11 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring

These procedures describe unconfiguring and uninstalling the Agent Controller, Proxy Controller, and Enterprise Controller components of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Check with Oracle Support for any additional scripts that might be available to ensure a clean removal of Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller software.

The following features and topics are covered in this chapter:

11.1 Introduction to Uninstalling and Unconfiguring

This section explains how to uninstall and unconfigure the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center infrastructure.

Some of the procedures described in this section use the ecadm, proxyadm, and agentadm commands. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide for more information about these commands.

  • On Oracle Solaris systems, these commands are in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

  • On Linux systems, these commands are in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

11.2 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring Agent Controllers

You can uninstall and unconfigure Agent Controllers to remove them from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. This also removes the assets managed by the Agent Controllers from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

11.2.1 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring Agent Controllers from the User Interface

You can uninstall and unconfigure Agent Controllers from the user interface.


If you unconfigure and reconfigure an Agent Controller on an LDOM Control Domain, many LDOM management functions cease to function.

To Uninstall and Unconfigure Agent Controllers from the User Interface

  1. Select Assets from the Navigation pane.

  2. In the All Assets pane, click the Managed Assets tab.

    The list of currently managed assets are displayed in the Managed Assets section.

  3. From the Managed Assets list, select the managed OS instance from which you want to remove the Agent Controller.

  4. Click the Delete Assets icon (X icon placed above the list header).

    The Management Credentials page of the Unmanage Assets Wizard is displayed.

  5. Provide a set of credentials to access the Agent Controller, then click Next.

    • New: Click New to create a new set of credentials.

      Enter a name and the credential information, then click Ok.

    • Select: Click Select to select an existing set of credentials.

      Select a set of credentials from the list, then click Ok.

    The Summary page is displayed.

  6. Click Finish.

    A job is launched to uninstall and unconfigure the Agent Controllers.

11.2.2 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring Agent Controllers from the Command Line

You can uninstall and unconfigure Agent Controllers from the command line.


Do not uninstall co-located Agent Controllers from an Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller system. Uninstalling a co-located Agent Controller can corrupt Enterprise Controller or Proxy Controller services.


If you unconfigure and reconfigure an Agent Controller on an LDOM Control Domain, many LDOM management functions cease to function.

To Uninstall and Unconfigure Agent Controllers from the Command Line

  1. From the command line, log in to the Agent Controller system.

  2. Use the agentadm command with the stop subcommand to stop the Agent Controller.

    # ./agentadm stop
  3. Use the agentadm command with the unconfigure subcommand to unconfigure the Agent Controller.

    # ./agentadm unconfigure

    The Agent Controller is now unconfigured from the Enterprise Controller.

  4. Use the /var/scn/install/uninstall command to uninstall the Agent Controller.

11.3 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring a Proxy Controller

Unconfiguring and uninstalling a Proxy Controller breaks its connection with the Enterprise Controller and removes the Proxy Controller software. All Assets discovered or managed by the Proxy Controller are also removed. The Agent Controllers installed on systems managed by the Proxy Controller are not removed.

Three methods are available for unconfiguring and uninstalling a Proxy Controller. The first two options are performed through the user interface.

  • Unconfigure and Uninstall the Proxy Controller from the user interface. This option connects to the Proxy Controller through SSH, then commands it to unconfigure and uninstall itself. You can only take this action if the Proxy Controller is reachable.

  • Remove the Proxy Controller from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. This option removes the Proxy Controller from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center infrastructure, but does not uninstall the Proxy Controller. You can remove a Proxy Controller even if it is unreachable. You can uninstall the Proxy Controller from the command line once it has been removed.

  • Unconfigure the Proxy Controller from the command line. The Proxy Controller software must then be uninstalled from the command line.

11.3.1 Unconfiguring and Uninstalling a Proxy Controller from the User Interface

You can unconfigure and uninstall Proxy Controllers from the user interface.

To Unconfigure and Uninstall a Proxy Controller from the User Interface

  1. Click a Proxy Controller in the Administration section of the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Unconfig/uninstall Proxy in the Actions pane.

    The Unconfigure/Uninstall Proxy Controller window is displayed.

  3. If the Proxy Controller is currently managing assets, click Migrate Assets to migrate the assets to another Proxy Controller. Select another Proxy Controller and click Migrate.

  4. Select Send Job to Remote Proxy.

  5. Enter the privileged user name and password for the Proxy Controller. If root login is not permitted on the Proxy Controller system, enter a non-root user name and password followed by the root user name and password.

  6. Click Unconfigure/Unregister. The Proxy Controller is removed from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

11.3.2 Removing a Proxy Controller from the User Interface

You can remove an unreachable Proxy Controller from the infrastructure using the user interface. This action prevents the Proxy Controller from being used by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, but it does not uninstall the Proxy Controller.

To Remove a Proxy Controller from the User Interface

  1. Click a Proxy Controller in the Administration section of the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Unconfig/uninstall Proxy in the Actions pane.

    The Unconfigure/Uninstall Proxy Controller window is displayed.

  3. Select Force the Removal of the Proxy Controller from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

  4. Click Unconfigure/Unregister.

11.3.3 Unconfiguring a Proxy Controller from the Command Line

Unconfiguring a Proxy Controller breaks its connection with the Enterprise Controller.

To Unconfigure a Proxy Controller from the Command Line

  1. From the command line, log in to the Proxy Controller.

  2. Use the proxyadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to stop the Proxy Controller.

    For example:

    # ./proxyadm stop -w
    proxyadm: Shutting down Proxy Controller using SMF...
    proxyadm: Proxy Controller services have stopped
  3. Use the proxyadm command with the unconfigure subcommand to unconfigure the Proxy Controller.

    The following options may be used:

    • -s | --satellite: Unregisters the Proxy Controller from the Enterprise Controller.

    • -k | --keep: Do not clear the local Proxy Controller database.

    The example below uses the -s option to unregister the Proxy Controller from the Enterprise Controller.

    # ./proxyadm unconfigure -s

    The Proxy Controller is now unconfigured from the Enterprise Controller.

11.3.4 Uninstalling a Proxy Controller from the Command Line

Uninstalling a Proxy Controller removes the Proxy Controller software and all Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center data. All Assets discovered or managed by the Proxy Controller are removed as well. The Agent Controllers installed on systems managed by the Proxy Controller are not removed.

You can uninstall a Proxy Controller from the command line. This may be necessary if the Proxy Controller is not responding to remote commands.


The co-located Proxy Controller that is installed with the Enterprise Controller cannot be uninstalled without uninstalling the Enterprise Controller.

To Uninstall a Proxy Controller from the Command Line

  1. Use the proxyadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to stop the Proxy Controller services.

    The following options may be used:

    • -l | --logfile <log file>: Saves the output from the command in <logfile>.

    • -v | --verbose: Increase verbosity level (may be repeated).

    For example:

    # ./proxyadm stop -w
  2. Use the /n1gc-setup/installer/install command with the -e option to uninstall the Proxy Controller software components from your system. For example:

    # cd /n1gc-setup/installer
    # ./install -e
    Invoking uninstall

    The install script displays a list of uninstallation tasks that automatically updates as the uninstallation proceeds. For example:

    Ops Center Proxy Controller Uninstall
    (version on SunOS)
    1. Restore file system configuration. [Not Uninstalled]
    2. Uninstall Expect. [Not Uninstalled]
    3. Uninstall IPMI tool. [Not Uninstalled]
    4. Uninstall Agent components. [Not Uninstalled]
    5. Uninstall application packages. [Not Uninstalled]
    6. Uninstall Core Channel components. [Not Uninstalled]
    7. Uninstall Proxy Core components. [Not Uninstalled]
    8. Uninstall UCE Http proxy. [Not Uninstalled]
    9. Uninstall OS provisioning components. [Not Uninstalled]
    10. Stop and delete services. [Uninstalled]
    (1 of 10 Uninstalled)
    Executing current step: Uninstall OS provisioning components...

    When complete, the install script indicates that the Proxy Controller has been uninstalled.

11.4 Uninstalling and Unconfiguring the Enterprise Controller

Unconfiguring an Enterprise Controller removes user, authentication, and configuration data and unregisters the Enterprise Controller from Oracle. Data about Proxy Controllers and managed systems is retained. If you unconfigure your Enterprise Controller, you must reconfigure it before using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Uninstalling the Enterprise Controller removes the Enterprise Controller software and all Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center data.

11.4.1 Unconfiguring the Enterprise Controller

You can unconfigure an Enterprise Controller to reconfigure it or as a precursor to uninstalling.

To Unconfigure the Enterprise Controller

  1. Click the Enterprise Controller in the Administration section of the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Unconfigure in the Actions pane.

    A confirmation page is displayed.

  3. Click Unconfigure.

    The Enterprise Controller is unconfigured.

11.4.2 Uninstalling the Enterprise Controller

You can uninstall the Enterprise Controller. This removes the Enterprise Controller software and all Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center data.


Uninstalling the Enterprise Controller does not uninstall a customer-managed database or remove the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center schema.

To Uninstall the Enterprise Controller

  1. If the Enterprise Controller is part of an HA configuration and is currently the active note, use the ecadm ha-relocate command to make another node active if another node is available.

  2. If the Enterprise Controller is part of an HA configuration and another node is the primary, use the ecadm ha-unconfigure-standby command to remove the current node from the HA configuration.

  3. Use the ecadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to stop the Enterprise Controller services.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm stop -w
    ecadm: Shutting down satellite using SMF...
  4. Use the /n1gc-setup/installer/install command with the -e option to uninstall the Enterprise Controller software components from your system.

    For example:

    # cd /n1gc-setup/installer/
    # ./install -e
    Invoking uninstall

    The install script displays a list of uninstallation tasks that automatically updates as the uninstallation proceeds. For example:

         Ops Center Enterprise Controller Uninstall
         (version on SunOS)
     1. Restore file system configuration.                        [Not Uninstalled]
     2. Uninstall empty directories.                              [Not Uninstalled]
     3. Uninstall prerequisite configuration.                     [Not Uninstalled]
     4. Uninstall Agent components.                               [Not Uninstalled]
     5. Remove Deployable Proxy Bundles.                          [Not Uninstalled]
     6. Uninstall application packages.                           [Not Uninstalled]
     7. Run preremove tasks.                                      [Not Uninstalled]
     8. Uninstall Expect.                                         [Not Uninstalled]
     9. Uninstall IPMI tool.                                      [Not Uninstalled]
    10. Remove database credentials.                              [Not Uninstalled]
    11. Uninstall Oracle database.                                [Not Uninstalled]
    12. Remove OC Database Schema                                 [Not Uninstalled]
    13. Uninstall Service container components.                   [Not Uninstalled]
    14. Uninstall Core Channel components.                        [Not Uninstalled]
    15. Uninstall Proxy Core components.                          [Not Uninstalled]
    16. Remove Proxy database credentials.                        [Not Uninstalled]
    17. Uninstall Enterprise Controller components.               [Not Uninstalled]
    18. Uninstall Update Connection - Enterprise.                 [Not Uninstalled]
    19. Uninstall Ops Center BUI components.                      [Not Uninstalled]
    20. Uninstall OS provisioning components.                     [Not Uninstalled]
    21. Stop and delete services.                                 [Not Uninstalled]
    Executing current step:  Stop and delete services...

    When complete, the install script indicates that the Enterprise Controller has been uninstalled.