType>::applied
00072                      ? Method::modifier_const
00073                      : Method::modifier_mutable);
00074         }
00076     /**
00077     * @internal
00078     */
00079     template<> int32_t coh_getMethodModifiers<void>()
00080         {
00081         return Method::modifier_static;
00082         }
00084     /**
00085     * @internal
00086     */
00087     template<class H, class P, class R, class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4,
00088              class A5, class A6, class A7, class A8>
00089     class coh_invoker
00090         {
00091         public:
00092             static Object::Holder invoke(Object::Holder oh, P p, ObjectArray::View va)
00093                 {
00094                 COH_ENSURE_PARAM_RELATION(va->length, ==, 3);
00095                 return R((*cast<H>(oh).*(p))(cast<A1>(va[0]), cast<A2>(va[1]),
00096                         cast<A3>(va[2]), cast<A4>(va[3]), cast<A5>(va[4]),
00097                         cast<A6>(va[5]), cast<A7>(va[6]), cast<A8>(va[7])));
00098                 }
00099         };
00100     }
00102 /**
00103  * TypedMethod provides a template based implementation for building Methods
00104  * which delegate to member function pointers.
00105  *
00106  * Rather then making direct use of this class it is recommended to utilize
00107  * the following helper macros.  For each of these methods there are nine
00108  * variants suffixed 0..8 which indicate the number of arguments the method
00109  * takes.
00110  *
00111  * - COH_CONSTRUCTOR     defines a Method representing a constructor
00112  * - COH_METHOD          defines a Method representing an instance method
00113  * - COH_STATIC_METHOD   defines a Method representing a static method
00114  * - COH_MANAGED_METHOD  defines a Method representing an instance on a
00115  *                       Managed<> class
00116  *
00117  * - COH_OVERLOADED_CONSTRUCTOR    defines an overloaded constructor
00118  * - COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD         defines an overloaded instance method
00119  * - COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD  defines an overloaded static method
00120  *
00121  * Additionally the following macros will create setter and getter Methods
00122  * for a "property".
00123  *
00124  * - COH_PROPERTY          defines setter/getter for a object property
00125  * - COH_BOX_PROPERTY      defines a setter/getter for a value type property
00126  * - COH_MANAGED_PROPERTY  defines a setter/getter for a value type on a
00127  *                         Managed<> class
00128  *
00129  * These macros output Method objects which can then be registered with
00130  * their corresponding Class object.  This registration can either be
00131  * performed as part of the Class registration, or it can be done in multiple
00132  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD blocks, allowing the Method definition to reside
00133  * next to the actual method implementation.
00134  *
00135  * @code
00136  * // Person.hpp
00137  * class Person
00138  *      : public class_spec<Person>
00139  *      {
00140  *      friend class factory<Person>;
00141  *
00142  *      protected:
00143  *          Person(String::View vsName = String::null_string, int32_t nAge = 0);
00144  *
00145  *      public:
00146  *          virtual void setName(String::View vsName);
00147  *          virtual String::View getName() const;
00148  *
00149  *          virtual void setAge(int32_t nAge);
00150  *          virtual int32_t getAge() const;
00151  *      ...
00152  *      };
00153  * @endcode
00154  *
00155  * @code
00156  * // Person.cpp - using single class registration block
00157  *
00158  * COH_REGISTER_CLASS(TypedClass<Person>::create()
00159  *      ->declare(COH_CONSTRUCTOR2(Person, String::View, BoxHandle<const Integer32>))
00160  *      ->declare(COH_PROPERTY(Person, Name, String::View))
00161  *      ->declare(COH_BOX_PROPERTY(Person, Age, Integer32::View));
00162  * @endcode
00163  *
00164  * @code
00165  * // Person.cpp - using multi method registration blocks
00166  *
00168  *
00169  * Person::Person(String::View vsName, int32_t nAge)
00170  *    {
00171  *    ...
00172  *    }
00173  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD(Person, COH_CONSTRUCTOR2(Person, String::View, BoxHandle<const Integer32>));
00174  *
00175  * void Person::setName(String::View vsName)
00176  *     {
00177  *     ...
00178  *     }
00179  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD(Person, COH_METHOD1(void, Person::Handle, setName, String::View));
00180  *
00181  * String::View Person::getName() const
00182  *     {
00183  *     ...
00184  *     }
00185  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD(Person, COH_METHOD0(String::View, Person::View, getName));
00186  *
00187  * void Person::setAge(int32_t nAge)
00188  *     {
00189  *     ...
00190  *     }
00191  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD(Person, COH_METHOD1(void, Person::Handle, setName, BoxHandle<const Integer32>));
00192  *
00193  * int32_t Person::getAge() const
00194  *     {
00195  *     ...
00196  *     }
00197  * COH_REGISTER_METHOD(Person, COH_METHOD0(BoxHandle<const Integer32>, Person::View, getName));
00198  * @endcode
00199  *
00200  * @author mf 2011.02.28
00201  *
00202  * @since Coherence 3.7.1
00203  */
00204 template<class P, class R, class C, class H, P M,
00205     class A1 = void, class A2 = void, class A3 = void, class A4 = void,
00206     class A5 = void, class A6 = void, class A7 = void, class A8 = void>
00207 class TypedMethod
00208     : public class_spec<TypedMethod<P, R, C, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>,
00209           extends<Method> >
00210     {
00211     friend class factory<TypedMethod<P, R, C, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8> >;
00213     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00215     protected:
00216         /**
00217          * Construct a TypedMethod.
00218          *
00219          * @param vsName  the method name
00220          */
00221         TypedMethod(String::View vsName)
00222             : class_spec<TypedMethod<P, R, C, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>,
00223               extends<Method> >(vsName)
00224             {
00225             }
00228     // ----- Method interface -----------------------------------------------
00230     public:
00231         /**
00232          * {@inheritDoc}
00233          */
00234         virtual int32_t getModifiers() const
00235             {
00236             return coh_getMethodModifiers<H>();
00237             }
00239         /**
00240          * {@inheritDoc}
00241          */
00242         virtual ObjectArray::View getParameterTypes() const
00243             {
00244             ObjectArray::Handle ha =
00245                     typeid(A1) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(0)
00246                   : typeid(A2) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(1)
00247                   : typeid(A3) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(2)
00248                   : typeid(A4) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(3)
00249                   : typeid(A5) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(4)
00250                   : typeid(A6) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(5)
00251                   : typeid(A7) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(6)
00252                   : typeid(A8) == typeid(void) ? ObjectArray::create(7)
00253                   :                              ObjectArray::create(8);
00255             switch (ha->length)
00256                 {
00257                 case 8:
00258                     ha[7] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A8>();
00259                 case 7:
00260                     ha[6] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A7>();
00261                 case 6:
00262                     ha[5] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A6>();
00263                 case 5:
00264                     ha[4] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A5>();
00265                 case 4:
00266                     ha[3] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A4>();
00267                 case 3:
00268                     ha[2] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A3>();
00269                 case 2:
00270                     ha[1] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A2>();
00271                 case 1:
00272                     ha[0] = coh_getMethodArgumentType<A1>();
00273                 case 0:
00274                     break;
00275                 default:
00276                     coh_throw_illegal_state("unsupported method parameter count");
00277                 }
00279             return ha;
00280             }
00282         /**
00283          * {@inheritDoc}
00284          */
00285         virtual Method::ClassView getReturnType() const
00286             {
00287             return coh_getMethodArgumentType<R>();
00288             }
00290         /**
00291          * {@inheritDoc}
00292          */
00293         virtual Method::ClassView getDeclaringClass() const
00294             {
00295             return SystemClassLoader::getInstance()->loadByType(typeid(C));
00296             }
00298         /**
00299          * {@inheritDoc}
00300          */
00301         virtual Object::Holder invoke(Object::Holder oh, ObjectArray::View vaArgs) const
00302             {
00303             if (typeid(H) == typeid(void) && oh != NULL &&
00304                     !instanceof<typename C::View>(oh))
00305                 {
00306                 coh_throw_illegal_argument("oh must be NULL or of correct type");
00307                 }
00308             return coh_invoker<H, P, R, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::invoke(oh, M, vaArgs);
00309             }
00310     };
00312 // ----- coh_invoker specializations ----------------------------------------
00314 namespace
00315     {
00316     // the following macros create specialized variants of the coh_invoker in
00317     // order to support 1-7 parameters
00318     #define COH_INVOKER(N, HH, RR, AA1, AA2, AA3, AA4, AA5, AA6, AA7, AA8, EXEC) \
00319         class coh_invoker<HH, P, RR, AA1, AA2, AA3, AA4, AA5, AA6, AA7, AA8> \
00320             { \
00321             public: \
00322                 static Object::Holder invoke(Object::Holder oh, P p, ObjectArray::View va) \
00323                     { \
00324                     if (!(N == 0 && va == NULL)) \
00325                         { \
00326                         COH_ENSURE_PARAM_RELATION(va->length, ==, N); \
00327                         } \
00328                     Object::Holder ohSunProWantsItToGetUsed = oh; \
00329                     Object::Holder r; \
00330                     EXEC; \
00331                     return r; \
00332                     } \
00333             }
00335     #define COH_A0
00336     #define COH_A1 COH_A0, class A1
00337     #define COH_A2 COH_A1, class A2
00338     #define COH_A3 COH_A2, class A3
00339     #define COH_A4 COH_A3, class A4
00340     #define COH_A5 COH_A4, class A5
00341     #define COH_A6 COH_A5, class A6
00342     #define COH_A7 COH_A6, class A7
00344     #define COH_DEF_METHOD_TEMPLATE(N, RT) template<class H, class P, class RT COH_A##N>
00345     #define COH_DEF_METHOD_TEMPLATE_VOID(N) template<class H, class P COH_A##N>
00346     #define COH_DEF_STATIC_METHOD_TEMPLATE(N, RT) template<class P, class RT COH_A##N>
00347     #define COH_DEF_STATIC_METHOD_TEMPLATE_VOID(N) template<class P COH_A##N>
00349     #define COH_DEF_ARGS0
00350     #define COH_DEF_ARGS1 COH_DEF_ARGS0  cast<A1>(va[0])
00351     #define COH_DEF_ARGS2 COH_DEF_ARGS1, cast<A2>(va[1])
00352     #define COH_DEF_ARGS3 COH_DEF_ARGS2, cast<A3>(va[2])
00353     #define COH_DEF_ARGS4 COH_DEF_ARGS3, cast<A4>(va[3])
00354     #define COH_DEF_ARGS5 COH_DEF_ARGS4, cast<A5>(va[4])
00355     #define COH_DEF_ARGS6 COH_DEF_ARGS5, cast<A6>(va[5])
00356     #define COH_DEF_ARGS7 COH_DEF_ARGS6, cast<A7>(va[6])
00358     #define COH_INSTANCE_METHOD *cast<H>(oh).*(p)
00359     #define COH_STATIC_METHOD *(p)
00361     #define COH_DEF_EXEC(N, MS, RS) RS((MS)(COH_DEF_ARGS##N));
00363     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER0(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(0, HH, RT, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(0, MS, RS))
00364     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER1(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(1, HH, RT, A1, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(1, MS, RS))
00365     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER2(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(2, HH, RT, A1, A2, void, void, void, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(2, MS, RS))
00366     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER3(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(3, HH, RT, A1, A2, A3, void, void, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(3, MS, RS))
00367     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER4(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(4, HH, RT, A1, A2, A3, A4, void, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(4, MS, RS))
00368     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER5(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(5, HH, RT, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(5, MS, RS))
00369     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER6(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(6, HH, RT, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(6, MS, RS))
00370     #define COH_DEF_INVOKER7(RT, HH, MS, RS) COH_INVOKER(7, HH, RT, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void, COH_DEF_EXEC(7, MS, RS))
00372     #define COH_DEF_METHOD(N) \
00378     COH_DEF_METHOD(0);
00379     COH_DEF_METHOD(1);
00380     COH_DEF_METHOD(2);
00381     COH_DEF_METHOD(3);
00382     COH_DEF_METHOD(4);
00383     COH_DEF_METHOD(5);
00384     COH_DEF_METHOD(6);
00385     COH_DEF_METHOD(7);
00387     #undef COH_DEF_METHOD
00388     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER0
00389     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER1
00390     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER2
00391     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER3
00392     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER4
00393     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER5
00394     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER6
00395     #undef COH_DEF_INVOKER7
00396     #undef COH_DEF_EXEC
00397     #undef COH_STATIC_METHOD
00398     #undef COH_INSTANCE_METHOD
00400     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS0
00401     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS1
00402     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS2
00403     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS3
00404     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS4
00405     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS5
00406     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS6
00407     #undef COH_DEF_ARGS7
00409     #undef COH_DEF_METHOD_TEMPLATE
00414     #undef COH_A0
00415     #undef COH_A1
00416     #undef COH_A2
00417     #undef COH_A3
00418     #undef COH_A4
00419     #undef COH_A5
00420     #undef COH_A6
00421     #undef COH_A7
00423     #undef COH_INVOKER
00425     /**
00426     * @internal
00427     */
00428     template<class C, class H>
00429     class coh_type_info
00430         {
00431         public: typedef H type;
00432         };
00434     /**
00435     * @internal
00436     */
00437     template<class C>
00438     class coh_type_info<C, BoxHandle<C> >
00439         {
00440         public: typedef typename C::BoxedType type;
00441         };
00443     /**
00444     * @internal
00445     */
00446     template<class C>
00447     class coh_type_info<C, BoxHandle<const C> >
00448         {
00449         public: typedef typename C::BoxedType type;
00450         };
00452     // for compilers (SunPro) which have trouble with the above partial
00453     // specializations we provide more specific versions
00454     #define COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(T) \
00455         template<> \
00456         class coh_type_info<T, BoxHandle<T> > \
00457             { \
00458             public: typedef T::BoxedType type; \
00459             }; \
00460         template<> \
00461         class coh_type_info<const T, BoxHandle<const T> > \
00462             { \
00463             public: typedef T::BoxedType type; \
00464             }
00466     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Boolean);
00467     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Octet);
00468     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Character16);
00469     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Integer16);
00470     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Integer32);
00471     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Integer64);
00472     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Size32);
00473     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Size64);
00474     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Float32);
00475     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(Float64);
00476     COH_BOX_TYPE_INFO(String);
00478     /**
00479     * @internal
00480     */
00481     template<class H>
00482     class coh_handle_info
00483         {
00484         public: typedef typename coh_type_info<typename H::ValueType, H>::type type;
00485         };
00487     /**
00488     * @internal
00489     */
00490     template<>
00491     class coh_handle_info<void>
00492         {
00493         public: typedef void type;
00494         };
00495     }
00497 // the following templates will compute a function pointer signature, similar
00498 // what the non-standard __typeof__ operator would do
00500 /**
00501 * @internal
00502 */
00503 template<int N, class R, class C, class H, class A1 = void, class A2 = void,
00504     class A3 = void, class A4 = void, class A5 = void,
00505     class A6 = void, class A7 = void, class A8 = void>
00506 class coh_signature_info \
00507     { \
00508     public: typedef void signature;
00509     };
00511 #define COH_SIG_INFON(N, RS, CS, HS, AS, TS) \
00512 template<class R, class C, class A1, class A2, \
00513     class A3, class A4, class A5, \
00514     class A6, class A7, class A8> \
00515 class coh_signature_info<N, R, C, HS, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8> \
00516     { \
00517     public: typedef typename coh_handle_info<RS>::type (CS signature)AS TS \
00518     }
00521 #define COH_ARG_TYPE0
00522 #define COH_ARG_TYPE1 COH_ARG_TYPE0  typename coh_handle_info<A1>::type
00523 #define COH_ARG_TYPE2 COH_ARG_TYPE1, typename coh_handle_info<A2>::type
00524 #define COH_ARG_TYPE3 COH_ARG_TYPE2, typename coh_handle_info<A3>::type
00525 #define COH_ARG_TYPE4 COH_ARG_TYPE3, typename coh_handle_info<A4>::type
00526 #define COH_ARG_TYPE5 COH_ARG_TYPE4, typename coh_handle_info<A5>::type
00527 #define COH_ARG_TYPE6 COH_ARG_TYPE5, typename coh_handle_info<A6>::type
00528 #define COH_ARG_TYPE7 COH_ARG_TYPE6, typename coh_handle_info<A7>::type
00529 #define COH_ARG_TYPE8 COH_ARG_TYPE7, typename coh_handle_info<A8>::type
00531 #define COH_SIG_INFO(N) \
00532 COH_SIG_INFON(N, R,    *, void              ,(COH_ARG_TYPE##N), ;); \
00533 COH_SIG_INFON(N, R, C::*, typename C::Handle,(COH_ARG_TYPE##N), ;); \
00534 COH_SIG_INFON(N, R, C::*, typename C::View  ,(COH_ARG_TYPE##N), const;)
00536 COH_SIG_INFO(0);
00537 COH_SIG_INFO(1);
00538 COH_SIG_INFO(2);
00539 COH_SIG_INFO(3);
00540 COH_SIG_INFO(4);
00541 COH_SIG_INFO(5);
00542 COH_SIG_INFO(6);
00543 COH_SIG_INFO(7);
00544 COH_SIG_INFO(8);
00546 #undef COH_SIG_INFO
00547 #undef COH_SIG_INFON
00548 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE0
00549 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE1
00550 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE2
00551 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE3
00552 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE4
00553 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE5
00554 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE6
00555 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE7
00556 #undef COH_ARG_TYPE8
00561 // ----- helper macros ------------------------------------------------------
00563 /**
00564  * Declare an overloaded static Method based on a description of its signature.
00565  *
00566  * This OVERLOADED macro is only necessary when a class or interface declares
00567  * multiple methods of the same name, otherwise the COH_DECLARE_STATIC_METHOD
00568  * is a better choice of macros.  An additional use case for this macro variant
00569  * is to handle the case where defining a static Method for a Managed<T> class
00570  * where the method is not actually declared on T, but on some super class of T.
00571  *
00572  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00573  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00574  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00575  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of int32_t.
00576  *
00577  * @param S       the method signature
00578  * @param R       the method return type
00579  * @param C       the target class to call on
00580  * @param M       the method name
00581  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00582  */
00583 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD8(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00584         coherence::lang::TypedMethod<S, \
00585                R, C, void, &C::M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::create(#M)
00586 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD7(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00587         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD8(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void)
00588 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD6(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00589         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD7(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void)
00590 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD5(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00591         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD6(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void)
00592 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD4(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00593         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD5(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, void)
00594 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD3(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3) \
00595         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD4(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, void)
00596 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD2(S, R, C, M, A1, A2) \
00597         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD3(S, R, C, M, A1, A2, void)
00598 #define COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD1(S, R, C, M, A) \
00599         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD2(S, R, C, M, A, void)
00601         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD1(S, R, C, M, void)
00603 /**
00604  * Declare a static Method based on a description of its signature.
00605  *
00606  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00607  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00608  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00609  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of in32_t.
00610  *
00611  * @param R       the method return type
00612  * @param H       the target handle type to call on
00613  * @param M       the method name
00614  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00615  */
00616 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD(N, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00617         coherence::lang::TypedMethod<coh_signature_info<N, R, C, void, A1, A2, \
00618             A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::signature, R, C, void, \
00619             &C::M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::create(#M)
00620 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD8(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00621         COH_STATIC_METHOD(8, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)
00622 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD7(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00623         COH_STATIC_METHOD(7, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void)
00624 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD6(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00625         COH_STATIC_METHOD(6, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void, void)
00626 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD5(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00627         COH_STATIC_METHOD(5, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void, void, void)
00628 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD4(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00629         COH_STATIC_METHOD(4, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, void, void, void, void)
00630 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD3(R, C, M, A1, A2, A3) \
00631         COH_STATIC_METHOD(3, R, C, M, A1, A2, A3, void, void, void, void, void)
00632 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD2(R, C, M, A1, A2) \
00633         COH_STATIC_METHOD(2, R, C, M, A1, A2, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00634 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD1(R, C, M, A) \
00635         COH_STATIC_METHOD(1, R, C, M, A, void, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00636 #define COH_STATIC_METHOD0(R, C, M) \
00637         COH_STATIC_METHOD(0, R, C, M, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00639 /**
00640  * Declare a constructor Method based on a description of its signature.
00641  *
00642  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00643  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00644  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00645  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of in32_t.
00646  *
00647  * @param R       the method return type
00648  * @param H       the target handle type to call on
00649  * @param M       the method name
00650  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00651  */
00652 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR8(C, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00653         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD8(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00654             const A3&, const A4&, const A5&, const A6&, const A7&, const A8&), \
00655             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)
00656 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR7(C, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00657         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD7(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00658             const A3&, const A4&, const A5&, const A6&, const A7&), \
00659             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
00660 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR6(C, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00661         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD6(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00662             const A3&, const A4&, const A5&, const A6&), \
00663             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)
00664 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR5(C, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00665         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD5(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00666             const A3&, const A4&, const A5&), \
00667             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
00668 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR4(C, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00669         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD4(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00670             const A3&, const A4&), \
00671             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3, A4)
00672 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR3(C, A1, A2, A3) \
00673         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD3(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&, \
00674             const A3&), \
00675             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2, A3)
00676 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR2(C, A1, A2) \
00677         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD2(C::Handle (*)(const A1&, const A2&), \
00678             C::Handle, C, create, A1, A2)
00679 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR1(C, A1) \
00680         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD1(C::Handle (*)(const A1&), \
00681             C::Handle, C, create, A1)
00682 #define COH_CONSTRUCTOR0(C) \
00683         COH_OVERLOADED_STATIC_METHOD1(C::Handle (*)(), C::Handle, C, create)
00685 /**
00686  * Declare an overloaded Method based on a description of its signature.
00687  *
00688  * This OVERLOADED macro is only necessary when a class or interface declares
00689  * multiple methods of the same name, otherwise the COH_DECLARE_METHOD is
00690  * a better choice of macros.
00691  *
00692  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00693  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00694  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00695  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of int32_t.
00696  *
00697  * @param S       the method signature
00698  * @param R       the method return type
00699  * @param H       the target handle type to call on
00700  * @param M       the method name
00701  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00702  */
00703 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD8(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00704         coherence::lang::TypedMethod<S, \
00705                R, H::ValueType, H, &H::ValueType::M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::create(#M)
00706 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD7(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00707         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD8(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void)
00708 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD6(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00709         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD7(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void)
00710 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD5(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00711         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD6(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void)
00712 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD4(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00713         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD5(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, void)
00714 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD3(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3) \
00715         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD4(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, void)
00716 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD2(S, R, H, M, A1, A2) \
00717         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD3(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, void)
00718 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD1(S, R, H, M, A) \
00719         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD2(S, R, H, M, A, void)
00720 #define COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD0(S, R, H, M) \
00721         COH_OVERLOADED_METHOD1(S, R, H, M, void)
00723 /**
00724  * Declare a Method based on a description of its signature.
00725  *
00726  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00727  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00728  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00729  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of in32_t.
00730  *
00731  * @param R       the method return type
00732  * @param H       the target handle type to call on
00733  * @param M       the method name
00734  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00735  */
00736 #define COH_METHOD(N, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00737         coherence::lang::TypedMethod<coh_signature_info<N, R, H::ValueType, H, A1, A2, \
00738             A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::signature, R, H::ValueType, H, \
00739             &H::ValueType::M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::create(#M)
00740 #define COH_METHOD8(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00741         COH_METHOD(8, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)
00742 #define COH_METHOD7(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00743         COH_METHOD(7, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void)
00744 #define COH_METHOD6(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00745         COH_METHOD(6, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void, void)
00746 #define COH_METHOD5(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00747         COH_METHOD(5, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void, void, void)
00748 #define COH_METHOD4(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00749         COH_METHOD(4, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, void, void, void, void)
00750 #define COH_METHOD3(R, H, M, A1, A2, A3) \
00751         COH_METHOD(3, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, void, void, void, void, void)
00752 #define COH_METHOD2(R, H, M, A1, A2) \
00753         COH_METHOD(2, R, H, M, A1, A2, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00754 #define COH_METHOD1(R, H, M, A) \
00755         COH_METHOD(1, R, H, M, A, void, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00756 #define COH_METHOD0(R, H, M) \
00757         COH_METHOD(0, R, H, M, void, void, void, void, void, void, void, void)
00759 /**
00760  * Declare a Method for a Managed<> class based on a description of its
00761  * signature.
00762  *
00763  * For both R, and A1..A8 the value should be a handle type, for instance
00764  * String::View or Map::Handle.  If the underlying method returns a value
00765  * type instead, then a BoxHandle<> needs to be supplied for the corresponding
00766  * Object type.  For instance BoxHandle<const Integer32> in place of in32_t.
00767  *
00768  * @param S       the method signature
00769  * @param R       the method return type
00770  * @param H       the target handle type to call on
00771  * @param M       the method name
00772  * @param A1..A8  the argument types
00773  */
00774 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD8(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) \
00775         coherence::lang::TypedMethod<S, R, H::ValueType, H, \
00776             &H::ValueType::BoxedType::M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>::create(#M)
00777 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD7(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) \
00778         COH_MANAGED_METHOD8(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, void)
00779 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD6(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) \
00780         COH_MANAGED_METHOD7(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, void)
00781 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD5(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) \
00782         COH_MANAGED_METHOD6(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, void)
00783 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD4(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4) \
00784         COH_MANAGED_METHOD5(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, A4, void)
00785 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD3(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3) \
00786         COH_MANAGED_METHOD4(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, A3, void)
00787 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD2(S, R, H, M, A1, A2) \
00788         COH_MANAGED_METHOD3(S, R, H, M, A1, A2, void)
00789 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD1(S, R, H, M, A) \
00790         COH_MANAGED_METHOD2(S, R, H, M, A, void)
00791 #define COH_MANAGED_METHOD0(S, R, H, M) \
00792         COH_MANAGED_METHOD1(S, R, H, M, void)
00794 /**
00795 * Helper macro for creating getter and setter methods for a property.
00796 *
00797 * @param C  the class to call the method on, i.e. Address
00798 * @param P  the property to access, i.e. State
00799 * @param V  the return object type, i.e. String::View
00800 */
00801 #define COH_PROPERTY(C, P, V) \
00802         COH_METHOD0(V, C::View, get##P)) \
00803       ->declare(COH_METHOD1(void, C::Handle, set##P, V)
00805 /**
00806 * Helper macro for creating getter and setter methods for a boxable property.
00807 *
00808 * @param C  the class to call the method on, i.e. Address
00809 * @param P  the property to access, i.e. State
00810 * @param V  the return object type, i.e. String::View
00811 */
00812 #define COH_BOX_PROPERTY(C, P, V) \
00813         COH_METHOD0(coherence::lang::BoxHandle<V::ValueType >, C::View, get##P)) \
00814       ->declare(COH_METHOD1(void, C::Handle, set##P, coherence::lang::BoxHandle<V::ValueType >)
00816 /**
00817 * Helper macro for creating getter and setter methods for a boxable property
00818 * on a Managed<> object.
00819 *
00820 * @param C  the class to call the method on, i.e. Address
00821 * @param P  the property to access, i.e. Zip
00822 * @param V  the return object type, i.e. Integer32::View
00823 */
00824 #define COH_MANAGED_PROPERTY(C, P, V) \
00825         COH_MANAGED_METHOD0(V::ValueType::BoxedType (C::*)() const, coherence::lang::BoxHandle<V::ValueType >, coherence::lang::Managed<C >::View, get##P)) \
00826       ->declare(COH_MANAGED_METHOD1(void (C::*)(V::ValueType::BoxedType), void, coherence::lang::Managed<C >::Handle, set##P, coherence::lang::BoxHandle<V::ValueType >)
00828 #endif // COH_TYPED_METHOD_HPP
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