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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.13

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4 Working With Master Person Index Queries

This chapter provides instructions on how to create and modify basic and blocking queries. It also provides procedures for deleting queries that are no longer required.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Creating a Master Person Index Basic Query

By default, two basic queries are predefined in query.xml, one phonetic and one exact alphanumeric. If the default queries do not meet your query requirements, you can define new queries for the master person index application. You can either use an existing query builder class or create a custom query builder by creating a custom plug-in. For more information, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index User's Guide.

The changes you make on the Query page of the Configuration Editor are reflected in query.xml. For more information about this file and the configurable query options, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference. If you create a new query to use from the MIDM, make sure to add that query to one of the search definitions in midm.xml. Unless specifically defined for range searching in midm.xml, basic queries use exact searching. No configuration is required in query.xml for basic exact or range searching.

You can create basic queries either through the Configuration Editor or by modifying the XML file directly. Both methods are described here.

To Create a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Basic Queries section, click Add.

    The Basic Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. Enter values and select options for the fields described in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

  5. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Create a Basic Query (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Create a new query-builder element in the QueryBuilderConfig element.

    Make sure the new element is created outside of any existing query-builder elements.

  3. For the new query-builder element, define the attributes listed in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

    For example:

    <query-builder name="PHONETIC-SEARCH" class=
       standardize="false" phoneticize="true">
  4. To configure the query to use wildcard characters, do the following:

    • Add a new config element after the opening query-builder element.

      For example:

      <query-builder name="ALPHA-SEARCH" class=
        standardize="true" phoneticize="true">
  5. In the new config element, create an option element and then define key and value attributes for the new element.

    For example:

     <option key="UseWildcard" value="true"/>


    For the default basic query, only the UseWildcard parameter is supported. If you create a custom basic query builder, you can use these elements to define additional parameters. For more information, see Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.
  6. Save and close the file.

Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements

The following table lists and describes the fields on the Basic Query Builder and Blocking Query Builder dialog boxes on the Configuration Editor, along with the corresponding elements and attributes in query.xml.

Configuration Editor Field XML Element/Attribute Description
Query Builder Name query-builder/name A unique ID that identifies the Query Builder and is referenced from midm.xml when specifying the query to use on a search page. It is also referenced from mefa.xml when specifying the query to use for matching. No spaces are allowed in the name.
Query Builer Class query-builder/class The fully qualified name of the query class. Two default Query Builder classes are provided.
  • com.sun.mdm.index.querybuilder.BasicQueryBuilder - Builds dynamic queries using all the available input fields. When configured to use normalized and phonetic data, this query performs phonetic searches; when configured to not use normalized and phonetic data, this query is used for exact alphanumeric searches.

  • com.sun.mdm.index.querybuilder.BlockerQueryBuilder - Builds queries using the criteria defined in the block definitions defined for the query. When a blocking query is performed, the application searches only on the blocks for which the query has complete data.

Parser Class query-builder/ parser-class The fully qualified name of the class that parses the configuration elements for each query. The default parser class is com.sun.mdm.index.configurator.impl.querybuilder. KeyValueConfiguration.
Standardize query-builder/ standardize An indicator of whether any of the query criteria is standardized before being passed to the query. On the Configuration Editor, select this check box if any search fields are standardized. In the XML file, enter true if any search fields are standardized; otherwise enter false.
Phoneticize query-builder/ phoneticize An indicator of whether any of the query criteria is phonetically encoded before being passed to the query. On the Configuration Editor, select this check box if any search fields are phonetically encoded. In the XML file, enter true if any search fields are phonetically encoded; otherwise enter false.
Use Wildcard option/keyoption/value An indicator of whether wildcard characters are allowed when executing this search. This parameter is available for basic queries only. On the Configuration Editor, select this check box if wildcard characters are allowed in any of the search fields.In the XML file, each option element configures one parameter for the query and contains a key and value pair. The key attribute names the parameter. For the default basic query, the name is UseWildCard. The value attribute specifies the value of the corresponding key attribute. For the UseWildCard parameter, specify true to allow wildcard characters for that query type; otherwise specify false.When wildcard characters are enabled, you can enter a percent sign (%) into search criteria to represent multiple unknown characters.Note: If you define a custom query, you can use key and value options to define any required parameters.

Creating Master Person Index Blocking Queries

By default, one blocking query is predefined in query.xml. If the default query does not meet your requirements, you can define new queries for the master person index application. You can either use an existing query builder class or create a custom query builder by creating a custom plug-in (for more information, see "Implementing Master Person Index Custom Plug-ins" in Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index User's Guide). Blocking queries contain block definitions, which define the groups of fields used for each query pass and how those groups are processed. Each block definition contains one or more set of query blocks. Each query block defines the query rules for one of the groups of fields that make up the block definition. You can further configure a blocking query by filtering out unwanted values from the query process. For more information, see Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

The changes you make on the Query page of the Configuration Editor are reflected in query.xml. For more information about this file and the configurable query options, see "Configuring Queries" in Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference. If you create a new query to use from the MIDM, make sure to add that query to one of the search definitions in midm.xml.

You can create blocking queries either through the Configuration Editor or by modifying the XML file directly. Both methods are described here.

To Create a Blocking Query (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Blocking Queries section, click Add.

    The Blocking Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. In the Query Builder section, enter the fields described in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

  5. Do the following for each query block you want to include in the query:

    • In the Block Definitions section, click Add.

      The Block Definition dialog box appears.

    • In the Block Name field, enter a unique name for the query block.

    • (Optional) In the Hint field, define MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server hints for the query block.

      For SQL Server, you can only use OPTION hints.

    • In the Block By section, click Add.

      The Block Rule dialog box appears, where you can specify a field to include in the query block.

    • Enter values for the fields on the dialog box as described in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements, and then click OK.

    • For each field to include in the query block, repeat the previous two steps.

    • When you are done specifying fields for the rule, click OK on the Block Definition dialog box.

  6. For each query block you want to create for this query, repeat the previous step.

  7. When you are done defining the query blocks, click OK.

  8. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

  9. To define values to exclude as criteria during the query process, see Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

To Create a Blocking Query (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Create a new query-builder element in the QueryBuilderConfig element.

    Make sure the new element is created outside of any existing query-builder elements.

  3. For the new query-builder element, define the attributes listed in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

    For example:

    <query-builder name="PHONETIC-SEARCH" class=
       standardize="false" phoneticize="true">
  4. Create a new config element between the query-builder tags.

  5. To create a query block, do the following:

    • In the new config element, create a new block-definition element with a number attribute and assign a unique ID code to the number attribute.

      For example:

      <query-builder name="BLOCKING-SEARCH" class=
      standardize="true" phoneticize="true">
            <block-definition number="ID1">
    • To add a database hint, create and define a new hint element in the new block-definition element.

      The following example illustrates an Oracle hint.

         <block-definition number="ID1">


      Hints are especially useful when a blocking query uses only child object fields; the hint can specify to scan the child object table first. For SQL Server, only OPTION hints are supported.
    • In the new block-definition element, create a block-rule element.

    • For each field in the data block, create the elements and attributes listed in Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements.

      The following example illustrates the use of both range and equals elements, as well as upper and lower bounds.

         <block-definition number="ID1">
                     <lower-bound type="offset">-5</lower-bound>
                     <upper-bound type="constant">2009-01-01
  6. Repeat the previous step for each data block you need to define for the query.

    All data blocks for one query must be defined within one config element.

  7. Save and close the file.

  8. To define values to exclude as criteria during the query process, see Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements

The following table lists and describes the fields on the Block Rule dialog box of the Configuration Editor, along with the corresponding elements and attributes in query.xml. To see how the XML elements are organized, see the sample in Adding a Query Block to a Master Person Index Query. For more information about the structure of a query block, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.

Configuration Editor Field XML Element/Attribute Description
Field field The name of the field to be included in the query block. On the Configuration Editor, you can click Browse to select a field or enter the fully qualified field name manually.
Source source The name of the source field in the object from which the criteria is obtained. Click Browse to select a field, or enter the qualified field name manually. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character.

Tip: When a field in a child object is defined for a blocking query, use the asterisk wildcard character in the ePath to the source field to ensure all instances of the child object in an incoming message are used as search criteria. Each instance is joined by an OR operator. For example, this configuration:


would result in a WHERE clause similar to this:

WHERE Name.FirstName="Meg" OR Name.FirstName="Maggie"

Operator type of search An indicator of the type of search to perform on the field. On the Configuration Editor, you can select one of the following values from the drop-down list. In the XML file, you specify one of the following names for the XML element that defines one field in a query block.
  • equals - Performs an exact search against either the criteria or the value defined for the "Use Constants" option.

  • not-equals - Searches for values that do not equal either the criteria or the value defined for the "Use Constants" option.

  • greater-than-or-equal - Performs a search for values that are greater than or equal to either the criteria or the value defined for the "Use Constants" option.

  • less-than-or-equal - Performs a search for values that are less than or equal to either the criteria or the value defined for the "Use Constants" option.

  • range - Performs a search against a range of either static or user-defined ranges. If you select this option, you must specify upper and lower bounds.

Tip: If a field is to be used for simple range searching (where the user or incoming message supplies lower and upper limits of the range are supplied) be sure to define that field for range searching in midm.xml for the searches that use this query. For more complex range searches that use offset values or constants instead of user-supplied limits, do not define the field for range searching in midm.xml.

Use Constant/Value constant On the Configuration Editor, this is an indicator of whether to use a constant value as the search criteria for the field. When this option is selected, you need to enter the constant in the corresponding Value field. In the XML file, enter the value of the constant in the constant element.
Upper Bound Type upper-bound/type For range searching only, the type of value to use for the upper limit of the search range. Select or enter one of the following options.
  • not defined - No specific upper limit is defined; a user enters the value when performing the search. Be sure to define this field for range searching in the MIDM as well. In the XML file, this is indicated by omitting the upper-bound element.

  • constant - A specific value is defined to use as the upper limit of the range when no search criteria is entered or when incomplete information is available.

  • offset - A value to be added to the user-supplied value to determine the upper limit on the search range.

    For constant and offset, enter the value in the corresponding Value field.

Lower Bound Type lower-bound/type For range searching only, the type of value to use for the lower limit of the search range. Select one of the options listed for Upper Bound Type. If you select offset, the value you specify for the offset will be subtracted from the user-supplied value.
Value (for the upper and lower bounds) upper-bound


For constant and offset range searching, the upper or lower limit of the range. For constants, this is the upper or lower limit; for offsets, this is the value added to or subtracted from the user-supplied value. It can be numeric, date, or string. In the XML file, the upper-bound and lower-bound elements fall within an element named default.

Modifying Master Person Index Queries

By default, two basic queries and one blocking query are predefined in query.xml and you can create additional queries. Once a query is defined, you can modify it as needed. If you make changes to a query defined for a search in the MIDM, you might need to modify the search definition in midm.xml. For example, if you deselect the Use Wildcard option for a query and the wildcard feature is enabled for that query in the MIDM, you need to disable that feature in midm.xml.

You can customize the queries used in your implementation by performing any of the following actions.

You can also define exclusion lists to filter out unwanted values from a blocking query. For more information, see Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

Modifying a Master Person Index Query

Once you define a basic query, you can modify the attributes and parameters for that query. If you defined a custom query, you might need to modify certain elements of the query directly in the XML file instead of through the Configuration Editor.

To Modify a Basic Query (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To modify a blocking query, select the query to modify in the Blocking Queries section, and then click Edit.

      The Blocking Query Builder dialog box appears.

    • To modify a basic query, select the query to modify in the Basic Queries section, and then click Edit.

      The Basic Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. Modify any of the fields and configuration options described in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

  5. For blocking queries, you can modify query blocks by performing any of the following procedures:

  6. When you are done editing the query, click OK.

  7. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

  8. To modify or define values to be excluded as criteria (for blocking queries only), go to Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

To Modify a Query (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the query-builder element that contains the query you want to modify.

  3. Modify any of the attributes listed in Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements.

    For example:

    <query-builder name="ALPHA-SEARCH" class=
       standardize="true" phoneticize="false">
  4. To add a new query parameter (for custom query builders only):

    • Add a new config element between the query-builder tags.

    • In the new config element, create an option element and then define key and value attributes for the new element.

      For example:

       <option key="SearchAlias" value="true"/>

      See Master Person Index Query Builder Dialog Box Fields and XML Elements for information about the key and value pairs available to the default basic queries.

  5. To modify a parameter, scroll to the option element that defines the parameter and then change the value of the value attribute.

  6. To delete a parameter, scroll to the config element of that query, and then delete the option element containing the parameter to remove.

    For example, to remove the SearchAlias parameter in the following sample, delete the boldface text.

       <option key="SearchAlias" value="true"/>
     <option key="UseWildCard" value="false"/>
  7. For blocking queries, you can modify query blocks by performing any of the following procedures:

  8. Save and close the file.

  9. To modify or define values to be excluded as criteria (for blocking queries only), go to Filtering Default Values From Master Person Index Processes.

Adding a Query Block to a Master Person Index Query

Some query blocks might be predefined for you based on information you specified in the wizard. You can create additional query blocks for a blocking query.

To Add a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Blocking Queries section, select the query you want to modify and then click Edit.

    The Blocking Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. In the Block Definitions section, click Add.

    The Block Definition dialog box appears.

  5. In the Block Name field, enter a unique name for the query block.

  6. (Optional) In the Hint field, define a database hint for the query block. For SQL Server, you can only use OPTION hints.

  7. In the Block By section, click Add.

    The Block Rule dialog box appears, where you can specify a field to include in the query block.

  8. Enter values for the fields on the dialog box as described in Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements, and then click OK.

  9. Repeat the previous two steps for each field to add to the query block.

  10. When you are done, click OK on the Block Definition dialog box.

  11. On the Blocking Query Builder dialog box, click OK.

  12. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Add a Query Block (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the query-builder element that contains the blocking query to configure.

  3. If a config element does not exist for the query, create one between the query-builder tags.

  4. In the config element, create a new block-definition element with a number attribute and assign a unique ID code to the number attribute.

    For example:

          <block-definition number="ID1">
  5. To add a hint, create and define a new hint element in the new block-definition element.

    The following example illustrates an Oracle hint.

       <block-definition number="ID1">
  6. In the new block-definition element, create a block-rule element.

  7. For each field in the data block, define the elements described in Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements.

    For example:

       <block-definition number="ID1">
                   <lower-bound type="offset">-5</lower-bound>
                   <upper-bound type="constant">2006-01-01
  8. Save and close the file.

Modifying a Query Block for a Master Person Index Query

Once block definitions are created for a blocking query, you can modify those definitions if needed. You can add, modify, and remove block fields. When adding or removing fields from a query block, verify that the query will still include all the needed fields.

To Modify a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Blocking Queries section, select the query you want to modify and then click Edit.

    The Blocking Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. In the Block Definitions section, select the block to modify and then click Edit.

    The Block Definition dialog box appears.

  5. Do any of the following:

  6. When you are done modifying the query block, click OK.

  7. On the Blocking Query Builder dialog box, click OK.

  8. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Modify a Query Block (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the block-rule element containing the query block you want to modify.

  3. To add a new blocking field, add and populate the elements described in Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements.

    For example:

  4. To edit an existing field, modify any of the elements described in Master Person Index Query Block Fields and XML Elements.

  5. To delete an existing field, delete all text between and including the search type elements that define the field (such as equals, range, not-equals, and so on).

    For example, to delete the DOB field defined above, you would delete the text between and including the equals elements.

  6. Save and close the file.

Deleting a Query Block From a Master Person Index Query

Once you create a block definition, you can delete it if needed. When deleting a query block, verify that the query will still include all the needed fields.

To Delete a Query Block (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Blocking Queries section, select the query you want to modify and then click Edit.

    The Blocking Query Builder dialog box appears.

  4. In the Block Definitions section, select the definition you want to delete.

  5. Click Remove.

  6. On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

  7. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Delete a Query Block (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the query-builder element that contains the blocking query to modify.

  3. In that query-builder element, delete all text between and including the block-definition element defining the data block to remove.

    For example, in the sample below, to delete the SSN block you would delete the boldface text.

       <block-definition number="ID000007">
     <block-definition number="ID000008">


    Each blocking query must contain one config element, and the config element must contain at least one block definition.
  4. Save and close the file.

Deleting a Master Person Index Query

Once you create a query, you can delete it if needed. If any of the queries you delete are defined as the matching query in master.xml or as a search in midm.xml, modify those files to point to an existing query. If a defined query is no longer used, you can leave the query in query.xml as it will not affect processing if you do not delete the query.


The changes you make on the Query page of the Configuration Editor are reflected in query.xml. For more information about this file and the configurable query options, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.

The changes you make on the Query page of the Configuration Editor are reflected in query.xml. For more information about this file and the configurable query options, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.

To Delete a Query (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. Click the Query tab.

    The Query page appears.

  3. In the Blocking Queries or Basic Queries section, select the query you want to delete.

  4. Click Remove.

  5. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.

To Delete a Query

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click query.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the query-builder element that contains the query you want to remove.

  3. Delete all text between and including the query-builder element defining the query, including any defined query blocks.

    For example, to delete the query named PHONETIC-SEARCH, you would remove all text below.

    <query-builder name="PHONETIC-SEARCH"
     class= "com.sun.mdm.index.querybuilder.BasicQueryBuilder"
     parser-class= "com.sun.mdm.index.configurator.impl.querybuilder.KeyValueConfiguration"
     standardize="true" phoneticize="true">
     <option key="UseWildcard" value="false"/>
  4. Save and close the file.