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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Guide
Release 2.0.13

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9 Master Index Data Manager Configuration

This chapter provides the information you need to configure the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM).

This chapter includes the following sections:


For search screen configuration, if any of the following elements are configured to true, description value of <field-group> should not be null.
  • show-euid

  • show-lid

  • show-status

  • show-create-date

  • show-create-time

Configuring the Master Index Data Manager Appearance

You can modify the configuration of the fields and objects to specify how they appear on the MIDM pages by modifying midm.xml. You can perform any of the following actions to customize the general appearance of the MIDM. Though some appearance options can be configured using the Configuration Editor, it is best to modify the XML file directly.

Perform any of the following tasks to configure the appearance of the MIDM.

Configuring Locale for MIDM User

While configuring data model or project, you can set the default language for MIDM. To do so, configure the value for <default-locale> in the midm.xml file. If you do not configure the locale, English (en) will be used as the default language. The following languages are supported:

  • English (en)

  • German (de)

  • French (fr)

  • Japanese (ja)

  • Chinese (zh)

  • Spanish (es)

  • Portuguese (pt)

Adding Objects to the MIDM

You can define additional objects for the MIDM as long as those objects are defined in object.xml. Each object can only contain the fields that are also defined for that object in object.xml. If you add objects to the object structure using the Configuration Editor, the new objects are automatically added to the midm.xml and you do not need to perform these steps.

To Add an Object to the MIDM

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. In the nodes list of the file, create a new node element.

  3. In the new node element, create and define the following elements.

    • name - The name of the object.

    • display-order - The order in which the child object types are displayed on the MIDM pages.

      For example:



      You might need to renumber any existing objects to keep the numbering sequential.
  4. Define fields for the new object, as described in Adding Fields to the MIDM.

  5. Define the relationship of the object, as described in Defining MIDM Object Relationships.

  6. Save and close the file.

Modifying MIDM Objects

Once an object is defined in midm.xml, you can modify the name or display order. Only modify the name of an object if you modify the corresponding object name in object.xml and the remaining configuration files. Do not change the parent object name. If you modify an object in the object definition on the Configuration Editor, the midm.xml is automatically updated as well.

To Modify an MIDM Object

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. To modify the object name, change the value of the name element to the new name for the object.


    If you change an object name, modify the name in the relationships section as well.
  3. To modify the order in which the object appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.

  4. If necessary, renumber the order of other child objects so they are sequential.

  5. Save and close the file.

Adding Object and Sub-object Display Names for the MIDM

Once an object or sub-object is defined in midm.xml, you can add a Display Name for how it will appear in the MIDM. There are two ways to do this.

To Add Object and Sub-object Display Names for the MIDM Using the Configuration Editor

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then select Edit.

  2. To add a Display Name, select the primary object or a sub-object in the Object Definition pane.

  3. In the Properties pane change the value of the Display Name element to the name you want for the object or sub-object.

    The name you set here is the name that will appear as the Display Name for the object or sub-object in the MIDM.

  4. Click the Save icon.

To Add Object and Sub-object Display Names for the MIDM Using the midm.xml File

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. To add a Display Name, change the value of the name element to the name for the object or sub-object.

    The name you set here is the name that will appear as the display name for the object or sub-object in the MIDM.

  3. Save and close the file.

Deleting Objects From the MIDM

Once an object is defined in midm.xml, you can remove the object. If the object remains defined in object.xml, then the object is still a part of the enterprise record, but does not appear on the MIDM. Before removing an object from the midm.xml, make sure none of its fields are required in order to create a new record. If you delete an object using the Configuration Editor, the object is automatically deleted from midm.xml.

To Delete an Object

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element naming the object to delete.

  3. Delete all text between and including the node element for that object.

    Using the sample below, to delete the Phone object, delete all the text in the sample.

          <display-name>Phone Type</display-name>
  4. If necessary, renumber the order of the remaining objects so they are sequential.

  5. Remove the object from the relationship definition, as described in Defining MIDM Object Relationships and Defining Relationships Between Master Person Index Objects.

  6. Save and close the file.

Adding Fields to the MIDM

You can define new fields for an object in midm.xml, but the field must correspond with a field defined for that object in object.xml. Only the fields defined in midm.xml appear on the MIDM windows. If you add a field to the object structure using the Configuration Editor, it is automatically added to midm.xml.

To Define New Fields

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object to which you want to add a field.

  3. In the node element, create a new element named field.

  4. Define and configure the elements listed in MIDM Field Configuration Elements for the new field-field_name element.

    For example:

  5. If necessary, renumber any existing fields to keep the numbering sequential.

  6. Save and close the file.

MIDM Field Configuration Elements

The following table lists and describes the XML elements that define the fields that appear on the Master Index Data Manager.

Element Description
name The name of the field as it appears in the object definition.
display-name The name of the field as it will appear on the MIDM.
display-order The order in which the field appears in the object on the MIDM. For example, specify 1 to indicate this is the first field on the MIDM pages, 2 to indicate it is the second field, and so on. The display order goes from left to right,
max-length The maximum number of characters displayed on the MIDM for the field.
gui-type An indicator of the type of display for the field. Specify TextBox for a standard data entry field; MenuList for a field that must be populated by selecting from a drop-down list; or TextArea for a long field that requires a scrollbar, such as a comments field.
value-type The Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index data type for the data populated in the field. Enter one of the following values:
  • string - Field contains a string of characters.

  • date - Field contains a date value.

  • float - Field contains a floating point integer.

  • int - Field contains an integer.

  • char - Field contains a single character.

  • boolean - Field contains either "true" or "false".

input-mask A mask used by the MIDM to add punctuation to a field. You can add an input mask to display telephone numbers as "(123)456-7890" even though no punctuation is entered by the user.

To define an input mask, type a character type for each character in the field, and place any necessary punctuation between the character types. For example, the input mask for the above telephone format is "(DDD)DDD-DDDD". The following character types are allowed:

  • D - indicates a numeric character.

  • L - indicates an alphabetic character.

  • A - indicates an alphanumeric character.

    Note: If the length of the input mask is greater than the value specified for the max-length element, update the value of the max-length element to match.

value-mask A mask used by the master person index application to strip any extra characters that were added by the input mask. This mask ensures that data is stored in the database in the correct format. This mask must be the same length as the input mask.

To specify a value mask, type the same value as is entered for the input mask, but type an "x" in place of each punctuation mark. For example, if an SSN field has an input mask of DDD-DD-DDDD, you need to specify a value mask of DDDxDDxDDDD to strip the dashes before storing the SSN. A value mask is not required for date fields.

value-list The name of the menu list used to populate the drop-down list for the field. This is required if the gui-type specified for the field is MenuList, and it must match a code of an element in the sbyn_common_header database table.
is-sensitive An indicator of whether the value of the field is hidden on the MIDM for users without "View_Sensitive" permission. is-sensitive works in conjunction with the condition specified in the <sensitive-mask-condition> attribute, which differentiates is-sensitive from is-global-sensitive. Users with this security permission can view the hidden information. Specify true to hide the field value; specify false (or remove the is-sensitive element) to display the field value.

Note: This element is only used if the object-sensitive-plug-in-class in the impl-details section is populated, and is only applicable for is-sensitive for backward compatibility.

is-global-sensitive An indicator of whether the value of the field is hidden on the MIDM for users without "View_Global_Sensitive" permission. Users with this security permission can view the hidden information. Specify true to hide the field value; specify false (or remove the is-global-sensitive element) to display the field value.
display-length You have the capability to limit the number of characters that will display for each field in the MIDM.
key-type An indicator of whether the field (or a combination of key fields) must be unique in an enterprise record. Unique key fields identify unique child objects in an enterprise object. For example, if the object structure contains a child object for addresses and each record can have only one of each type of address (for example, one home address and one work address), then the address type field would be a key field. Specify true to indicate the field is a key field; specify false if it is not.

Removing Fields From the MIDM

If a field is defined for an object in midm.xml, that field appears on the MIDM windows. If there are any fields defined in the object structure that you do not want to display on the MIDM, you can remove the field definition from midm.xml. If you remove a field from the object structure using the Configuration Editor, it is automatically removed from midm.xml.


If you remove a unique key type field, you must write a custom plug-in that will automatically populate a value into the field in order to meet unique key type field constraints.

To Remove a Field From the MIDM

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the field element that defines the field you want to remove.

  3. Delete the field elements that define the field you want to remove.

  4. If necessary, renumber the remaining fields, as described in Modifying MIDM Field Display Options.

  5. Save and close the file.

Modifying MIDM Field Display Options

Once a field is defined for an object in midm.xml, you can change the name that appears on the MIDM for that field, the location of the field, and the type for the field (such as text box, menu list, and so on).

To Modify a Field's Display Options

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object that contains the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. To modify the field label, change the value of the display-name element.

    For example:

    <display-name>Last Name</display-name>
  5. To modify the location of the field on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.

    For example:



    If you change the order of one field, you must change the order of at least one other field to maintain sequential numbering. For example, if you change a field's location from 2 to 1, you must then change the location of the field originally specified for location 1.
  6. To modify the type of field to display, change the value of the gui-type element.

    For example:



    You can enter TextBox (for a standard field), MenuList (for a field whose value must be selected from a drop-down list), or TextArea (for a long field that requires a scrollbar).
  7. Save and close the file.

Setting Child Object Fields to Display in the MIDM

By default, the Required property for a child object is false. If you wish the child object to always have data or be required, set the Required property to true. The property below the Required property is Used In MIDM. The default for this property is true. However, you may not want certain child object information displayed on the MIDM, and in some cases, such as blobs, the information does not display well in the MIDM. Like the Required property, you have the option to change the value for Used In MIDM. You can perform these tasks in the OHMPI new project wizard when you create a project, and then you can change these settings in the Configuration Editor after the project has been created.

To Set a Child Object to Display in the MIDM Using the OHMPI New Project Wizard

When you create a project from scratch in the OHMPI new project wizard, if you want to display the child object's values in the MIDM, do the following:

  • During the creation of a project, and with a child object selected in the Object Definition column, change the Required property's value to true.

As mentioned above, the Used In MIDM property for the selected child object has a default of true, meaning that its values will appear in the MIDM. If you do not want the values to be displayed in the MIDM, do the following:

  • During the creation of a project, and with a child object selected in the Object Definition column, change the Used In MIDM property's value to false.


If the Used In MIDM value is set to false, the child object is removed from the Relationship section of the midm.xml file.

To Set a Child Object to Display in the MIDM Using the Configuration Editor

After you have created and deployed a project using the OHMPI new project wizard, you have the capability of changing the values you set for the child object's Required and Used In MIDM properties by doing the following in the Configuration Editor:

  • With a child object selected in the Object Definition column, change the Required property's value to true if it was previously set to false and you now want the child object's values to display in the MIDM.

As mentioned above, the Used In MIDM property for the selected child object has a default of true, meaning that its values will appear in the MIDM. If you do not want the values to be displayed in the MIDM, after a project has been created, do the following in the Configuration Editor:

  • With a child object selected in the Object Definition column, change the Used In MIDM property's value to false. Conversely, if you want the child object values to display in the MIDM, set the value to true


If the Used In MIDM value is set to false, the child object is removed from the Relationship section of the midm.xml file.

Specifying a Drop-Down List for an MIDM Field

Once a field is defined for an object in midm.xml, you can specify or change the name of the drop-down list for the field. If you modify the Code Module for the field in the Configuration Editor, the drop-down list is automatically updated in midm.xml.

To Specify a Drop-Down List

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object containing the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. Enter the name of the drop-down list in the value-list element.

    If the element does not exist for the field, create a new value-list element. For example:



    The value of the gui-type element for the field must be "MenuList" if you specify a drop-down list. The value-list element must match a code column value in the sbyn_common_header database table unless the drop-down list is populated by information in the sbyn_user_code table (as they might be for auxiliary IDs). In this case, the value-list element must match a code_list column value in sbyn_user_code.
  5. Save and close the file.

Specifying an MIDM Field's Length and Format

Once a field is defined for an object in midm.xml, you can change the number of characters that can be entered for the field in the MIDM. You can also specify whether to automatically enter punctuation into a field on the MIDM, but remove the punctuation in the database. If you modify the field's length and format in the object structure using the Configuration Editor, midm.xml is automatically updated as well.


Field length here is constrained by the length of the database column containing the field and the length defined in object.xml. This applies to the max-length element and the input and value masks.

To Modify a Field's Length and Format

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object containing the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. To modify the length of a field, change the value of the max-length element.

    For example:

  5. To modify the format of the field, change the value of the input-mask and value-mask elements.

    If these elements do not exist for the field, create new input-mask and value-mask elements. For example:



    If an input mask is defined, in most cases a value mask must also be defined. If the input mask exceeds the length specified by the max-length element, update the max-length element to match. For information about input and value masks, see MIDM Field Configuration Elements
  6. Save and close the file.

Modifying an MIDM Field's Data Type

Each field on the MIDM requires a specific type of data to be entered. For example, name fields generally require a data string and date fields require a valid date or numeric characters. The type of data defined for each field must correspond with the field type defined for that field in object.xml and in the database. If you modify a field's data type in the object structure using the Configuration Editor, midm.xml is automatically updated as well.

To Modify the Data Type

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object that contains the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. Change the value of the value-type element.

    For example:

  5. Save and close the file.

Defining Key Fields for an Object

You can specify that a certain field or combination of fields be unique in a system object or SBR. An example of a unique fields would be the address type if only one address of each type is allowed. A field's key type status in midm.xml must match its key type status in object.xml. If you modify a field's key type status in the object structure using the Configuration Editor, midm.xml is automatically updated as well.

To Modify the Key Status

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object containing the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. To specify that a field must be unique in a system object, change the value of the key-type element to true.

  5. To specify that a field does not need to be unique in a system object, change the value of the key-type element to false.

    For example:

  6. To specify that a combination of fields must be unique for an object rather than just one single field, set the key-type element to true for each field.

  7. Save and close the file.

Masking Field Values on the MIDM

You can specify that the values of certain fields be hidden on the MIDM from users without the appropriate access permissions. You can create a custom plug-in that uses the value of the VIP Flag field to determine whether the values of specified fields are hidden (typically in records with a VIP status of "VIP" or "Employee"). In records with any other VIP status, the field values would be visible regardless of whether the field is marked for masking.

This option is only available if the object-sensitive-plug-in-class element in the impl-details section is populated with the custom plug-in class (by default, this element is empty).


To mask field values, you need to define a custom plug-in to implement the masking rules.

To Mask Field Values on the MIDM

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object containing the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. Change the value of the is-sensitive element to true.

    If the element does not exist for the field, create a new is-sensitive element. For example:



    The is-sensitive element must appear before the key-type element in the field definition.
  5. Save and close the file.

Setting Conditional Masking on the MIDM

The <impl-details> section of the midm.xml file is where you set up the field called VIPFlag for conditional masking for each record in the MIDM. Use the VIPFlag (see the example below) to control the masking of fields that have <is-sensitive> set to true. For example:

  • If a record's field such as SSN has is-sensitive set to true, and if the VIPFlag value is set to false in the midm.xml file, the SSN (123-12-1234) is not masked in the MIDM.

  • If a record's SSN has is-sensitive set to true, and if the VIPFlag value is set to true in the midm.xml file, the SSN (xxx-xx-xxxx) is masked in the MIDM.


The field VIPFlag is a placeholder, and you can change this field name to whatever best suits your configuration requirements (for example, to MVP). The same is true with the true or false values. They can also be changed (for example, to yes or no).
    <master-controller-jndi-name>ejb/PatientMasterController</master-controller -jndi-name>
    <validation-service-jndi-name>ejb/PatientCodeLookup</validation-service -jndi-name>     <usercode-jndi-name>ejb/PatientUserCodeLookup</usercode-jndi-name>
    <reportgenerator-jndi-name>ejb/PatientReportGenerator</reportgenerator -jndi-name>


<sensitive-mask-condition> is used with the <is-sensitive> attribute to provide conditional masking for sensitive fields. For example, if you wish to mask the SSN of certain patients, you can add <is-sensitive> to the <SSN field> and provide a mask condition. In the <sensitive-mask-condition> example illustrated above, we are masking the SSN for all patient records whose VIPFlag is set to true or Yes.

Configuring Search Result Pages

The sensitive field added to the <sensitive-mask-condition> tag needs to be added to the <search-result-pages>. In the example below, the Person.VIPFlag sensitive field is added to the <search-result-pages> tag.

                        <field-ref>Person.VIPFlag</field-ref> <-- sensitive mask field needs to be added to the search result pages.


For Record Details search result list page, you can configure an additional parameter <max-transaction-history-size>. This parameter decides the number of transaction history to be displayed on the EUID details page.

Defining MIDM Object Relationships

The relationships in midm.xml are predefined based on the information you provided when you created the object structure definition (object.xml). The relationship structure in midm.xml should match that of object.xml.

To Define Relationships

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the relationships element.

  3. Specify the name of the parent object in the name element.

  4. Specify the name of the child objects in the children elements.

    For example:

  5. To remove a child object from the relationships list, delete the children element defining the object you want to delete.

  6. Save and close the file.

Defining Relationships Between Master Person Index Objects

Once all objects are customized, you must define relationships between those objects if you are modifying the XML file directly. If you are using the Configuration Editor, the relationships are automatically defined in the object tree.

To Define Object Relationships (XML Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click object.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the relationships element near the end of the file.

  3. To specify a new parent object, modify the value of the name element.

    For example:



    This is not recommended. Changing the parent name requires changing all instances of the name in all configuration files. To change the parent object name, use the Configuration Editor, which automatically propagates the change.
  4. To change the name of a child object, modify the value of the appropriate children element.

  5. To add a child object, create and name a new children element.

  6. To delete a child object, delete all text between and including the appropriate children element.

  7. Save and close the file.


    You can only specify one name element. The values you specify for the name and children elements must match an object name specified in the nodes elements earlier in the file.

Defining MIDM Local ID Labels

The local-id element, which is nested in the gui-definition element, defines alternate names for the local ID headings and labels. The name defined here replaces the default local ID heading and field names on all pages, including the search result column names. This element is optional, and if it does not exist the label names default to Local ID.

To Define Local ID Labels

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the local-id element in the gui-definition element.

  3. Enter the name you want to appear on the MIDM for the local ID fields and headings.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Master Index Data Manager Pages

You can configure certain pages that appear on the MIDM by modifying the midm.xml. Each page on the MIDM is configured separately, though many contain the same XML elements and attributes. For the Record Details page, you can configure and create search pages and search results lists. If you add a new query to query.xml and you want to access that query from the MIDM, you need to create a new search page for the query on the Record Details page. The Dashboard page cannot be configured.

Perform any of the following actions to configure the pages of the MIDM.

Specifying the Initial View for the MIDM

By default, the Record Details page appears when a user logs in to the Master Index Data Manager. You can specify any of the other tabbed pages as the initial view. Each page on the MIDM is identified by a screen ID in midm.xml, which is an integer defined in the screen-id element for each page. Use this ID to specify which page to display first when a user logs in.

To Specify the Initial View

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Locate the page definition for the page you want to display first, and note the value of its screen-id element.

  3. Scroll to the initial-screen-id element, located in the gui-definition element.

  4. Enter the value of the screen-id element for the page you want to display first.

  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring the MIDM Duplicate Records Page

The Duplicate Records page allows you to search for potential duplicate records, view a results list, and then view a comparison of the records you select. It also provides features to resolve or merge the potential duplicates in question. You can configure several aspects of the Duplicate Records page, including display options, search pages, and the results list.

The following topics provide instructions for each type of configuration:

Configuring Duplicate Records Display Options

You can configure certain display options for the Duplicate Records page, such as the name of the tabbed heading and the order in which the tab appears on the MIDM. Below is a sample of the display option elements for the Duplicate Records page.

   <tab-name>Duplicate Records</tab-name>

You should never need to modify the root-object or screen-id element for the Duplicate Records page.

To Configure Duplicate Records Display Options

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the duplicate-records element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. To specify a different name for the Duplicate Record tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

  4. To change the order in which the Duplicate Records tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


    You might need to renumber the remaining tabs to keep the numbering sequential.
  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring Duplicate Records Search Pages

For the Duplicate Records search pages, you can configure the names of the searches that can be performed, the fields to use as search criteria (within a limited set of system fields), and instructions for performing a search. Below is a sample of the search page configuration for the Duplicate Records page.

         <screen-title>Advanced Search</screen-title>

To Configure the Duplicate Records Search Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the duplicate-records element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Modify any of the elements described in Duplicate Records Search Page Elements.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Duplicate Records Results List

For the Duplicate Records results list, you can configure the number of results to display at one time, the total number of results a search can return, and the fields that appear in the results list. Below is a sample results list configuration for the Duplicate Records page.


To Configure the Duplicate Records Results List

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the duplicate-records element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Modify any of the elements described in Duplicate Records Search Results List Elements.

  4. To add a field to the results list, create and name a new field-ref element in the field-group element.

  5. To delete a field from the results list, delete the field-ref element defining the field.

  6. Save and close the file.

Duplicate Records Page Configuration Elements

The following two tables describe the configuration elements in midm.xml for the Duplicate Records search and results pages. The same elements are also used for the Source Record View/Edit page.

Duplicate Records Search Page Elements

The following table lists and describes the configurable elements for the Duplicate Records and Source Record search pages.

Table 8-1 Duplicate Records Search Page Configuration

Element/Attribute Description
search-pages A container element that lists and defines the searches that are available from the page.
simple-search-page A container element that defines one type of search for the Duplicate Records page. You can define multiple simple search pages.
screen-title The name of the search as it appears on the search page. MIDM users can select a type of search to perform based on the titles you define for the searches here.
search-screen-order The order in which the search page appears on the MIDM.
show-euid An indicator of whether to display the EUID field as search criteria. Specify true to display the EUID; otherwise specify false.
show-lid An indicator of whether to display the local ID and system fields as search criteria. Specify true to display the fields; otherwise specify false.
show-status An indicator of whether to display the record status field as search criteria. Specify true to display the field; otherwise specify false.
show-create-date An indicator of whether to display the create date field to allow searching on the date the potential duplicate flag was created. Specify true to display the field; otherwise specify false.
show-create-time An indicator of whether to display the create time field to allow searching on the time the potential duplicate flag was created. Specify true to display the field; otherwise specify false.
instruction A short statement to help the user process a search. The text you enter here appears above the search fields on the Search page.
field-group A list of fields that appear on the Search page. You can define multiple field groups, and each group can be contained in a labelled box on the Search page.
description A description of the fields defined for the field-group element. This value appears as a box label for the area of the page that contains the specified fields.
field-ref One field definition for a field in the field group. Use the simple field name of the field with their corresponding objects as the root. For example, the path to the FirstName field in the Person object is "Person.FirstName". You can define multiple field-ref elements for each field group.

Duplicate Records Search Results List Elements

The following table lists and describes the configurable elements for the Duplicate Records search results list.

Table 8-2 Duplicate Records Search Results Configuration

Element/Attribute Description
search-result-pages A container element for a list of search results page definitions.
search-result-list-page A container element for the configuration information for the search results page.
item-per-page The number of resulting records to display on one page.
max-result-size The maximum number of records to return for a search.
field-group A container element for a list of fields that appear in the search results.
description A brief description for the field group. This value appears on the MIDM above the fields that are returned from a search.
field-ref A definition for one field that appears in the search results list. Use the simple field names with their corresponding objects as the root. For example, the path to the FirstName field in the Person object is "Person.FirstName". You can define multiple field-ref elements.

Configuring the MIDM Record Details Page

You can configure certain display options for the Record Details page, such as the name of the tabbed heading and the order in which the tab appears on the MIDM. You can also create, modify, and delete search pages and search results lists. Search configuration is described in Creating Search Pages on the Record Details Page and Modifying a Search Page on the Record Details Page.

Below is a sample of the display option elements for the Record Details page.

   <tab-name>Record Details</tab-name>

You should never need to modify the root-object or screen-id element.

To Configure Record Details Display Options

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the record-details element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. To specify a different name for the Record Details tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

  4. To change the order in which the Record Details tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


    You might need to renumber the remaining tabs to keep the numbering sequential.
  5. Save and close the file.

Creating Search Pages on the Record Details Page

Several search pages are created by the Master Person Index Wizard based on the information you specify. You can create and customize new search pages for the Record Details page. Each search you define must use a query that is defined in query.xml.

Follow these steps to create a new search page:

Step 1: Define the Search Page

The first step in creating a search page is to define certain properties for the appearance of the page, such as its name, whether to display the EUID or local ID field, and general instructions for the search.


If either the EUID field or the local ID and system fields appear on a search page, any values entered into these fields take precedence over information entered into other search fields. For example, if an invalid EUID is entered but valid first and last names are entered, no results are returned due to the invalid EUID. The EUID field takes precedence over the local ID and system fields.

To Define the Search Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the Project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the record-details element, and then create a simple-search-page element.

    Make sure the new element falls within the record-details element, but outside any existing simple-search-page elements. For example:

  3. In the new simple-search-page element, create the elements listed in Record Details Search Page Definition Elements and enter the appropriate value for each element.

    For example:

          <screen-title>Address Search</screen-title>
          <instruction>Enter address information below.</instruction>
  4. Continue to Step 2: Define the Search Fields.

Step 2: Define the Search Fields

Once you define the search page, you need to specify the fields that appear on the page. Fields are specified in field groups, and each field group represents an area on the search page. All fields specified for a field group appear in the area defined by that group. The label for the area is defined by the description of the field group.

To Define Search Fields

  1. Complete Step 1: Define the Search Page.

  2. In the new simple-search-page element, create a field-group element.

    For example:

       <screen-title>Simple Person Search</screen-title>
  3. In the new field-group element, create the elements and attributes listed in Record Details Search Field Definition Elements and enter the appropriate value for each.

    For example:

          <field-ref required="true">Address.City</field-ref>
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each field group you want to display on the selected search page.

  5. Continue to Step 3: Specify Search Options.

Step 3: Specify Search Options

After you define the criteria fields for the MIDM search, you can specify certain options for the search, such as the types of available searches, whether each search is weighted, and whether the search allows wildcard characters.


Wildcards should not be allowed for blocking queries or phonetic searches.

To Specify Search Options

  1. Complete Step 2: Define the Search Fields.

  2. In the simple-search-page element you created, create a search-option element.

    For example:

       <screen-title>Simple Person Search</screen-title>
  3. In the new search-option element, create the elements listed in Record Details Search Option Elements and enter the appropriate value for each element.

    For example:

       <display-name>Alpha Search</display-name>
  4. Repeat the previous two steps for each search type you want to make available on the selected search page.


    If you define multiple search option elements, an option button (labelled by the value of the display-name element) appears on the search page for each search option.
  5. Save and close the file.

Record Details Search Page Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the search pages on the Record Details page.

Element Description
screen-title The name of the search as it appears on the search page. Users can select a type of search to perform based on the titles you define for the searches here.
search-result-id The unique identifier for the search results page that appears for the search. You can define multiple search results pages for each MIDM page, and each results page has a unique ID. You can enter any of the search result ID values defined in the search-results-pages element.
search-screen-order The order in which the search page appears on the MIDM.
show-euid An indicator of whether to display the EUID. Specify true to display the EUID; otherwise specify false. Only display this field if you want it to take precedence over all other search criteria.
show-lid An indicator of whether to display the local ID and system fields. Specify true to display the fields; otherwise specify false. Only display these fields if you want them to take precedence over all other search criteria (except the EUID field).
instruction A short statement to help the user process a search. The text you enter here appears above the search fields on the Search page.

Record Details Search Field Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the fields for each search on the Record Details page.

Element/Attribute Description
description A description of the fields defined for the field-group element. This value appears as a box label for the area of the page that contains the specified fields.
field-ref One field definition for a field in the field group. Use the simple field names of the fields with their corresponding objects as the root. For example, the path to the FirstName field in the Person object is "Person.FirstName". You can define multiple field-ref elements for each field group, each of which are further configured by the following two optional attributes.
field-ref/required An indicator of whether the field is required in order to perform a search. Specify any of the following values:
  • true - The corresponding field is required to perform the search. These fields are marked with an asterisk (*) on the search page.

  • false - The corresponding field is not required to perform the search. If the required attribute is not defined, the default is false.

  • one of - The corresponding fields with this designation are a group of search criteria, at least one of which is required to perform the search. This designation specifies that at least one field in the group of fields with the "one of" designation is required. If a group of fields is designated as "one of", those fields are marked with a dagger (†) on the search page.

Tip: If you make a field required for a search, it is a good idea to make it required when creating a record as well by specifying true for the required property for the field in object.xml. Otherwise, searches performed from the MIDM could result in no possible matches even though possible matches exist.

field-ref/choice An indicator of whether the field allows you to search by a range of values rather than an exact value. Specify any of the following values:
  • exact - The search is performed on the exact value entered (wildcard characters may be allowed). If the choice attribute is not specified, this is the default value.

  • range - The search is performed on a range of values based on the entered search criteria. Fields with this designation appear twice on the search page, once with "From" appended to the field label and once with "to" appended to the field label. If you specify "range" for a field in a search that uses a blocking query, be sure to modify the query block in query.xml accordingly.

Tip: You can specify the same field for both exact and range searching by adding it twice to the field list with different attribute values, giving the choice of performing an exact search or a range search from the MIDM. For more information about range searching, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Reference.

Record Details Search Option Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the attributes for each search on the MIDM, such as which query to use, whether the search results are weighted, and so on.

Element Description
display-name A short phrase describing the type of search to perform, such as "Alphanumeric Search" or "Phonetic Search". This appears next to the option button on the search page when multiple search options are defined.
query-builder The type of query to use when this type of search is selected. The value entered here must match a query-builder name in query.xml.
weighted An indicator of whether the results of the search are assigned matching probability weights. Specify true to assign matching weights; specify false to return unweighted results.
candidate-threshold The maximum number of records to return for a search. This value must be a positive number and can only be used for blocking queries. Setting the candidate threshold to zero is equivalent to not setting a threshold.
parameter A list of optional parameters for the search, specified by name and value elements (described below).
name The name of the parameter. Currently, only UseWildCard is available.
value The value of the parameter. For the UseWildCard parameter, this is an indicator of whether the parameter is enabled or disabled. Specify true to allow wildcard characters; specify false to perform exact-match searches.

Modifying a Search Page on the Record Details Page

Once a search page is defined for the Record Details page, it can be modified as needed. Be sure to review the search pages automatically generated by the wizard to see if any further configuration is required. You can perform any of the following actions to customize existing search page elements.

Modifying a Search Page Definition

Once a search page is defined for the Record Details page, you can modify the search page definition. The search page definition includes properties like the name of the page, the order of the search, the results list to use for the search, and so on.

To Modify a Search Page Definition

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the Project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the simple-search-page element you want to modify in the record-details element.

  3. In the simple-search-page element, change the value of any of the elements listed in Record Details Search Page Definition Elements.

    For example:

       <screen-title>Customer Search</screen-title>
       <instruction>Enter the EUID below.</instruction>
  4. Save and close the file.

Modifying Search Fields

Once field groups and fields are specified for a Record Details search page, you can modify the properties of the group and of the fields contained in a group. For more information about the elements that contain the search field configuration, see Record Details Search Field Definition Elements.

To Modify Search Fields

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the simple-search-page element you want to modify in the record-details element.

  3. In the field-group you want to modify, do any of the following:

    • To modify the name of the area in which the field group appears in the MIDM, change the value of the description element.

    • To add a new field to a field group, create and name a new field-ref element in the appropriate field-group element.

    • To modify the name of a field defined for a field group, change the value of the field-ref element.

    • To specify whether a field is required, add a required attribute and specify a value defined in Record Details Search Page Definition Elements.

    • To specify whether a field is used for range searching, add a choice attribute and specify a value defined in Record Details Search Field Definition Elements.

    • To delete a field from a field group, delete all text between and including the field-ref tags that define the field to be deleted.

    • To delete an entire field group, delete all text between and including the field-group tags that define the field group to be deleted.

  4. Save and close the file.

Modifying Record Details Search Page Options

Once search options are defined for a Record Details search page, you can modify those options if needed. For more information about the elements that define search options, see Record Details Search Option Elements.

To Modify Search Page Options

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the simple-search-page element you want to modify in the record-details element.

  3. In the search-option element, and do any of the following:

    • To modify the name of the search option button, change the value of the display-name element.

    • To modify the query type of the selected search, change the value of the query-builder element. The query you specify must match a query defined in query.xml.

    • To specify that a search return weighted results, change the value of the weighted element to true.

    • To specify that a search return unweighted results, change the value of the weighted element to false.

    • To specify that wildcard characters can be used in a search, change the UseWildCard parameter value element to true.

    • To specify that wildcard characters cannot be used in a search, change the UseWildCard parameter value element to false.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the MIDM Assumed Matches Page

The Assumed Matches page allows you to search for assumed match records, view a results list, and then view the details for the record you select. You can also undo an assumed match if you think it was made in error. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page, the display order, the number of records to return and display for a search, and the fields to display in the result list. The fields on the search page and in the results list are automatically generated and cannot be modified.

Below is a sample Assumed Matches page definition.

   <tab-name>Assumed Matches</tab-name>

To Configure the Assumed Matches Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the assumed-matches element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Make any of the following configuration changes:

    • To specify a new name for the Assumed Matches tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    • To change the order in which the Assumed Matches tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


      If you change the order of one tab, make sure to change the order of the remaining tabs so no tabs have an identical display order value.
    • To specify the number of records to display on the Assumed Matches search results list, change the value of the item-per-page element.

    • To specify a maximum number of records to return for an Assumed Matches search, change the value of the max-result-size element.

    • To add a search description, enter the description text into the description element.

    • To modify the fields that appear in the results list in addition to the system fields, change the value of an existing field-ref element, create a new field-ref element, or delete an existing field-ref element.

      For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the MIDM Transactions Page

The Transactions page allows you to search for transaction records, view a results list, and then view the changes for the record you select. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page, the display order, and the number of records to return and to display in the results list. The fields on the search page and results list are automatically generated and cannot be modified with the exception of the EUID, system, and local ID.

Below is the default Transactions page definition.


To Configure the Transactions Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the transactions element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Make any of the following configuration changes:

    • To specify a new name for the Transactions tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    • To change the order in which the Transactions tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


      If you change the order of one tab, make sure to change the order of the remaining tabs so no tabs have an identical display order value.
    • To include the EUID as a Transactions search field, change the value of the show-euid element to true.

    • To exclude the EUID from the Transactions search fields, change the value of the show-euid element to false.

    • To include the system and local ID as Transactions search fields, change the value of the show-lid element to true.

    • To exclude the system and local ID from the Transactions search fields, change the value of the show-euid element to false.

    • To specify the number of records to display on the Transactions search results list, change the value of the item-per-page element.

    • To specify a maximum number of records to return for a Transactions search, change the value of the max-result-size element.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the MIDM Reports Page

Configuring the Reports page consists of configuring the page itself and configuring the individual reports. Production reports are each configured in the same way in their own sub-screen definition element. Activity reports are configured together in one sub-screen definition. The sub-screen definitions means there are a series of tabbed pages within the Reports page for each different type of report.

Perform any of the following tasks to configure the reports:

Configuring the Reports Page Definition

For the Reports page, you can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page and the order in which the tab appears on the MIDM. The report configuration section defines the appearance of the Reports page, and is located within a set of reports tags near the end of the file. Following is a sample of the Reports page configuration elements.


To Configure the Reports Page Definition

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the reports element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. To specify a different name for the Reports tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

  4. To change the order in which the Reports tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


    You might need to renumber the remaining tabs to keep the numbering sequential.
  5. When you have finished configuring the Reports page, save and close the file.

Configuring Production Reports

A sub-screen on the Reports page is defined for each of the production reports. Use these sections to configure each production report to display information as you want to view it. You can also specify which reports can be run from the MIDM. Following is an example of a report configuration stanza.

   <tab-name>Potential Duplicate Report</tab-name>
   <report-name>Potential Duplicate</report-name>

To Configure Production Reports

Perform the following steps for each production report.

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the reports element (located in the gui-def element.

  3. For each report, specify values for the elements and attributes listed in Production Reports Definition Elements.

  4. When you have finished configuring each report, save and close the file.

Configuring Activity Reports

A sub-screen on the Reports page is defined for all of the activity reports. Use this section to configure each activity report to display information as you want to view it. You can also specify which reports can be run from the MIDM. Following is an excerpt from the Activity report configuration stanza.

   <tab-name>Activity Report</tab-name>
   <report-name>Transaction Summary</report-name>
         <screen-title>Weekly Activity</screen-title>
         <report-name>Weekly Transaction Summary Report</report-name>

To Configure Activity Reports

Perform the following steps for each production and activity report.

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the reports element. This section is located near the end of the file.

  3. In the subscreen element that defines the activity reports, modify any of the elements described in Activity Reports Page Definition Elements to configure the Activity Reports page:

  4. For each activity report, modify any of the elements described in Activity Reports Search Elements.

  5. To specify the size and display of the results returned for the search, modify any of the elements described in Activity Reports Results Elements.

  6. When you have finished configuring each report, save and close the file.

Production Reports Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the production reports.

Element/Attribute Description
enable An indicator of whether to display the report search page on the Reports page. Specify true to display the report search page and enable the report; specify false to disable the report.
tab-name The name to display on the tabbed heading for the report.
report-name The name of the report as it appears on the generated report.
display-order An integer indicating the order in which each report tab appears on the Reports page. If you change the display order of one report, make sure to change the others to keep the numbers consecutive.
item-per-page The number of items to display on one page of the report search results.
max-result-size The number of records to display on the report. if no value is entered, or if the value is zero (0), the size defaults to 1000 records. To retrieve all records for a report, enter a very large value for this element.
description A description of the fields defined for the field-group element. This value appears as a label for the area of the page that contains the specified fields.
field-ref One field definition for a field in the field group. Use the simple field names of the fields with their corresponding objects as the root. For example, the path to the FirstName field in the Person object is "Person.FirstName". You can define multiple field-ref elements for each field group.

Activity Reports Definition Elements

The following tables list and describe the elements you can configure for the activity reports in midm.xml.

Activity Reports Page Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the Activity Reports page.

Element/Attribute Description
enable An indicator of whether to display the Activity Reports search page on the Reports page. Specify true to display the report search page and enable the report; specify false to disable the report.
tab-name The name to display on the tabbed heading for the report.
report-name The name of the report as it appears on the generated report.
display-order An integer indicating the order in which the Activity Reports tab appears on the Reports page. If you change the display order of one report, make sure to change the others to keep the numbers consecutive.

Activity Reports Search Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define each activity report search.

Element/Attribute Description
screen-title The name of the report search page as it appears on the Activity Reports page.
report-name The name of the report as it appears on the generated report.
search-screen-order An integer indicating the order in which each activity report appears on the Activity Reports page. If you change the display order of one report, make sure to change the others to keep the numbers consecutive.

Activity Reports Results Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define each activity report search result.

Element/Attribute Description
item-per-page The number of items to display on one page of the report search results.
max-result-size The number of records to display on the report. if no value is entered, or if the value is zero (0), the size defaults to 1000 records. To retrieve all records for a report, enter a very large value for this element.

Configuring the MIDM Source Record Page

The Source Record page is where an MIDM user adds new records to the master person index database and performs actions against a source record rather than an enterprise record. This page includes sub-screen configurations, which means there are a series of tabbed pages within the Source Record page. These pages each provide different functions, such as view and edit, compare and merge, and create a new record.

Configuring the Source Record Page Definition

You can configure certain display options for the main Source Record page, including the order in which the tab appears on the MIDM and the name of the page.

To Configure the Source Record Page Definition

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the source-record element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. To specify a different name for the Source Record tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

  4. To change the order in which the Source Record tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.


    You might need to renumber the remaining tabs to keep the numbering sequential.
  5. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Tabbed Pages on the Source Record Page

You can configure any of the pages on the Source Record page by changing the tab name and display order and by enabling or disabling each page. Do not modify the search page or search results list for the sub-screens. Below is a sample configuration for the View/Edit page on the Source Record page.


You should never need to modify the root-object or screen-id elements.

To Configure the Source Record Tabbed Pages

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the source-records element, and then to the subscreen element containing name of the tab you want to modify.

  3. To specify a new name for the tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

  4. To disable the sub-screen, change the value of the enable element to false.

  5. To enable the sub-screen, change the value of the enable element to true.

  6. To change the order in which the tab appears on the Source Records page, change the value of the display-order element.


    You might need to renumber the remaining tabs to keep the numbering sequential.
  7. Save and close the file.

Configuring the MIDM Audit Log Page

When enabled, the audit log stores a history of each instance in which information from the object tables in the master person index database is accessed. The MIDM allows you to search for and view the audit log entries. You can enable or disable the audit log, change the display order, and customize the size of the results list. Below is the default Audit Log page definition.

   <tab-name>Audit Log</tab-name>

To Configure the Audit Log Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the audit-log element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Make any of the following changes:

    • To specify that records be written to the audit log, change the value of the allow-insert element to true.

    • To specify that records not be written to the audit log, change the value of the allow-insert element to false.

    • To change the name of the Audit Log tab on the MIDM, change the value of the tab-name element.

    • To change the order in which the Audit Log appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order parameter to a different integer.


      If you change the order of one tab, make sure to change the order of the remaining tabs so no tabs have an identical display order value.
    • To change the number of Audit Log search results that appear on one page, change the value of the item-per-page element.

    • To change the maximum number of audit log records that can be returned for a search, change the value of the max-result-size element.

  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring Master Index Data Manager Implementation Information

Certain configuration information is defined automatically in the implementation details section of midm.xml based on information you specify in the wizard. Other information in this section must be customized by modifying the XML file directly.

You can customize the implementation details by performing any of the following tasks.

Specifying the Master Controller JNDI Class

The MIDM must know the name of the Master Controller interface for the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index implementation. Only change this value if you create a custom Master Controller.

To Specify the Master Controller JNDI Class

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the impl-details element, and then to the master-controller-jndi-name element.

  3. Modify the value of the master-controller-jndi-name element to the name of the Master Controller JNDI class for your server.

    For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

Specifying the Master Person Index Report Generator JNDI Class

The MIDM must know the name of the class used to generate reports for the MIDM. Only change this value if you create a custom report generator.

To Specify the Report Generator JNDI Class

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the impl-details element, and then to the reportgenerator-jndi-name element.

  3. Modify the value of the reportgenerator-jndi-name element to the name of the report generator JNDI class to use.

    For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

Specifying Master Person Index Validation Services

Validation services verify processing codes for data entered into the master person index database. Only change the names of the validation services if you created custom code list validators.

To Specify the Validation Service

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the impl-details element, and then to the validation-service-jndi-name element.

  3. To change the name of the validator for processing codes stored in sbyn_common_header, modify the value of the validation-service-jndi-name element to the name of the JNDI class used for validation.

    For example:

  4. To change the name of the validator for processing codes stored in sbyn_user_code, modify the value of the usercode-jndi-name element to the name of the JNDI class used for validation.

    For example:

  5. Save and close the file.

Setting Master Person Index Debug Options

When you first implement Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index, you might want to view detailed debug information until you are certain the application is working as required. You can set debug options in the implementation details.

To Set Debug Options

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the impl-details element, and then to the debug-flag element.

  3. Modify the value of the debug-flag element to indicate whether you want debug information logged.

    For example:


    Specify true to log debug information; specify false to turn logging off.

  4. Modify the value of the debug-dest element to indicate where to print debug information.

    For example:


    Specify console to log debug information to a monitor; specify file to print to a file.

  5. Save and close the file.

Specifying a Master Person Index Field Masking Class

If you implement a custom class to define field masking logic, you must specify the new class in the implementation details. The custom class must be created as a custom plug-in in the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index project. This class can be used to mask the value of any field for which the is-sensitive element is set to "true".

To Specify a Field Masking Class

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the impl-details element.

  3. Change the value of the object-sensitive-plug-in-class element to the name of the custom class.

    For example:

  4. Save and close the file.